Member Reviews

The Doors to Nowhere is the second volume of the Secrets of Camp Whatever graphic novel series by Chris Grine. It is currently scheduled for release on May 3 2022. I do recommend reading the series in order to have the full backstory and understand who and what the characters are.

When twelve-year-old Willow went to her weird new town's even weirder summer camp, she didn't expect to get caught up in an ancient mystery involving forest-dwelling vampires, living garden gnomes, and other completely bonkers creatures most people would never believe exist. Now she's not only involved, she's marked—too close to the heart of an ages-old quest for power and control than she should be, and too concerned about her new friends and the dangers they face to let them go it alone. With the help of a spell book and her scrappy crew of camp friends, Willow is about to step through a doorway to magic and discovery that will change her world forever.

The Doors to Nowhere is another well written and skillfully drawn graphic novel for the middle grade and older set. I liked the continuation of the story and how the characters continue to grow as individuals and as part of a friend group. I liked the art style and found the expressiveness of character faces to be on point throughout the book. I thought the reminders of past adventures was well done, reminding readers of important moments without covering too much of the same ground. My only complaint is that I wanted more. The story had a satisfying resolution, with plenty of foreshadowing for further adventures, but it just felt like it was over far to quickly so I went back and enjoyed some of my favorite moments again. I am eager to see where the story goes from here.

The Doors to Nowhere is a great follow up to the first installment, and I look forward to reading what happens next.

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In the second book in the series we follow Willow and her friends as more of the dark prophecy unfolds. Many things happen, including quite a few new power developments as well as some interesting new characters. This second book is definitely darker than the first but nothing a middle grade reader couldn't handle. Looking forward to more in this series and trying out some other Chris Grine works.

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review!

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Review to come May 20th on blog/goodreads.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

While this was on parts the same level of enjoyment I had for the first book... there was also just a bit too much dialogue, it was just a tad more chaotic, plus the epilogue.. eh. But I did have fun reading it and I would still rate it 3 stars! Since I already wrote like 4-5 reviews today, I will be doing a good/eh breakdown of the book.

😍 Willow's new hair colour!
😍 New spells! New monsters! New friends!
😍 Cover is awesome!
😍 New portals and I just love the symbols you had to use to get to place. Everything had a different symbol!
😍 Emma! I can imagine that she is still learning and pondering what to do, but I was proud that she was open with her friends and showed them!
😍 Rand! Especially in the later parts he was such a trooper and I loved seeing him go into his werewolf mode a few times.
😍 Family, we learn more about Willow's family. Who her great-whatever-grandmother is. About the book she wrote in. The magic that runs through the family. I just love it when books go deeper into family history, family secrets. Give hints to what is going on.
😍 It was quite ominous at times. Because there is the prophecy.... And that one comes back in full force in this one on many levels.
😍 The art was wonderful as always! And I love how there were several silent panels with just art and movement. It was pretty and I have to say I preferred those a lot over the panels with WAY too much dialogue. XD
😍 Seeing Willow mellow down a bit. I mean, I don't mind a character who dares to open her mouth, but at times she was just a tad too judgemental and it made me happy that she talked to her friends about it and said sorry.
😍 I loved that Willow was able to read Gnomish (looks a bit like runes). Yes, it was a tad convenient that just at this moment it was there, but I will take it!
😍 Loved that we are going back to the island. Not through boat.. but with another way.
😍 Mmm, donuts and ice cream, perfect birthday. XD
😍 The ending. Yes, I am bit mixed on it. I loved it, but it also made me cry. Also made me want to shake something. It was well-written and despite that I would have rather seen another outcome, I am also glad that the author didn't shy away from things. Dared to go this way.
😍 Pixie-corns? Can I have one? Please?

