Member Reviews

I loved this so much , especially the bookmark to print out ( i definitely did) lol ! This just helped me connect with the book so much more

I do not belong to a book club that is reading this book nor is the book on my TBR list. I do not think that the kit was very useful to me.

My group has finally decided to read FIREKEEPER'S DAUGHTER. This fine book club kit will definitely come in handy!
Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC.
Opinions are mine.

This is a great book club kit! The letter from the author introducing herself serves as a clear connection to the text, and the discussion questions were thought-provoking. The additional books written by indigenous authors was a perfect place to broaden reading beyond traditional representation. I think this kind of novel and book club kit would work really well in a high school class focusing on under-represented voices in literature.

This is a great guide for a book club! I really enjoyed reading the discussion with Angeline Boulley, and understanding her motivations would make any book club that much better because it allows a deeper connection with the novel. I also really liked the bookmarks because of the quotes included.

This is an amazing Book Club that will be so great to use with my high school students! I love that everything was so easy to use and you can pick and choose what works!
I loved this book back when I read it so I was excited to see a book club kit for it!

Loved this book and this Book Club guide was super helpful for those who would like to discuss this book with a group. Plus there is a movie coming on Netflix!
Thanks to the publisher for letting me take a look at this!

This book club kit is a great resource! It includes additional resources, how to support indigenous communities, and more book recommendations by indigenous authors. I enjoyed the author interview and getting more information about the author and the book. This kit will be a great resource for book clubs!

I loved the design of this kit and how it complimented the book cover. The author's interview was very interesting especially as she is a debut author. The book club questions would lead to some great discussions however I do wish there were some more interactive activities included. This would make a great companion to any book club meeting on Firekeeper's Daughter.
Before reading this kit, I hadn't heard of Firekeeper's Daughter however now it is firmly on my TBR!

This is a really nice addition to the book, love the bookmarks, though I think they could have been better quality (font was a little blury). I liked that they gave gave additional information like the book club discussion guide.

This was a great resource for our book club. It was very helpful. Love the interview. It really added such a fun experience to reading the book. Thanks!

This debut novel was something I devoured rapidly, and I wished I would have used this for my coworkers book club, as they just did this novel. This has an author interview, bookmarks, a discussion guide, and further reading and resources for the indigenous community, and authors.

I truly wish that every book out there had one of these guides available for it! As a librarian and member of multiple book clubs, it isn't uncommon to have that last minute scramble to think of discussion questions. These kits take the pressure off of the host because it provides all that and more! I love that they include content warnings as different people have different triggers. I also like that the kit provides suggestions for other books written by indigenous authors, ways to support indigenous communities, and contact information for individuals who may have experienced a crisis. I feel that the more this info is put out there, the more people will benefit from those services!
I know it seems a bit trivial after the important information that was included, but I do find myself missing the playlist and recipe from this particular guide. I feel that would have been a fantastic way to add some additional cultural aspects to the kit.
Thank you to NetGalley and We are Bookish for providing me with a free kit in exchange for my honest review!

Nice kit for a book club! The interview with the author is really insightful and the suggestion of topics to discuss in the book club is varied and interesting. I would recommend this to book clubs and managers of book clubs, as well as high school teachers if they are giving this book to their students for study (it has interesting topics to discuss in class)

I thought the book club kit was great. It is really useful for any book club to build their get together around. I really enjoyed the letter and interview from the author. The inclusion of the BEAUTIFUL cover theme throughout was a nice touch.
For me there was just something missing. The discussion guide provided wasn’t thought provoking enough.

The Firekeeper's Daughter is one of the books that has been chosen for the coming months for my book club. This kit will be a great resource to help further the discussion surrounding the book and the author. The kit would also be a great resource for schools and libraries to allow them to generate more interest in the book.

This was such a great book kit. I am a mod for a book club and we read this book. This kit made the buddy read just that much more fun. The book marks were a hit. The books to read after this was great. The interview was fun. We loved the discussion questions. Thank you to NetGalley and We Are Bookish for this in exchange of my honest review.

The book club kit is a very useful tool including resources for this book's fans. It adds to the experience and I'd love to see more kits being available!

The Book Club Kits are fabulous tools to enrich your reading experience. They provide questions that make you reflect more on what you've read and points to discuss in a book club to hear different thoughts and explore further. Even if you're not in a book club, you can use it to ponder on some aspects of the book that you may have missed or wouldn't have lingered on when you read it. If you want to get more out of a book, the book club kit will act as a wonderful learning tool. Highly recommended.

Like the other book club kits by We Are Bookish, this kit went above and beyond in providing content and resources. I especially loved the content warning at the beginning, because I like to warn readers before we start reading a book about possible triggers. This allows them to be well-informed and decide whether or not they want to read and discuss the book for that particular month. I also enjoyed the "Support Indigenous Communities" and "Additional Resources" sections and they provided extra content that I believe is a valuable addition to the story.
The one thing that I felt was missing was some of the content that is in other book club kits such as the quizzes, music playlists, food recommendations, etc. I know some people might not feel comfortable curating that based on the nature of the story, but I always enjoy those aspects as I feel like it enhances the overall experience of a book club.