Member Reviews

It was so nice to revisit the characters in this series again and read this new story. Rhenna has weaved a very special family and the bond they share is something so many of us search for in life. She gives us hope that we can still find it no matter where we come from in life.

I really enjoyed this book. The characters were well written, and the plot was engrossing. I would recommend this to any romance readers.

I have always liked this series even though I never truly know what genre to put it in outside of romance. As it is not a MC book but it is series about friendship, loyalty and brotherhood. The 'moms' of the group I think are my favorite part of the whole series. As well as all the friends, their partners and families.
I was excited to read Danny Parker's story and we finally get it. I didn't see Callie Moore coming as his love but they work. Callie has made many bad decisions but Rhenna did a great job writing her self growth which made her quite loveable in the end.
Her and Danny were very sweet together and I liked the evolution of Callie and how Danny was able to support her and eventually bring her back into the fold of the 'family'.

ARC received for review
We met Callie and Danny back in early books. Callie is a druggie and put her sister in danger multiple times. Danny has rescued Callie several times.
Fast forward and Callie is clean and back in town. She applies for a job not knowing it's Danny's business. He gives her a shot both at his business and with his heart. Enter the past to cause trouble, but the Men of Haven come together and rescue her.
I still need one more book in this series....Ivan, Ivan, Ivan

This is the story I’ve been waiting for since I first started reading the man of heaven. Callie with the trouble younger sister and then he saw her at her worst. Danny and Callie now meet up again with Callie needing some help. It was really interesting to see how Callie recognized all of her of her past foibles but sometimes found it hard to forgive herself. Danny needed to move past his previous opinion of Callie. Once Danny meets the new improved Callie he is determined to have her. What’s interesting about this book is that even when Callie and Danny get back together they need to deal with the other characters previous opinions of Callie. All in all this was a wonderful book and well worth the wait.

Usually, I don’t request arcs from a series, when I have not read all the previous books in the series. But for Rhenna Morgan, I’ll gladly make an exception. Trusted & True is the 7th installment of the Man of Haven Series. And although I hadn’t read any of those (shame on me), I have read all of Rhenna’s spin-off serie, the NOLA Knights. And of course, I had already enjoyed the Ancient Ink Series.
What I like about Rhenna’s books, are the rough edges. No character is perfect and they tend to live and love hard. Same goes for Callie: she has been an addict to alcohol and drugs for years. Now, having been sober for little over a year, she is ready to own up her mistakes and ask forgiveness to her sister.
Rhenna is brutal in showing how people can hit rock bottom and how they struggle to come back afloat. And Rhenna shows us how an addiction impacts not only the addict, but also those around them.
Enter Danny: because of his mother’s addictions and therefore his bumpy childhood, has made him averse to addicts. When Callie asks him for a job, he has a hard time deciding: should he give an (ex?) addict a second chance or not?
Wonderful, moving and keeping you on edge (will Callie succumb to the temptations or not?). Als usual for Rhenna’s stories: intense, heartbreaking and bittersweet.
Five out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

I can’t help it, I love these men that skirt that gray area between right and wrong along with the women who stand behind them. I fell in love with them from the moment they were introduced in Rough & Tumble and now it seems that they’ve come full circle, since that’s also when readers first met Callie and Danny.
It’s kind of fitting that it took 7 books for Callie to finally get her story. She had a lot to get through to get her life back on track. Regardless of the changes that she made in her life, she had her work cut out for her to gain back the trust that she had more or less obliterated between herself and Vivienne. Jace wasn’t about to let her get close to her sister until she proved herself, but there was something about the changes that Danny saw in her that gave him the courage (or the stupidity) to defend her – even to Jace.
Danny had his own insecurities to get through and he needed to find a way to get over them and ask for help when he needed it. His “family” was behind him, no matter what – which is one of the things that draws me to this series. I think “found family” is one of my favorite tropes, and Men of Haven is one of the strongest I’ve read. These men and women would do anything to protect not only their own, but the innocent around them. With each book in this series, that family is growing, not only larger, but stronger.
Trusted & True was full of danger, suspense, heartbreak, heat and love. Everything I’ve come to expect and adore about this series – from both the featured characters and the supporting ones that readers have come to know and love. Like I mentioned in my first comment after I finished this one, “I really hope that there’s more to come for the Men of Haven…for reasons.” ❤

