Member Reviews

This is a story about a woman coming to terms with her divorce and her abusive ex-husband. Not so by change she meets the love her life who is wrapped around being the brother of his ex-husbands new girlfriend (victim).

This book was cute when it had to be and tough in the touch parts. I loved it.

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When can I have part two so I get Cree or Janae’s stories??? This book was absolutely enjoyable. First a slow burn then to a hard, fast spicy romance! 🔥🧯Vanessa’s character was incredibly relatable for me, and her strength was absolutely inspiring. I was so curious around the 60% mark whether the reason Vanessa was in Monroe would become resolved and then BAM it resolved…great story telling, great characters, loves the diverse character cast.

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I thought this was a cute book, and I really enjoyed how the main character was in her 40s and figuring life out. It felt very realistic. The chemistry wasn’t too believable for me. But overall, I did enjoy the story!

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Great story with a spice factor that was perfect.

I loved the idea of a woman finding love after a messy divorce and being able to grow and move forward. Character growth for both of the main characters is what made this book so good.

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This is probably the third book I’ve read this year where I’ve come for the romance but ended up staying for the friendships. This book was a breath of fresh air because it was a romance with more mature characters in their 40s. Not only that but we got to see a female MC prioritize her own healing before diving headfirst into a relationship. I loved any scene with Vanessa and her friends, Janae and Cree. I found myself smiling and laughing anytime the three of them had a scene together.

I wanted to love Michael and the romance so much more, but they both fell a bit flat for me. I would have personally loved to see more of Vanessa’s pass journey of rebuilding out of the rubble of her marriage from Karl especially since he was so emotionally abusive to her. Instead we mostly just got snippets from her reminiscing about the past.

I would definitely still recommend this even though not all the parts worked for me.

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Sexy, sweet and oh so real, I loved every minute I spent reading Vanessa Jared’s Got a Man! Watch out, I just found a new author’s writing to fall in love with.

I received an ARC of this book, from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I wanted to love this book so badly, but sadly it was a miss for me. Vanessa Jared is the epitome of beautiful, strong, and independent. But she wasn't always like that. The book starts off by learning that Vanessa is recently divorced after twenty years of being in a verbally abusive marriage. After meeting two other divorcees in a divorce group meeting, they become family and thus create the Savvy, Sexy Singles Club. I honestly adored the friendship between the three women, and how they are always there for each other. Plus the Savvy, Sexy Singles Club was a big help for Vanessa after her divorce. Now lets talk about the love interest, Michael Park. Also beautiful lol, strong, independent, and Korean-American; which I loved the diversity in this book! Michael was an easy character to love, especially after learning more about the strong bond that he has with his younger sister Cindy. Okay, that was all the good stuff and I know the two star might not make sense but hear me out. The book was extremely repetitive, to the point that it was annoying me. I understand that Vanessa being verbally abused by her ex-husband was very traumatic and an important factor of the story, but there was no need for it to be reiterated throughout the book. I also felt that the writing was at times very cheesy and gave off hallmark vibes, which a lot of people are okay with, but it was not for me. Overall the book was fun, but sadly easily forgotten.

Thanks to NetGalley for the digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A sexy, fun romance with a really enjoyable couple at its center. I particularly liked the dual POV as it gave great insight into both Vanessa and Michael as individuals and what they were thinking of the other throughout the story. It may have been a little too bodily descriptive for my taste but that’s how romance goes: you gotta find your niche in it. With a satisfying ending and solid character development, I’d recommend this one to any romance reader.

Note: I received a free electronic edition of this book via NetGalley in exchange for the honest review above. I would like to thank them, the publisher, and the author for the opportunity to do so.

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Okay, I really enjoyed this story. Small town, great friendships, and an opportunity to get your lick back plus some. I hope everyone reads this book now!!

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If you are looking for a small town romance with Hallmark movie vibes look no further. LaQuette has the perfect book for you and that’s Vanessa’s Jared Got a Man.

Special thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin for allowing me to get an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Let’s all take a moment to appreciate the beauty of this cover. The illustrator captured Michael and Vanessa and the searing tension to a T! This cover enhanced my reading experience being that I could vividly picture the characters and their attraction.

I am so happy that mature main characters with heartier storylines are becoming more visible. Note there is a content warning for emotional abuse and it is palpable during one scene. Read with caution!

Vanessa is a divorcee who is finding her way back to herself when she is dragged back to a situation concerning her ex. Her choices are to save herself or save another woman from the hardship she experienced. In that she finds love with the other woman’s brother! Their connection was effortless and their romance was strong. Oddly enough, although I felt the story was just fine and ordinary, I felt like what the author wrote was exactly what the characters needed. As people in their forties there isn’t a need for drama or antics.

I believe the LaQuette is typically a harlequinn author and that influenced some of the word choices used that I found catered to an audience that wasn’t me. However she balanced it with good comedy and strong character that kept me in mind.

Overall I am happy to see this romance and may even pick up Adam’s story!

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I really enjoyed this small town romance. How she rediscovered herself after her divorce and was able to find love again.

Thank you to St Martin's Press and netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Vanessa is a divorcee trying her best to pull herself together afterwards. She forms a club where they can encourage one another to start a new point in their life where they focus on themselves. But, on the two year anniversary of her divorce , a man shows up at her doorstep wanting her to help him convince his little sister from marrying her ex. Vanessa wants no part in this until she realizes that he stole her grandmother's ring from her. Now, she’s determined to get it back.

