Member Reviews

I'm a sucker for a second-chance friends-to-lovers romance because my own relationship is an example of one! However, this book unfortunately didn't live up to my expectations.

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I am very thankful for a chance to read this book. I enjoyed the storyline and the characters were very likeable, but the sexy scenes were a little cringe. Overall it was a good book and I would definitely recommend it to other readers.

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The writing style was good and I flew through the pages.
Still, even if the chemistry between the two MCs was good and their reasoning for not acting on their feelings made sense at time, after a while all the miscommunication (or the lack of it) and “will they or won’t they” agenda started to get on my nerves, and I just wanted them to find the way to each other and be over with

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This book is a lighthearted rom-com with the romance trope childhood friends to lovers. It follows Lizzy who is a lawyer and Jack who works at his family's brewery.

I really wanted to read this book because of the cover and title. But I thought that I would enjoy this book more than I actually did. I am not a big fan of third person pov books but I didn't know it was third person until I started reading it. So if you like romance books in third person you should definitely read this.

It started off super slow and I had no idea what was going on in the first chapters because of the law firm stuff. I found myself bored during this book many times and I thought it was a cute read but it was very predictable and it had the potential to be a lot better.

I didn't feel a connection with any of the characters and in Lizzy and Jack's relationship there was no build up or growth at all in it. I feel like I could have connected and related to the characters more if there was more background on their friendship over the years and when they were younger as kids.

Although I did not enjoy this book as much as I thought I would, you could have a very different opinion.

Read this book if you like:
-cute rom-coms
-childhood friends-to-lovers
-3rd person pov

Thank you to Netgalley for sending me an ARC.

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This was a cute book, but was more fitted for young adults. The romance didn't have a lot of chemistry, and fell flat in my opinion. It was slow, and a third of the way through the book I felt as if nothing had happened. The friends to lovers trope sadly didn't work for me.

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A fun easy read! I wasn't aware it was part of a series and will check out the rest. Thank you for the advance reader copy

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I love how this rom com is a standalone, but also part of a trilogy. I never read the first book, but adored the second and this one as well. I loved the friends to lovers trope and of course throwing in a renovated bookstore. Super cute, lovable characters and just a charming little story, with the obvious hint of spice as well. I love how relatable Lizzy is with her work, the dilemma she faces and then the turnaround in the end.

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Lizzy spent her entire life working towards her goal of becoming a star attorney. Actually, this is not her goal per se, but rather the goal she has been expected to achieve. So when she needs some respite, she chooses to return to the one place she was truly happy.

She reconnects with Jack and the sparks between them are smoldering, but the relationship seems doomed from the start since she can’t just give up a promising legal career to work in a bookstore… Can she?

This book was a lot of fun. The biggest conflict is the circumstance of knowing that Lizzy will have to go back to her regular life. And I don’t want to minimize the angst surrounding this situation, but sometimes it’s nice not to have a scheming antagonist determined to keep the lovers apart.

Lizzy and Jack are such a sweet couple. They have great chemistry, but more importantly, they were friends first. So even though they’re seeing each other in a new light, they have a strong foundation together. And that means that they have some hilarious banter and their childhood friendship means they know how to needle each other!

I would absolutely recommend Booked on a Feeling. Lizzy gets to live every book lover’s dream and work at a bookstore. I am definitely going to keep an eye out for more of Lee’s books in the future.

I received a digital ARC of this book from St. Martin’s/Netgalley

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A fun sweet read! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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This book was just okay. I may try this author again, but we'll see. I also didn't know when getting my copy that it was the third book in a series, which probably would have helped reading the first two books.

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Thank you @proamnfe and @macmilkan for my gifted copies!

Booked on a Feeling was a fun, feel good romcom for a weekend of reading. I felt like it was a tad bit too long, but regardless it was a breezy read.

We have a friends to lovers trope happening with a bookshop. I mean, I am sat. I really liked Lizzie as a character. I felt for the girl. As someone with anxiety I wish it was discussed a bit more instead of just throwing it in there, but she definitely made me like her more.

Cindy Kay is amazing. I don’t think there’s any dispute with that. Audio is phenomenal and highly highly recommended.

I felt it dragged in places but overall, a solid listen. Out now.

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I unfortunately could not get in to this one. I loved the concept, but it just didn’t work for me. Did not finish at 20%

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DNF @10%

The combination of childhood friends-to-lovers mixed with the overwhelming onslaught of girl hate just isn't doing it for me.

