Member Reviews

I went into Out of the Ashes with quite a big chip on my shoulder and a huge amount of expectations and Jenn Burke sure did deliver!
When we left our intrepid duo in book 2, Colin had just irrevocably changed both his and Evan's lives. I was shook. How could he make such a decision without Evan. I was so mad, I just couldn't.
So we start this book with the aftereffects of Colin breaking the bond he and Evan had. Colin has some memory issues and Evan has a lot of trust issues with a side of trauma that isn't the best recipe for him. Unfortunately, they don't have all the time and space to work all that out because demons with their penchant for murder and their pesky PI jobs.
I really like how Evan's depression was worked through in this book. There were a bunch of big feels going on and I liked how there wasn't a big fix. There isn't a big fix to depression in real life, so seeing Evan work through his feelings was great to see. I was a little disappointed with Colin and his lack of... commitment? self-assurance? I don't know how I want to word it but I wanted him to maybe try more? I think it's just because we all love Evan so much that it was hard to see him struggle.
I'm so sad this series is over but equally glad that Colin and Evan got their HEA. Maybe CJ will get a spin-off series?!? That would be awesome. I loved this series as well as the Not Dead Yet series. I would love to get more. Anything would be great so I never really have to let these characters go.
*Big Thanks to Jenn Burke, the publisher- Carina Press & Carina Adores (Harlequin), and Netgalley for an ARC of this book. All thoughts and comments are my own.*

Five star send off for the Ashes and Dust series!
In Out of the Ashes I finally felt like Evan and Colin were connecting. The previous two book in this series left me wanting more from the MC and his love interest, and Jenn Burke delivered!
Book 2 ended on one hell of a cliffhanger that left me distraught for poor Evan. He has held a dear place in my heart since Not Dead Yet. He was one of those side characters who could steal the show. Burke put him through hell and back in the Not Dead Yet series, and there was no way she could let him not get his HEA.
The culmination of the mystery at the center of this series was bittersweet. I wasn't (truthfully, I'm still not) ready to say goodbye to Hudson and Wes and their band of paranormal misfits. My reader soul is satisfied with the end of Evan's story, but i can still hope Burke gets inspired to write another spinoff.
***Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.***

I’ve read this one far too quickly and now it’s over.
Is it too early to hope for a new trilogy in this universe? There are so many loveable characters I want to find their happy ending as well…
If you have read my review of book 2 titled “House on Fire” you know I missed something to make it an amazing read. Since I’m rating the last book in the Ashes & Dust series with a full 5 out 5 Stars you know there is absolutely nothing missing here. Well, apart from a spin-off series, maybe.
Here, I was completely and utterly helpless sucked into Evan and Colin’s romance – while cheering again for every little tidbit of Wes and/or Hudson – but I was especially captivated by Priya and Jet. I really enjoyed the part those two played in this story and the concerns their presence (and absence, let’s be honest) meant.
I don’t know if it’s because of the overall mess the world has been this year but Out of the Ashes felt, even though it was really thrilling, wonderful light-hearted, and made me chuckle like a certain toe-sucking-scene from the Not Dead Yet series.
Overall it was a great conclusion to a series that I was somewhat concerned I wouldn’t end up enjoying as much as its prequel – simply because I love it so much.

When I finished Graveyard Shift (the final book in Wes and Hudson’s Not Dead Yet series) I was happy with the way things turned out for them. My only regret was the way things were left with Evan. Well, even though Ashes & Dust had me sometimes wondering if the old adage “be careful what you ask for” would come back and bite me, I loved that Evan finally got the HEA he so deserved. Now for my next wish because of course Jenn Burke would introduce a couple of new characters that I’d love to get to know better. #EvilAuthor 😉
I’m sure that I’m not the only reader who waited not so patiently for the release of Out of the Ashes. A lot of that had to do with the way that the author left us hanging at the end of House on Fire. My heart broke for Evan, even though I understood why Colin felt the need to do what he did. Fate is a hard thing to fight though and so was the attraction that was still there with or without the bond.
There were a lot of twists and turns and some surprising allies – as well as some surprising dangerous alliances that took everyone off guard. This was definitely a page turner.
Despite – or maybe because of – all the nailbiting moments and heartbreak, Out of the Ashes was the perfect ending to Colin and Evan’s story. That doesn’t mean that I’m not hopeful that readers haven’t seen the last of the characters in this world. 😉