I was so excited to read a romance with an older main character. I was thrilled at the possibility of themes that this could have, but unfortunately this one really fell flat for me.

The romance was so hard for me to get invested in. Vanessa and Michael’s relationship really felt solely based in lust. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I was really hoping to feel a turn around where they connected a little more and that physical connection turned into more of an emotional connection and I just never really got that.

While the main plot felt like it was introduced pretty early on, it didn’t really take place until that 75% mark or so. Even then, the whole thing happened and then was over just as fast with no revisiting of what happened. What I thought was going to be such a big moment was another one that ended up falling flat for me.

The middle of the book felt like very little going on. I didn’t feel like I wasn’t getting to know the characters more. I wasn’t really connecting with their relationship or rooting for them. It felt like filler to me. Just a small series of events that felt unimportant.

I was so thrilled to read this book. I thought a 40 year old lead was going to be special and wonderful, and it was in the since of it wasn’t a big deal at all, but this whole story from the characters, the plot and the romance, fell flat for me making it clear this wasn’t the book for me.

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The dialogue in this book was painful to read. Stilted and awkward. It didn’t feel natural at all. Even character’s internal dialogue was occasionally hard to read. That said, I did like the plot and characters in their late 30s.

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Vanessa was in a horrible, emotionally abusive marriage to Karl for years. Vanessa helped Karl build financial success in his company and then ensured a big paycheck for herself, and walked away with millions when she decided to finally leave him. In a marriage support group Vanessa meets two women who she immediately clicks with and becomes best friends with. On the two year anniversary of her friendship a really sexy sheriff shows up at Vanessa’s front door. The sheriff tells Vanessa that her awful ex Karl is engaged to his sister, and he needs her help to get his sister away from Karl. While Vanessa wants nothing to do with her ex, once she sees a photo of the sheriffs sister wearing her ring (which belonged to her grandmother) Vanessa is furious. The ring has been missing and now Vanessa knows for sure Karl stole it. Vanessa agrees to work with the Sheriff if he agrees to get her ring back. What Vanessa didn’t plan for was a possible love connection along the way.
This book was really cute and I would definitely read more from this author. I am not usually a romance fan, but I loved how this book wasn’t cheesy and unrealistic.
Thank you St Martin Press #smpinfluencer for this ARC

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This was such a fun romance. Three open door sex scenes, all from the man’s point of view which I actually thought was a great change of pace. Told from both Vanessa and Michael’s point of view, I loved how both characters had good reasons not to be together but did it anyway. Another big bonus of this book, both main characters were older and had baggage that I find fascinating when characters talk through and work around.

High steam and banter levels make this a must read for anyone looking for a fun read.

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I will start by saying this cover is AMAZING... like take note authors. The story was also quite good. I loved the steam and could defiantly feel the chemistry between the characters. I also really love a story about love after divorce, it feels more real for older characters. I would defiantly recommend this nook to friends!

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I have a soft spot for romances that feature older heroines. Vanessa is someone that I can root for. The romance is cute, and I love seeing Asian men as leading men.

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I wanted to like this book, I mean — look at that cover! — but this didn’t work for me.

Vanessa Jared is still recovering from emotional abuse after divorcing her cheating husband. She’s got her fellow divorced girlfriends to support her, and is a successful businesswoman. But even two years later she’s feeling stuck. When Sheriff Michael Park asks for Vanessa’s help to stop her ex-husband from marrying Michael’s sister, she’s ready to immediately say no. Until she sees her ex’s wedding announcement and her grandmother’s ring on his new fiancéé’s finger. Vanessa’s goal is to spend exactly one weekend fulfilling Michael’s request. Too bad a major storm and car trouble keep her in the small town longer than she wants, and staying with the hot sheriff who she’s falling for.

I listened to the audio book to Chapter 10 and then switched to the e-book because the audio wasn’t working for me at all. I felt zero chemistry between Michael and Vanessa, and although they’re in insta-lust from the moment she falls into his arms, the delivery of Michael’s dialogue was flat and didn’t show his personality at all, especially when he’s thinking lustful thoughts. And some of what the characters were saying sounded unnatural - almost too proper for a group of friends that have known each other for a while. I liked the premise and wanted Vanessa to get her revenge and her man, but I wanted more natural banter and chemistry between the leads.

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I am so happy I was finally able to get out of my slump and read this book. This was not my first book from this author, and it definitely won't be my last. Based on the title, the first thing that popped in my head was the song by Chantae Moore, Chantae's got a man. And can we acknowledge such a great story with main characters dating in their 40's. The author is such a wonderful storyteller, and I did not want to put this book down. And although they try to fight their attraction to each other, it doesn't work. This multicultural read featuring a black woman and Korean man was just written so beautifully. And the chemistry between them was explosive to me. . I have several other books from this author, and I can't wait until I finally get caught up so I can get to those stories.

I received a copy of the book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review of my own thoughts and opinions.

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I like small town romance, and this one fit the category. The characters are flawed, yet likeable. I do believe the execution of the storyline lacked a bit. The pacing felt off for me. However, I will read this author again.

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