Member Reviews

I have never read anything by this author, but I will be looking out for other books they write in the future. I really enjoyed the story as well as the pacing of the story.

This is such a fun graphic novel series! I love the illustrations and the storyline. I never went the series to end!

Thank you to NetGalley, Oni Press, and Chris Grine for the eARC of Secrets of Camp Whatever: Volume 2 - The Doors to Nowhere by Chris Grine.
Another ace installment of Secrets of Camp Whatever! I loved Volume 1, and Volume 2 was no different.
We got to know more about the characters and the world in volume 2, and the stakes were higher than ever.
Again, I love the art work and the way Willow's communication is represented.
Can't wait for Volume 3!

Enjoyed this one as much as I did the previous one. The artwork is great! I do think I should have reread the first one before reading this one but I might just reread both of them at some point in the future!

**Disclaimer: I recieved a free eARC of this through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this opportunity. This was a great continuation of the story. I liked learning more about the main characters and the world that they live in. I liked how things were more interesting, and that the stakes seemed even higher. The art is really great, and I appreciate the unique character design of each character. I still enjoyed the storyline, and I really want to know what is going to happen next.

It’s been two months since Willow attended Camp … Whatever, where she participated in the usual summer camp activities. Like sneaking out of her cabin with her friends to solve mysteries and spending time with a vampire, gnomes and other magical folk.
Now her friends are helping her celebrate her thirteenth birthday. There’s Violet. One of her roles in this Volume is reminding us why we all need to be reading more books. There’s Emma, who has a secret. And there’s Rand, a werewolf.
Elric gifts Willow her great-great grandmother Rose’s spell book before he mysteriously disappears. Willow has Rose’s book in her possession for a good few hours before it’s stolen and taken through the swirly pink portal in her lounge room, which I promise wasn’t there a minute ago. Naturally, Willow follows the thief. I would have too.
It’s a good thing her friends are there to help her investigate and be on the lookout for anything weird.
Willow learns that sometimes wishes do come true, whether you really mean them to or not. There’s a secret meeting, a troll, a wishing well and a forest frog. Toast is there as well. Oh, and an invisible pixie-corn.
We learn more about the prophecy that we first heard about in Volume 1. I’m expecting an action packed conclusion.
We didn’t get to spend anywhere near as much time with Molly as I would have liked but hopefully she’ll get more page time in Volume 3.
I enjoyed my second read of this graphic novel much more than the first. The first time I read it, it had been so long since I’d read Volume 1 that I’d forgotten too much about who was who and what Willow and her friends had experienced at Camp … Whatever. This time I read them back to back, which helped immensely.
Thank you so much to NetGalley and Oni Press for the opportunity to read this graphic novel.

This was a great follow up to Camp Whatever. Just as spooky as the first. We got to explore Elric’s back story. I really enjoyed the characters, especially Toast. A great read as we are approaching a Halloween season. Fully recommend to readers small and big!
Very excited for Volume 3.

Nooooo, not Elric!
Oh man, I cannot wait to see what happens in Secrets of Camp Nowhere Vol. 3. So many secrets were discovered in this book, I hope they are able to stop Henry in the next book.

(I received this book from the editor and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)
May I start saying that this title has one of the best dedications I have seen in quite a while? Because it made me start my reading with a smile already drawn in my face.
I really liked The Doors to Nowhere and the way it links back to different moments in the first volume (Secrets of Camp Whatever), because it means that any action, even the smallest one, can have repercussions later on. I was very intrigued from the beginning, and enjoyed the new characters. Grumblesnuff was my absolute favourite, although I must admit I loved certain winged, not so smart, character.
The humour was also spot on. Like it happened with the first entry in the trilogy, it is difficult to talk about certain things without entering spoiler territory, but there is a kind of juxtaposition in the very end that had me laughing out loud. My kind of humour, a hundred per cent.
I’m reading the third and final (I really hope not) book, the Witching Hour, right now. I simply cannot wait.

