Member Reviews

Answers in the Dark Grief, Sleep and How Dreams Can Help You Heal by Delphi Ellis
226 Pages
Publisher: John Hunt Publishing Ltd, www.o-books.com
Release Date: May 27, 2022
Nonfiction, Health, Mind, Body, Spirit, Religion, Spirituality, Self-Help, Grief, Dreams, Pandemic
The book is divided into the following parts and chapters.
Part I
Faulty Winks
The Big Myths of Sleep
The 4am Mystery
Into Darkness
Going Down the Plughole
Under Grief
Dreaming about Death
Part II
The Sleep Cycle Repair Kit
The Mind and Sleep
Part III
Put Your Dreams to Bed
How We Can Work with Our Dreams
Useful Links
The author gives advice for sleeplessness along with the timing of the first phase of Covid-19 pandemic and its overall effects on physical and mental health. She notes that since that time, there is an increase in remembering dreams. There are a few examples of dream descriptions, but she states the book is not a dream dictionary. She discusses that grief is not only associated with death. It can be caused by any loss. She refers to one of my favorite poems, Desierata. In the back of the book are many helpful links. I think this is a good book for anyone who wants to look deeper into their own mental and physical health.

I suffer from insomnia. This book provided a different approach to cultivating a better sleeping relationship. Appreciated the research that went into debunking what some of us currently believe about healthy sleeping habits. Great book for those looking for additional insight into sleeping and developing better habits. Thank you NetGalley.