The writing is fine, and I like the mental-health rep. but I don't see this book getting more than a 3-star rating from me so I'm just going to DNF it now.

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Cute idea. Didn’t realize that it was friends to lovers or the middle of a series, but that’s on me. It was good but not great.

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DNF at 50%. I got really bored and it felt predictable. I didn't think it was worth my time. If you want clueless characters "denying" their love, check it out.

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Cute small town romance! I enjoyed the setting and the fact that the FMC loved setting up a bookstore, I very much so identified with that part of her. The MMC was cute and I loved the whole family dynamic. The typical third act breakup brought this one down for me as it felt like it was put in there just to be a conflict. I did enjoy the resolution and was very happy with the 'happy ever after.'

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Lizzy and Jack have been best friends for ages, but they decided to try dating when Lizzy visits his hometown for a vacation. The chemistry between them is so well-written and the characters really come to life in this story. I really enjoyed reading about Jack's family. It's the third book in a series, which I didn't know when I picked it up, but it totally stands on its own. Though it's obvious that there's backstory for other characters, not having read the other books didn't diminish the story between Lizzy and Jack. There's something special about a book where the characters really analyze their dreams and take skillful action-maybe because I'm trying to do the same thing right now, but I found it inspiring.

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin and NetGalley for the advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest feedback.

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When Lizzy Chung, a conflict-averse lawyer on her way to making partner, has a panic attack during a hearing, she knows there’s only one thing to do: take an extended holiday to Weldon, California where she can spend three weeks relaxing in the company of her best friend of twenty years, Jack Park. But when Lizzy gets to Weldon, she discovers new feelings and new dreams when she and Jack spend their days helping renovate the small-town bookshop and their nights becoming more than just friends. But as Lizzy discovers new passions, she must also decide her right path: stay in Weldon to be close to Jack, or return to her lawyer life in LA to appease her mom.

Booked on a Feeling was so much more than a friends-to-lovers romance. Lee gives readers a story about finding love, finding happiness, satisfying others versus living your own life, and the big, scary decision to change careers.

A highlight for me throughout this book was how quickly both Lizzy and Jack realized they had feelings for each other. There was no beating around the bush with these two; they knew they loved their best friend, and I loved the dual POVs so we could really see them both opening up to the possibility of more. Usually, friends-to-lovers romances tend to move at a slower pace, but Lee didn’t hesitate to have these two realize their feelings sooner rather than later.

The chemistry between Jack and Lizzy was definitely strong. Backed by twenty years of friendship, these two were definitely on the same trajectory, moving in sync when it came to life and career changes.

Both Lizzy and Jack were Korean-American, and I loved the dynamics in both of their families; Lee gave us the full spectrum, from overbearing, unsupportive parents to loving, doting parents (who will always make sure you’re fed well every single time you visit). Both of their parents played a big role in the paths they chose, and I was really glad to see both sides represented, rather than just Lizzy’s cynical mother who would only accept Lizzy if she was a successful lawyer.

As big of a role as romance plays in Booked on a Feeling, I loved how Lee handled the crisis-inducing career change. Especially when parental expectations are high, starting over in a new line of work can be extremely daunting. Lizzy definitely felt it, and her fears and uncertainties came through on the page. I thought Lee handled these worries and fears both delicately and head-on, showing readers it’s okay to change course.

I had a hard time putting Booked on a Feeling down. Jayci Lee gave us way more than a fluffy friends-to-lovers romance; this story dives into owning our own path while also dealing with both family and our own self-imposed expectations. This friends-to-lovers romance will be a hit for anyone who’s ever dreamt of changing careers (a love for bookstores will only make this book that much more enjoyable).

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This one unfortunately was just meh for read a little juvenile and I didnt connect with the characters.

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Booked on a Feeling" is a contemporary romance novel by Jayci Lee. In this book, the protagonist, Vera Park, is a successful travel writer who has sworn off love after a string of failed relationships. However, when she meets the charming and handsome Derek Park at a book event, she finds herself drawn to him despite her reservations. As Vera and Derek navigate their budding romance, they must confront their own insecurities and past traumas in order to find true love and happiness. With its engaging characters, witty banter, and swoon-worthy romance, "Booked on a Feeling" is a delightful read that will leave readers feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

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