😐 The epilogue was a big no no to me. I think that one should have NOT been added. It just felt out of place given the ending we had. I think another character making ominous noises would have been a better fit.
😐 Again, Willow was, at first at least, quite judgemental. And that didn't make me happy. I get that she is right, but one of her friends has known that person for a long time, you cannot expect them to instantly make that shift or understand your anger.
😐 How that person got the book.. it just felt SO convenient. Just like a book I read earlier in March. About a dad who always knocks and waits, but suddenly during a crucial moment doesn't and thus things magically happen. :|
😐 Like I said the ending was giving me mixed feelings.
😐 The Main Villain. Meh. I just wanted to punch him. I guess that means he is well-written, but I just was annoyed with him all the time. I dreaded each time he came around. Stay away. Bleh.
😐 Sometimes there was just SO MUCH DIALOGUE and I had to really force myself to get through it, but I noticed that my head was just not having it and just spat out the information, meaning I had to at times just re-read things.
😐 At times it just felt all very chaotic. We hoped from one thing to another and sometimes I just missed that bit of connection.

As you can see a bit of a mixed bag, but I am still very happy to have read this book, so thanks to the publisher for giving me a chance. I am still looking forward to the next book and seeing what is next. Because things are going to be much darker from this moment on.

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I just want to start this off by saying I did not read the first book in the volume in its entirety, I just needed a book to take me out of a slump. This did exactly that.

This second volume of the Camp whatever series takes a dark turn. We follow Willow as she ends up getting involved with an ancient mystery involving all kinds of creatures - vampires, trolls gnomes, you name it!

I have never actually read a fantasy graphic novel so this was a first, but it was quite fun and interesting. The illustrations were great! highly recommend.

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I loved this sequel which continues the story after summer camp ends. The art is great, the characters are well written and the plot is lots of fun.

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I got this on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!

This was one of my most anticipated 2022 releases, and I preordered a physical copy as soon as it became available. Imagine my excitement when I could request it here, AND got approved for it, so I could read it before May! (Spoiler alert: I was suuuper excited). I gave book 1 a 4 ⭐️ rating, and I enjoyed it a lot, and was expecting to love this just as much, if not more.

Although this was still an okay sequel, it was JUST that. Okay.
I liked the general story, the world-building here and there which co-existed with the group growing closer and solving the mystery, and seeing them outside of a summer camp setting. But, compared to book 1, nothing much really happened here. Especially, once you finish and realize that what happened basically didn't even matter at all (but I hope maybe I'll look more fondly on it after reading book 3, crossing my fingers). It spent a lot of time building up to events, but rushing over the key events themselves in 1-2 pages. I really wish it lingered more, especially on key information and findings (like, why didn't Willow want to ask ANY questions about her ancestor, or try to find out more information about it all?), and the climax itself was over SO fast. If you blinked you probably missed it. Still love the characters tho, and love how little patience Willow has for bullshit. Hope to see them grow even more in the next one.

So yes, this was just okay. Glad I read it, but in my opinion, this was kinda a filler book, that could have been so much more than it was. Can't wait for book 3 tho!

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This is a fantastic addition to the Secrets of Camp Whatever series! Willow is back in another thrilling adventure with her unique friends to fight the forces of evil. I love both the artwork and the story! A great series for middle grade readers!

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In the second volume of the Camp Whatever series, we find ourselves following Willow and her camp friends as they navigate through a centuries old mystery. Willow learns more about herself after she receives an important spell book from a local witch. But will she be able to keep the spell book out of the wrong hands and keep her friends and family safe? There are all kinds of magical creatures from vampires to trolls to gnomes and even a frog Prince. There is some humor but this is quite the journey where most everything is trying to kill or deceive Willow.
I think this is a great graphic novel; the illustrations are great and the story is good. It does end on a cliffhanger so I will be eagerly awaiting book three to find out the next journey for Willow and her friends!

