Member Reviews

This book is a continuation of The Jigsaw Man series (which was fabulous). We meet again with Angelica Henley and partner Ramouter. The body of a well known pastor kicks things off. If you think you know how this will end, you’ll be surprised. The new investigative team has to deal with their own past traumas as well as try to solve the upcoming body count. Besides being a master class in police procedures, one of the best parts is the deep dive into the characters themselves and their personal lives. It’s not all about solving crime but learning what makes them complex. Excellent read and now onto the next, The Kill List!

**Thanks for the advance copy from NetGalley

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Detective Anjelica Henley is back in THE BINDING ROOM. Just as with the previous book, Matheson delivers a nail-biting, smartly developed thriller. This series just keeps getting better and better.

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"The Binding Room" offers a solid police procedural experience with its well-crafted plot and strong character development. I did find it to be a bit lengthy but it still managed to deliver an intriguing story. If you're a fan of this genre, it's definitely worth giving it a try. This book features Detective Anjelica Henley from Matheson's first novel The Jigsaw Man. I liked this book but I think I liked The Jigsaw Man a lot more. Thank you for my copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to the publisher for allowing me advance access to this title. I really enjoyed reading this story and look forward to reading more from this author. As a reader, I am really motivated by character driven stories and I found myself quickly becoming immersed in these characters’ lives. Full review to come.

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I'm always blown away by this author and her novels. Step by step, page by page, I was enthralled and needed to find out what happens, solve the crime, be part of her characters lives. I loved the direction she went with the story and didn't see the twist at all.
Well done!

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The Binding Room by Nadine Matheson is the second in the Inspector Henley series and is just as good as the first. Thank you @harpercollinsca for a copy for review.

I do think that this series is one best read in order. Even with the first one, there are parts of the characters past that are alluded to and affect the characters actions but are never fully explained. That intensifies with this one as now we are also seeing the characters deal with the trauma they were dealt in the first book too.

I do love that this series isn’t all about the case, though it’s a good and twisted one. They deal with anxiety and PTSD and family drama as well, as any person would. The characters are also diverse and handle racism, misogyny and other micro aggressions as well.

Definitely a series I hope will continue.

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I really loved the jigsaw man so i really anticipated loving this one. But i felt it was too long winded and i wanted more about the case, the killer. And less wordy? I’m not sure. I didn’t feel completely sucked into the story like i had hoped. I did appreciate the grit and the graphic ness of it tho. I love a detective book so i liked this but just didn’t love it

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This book was soooo good!!! I am completely hooked on Inspector Henley and can’t wait for the next book in the series! The character of Inspector Henley is incredibly nuanced, and she has a great supporting cast of characters around her that always add color to the story! This author has become an auto buy for me, please do yourself a favor and read this series asap!

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Another thrilling, intense, and dark corner thriller!!! I love the cast of characters in this series. They have such a great dynamic and play well off each other, all while being relatable with the snippets we see into their personal lives. The crime is dark, grisly, and emotionally involved, which makes for a gripping story. I can’t wait for the next installment in the series!

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A little basic in telling a typical copy somethings gone wrong story but with really tense writing and interesting characters. Thank you Harper for the ARC for my honest review.

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When The Jigsaw Man first came out, I immediately bought it and every second I had to spare was spent reading it. So when I saw there was a second book, I immediately knew that I had to have it.

DI Angelica Henley and Salim Ramouter are investigating the murder of a pastor, but as they’re investigating the scene, Angelica discovers another victim who has been tortured and is barely hanging on.

During this book we learn more about their characters and their backstories. I love a good backstory. I feel it really adds to the characters.

I absolutely love English police procedurals. They are absolutely brutal and gritty and they don’t hold back. I hope this grows into a series. I will gladly continue reading.

Many thanks to Harlequin Trade Publishing, NetGalley and Nadine Matheson for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Nadine Matheson and Harlequin for the free e-book I exchange for an honest review.

These novels are always so exciting for me to get and read. Matheson’s writing starts out so strong, but they are so long that by the midpoint I need a break to read something else and come back. I don’t know why because I love the characters and the plots are fantastic. It’s just too long for me k think. Overall, I would recommend though!

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The Jigsaw Man was the first book in the Inspector Anjelica Henley series, and this is the second. I definitely recommend reading these books in order as it helps you get to know Henley, and her team, a lot better. These books kind of remind me of the Helen Grace series by MJ Arlidge, where it follows a female Detective Inspector and those she works with. Each book focuses on a new crime though, and Henley happens to work in the Serial Crime Unit.

I really liked this one. It was a bit of a slower start, but once it really got going, I couldn’t help but keep reading. I love that Anjelica is a Black woman and this is something that comes up in the books in terms of prejudice from other cops, and even those in the community. This is something that you don’t often see in detective fiction so it’s a welcome change.

The Binding Room deals with the death of a man who ran a church, and who referred to himself as a Prophet. However, when his repeatedly stabbed body is found, they also find an almost dead male in a hidden room who has obviously been starved and tortured. What is going on, and is the dead pastor involved?