I loved all the instalments in Ashes and Dust series, an excellent paranormal romance series.
I thoroughly enjoyed the plots, rooted for the characters, and had fun.
I can't wait to read the next book by Jenn Burke as I always enjoy them.
This one is compelling and kept me reading.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

The ending of the second volume broke my heart. I was curious how the third volume would tackle the issue and I was not disappointed.
I'm still patiently - impatiently- waiting for the second audiobook and hopefully also the third one. I would love to listen to them in audio format.
One of my favorite series. I will definitely reread all the volumes again :) I would love to see Evan and Colin (as well as Wes and Hudson) again in maybe another spin-off but that probably won't happen. I wish it would though.

Note: Out of the Ashes follows directly from the previous book in the Ashes and Dust series and, as a result, this review will have some spoilers from the ending of book two, House on Fire.
Evan is still reeling in the aftermath of Colin breaking their mate bond. He understands why Colin did it. Their wonky bond meant that the two men could never stray far from one another. It also bound them before they really had a chance to get to know one another. But the men had fallen in love and Colin breaking the bond is devastating for Evan. Things are made worse by the fact that Colin didn’t talk to Evan about it before making a decision, he just left him a note. But even harder than that is the fact that while Colin does remember the events of the past, he does not have the emotions to go along with the memories. So while he remembers that he had been in love with Evan, he no longer feels in love with him.
Even as Colin and Evan are working through things personally, there are bigger problems that they must face. First of all, there’s a demon out there killing people and everyone is unsure what the connection might be to Priya. When an explosion rocks the paranormal community, things escalate even further. So when Evan and Colin are approach by a paranormal law enforcement group asking for their help, they don’t hesitate to join in, even as it brings new dangers. But when they find out who is truly behind the killings and what they are planning against the supernatural community, it’s even worse than they could’ve expected. Now, it’s going to take everything Colin and Evan have, along with the help of their friends, to take down the killer before it’s too late.
Out of the Ashes the third book in the Ashes and Dust series and, as I noted, it picks up immediately following the previous book. You’re going to want to read this series in order and bonus points if you also read the previous Not Dead Yet series, from which these books are spun off. There are side characters that carry over, and it also gives you a chance to get Evan’s origin story. This book focuses on two main areas: Evan and Colin’s relationship and the continuing attacks of the paranormal community. In terms of the big picture, we get some resolution to questions that have carried over since the start of the series in terms of who is staging these attacks and why. We also get some exciting scenes and some intensity as the danger ramps up, particularly when Colin and Evan are helping to investigate. I think there were a few areas where things got a little confusing for me, as there are a lot of different groups involved and figuring out how all the pieces fit together was not quite as straightforward as I would’ve wanted. This is especially the case when referencing events from the past books, as I didn’t always remember them with perfect clarity. But overall, I think that the story largely comes together well here and we leave everybody in a really good place. While this seems to be the end of the trilogy, there are actually some interesting developments that I would’ve love to see turned into a spinoff if Burke ever decides to go that direction.
The second focus of the book is on the relationship side. At the end of the previous book, Colin makes the unilateral decision to break the mate bond with Evan. I thought from the end of that story that he now had full amnesia, but here we see that he does retain his memories, just not the emotions behind them. Colin remembers that he had been in love with Evan, but he doesn’t remember the feeling of being in love with him and so the emotional connection between the men is nothing like it was before Colin broke the bond. Everyone is hoping that those emotions all come back, but things are still uncertain. On the one hand, Evan understands why Colin made this decision. Their bond was wonky, and the fact that they could not stray far from each other essentially tethered Colin to Evan. But the way that Colin went about it is upsetting and certainly the aftermath is difficult for Evan to handle. Things are not made any easier by Evan’s depression and the situation is causing him to definitely struggle with his mental health.
Burke really does a great job developing the emotions and I could really feel intensity from Colin, despite the fact that none of the stories are from his POV. I also understood why they needed to break the bond, especially given the fact that it was hard to know how much of the emotion between them was due to the bond versus true feelings, so I think it all makes sense from a story perspective. However, I felt like this was sort of a one step forward, two steps back situation in that while the guys are friendly for most of the story, they are really not romantically connected until a ways into the book. So by this third story in the trilogy, it was frustrating to feel like things are almost starting over from a relationship perspective. By the time Colin regains his memories of the emotions, it felt so far along in the book that rebuilding that love between them felt like it happens somewhat quickly. This is especially true as Colin suddenly remembers “the memories of his emotions,” which to me doesn’t feel the same as feeling those emotions currently. And so I needed more time to see them redevelop that connection and I never quite caught the emotion between them that I wanted. While I really love both of these guys, the bond between them didn’t come through as strongly as I might have hoped. That said, we get a nice happy ending for Colin and Evan and the book sets the men up well for the future.
Overall, I have just loved this world Jenn Burke has created across these two series. All six books work so well as a set, and if you haven’t started them yet, I’d definitely suggest checking them out. And for those of you who have been following along with this series, I think you will enjoy how things come together for Colin and Evan and the rest of the gang.