***5 Stars***
I didn’t know how much I missed this crew until I started reading this baby, which took me a minute to do because book/reading slumps are a biyatch, so I held off and man am I happy I did. I thoroughly enjoyed Danny and Callie’s journey to their HEA as much as I enjoyed hanging out with the Haven crew again, and, as with every book in this series, wish that it didn’t end.
I have to admit that I don’t remember all that much from Jace and Viv’s book because it was 5 years ago that I read it, there have been a good number of books read since, and a re-read just didn’t happen, so my recollection of Callie is non-existent. But even with the few reminders of her “past life” I still adored her. Her determination to better her life and make amends was something I admired and that along with her sass and honesty…it was a potent mix. And speaking of potent. Danny was kind of everything for me. Protective, sweet, not afraid to be honest ~ with himself or others ~ and just a good all around guy.
As for their journey to their HEA. I really enjoyed watching as they got to know each other. There were missteps ~ some big, some small ~ but I like how they worked it all out and learned to trust each other in every way possible and found that they fit quite well together in the end.
This baby had it all for me: an interesting and engaging plot line that unfolded at a good pace and great characters that I loved getting to know and hanging out with. I do hope that this isn’t the last time we get to hang out with this crew or in this world in general, so toes crossed there will be more to come.
~ Copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley & voluntarily reviewed ~

This is the 7th book of the series and each one has given us great heroes and strong women who love them. We had met Callie in her past and Danny has come up in the ranks from friend to one of the Brotherhood now. As always, this group of men has chosen their family well and they have each other's backs, no question
Callie has a past that could lead her off the wagon again. I loved her fight and her commitment. I really loved that Danny was willing to give her a chance. Steam and chemistry was melting the pages with these two. Nice slow burn.
Great addition to the series. So happy to have their HEA.

The seventh book in the Men of Haven, Trusted & True is Danny and Callie’s story. A story of recovery, acceptance, trust, and forgiveness. I like this story the characters interaction was raw and honest and the supporting characters dynamic and connected.