Most of the book follows Anjelica’s POV, but we also get her partner and those involved in these supposed kidnapping/torture. I appreciated this because it helps deliver a more well-rounded picture of the case. I definitely did not guess who was involved, and you do get a chance to figure it out (at least for one person involved), which is always exciting with a mystery novel!

Definitely a series I will continue.

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"Both fans of The Jigsaw Man and readers coming to Matheson's work for the first time will get swept away in this heart-pounding thriller. Drawing on her experiences as a criminal attorney, Nadine Matheson deftly explores issues of race, class and justice through an action-packed story that will hold you captive until the last terrifying page."

If you haven't read The Jigsaw Man, I highly recommend you read that first... not because you need to, to understand The Binding Room, but because Nadine is a freaking genius and I wouldn't want you to miss the first book before jumping into the second!

The Binding Room weaves in story lines of the characters from the first book and yet the twists in this 2nd story are so fabulously written and captivating - right from PAGE ONE - that I was sitting there reading it and wondering how this beautifully happy person on Instagram has written this dark and thrilling story?!?!

As mentioned in the first blurb of this review pulled from Goodreads, Nadine explores issues of race, class and justice - add in some religious faith and mental health... and it's just a thought provoking, edge-of-your-seat story that will keep you guessing right till the end.

If you can't tell, I am a HUGE fan of Nadine Matheson and hope everyone enjoys her stories as much as I do!

I want to thank NetGalley, the brilliant author Nadine Matheson and the publisher
Harlequin Trade Publishing, Hanover Square Press for providing me with an eARC of this publication. In return, I have promised to provide an unbiased review.

Additionally, I listened to this story on audible while reading it and thought the narrator, Diveen Henry deserved honorable mentions because she did a really great job!

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Did you read The Jigsaw Man? I read it just before I picked up The Binding Room because this is a continuation of Inspector Anjelica Henley’s story, and oh is it ever good!

Be warned, just as with The Jigsaw Man, The Binding Room goes dark. In fact, the murders Anjelica are investigating are ritualistic. She begins by investigating two crimes, and then another body is found.

I love a good thriller, and this is not just any good thriller. I think Nadine Matheson’s experience as a criminal attorney adds credence to her stories. They feel REAL. I’m not sure they aren’t real?! 😂 Also, important topics are addressed alongside all the action. Justice and race are just two of those issues addressed head-on.

In the end, I’m in awe of Nadine Matheson’s supreme ability to weave an intricate story and the chilling way in which she shared it. Unputdownable with lots of triggers (it’s dark, after all), vivid, true-to-life characters. I can’t wait for the next installment, which I’m sure will be equally compelling and original!

I received a gifted copy.

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Detective Inspector Anjelica Henley is back on the job and battling an angry widow. Personally, she's dealing with her ambivalence about motherhood and a second child. An engrossing read that will keep you guessing! While this is the second book about Henley, it can be read as a standalone. Strong police procedural with compelling characters.

Thanks to Harlequin Publishing for access to a digital ARC on NetGalley.

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Detective Anjelica Henley is back and I didn’t realize how much I had missed her. I loved The Jigsaw Man and might have enjoyed The Binding Room even more. The audiobook is fantastic, and the storyline involves exorcisms, preachers, racism and mental illness and my goodness it is all done so very well. A popular preacher is found dead in his own church, and while Henley is trying to solve who is behind it, bodies keep showing up. There are suspects galore, and the case takes on a new sense of urgency as she realizes she may be the next victim if she doesn’t solve it soon.

This is a bit on the longer side, but it didn’t feel like it to me, and as we get towards the end it gets even more suspenseful. I really loved this one and I think it can be read as a standalone, just note there are some context with the characters you won’t have, but it doesn’t detract from the story. This story is dark, with definite trigger warnings if you couldn’t tell from the above, and the murders can be gruesome, but I loved it and thought it was additive to the tone of the story and like I said, very well done.

I cannot wait to read what Matheson writes next, she is now on my auto buy list with two stellar reads so far.

Thank you to NetGalley and Hanover Square Press for the digital copy to review.

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I'm so sorry to say this was a DNF for me. I'm pretty good at only requesting books that I know I'll like, But I missed with this one. I found the detailed physical cruelty to be off putting. Like - a lot. It seemed it was just shock the reader in the opening pages. It just put me off. And I read a lot of murder mysteries. The connection to organized religion put me off as well. I skipped through future chapters and just thought I can't. So, A rare DNF.

Thanks for understanding.

Best' Luanne

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The mystery was decent. I don’t love this should or should I not as far as her relationship with her boss. It is dragging on and detracts from the story as does her misery with her husband. Some mysteries the personal life of the detective adds to the story on this one it detracts.

Give a copy by Netgalley.opinions are my own.

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Ok this was amazing. I am loving this series and can not wait to see what happens in Book 3.
I love the main character and story lines are just creepy and disturbed enough to hook you from line one.

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