Member Reviews

This book club kit contains a wide range of materials designed to act as a companion to book club meetings on The Joy of Missing Out. I really liked the interactive elements of this kit and that it allowed you to implement the principles described in the book. I liked the design of the kit and how simple yet effective it was.

I'm typically not a huge fan of self-help books however having read this kit I would be willing to give The Joy of Missing Out a try!

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The Book Club Kits are fabulous tools to enrich your reading experience. They provide questions that make you reflect more on what you've read and points to discuss in a book club to hear different thoughts and explore further. Even if you're not in a book club, you can use it to ponder on some aspects of the book that you may have missed or wouldn't have lingered on when you read it. If you want to get more out of a book, the book club kit will act as a wonderful learning tool. Highly recommended.

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This book club kit was well thought out and put together. It included thoughtful questions, bookmarks, and resources for setting up a successful book club. This would be a great kit for someone wanting to form a new book club.

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This is a REVIEW ONLY of The BOOK CLUB KIT for “The Joy of Missing Out,” a self-help leadership nonfiction by Tonya Dalton that is a personal challenge to change habits of over-whelming overload by focusing only on top priorities that make you happy and successful. This fabulously created colorful 16-page e-book Kit is loaded with everything to make your Book Club meeting memorable. Featuring lots of discussion questions to stimulate insightful two-way conversations among reading groups, it’s also full of visual appeal because of the bright art and bold, eye-catching graphics. The Q & As are excellent and will be useful for Book Club Leaders, Librarians, as well as readers themselves who want extra insight into the background of the book and author. 💕 As all compelling Book Kits do by adding additional graphics and fun elements, this one truly rocks! It offers tips on organizing a book club; planning priorities worksheets; bookmarks to cut out; an author interview; a workbook download; additional suggested readings, and so much more. This is a truly exciting Book Kit worthy of it’s designation. 💕

TheBookMaven graciously thanks NetGalley, Author Tonya Dalton, and Publisher We Are Bookish for this Advanced Reader’s Copy (ARC) for review.

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This is a book I’ve wanted to read since I first heard about it. It wasn’t available on NetGalley anymore and it’s not on Kindle Unlimited. Luckily I was able to snag it from our local library. But I still didn’t find the time to actually read it! I returned it, untouched. It wasn’t until a couple months ago, I decided to borrow it again. I placed a hold as our local library only has one copy for the entire state. A few weeks later, I was able to borrow it and I managed to read it before it was due!

The Joy of Missing Out is a book that is definitely worth the read! We live in this world full of so many things to do. But we shouldn’t definite ourselves by those overflowing tasks. There is no joy in trying to do everything for everyone. We can, however, focus on our strengths and ask for help in the other areas. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! That’s why it takes a village to raise kids!

I love how Tanya Dalton focuses on real stories of women who are struggling in different areas. We are not alone! It’s also important to build ourselves a friend or group of friends who we can turn to when we are struggling. They can be a great listening ear to get the frustrations out or maybe they can help sort out potential solutions to issues.

This book deserves 5 out of 5 tiaras because of how useful the information is! It’s easy to read and full of tips that I can totally take advantage of in my own life!

Not only did I enjoy the book, but the Book Club Kit is full of great information as well. The Kit asks the author, Tanya Dalton, some questions about writing the book. There are discussion questions, bookmarks, tips to start a book club, and a link for The Joy of Missing Out Workbook. If you have or want to start a book club, this is a good place to begin!

A few years ago, I began following Tanya Dalton after I purchased a pretty neat planner from Office Depot. I loved the sections of the planner and have returned for the following year’s planner, but she now sells it and other things on her website:

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I actually used this Book Club Kit prior to reading the book to find out if it was a book I wanted to buy. Some of these Book Club Kits are great for this reason.

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This is almost a how to for book clubs. They have different lists and worksheets but also a workbook that can be used as a read along tool. Along with the questions and interview it is an all around good book club kit that was extremely helpful to my group.

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A very nice book club kit! I loved the author interview, book questions, and suggestions for further reading. This would make a great book club selection, possibly for January when we're all looking to make positive changes.

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I found this book club kit to have some really fascinating and creative ideas. It is a well-rounded resource to supplement the book, with ideas that engage almost all of the senses.