To be honest I went into this story a little bit leery, not because I doubted the story would be remarkable, but because it had been so long since I read the previous novels and I was afraid I wouldn’t recall the storylines and would be lost. But like an old friend as soon as I was half a chapter in everything came back to me and I was right back in the world of Haven and knew I was settling in for a great read that would last in my mind for years to come just as the others in the series had. Rhenna Morgan caught my attention with her Haven series in the most random way when I was cruising amazon one day and I was thrilled I took the chance because I have read everything she printed since and was thrilled to get the chance to read Danny and Callie’s story. I really hope the series continues with at least one more novel, but if not this one brings us back full circle and gives us an HEA that will keep me happy and ready for whatever story she send my way next. Callie has finally started to get her life in order after years of addiction and bad choices, but she knows that returning to the town where she hurt so many and facing her sister and friends will be the hardest challenge to her sobriety yet. When she follows a lead on a job to get her started she never expects to run into Danny, her sisters brother-in-law and a man who she burned so many bridges with she has no hope of redemption. Dann never imagined he would see Callie finally getting her shit together, but the woman standing in front of him asking for work not only seems healthy and on the straight-and-narrow, but the attraction he feels to her is astonishing. As Danny and Callie work together and try to become friends, and maybe more, they both make mistakes, leading them to understand neither are perfect, but they might just be perfect one another. Just as they are finding their happiness a dangerous enemy from Callie’s past comes back and threatens all they are building, risking Callie’s life, and leaving Danny to wonder if he’s lost the chance to have the woman he has come to love in his life before ever coming clean about his feelings to her. Danny was such an interesting character in this story, his past and issues subtle and not the ones you think would be causing issues, but truly sometimes those that seem the most together truly aren’t. He has severe issues with trust and belief in those that are trying to turn their lives around, leading him to make some stupid decisions in the beginning, but thankfully he comes to understand that Callie is different and she is doing everything in her power to make healthy choices. He is protective, loving, sweet, and strong, and once he pulls his head out of his butt he is obviously the perfect mate for Callie as she finds her footing in her return to her family, supporting and championing her in the most unexpected of ways. Watching him fall and come to terms with that was truly one off the best reader experiences I’ve had in ages. Callie has had a lot of issues in the past, but she is moving forward the best she can, working hard to overcome her bad decisions and trying to make amends to those she loves and hurt. Her addiction is truly a disease that was perpetuated in the worst of ways from a young age and she never much had a chance to succeed until hitting that rock bottom and coming to terms with what it would take to make herself healthy again. I loved watching her interacting with her friends, coworkers, and family, but the way she offers support to all those around her and gives her all to others shows how great of a person she truly was all these years buried under the substances. She is smart, dedicates, brave, and loyal but the best trait she has is her willingness to do whatever is needed to protect those she loves, if at the expense of her own feelings or life. She and Danny were so well matched it was ridiculous and it makes you wonder if she had been sober when they first met how explosive their relationship would have been all those years ago. The attraction and heat these two enjoyed was sweet and subtle, but no less intense for that as they slowly explored their new relationship and built a friendship before becoming lovers to support one another’s needs and healthy choices. I truly loved these entire story, laughing, crying, and falling in love right along with the characters and hope for more, but if this is the end I feel comfortable in saying Ms. Morgan gave us an ending to rock the world and worth every second of the wait for it. Brava Ms. Morgan!

Trusted and True is book seven in the Men of Haven series and is Callie and Danny's book. I'm so happy to be back in this series and I really missed it so much. If you read Vivienne and Jace's book that is where we first met Callie. I'm really glad she she got her stuff together and changed her life around. I hope we get more books from this series because it is definitely my favorite.

Trusted & True by Rhenna Morgan
Men of Haven #7
Loved returning to this series to see how the previous characters were doing and find out how Danny found his happily ever after. Interestingly enough…his HEA comes via a Haven Brother’s in-law…
What I liked:
* The idea of second chances
* Danny Parker: Haven brother taken in later in the series, artist, mechanic, custom builder of specialty cars, brother, learning about himself, sees something in Callie…
* Callie Moore: addict, clean for over a year, ready to tackle her past, sister to Vivenne who is married to Haven brother Jace, not the woman she once was…has a lot of baggage…hopeful for her future
* The true responses of those who interact with Callie in the beginning
* Callie’s strength and ability to cope
* The look into a world I hope to never have to deal with
* The “suspense” part of the story and how it played into the past, present and future
* Wondering how the bad guy will be dealt with in the future.
* The way the brothers stand for and with one another
* Wondering if this is the final book in the series or if there might be another one?
* All of it really except…
What I didn’t like:
* The bad guy…a creep and a half and easily hate-able
* Knowing that addiction can be so harmful to so many…and the fallout from it
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes
Thank you to NetGalley and Carina Press for the ARC – This is my honest review
5 Stars

TRUSTED & TRUE is author Rhenna Morgan's Men of Haven #7 and it is a fascinating look at families - of the blood and of the heart; custom cars, less than perfect people and a beautifully written second chance at love.
Reviewed by Annetta Sweetko for Fresh Fiction
Complete review: https://freshfiction.com/review.php?id=78197