After the way “House on Fire” ended, I dreaded how OUT OF THE ASHES would start. And yes, it’s a rather rough, a tad painful start; especially for Evan (given his is the sole POV for the whole “Ashes & Dust” books) and not exactly a picnic throughout the story.
Burke really subjected the lead characters through every possible pain, physically and emotionally. While I get where Colin came from, I also resented the hurt he caused Evan and the subsequent insecurity that followed. Yet this entry also showed the resilience and devotion both men displayed (especially to one another). I cheer (and cry over) their journey to get (back) together as well as dealing with endless family issue from either corner.
The twist to the can of worms this motley gang faced all through the series was the arrival of a pair of ambiguous new face. I confess to question their (true) motive and anticipating bad things to strike at all time. That really lent edge-of-the-seat vibes to the story with me fearing and expecting something happened to Evan and/or Colin in equal measures. My one issue over the whole defeating the villain was (considering they had god on their side) how easy it was to manipulate and practically disarm the gang. Other than that, this found family, fated mate, opposites attract romantic adventure is quite a ride. And I’m hoping - wishing? - that this is not the last tale Burke have of this ‘Not Dead Yet’ universe. Fingers-crossed.

We have officially made it to the last book in the series where Evan finally gets his well deserved HEA. I have loved Evan since he first appeared in the Not Dead Yet series. He's just such a sweet, kind hearted character. There was no way readers wouldn't take to him. As his own 3 book series evolved Evan was definitely put through the ringer. His love interest Colin didn't make it easy on him either. Internalized homophobia and the shock of the paranormal were major hurdles Colin needed to jump over before he could truly make a go of it with Evan.
Speaking of hurdles, the last book ended with a major one. Colin had broken the bond between him and Evan, leaving Evan with an emotionless Colin who didn't remember the feelings they shared. My heart broke for Evan and raged at Colin. I understand why it needed to be done, but how could anyone stomach hurting my sweet Evan! On top of dealing with having to remind Colin why they loved each other, there was also the case of a demon terrorizing the city along with a group of paranormal haters. Thankfully after a few very close calls things worked out in the end. The major threat was neutralized and the vampire finally got his phoenix for good, along with a stepson to boot.

4 ½ Stars
Out of the Ashes is an excellent conclusion to the Ashes and Dust series.
I'm sad this series is over, but I hope that there will be more in this world from the author.
This final installment is exciting and flows nicely from scene to scene. It kept my interest from start to finish, and my investment in the characters never waned.
The secondary characters support the storyline, and I will never tire of seeing characters from previous books.
Colin and Evan are personable characters, and their dialogue, sexy times, and emotional connection make their HEA believable and give me faith in their longevity as a couple.
I look forward to more from this author.