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this for an honest review.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher I was able to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
Secrets of Camp Whatever vol. 2 follows Willow and her friends following all the secrets that came out in volume 1. Willow is celebrating her 13th birthday and realizes that she has gained a skill she hadn’t had previously, a skill that may prove dangerous to herself and those around her. She also finds herself further immersed in the prophecy she learned about in the first volume.
This was a bit darker in tone than the first volume but no less fun or interesting for it, I definitely am looking forward to the next part of the story and seeing how this will all play out.

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The book was kind of strange? I like that it was a main character who was a she/her but didn't look overly feminine. It was a decent read but nothing incredible.

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Willow’s back again and this time she’s seriously in trouble. It’s a good thing that she’s got her friends from camp to back her up because she is about to make a discovery that will change her world and life forever.

I loved the first volume of Secrets of Camp Whatever and I think this second volume is even better. The world building continues to be fantastic and I love the colourful cast of characters. The pace was good, nice and quick with bright art that will grab children. Wonderful – 5 out of 5 stars.

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I read the first book in this series a while ago, and had forgotten a lot of it. I was able to remember the necessary parts while reading through this one easily.
This one had a really fun plotline. Willow is given a book from her ancestors which is immediately something that gets stolen. She learns that the prophecy in the first book has started coming true and the book might hold the secrets to making the prophecy become fulfilled. Which is bad.
Willow and her friends along with vampire Elric investigate the theft and try to find the path to stop the villain. They meet some fun creatures and some scary creatures among the way and find out something that happened to Emma in the first book.
The ending really sets up for the next book and I can't wait to find out what happens!

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The sequel didn’t grab me as much as the first book. This volume was all action, action, action and the pacing didn’t really work for me.

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This book moved at a slightly faster pace than the first book and I think it’s due to the magic having been discovered and the world being a bit more established. In this book the author had more time to play around with the overarching plot development and expanding on the world we were introduced to in volume one and it was really fun!

Willow was just as clever, intelligent, and adventurous in this book as in the first book. I liked how her curiosity and her desire to do the right thing moved the story into some interesting directions. Willow’s camp friends were along for the adventure and had some of their own plot twists that I can’t wait to see more of in the next installment of this series.

The plot takes a lot of turns, some exciting, and some sad (don’t worry, there’s lots of humor too!), and I loved that cliffhanger ending. I am looking forward to seeing how the story progresses even more in the next volume. We learned a lot about Willow’s roots and the magic in this volume.

The artwork was just as wonderful in this book as it was in the first Secrets of Camp Whatever. Every image was clear, colorful, and expressive.

This book was a wild ride filled with gnomes, elves, magic, friendship, and adventure- everything I love to see in a book! I would recommend this to readers of all ages.

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Thank you to the Oni Press and NetGalley for the advanced electronic review copy of this great book. This is volume 2 of the Camp Whatever series and it’s just as good as the first one. Based on the ending, there’s hope for at least one more book (fingers crossed). It was great to revisit the characters and have another adventure with them. Can’t wait for the next book!

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This is the second book in the series of Camp Whatever. You don't have to have read the first book, to get into this story. On the other hand, if you did read the first book, you might be surprised at how dark this one turns out to be. The first book was about werewolves, and vampires, and gnomes, yes, but they were not trying to kill Willow at every step. There was more humor in the first book.

In this second book, things have turned dark, although there is humor, albiet dark humor, and we find that Willow, the main character, is the great granddaughter of a local witch, and should have powers. She has been given a spell book by the local vampire, and isn't expected to be able to read it, but she does.

Interesting collection of twists and turns, and there is a cliffhanger. We will have to wait for book three.

<em>Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.</em>

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Really easy to follow and very fun. The graphics are great and the story is simple but entertaining. This is a good series and I would happily read the following volumes.

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I would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. I was a huge fan of the first volume so I was excited to see volume two was here! It starts off a few months after the first one and we follow Willow and her friends on an epic adventure, one that comes with consequences. This one was a little darker than the first but still very enjoyable and I really like the art. Can't wait for the third volume.

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