This is a Romantic Suspense, and this is the 7th book in the Men of Haven series. I have not read the other books in this series. I do feel this book can be read as a standalone without any problems. I got to know and care about all the characters. I also had no problems understanding what was going on. I enjoyed seeing this woman coming back for her lowest point in life to build a great life she was proud of. I love the romance in this book, and I also love feeling how much the two main characters care for each other. I do want more suspense throughout this book. All the suspense and action was at the end, and the romance was throughout this book. I enjoyed this book, and I felt it was a great book. I just wanted and was looking for action and suspense throughout this book. I may have to read some of the other books in this series because I really want to read Callie's sister romance. I loved her and her husband's characters. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Carina Press) or author (Rhenna Morgan) via NetGalley, so I can give an honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.

Danny and Callie's book moves slowly but the last few chapters will knock you for a loop. I love the heart and emotion and genuineness of the characters.
I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

Title: Trusted & True
Author: Rhenna Morgan
Publisher: Carina Press
Series: Men of Haven Book 7
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Trusted & True" by Rhenna Morgan
My Assessment:
Another excellent series, 'Trusted & True,' features Callie Moore and Danny Parker. Now I don't want to leave the rest of the Haven clan that gives the reader an incredible story. The author did a fabulous job of bringing these two main characters back together again after Danny had given Callie an 'ultimatum...get clean or don't ever ask for help again.' So as the story goes on, will Callie be able to change as she finally decides it is time to move on and get things straight with her sister? It was something seeing how Callie was determined to change her life. And as always, the Haven clan is there, especially Danny, to help her save her with their 'unyielding loyalty.'
Be ready for a little bit of it all, as the story will have emotions all over the place that deals so well with the healing needed in this story. Also, from the Haven family, genuine acceptance and forgiveness, and love make this read so awesome in its outcome. Would I recommend this read? Yes, along with the other six series that go so well with this read. The title fits so well with the story!
Thank you, Net Galley and Carina Press, for another great read.

Trusted & True is the seventh book in Rhenna Morgan’s Men of Haven Series. This book is filled with intense drama, great characters, and a love story filled with chemistry and intimacy.
It’s been years since Danny Parker has seen Callie Moore at her worst, but the woman who comes into his shop looking for a job has changed a great deal. Everyone deserves a second, even third. As their friendship grows, they work together to better themselves and bolster each other. But first they have to deal with Danny’s skeptical Haven brothers and Callie dangerous past. Will their newfound connection survive the challenges ahead? Read it and find out!
This book has an HEA. Each book in the series can be read as a standalone, however, because of the recurring characters in this series, a deeper appreciate for the Haven family will be achieved.
This series explores the lives of a group of men who have come together as brothers to create a family filled with loved an unconditional support. All of the heroes in this series are all alpha males who come from different walks of life but have all struggled and succeed in overcoming the choices and events of their past. Each of the heroines in this series have strong personalities and difficult pasts of their own. The men of this series use whatever means necessary to protect the women who have become their heart. The stories focus on working together to overcoming difficult and often life changing events. Love, and trust, does conquer all.
This is a voluntary review of an advanced readers copy received from Netgalley.

I did not realize until I started reading that this was Vivienne’s sister who caused so much trouble in Vivienne’s book. Yeah, it has been a while. Anyway, I swear to you that I cried through at least the first 30% of this story. I don’t know what was wrong with me, was the hopelessness or hopefulness that Callie felt. Was it her thinking she was going to fall? Maybe, because I have not dealt with addictions before so I know it wasn’t that. Rhenna really got to me with this part of the story. The remaining of the story was nice, especially Danny, but nothing I thought was outstanding.

A book based on second chances, this book was just too sweet, the saddest thing is that I was getting lost with all the characters involved in this book. This is when I knew that I should’ve read the first 6 books before I got into this one. I loved Callie and Danny, they are so straightforward, their whole relationship went from Boss-employee to lovers in 2 seconds, it evolved that quickly. It was a speedy read, but I felt the story could’ve been a little bit more.