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This is a really good book club kit ! The author interview is super interesting, and I love the priority list and the reading recommendations. I especially liked the "starting a successful book club" kit at the end!

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I really enjoy these book club kits! They are a great way to get a leg up on bringing engaging questions to your book club and having a great conversation. Thank you Netgalley for my book club kit for The Joy of Missing Out!

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This is such a fun, engaging book club kit! I love reading interviews with authors, and hearing about what inspired them to write their novel. The included discussion questions are perfect for encouraging deeper exploration of the book's characters and themes, the kit is easily printable/accessible and I loved how Netgalley began including on their sites. Will definitely use in the near future with my very own book club.

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I'm not one to read much non-fiction. I love book club kits as they help me absorb, as well as understand how to start thinking about the content presented in the book.This kit was also my first book club-hosting choice and I did not go wrong there!

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Tonya Dalton for receiving the Joy of Missing Out Book Kit in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own and independent of receiving this kit.

For the last year or so, NetGalley has been providing Book Kits. Each one of these kits is unique and centred around the book, some include author interviews, book club questions, all kinds of things to deepen your understanding of the material. Sometimes, these are great additions if it is your turn in book club, or, just a fun take away - however you want to look at it.

I really enjoyed the Joy of Missing Out Book Kit. The book itself is about feeling overwhelmed and feeling like crap at the end of the day because you didn’t accomplish an almost impossible list of things you have to do every day. I mean, who doesn’t need help around that!.

The kit is set up with a Reading Plan, some tips on how to make more time for reading and a Glossary of Terms that Dalton uses. Then it goes through each chapter with exercises and questions that you can use as a discussion in a group setting, or just to ponder if you are on your own. I really like the way each chapter was set up and offering enough unique things to make it interesting. Some had mind maps, lists, journalling ideas. There were essential quotes from each chapter and a key take away.

For a book like Joy of Missing Out, this book kit was almost like a workbook companion that you might purchase alongside the book itself. I found it comprehensive and helps lay out your thoughts and feelings around these issues that will help highlight where you might need some help. I think that I will actually write my answers down in a notebook so that I can re-visit this and do it again say in six months or a year. Just a neat way to see if I actually improved on anything but also because as life changes, your answers will change.

All in all, I highly recommend downloading this Book Kit and if you aren’t a member of NetGalley and enjoy reading and reviewing books, you should look into becoming a member. It’s easy to get started and you just have to commit to reviewing each book you read. There’s only one huge issue that it seems a lot of my book friends, and I’m including myself in this, that fall down the rabbit hole of wanting to request everything and watching your TBR list grow and grow. I wonder if there is a self help book on that!

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I really liked the interview with the author, and having a template to set up a book club using the structure from the book is a really good idea. But proving links to other content the author had created (instead of incorporating that content) seemed less useful in terms of having an all in one book club package.

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The book club kit for The Joy of Missing Out contains a thoughtful author interview and some great discussion questions for your book club. The priority list was very useful. The suggested reading list contained a lot of my favorite reads! I really appreciated the guide for starting a book club,

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Thank you for this Book Club Kit! It was very interesting and I enjoyed the section about starting a book club. The entire thing has a clean layout and I liked the discussion questions as well. This would enhance the reading experience for people and clubs reading The Joy of Missing Out.

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Didn't end up using at our book club because another book was chosen, but for what it's worth it had great discussion questions (and I was definitely one who voted for this book:( I appreciate so much the book club kits because the discussion questions are always so much better than I could ever come up with myself. I also love the bookmarks. Thank you to netgalley for the opportunity to use their book club kits in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such a helpful little guide! I adored the layout; it was simple, clean and made with colours that matched the book's cover.

There were the usual bits included in this one, the author's letter and discussion guide, along with a what to read next and a handful of bookmarks. What made this one particularly useful to me personally was the added section at the end, the 'starting a successful book club'. It was full of brilliant tips and the blueprint was lovely.

Overall I recommend this one, especially to people wanting to start a fledgling book club like myself.

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This is an interesting book club kit, and it lends itself better to someone who is starting a new book club as opposed to someone who already has one established. Overall, it is a very nice resource to have if you plan to use this book in a group.

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