Member Reviews

This book club kit contains a wide range of materials to act as a companion to a book club meeting on Wilder Girls. I particularly enjoyed the more interactive pages such as those with food and drink suggestions and a playlist tailored to the book. I liked the design of the kit and how it linked back to the books cover.
I hadn't heard of Wilder Girls before reading this kit however now it has been added to my never ending TBR!

It was so nice reading more of the author's thhoughts on the book! Loved the playlist dedicated to the book, especcially seeing my fave artist Blillie Eilish there made me so happy!

Wilder Girl was an incredible book, and this will certainly help anyone who wants to do a book club. It provides an author interview, playlist, recommendations for the meeting, even water bottle labels. You can also find discussion questions and fun quizzes to hand out. This was super comprehensive and will make a book club more enticing. It’s certainly something I’m open to doing for my teen book club!

The book club kit is a very useful tool including resources for this book's fans. It adds to the experience and I'd love to see more kits being available

The book club kit is a very useful tool including resources for this book's fans. It adds to the experience and I'd love to see more kits being available

I really enjoyed this book club resource. I hope they continue to create these for even more books as I really loved the different activities and the creative options to bring to a book club.

This was so fun and thoughtful. It gave me a new outlook on a book I found to be pretty mid and made me want to re-read Wilder Girls with these insights and questions in mind.

This is a great addition to the book "Wilder Girls"! I loved some of the background information, like the author interview and the food and drink recommendations and the little stickers in the kit. It's amazing for a book club or buddy read and more than I expected.
If you're a fan and reading this alone, I highly recommend it as well!
My personal highlight was probably the playlist and the discussion guide. The latter makes it great for beginners or if you and your book club feel a bit stuck.
The quizzes in there are amazing as well and it's so much fun to tackle them together.

Great Book Club Kit for a book that would definitely be worth a read for Book Club.
This comprehensive kit is all you'll ever need to facilitate a Book Club meeting on Wilder Girls, while also leaving some space for personalization.

This was a kit not a book and I didn't quite enjoy it. This book was not something I would read. It's a fansty book and I don't like this particular fansty book

This is a really comprehensive kit. The playlist and quiz, along with the "menu" options are such great additions. I also really like the bottled water labels to use. I can't wait to use this kit with my bookclub.

I’m in charge of choosing books for my book club, and since I read and loved Wilder Girls years ago, I knew this would be perfect to have a look at. I loved the inclusion of a playlist, with popular artists who members are familiar with. I’m sure introducing them to the playlist will make things more enjoyable. I also really liked the book club quiz, it’s a cool idea that I want to implement for future picks.

I loved Wilder Girls and this book kit was very interesting for me personally to look through and I know our teens at the library will enjoy it as well. The kit has it all - snack suggestions and a playlist, as well as the usual discussion question guide and what to read next suggestions. I think the "What would your tox symptoms be?" quiz is excellent!
#WilderGirlsBookClubKit #NetGalley

I didn't realize this wasn't the actual book, but nonetheless I enjoyed it. It containes an interesting interview with the author and a great playlist recommendation, as well as prompts for discussion.

The Book Club Kits are fabulous tools to enrich your reading experience. They provide questions that make you reflect more on what you've read and points to discuss in a book club to hear different thoughts and explore further. Even if you're not in a book club, you can use it to ponder on some aspects of the book that you may have missed or wouldn't have lingered on when you read it. If you want to get more out of a book, the book club kit will act as a wonderful learning tool. Highly recommended.

I read Wilder Girls last year and was considering using it for a teen book club, so this kit was perfect! The kit had a lot more resources than normal book club kits including quizzes, food and drink recommendations, a music playlist, printables, and more. I think this kit would help elevate your book club from feeling like a boring school discussion to more of a fun hangout. I would definitely recommend this to anyone wanting to dive further into Wilder Girls by Rory Power.

Unfortunately i thought this was the book, i hadn’t realized this was a book club kit.
It seems really cool but since i haven’t read the actual book is impossible for me to rate this

This book club kit was well thought out and put together. It not only included thoughtful questions, but also food and drink recipes, activities, water bottle labels, and a playlist to help make a meeting a full fledged event! I appreciated that it included information on the author, other books by her/the publisher, and suggestions for books to read if you enjoyed this one. This would be a great kit for someone wanting to change up a book club meeting.

This is a wonderful addition to any bookclub for Wilder Girls? The interview with the author was both interesting and thought provoking. I particularly enjoyed the recommended movies toward the end and felt they were on theme.

This is a REVIEW ONLY of The BOOK CLUB KIT for “Wilder Girls,” a sapphic fantasy horror novel by Rory Power about an exclusive girl’s boarding school located on an isolated island that is contaminated by an outbreak of mutant toxins. This fabulously created colorful 19-page e-book is with loaded with everything to make your Book Club meeting memorable. There are loads of discussion questions to stimulate insightful two-way conversations among reading groups, and is full of visual appeal because of its bright art and bold, eye-catching graphics. The Q & As are excellent and will be useful for Book Club Leaders, Librarians, as well as readers themselves who want extra insight into the background of the book and author. 💕 As all compelling Book Kits do by adding additional graphics and fun elements, this one truly rocks! It offers suggested recipes for meetings; musical playlists; tox attributes; quizzes; additional suggested readings and so much more. This is a truly exciting Book Kit worthy of it’s designation. 💕
TheBookMaven graciously thanks NetGalley, Author Rory Power, and Publisher Penguin Random House Library Resources for this Advanced Reader’s Copy (ARC) for review.