3.5 stars
Willow and her friends are back from their summer at Camp Whatever, but the strangeness seems to have followed them back home. As dark forces start to stir in their town, Willow learns that she might be marked as a part of a dark prophecy from years ago. It's up to her and her friends to figure out what exactly that means.
Thanks to NetGalley and Oni Press for a copy of Secrets of Camp Whatever Volume 2 to review! The first volume was a lot of fun, and I was excited to jump back into this world. Plus, I just really enjoy Grine's art style in this series. It works so well.
I will say, I remember basically nothing from the first book and I was mostly fine at the beginning of this one. Though I was missing quite a bit of background on some of the side characters. The magical world we were introduced to in the first volume is expanded in this one, leaving off on a bit of a cliffhanger for another volume. I can see a lot of middle grade readers loving this, as it has magic and adventure and paranormal creatures. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I remembered more of what happened in the first book.

Haven’t read volume one but I don’t have to. The story is simple enough. The art is beautiful and I especially love the colour pallet:

The Doors to Nowhere is a sequel to Camp Whatever, a middle grade series about a kid named Willow moving to a strange town where all sorts of wild things happen, like Willow’s camp friends turning into werewolves and mermaids, vampires and elves just acting like normal adults Bailey School Kids style, and now Willow is learning how to transport through portals to different places. Fun and imaginative, and often pretty funny, but sometimes a little corny. The plot to this one was almost identical to Harry Potter’s backstory (wizard tries to sacrifice baby for immortality but it backfired on him so the baby was taken to safety and dropped on a family’s doorstep with their jealous male child). I am not complaining, we need diverse Harry Potter replacements that aren't written by transphobes.
Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.

I read this book without reading the first. I feel like if I read book one, I would have enjoyed this so much more. Nevertheless, this was still a fun read.

This is one of the most exciting graphic novel I've ever read. The main character represents the disabled community. I love that they placed such representation. There is also different races in this book. What is a next super cool element is all the fantasy creatures that is present. I love the storyline and I can't seem to put this series down. I can't wait for vol. 3.

I was so excited to be approved for volume 2 of this graphic novel series. I love main character Willow and her friends, and I like that the friendships in this volume felt real and relatable. This is a friend group that is very accepting of one another’s differences, and they are so sweet. Many of the fantasy elements present in the first volume are there in this one, and the world Chris Grine has created is so fun and interesting. Some wild stuff happens, and I’m excited for the next one!!
This is a middle-grade series, and I definitely recommend reading the first one first, as the storyline continues in this one and it will probably be confusing otherwise.

'Secrets of Camp Whatever Vol. 2: The Doors to Nowwhere' by Chris Grine is a graphic novel that takes place in a world of magic and magical creatures.
Willow is given a locked book of spells as a gift and told that she can't open it. This means she will find a way to open it. What she finds is something that is being sought by those who would restart an ancient war.
This is a pretty interesting world with some good characters. The story was unique enough and I enjoyed what I read.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Oni Press and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

I enjoyed this book more than the first volume. Lots of action and new mysteries. I wish Willow as a character had grown a bit as I felt she was still pretty bratty to her friends. The art and the coloring was just as spectacular as the first installment. I look forward to reading more by this author.

This was a great volume 2! We learned so much about all of the characters and got some backstory too. Willow and her friends are trying to navigate a centuries old mystery and Willow is learning some things about herself too. There's also a prophecy, mermaids, and much more! Will the kids be able to figure out the mystery? You'll have to read this and find out!

I desperately want to enjoy Willow's story and journey into magic and the unknown but there's something missing. Book two didn't feel that missing piece, but it sends this in an interesting direction.
Personally I felt book two opened more questions up than it attempted to answer.
With that, it's clear the story and theme are going to mature with her.
Book two definitely held some much darker and sinster elements, with upsetting twists and turns.
**Thank you to Oni Press and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**

Honest review from my 9 year old daughter:
I didn’t read the first volume, so it took a bit to get into the story. The illustrations were great, even with the neutral tones.