I received a free copy through Netgalley and voluntarily reviewed it.
Out of the Ashes is the third and last book in the Ashes & Dust series and I have to say I was a bit afraid to start this one. After the twist of book 2 and knowing this was the last book in the series I wasn't sure what to expect. Luckily I shouldn't have worried as I really enjoyed this book. Out of the Ashes wraps up the overarching main plot line of this series as well as the romance plot line and it was a satisfying ending to the series.
Evan has a lot to deal with in this book, after the big event at the end of book 2 his romance with Colin is set back and Evan struggles with this. Then there is the plot line where they're trying to find out who is responsible for an attack on the paranormal community and they have to go undercover to solve it. With the romance troubles I had expected a lot more drama and I am glad that wasn't the case. It was still sad and it's clear how much Evan struggled with it, but there was plenty of other things going on so it didn't overwhelm the plot.
The plot is well paced with plenty of going on and it was great seeing how it all played out. There are a few twists and turns. As well as a nice showdown at the end. I enjoyed reading it. I really like seeing all the familiar characters from this series as well as the first series this one is a spin off from. It makes for a great read seeing more of the characters I already like and seeing how they're doing now.
While the romance starts off on not the right foot I liked seeing how things progressed and how they resolved this. I felt they got through this even closer than before and it was great seeing them build this relationship together. I thought the epilogue was great and I also liked seeing which direction their lives went.
I like Evan as main character and it was great seeing how he dealt with the challenges that came at him in this book. I thought the author handled Evan's depression really well, it's definitely a part of him and he still struggles with it, but you can also see his progress. I also appreciated how we don't get pulled too deeply into his depressive thoughts and the episodes don't take too long.
To summarize: I really enjoyed this series ender. There is plenty going on with a bad guy they need to catch as well as romance troubles. The plot is a solid one and I liked seeing how it brought the plot lines form the previous books together and wrapped it all up. Plenty of action and tension as well as some interesting twists. I like reading about Evan and he makes for a great main character. I thought his struggle with depression was realistic, but also didn't overtake the plot. Romance wise I liked how it didn't have too much drama, but still had some things they needed to work through. I liked seeing these two grow even closer and resolve things. The epilogue was awesome and I really liked the glimpse of their future lives. All in all I really enjoyed this series and look forward to what Jenn Burke is writing next!

This is such a great finish to the series. Jenn has written really interesting characters and a series plot arc that comes to a head here along with resolution to Evan and Colin's complicated relationship after the last book ended with Colin severing their bond (this is a series to be read in order!)
My heart broke for Evan when things changed for him and Colin but I also understood why Colin did it. There bond was incomplete, not allowing them the freedom to be themselves while also being a couple. Things develop their slowly as, of course, the breaking of the bond caused things to go a bit wonky for Colin and then immediately there is a bomb attack at a known shifter hangout with their suspect list being those involved with their previous cases, someone kidnapping and turning Colin into a phoenix and then another attempting to out the paranormal world via videos of shifters. This time rounds has murder, bombs, demons, and a vigilante group. Everything gets tense when undercover work becomes necessary and Evan and Colin work alongside people akin to the supe police.
This book comes solely from Evans POV and there's highs and lows with the case and with how things progress with Colin. I was happy that Colin had more interaction with his son, CJ, after what happened to him in the previous book and there's a positive approach to mental health and accepting that you come out the other side of your dark days. The voices inside your head don't hold all the power, though, having the support system of family, friends and a bonded mate does go quite a way to making it easier. There's such a good cast of characters here, both good and bad, that help to bring the story to life and I was invested from the start when things definitely go off with a bang.
A highly recommended paranormal mystery series that needs to be read in order. I also recommend reading the Not Dead Yet series first as it is the start for all of the characters, especially Hudson, Wes and Evan.
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.

The conclusion to Evan’s story!
I absolutely loved the first book in this series, but I struggled to get into the second book. I wanted more from the story, from Colin’s character and from the romantic relationship. Despite that, I wanted to give this third book a chance, and I’m glad I did. The first book is still my favorite, but I really liked the story in this one and I thought that the author does a great job of bringing the overarching plot to a satisfying conclusion. Plus, there are a lot of fun side characters!
I still absolutely love Evan’s character and I’m so glad we got his story and his perspective. It was especially cool to meet him as a lost and lonely kid and see him become a confident and loved adult. His character growth is one of the best ones I’ve read.
I wish I had as much enthusiasm for Colin, but I never felt like I really got to know him. We never get his POV and only know what Evan observes. So I think that’s a big reason why, ultimately, I found the romance seriously lacking. It felt too fast and they went from strangers to falling in love in the blink of an eye and I wasn’t invested at all. It’s a bummer, but the story was interesting enough to be the reason I kept reading and I definitely love this world that the author has created.
There is the possibility of another spin off and I’d so be down to give it a chance. Especially if it ended up being Maverick’s story. I want to learn all about him! Or honestly I’d love some more from Wes and Hudson. Fingers crossed for more of this fun and interesting paranormal world!

I really like Jenn Burke and her books in this universe, but Out of the Ashes wasn't her strongest in the series.
First of all, you CANNOT read these books as stand-alones, so don't even try. In fact, you should really read the entire Not Dead Yet (Not Dead Yet) series before even the Ashes and Dust books, IMO.
I'm a big Evan stan, and I think having only his POV in the story makes me feel even more so. I'm protective of him and his feelings, especially since I think he does most of the emotional heavy lifting in his relationship with Colin and just tries so damn hard. Colin... isn't great in this story. I felt like he was very wishy-washy and almost dismissive of Evan, and then when Colin decides he is ready for more, Evan just has to hop to it. I wanted more emotions from Colin and I didn't feel like I really got it.
The story has a nice pace and a decent amount of action, plus highlights from past characters in the story, but I even found the "bad guy" to be underwhelming. I wanted more purpose from his storyline.
I'm very hopeful for more books from Colin's son's POV (an offshoot of an offshoot?) because Jenn Burke definitely left that possibility open. I'm also not ready to let this series go, to be honest. However, I've greatly enjoyed these books and this world and I'm simply grateful for Jenn Burke for writing them.

This is the third book in the series and must be read in order in order to enjoy. I loved the action and how the mystery was solved. Great series and looking forward to reading the next in the series. I received a copy of this book for my review.

Out of the Ashes is the third and final book in Jenn Burke’s Ashes & Dust series of paranormal romances set in and around Toronto, featuring vampire investigator Evan Fournier, his lover Colin Zhang – a phoenix – and their extended family of werewolves, vampires, witches – and a god. The author does include information about the previous instalments for readers new to the series, but I’d advise reading the books in order so as to fully understand the character backstories and the emotional impact of past events.
Please note that there are spoilers in this review.
At the end of House on Fire, Colin made the decision to break the bond that had accidentally formed between himself and Evan (in All Fired Up). It was risky, but he’s come through it okay – mostly; while he’s retained his memories and knows who Evan is, he has no emotional attachment to those memories, and Evan can tell that every time Colin looks at him, he sees a virtual stranger. Understanding why Colin did what he did makes it no less devastating, and Evan is trying desperately to cling to the hope given him by Colin’s confession of love and exhortation to fight for them in the letter he left before he underwent the spell. But weeks later, and with no indication that anything is changing, a heartbroken Evan is struggling to keep his depression at bay, wondering how long he’ll be able to keep alive the hope that Colin will come back to him.
At the same time as Evan is trying to come to terms with the fact that the man he loves may never again love him back, the Westerson-Rojas household is reeling from the murder of Hudson’s brother by a demon, and the disappearance of Hudson’s niece Priya, who fears she will be accused of the crime. And they’re still no nearer to discovering who is responsible for the spate of attacks on members of the paranormal community over the past few months.
Out of the Ashes opens a few weeks after House on Fire ends, and finds Evan and Colin on a maybe-date, joining their friends for the evening at Alleys, their favourite hang-out. The night has barely begun when the place is rocked by an explosion that kills several of the bar’s paranormal patrons and injures many more – including Colin, who discovered the hard way that using his phoenix powers to control fire isn’t as easy now he’s unbonded.
Amid the chaos, Evan is sure he recognises someone from a recent investigation, a shifter who works as bodyguard to Elijah Michelakis, the man believed to be behind the recent campaign to expose and discredit paranormals in the community. It seems as though the anti-paranormal campaign has been stepped up, but when Michelakis is found dead – apparently by his own hand – it’s clear to Evan and the gang that there’s something – or someone – else pulling the strings.
In my review of the previous book, I said that it posed more questions than it afforded answers and that it moved swiftly without offering more than a cursory exploration of events. As well as the main plotline about the threat to Toronto’s paranormal community, there was a subplot about Hudson’s brother and one about Colin’s former fiancée and his son, and there was so much going on that the romance between Evan and Colin just wasn’t gelling. Even so, the breaking of their bond at the end was a real gut-punch, so I was looking forward to seeing them fall in love ‘properly’ in this book, but while the author does a good job of tying up all the loose ends, I still found the romance a bit lacking, and can’t help wishing Colin’s PoV had been included. Without it, he feels distanced and little more than two-dimensional.
Evan, on the other hand, is superbly characterised, likeable and sympathetic. As has been the case throughout this and the previous series (Not Dead Yet) his “asshole brain” – aka, depression – is written realistically and sensitively, and I’ve really enjoyed watching his growing confidence as he comes into his own, still very much part of the family Wes and Hudson have built, but capable of standing on his own two feet and living on his own terms.
The book feels more cohesive than the previous one and the plot is well-paced and developed, but the identity of the Big Bad comes a bit out of left-field, and in the end, their motivations are not particularly compelling. I can’t deny I was a bit disappointed with how certain aspects of the final showdown were handled, but ultimately, Out of the Ashes reaches a satisfying conclusion and is an enjoyable finale to Evan and Colin’s journey, with a firm HEA for them and the hint of a possible spin off/sequel series that will open out the paranormal world Jenn Burke has so strongly established.
If you’ve been following the Ashes & Dust series, then you’ll want to pick up Out of the Ashes to find out how everything turns out, and if not, there’s a lot to enjoy here. If you’re in the market for a series of paranormal romances featuring strong world-building, likeable characters and intriguing plots, with a found-family vibe and plenty of warmth and humour, this one should definitely be on your radar.

This book is best read when you're settled in a comfortable spot because you won't be getting up for a good long while. Colin and Evan are a great pair, even if I did feel like kicking Colin for a good part of the story. While the blurb is accurate, it definitely doesn't relay the excitement of the adventure or the development of a fantastic love story. Great writing, characters and story! But...could we have more Maverick, please?
ARC provided by author through Netgally and I thank them for this wonderful opportunity.

I love Jenn Burke's paranormal Toronto and its inhabitants so very, very much. She eschews the Basic Buffy Plot common to many UF novels and instead embraces a queer, Canadian take on the Basic Angel Plot; ie, she's got a bunch of paranormal
folks who form a chosen family and run a detective agency together.
OUT OF THE ASHES, the final book in the Ashes & Dust Trilogy, raises the physical and emotional stakes in all the right places, pushes everyone in exciting directions, and adds new dimensions to the worldbuilding. I ate it up.
I sure hope Burke isn't done with this setting. I'd jump on another spinoff series about any of the characters attached to Caballero Investigations.

It was thrilling to finally see Evan get his HEA with Colin. Even though I still don't feel the chemistry between them after three books, it's nice to know Evan is happy. Book three starts right where book two ended and throws us into a paranormal investigation that will keep you on your toes. It was fast-paced, with a couple of new and really interesting side characters.
3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

4.5 Stars!
You totally need to read the Not Dead Yet series, or at the very least the first two books in this series before reading Out of the Ashes.
I had this ARC waiting for me after I read House on Fire, so I was very thankful that I didn't have to wait for a long time for it after the awful cliffhanger. Not that it wasn't very difficult to read the aftermath of Colin's decision to sever his bond with Evan. I could understand his reasons—somewhat, and again, I think this is mostly because the book is in Evan's POV—but it was hard to read how it affected Evan. I felt Evan was too good for Colin and I really wanted to throttle Colin so many times when his actions hurt Evan. Thankfully, it didn't take forever for Colin to remember what he felt for Evan, and I really liked how that changed their dynamics. Evan and Colin were great together once they were finally on the same page.
The storyline arc that started in House in Fire is concluded in OotA, and I loved how it played out, especially with the addition of Maverick and Ema to the team.
Out of the Ashes was a captivating read, and a riveting conclusion to the series and I found it difficult to put it down. It was action-packed and plot-oriented, and we finally got to see Evan and Colin get their well-deserved HEA. I hope this isn't the last we've seen of Evan and Colin and Hudson and Wes. Very recommendable!
*** Copy provided by the author for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***