Member Reviews

This was a great account of Enola's adventures. I loved the movie and it was so fun to continue straight into a new adventure as Enola must save a kidnapped Mycroft. It was engaging and well paced with great illustrations.

i have started this series from the beginning because i loved the netflix series. when i saw this one i couldn't wait to read it as it follows straight on from the film.
such a great plot and well thought out. you have to be especially good at puzzles and clues to for all this to come together and i can say i am not so it took me a while for things to click.

I love the graphic novel format. It’s really popular with my students and they were really excited about the movie as well.

This comic is definitely a fun read to bridge between the two Enola Holmes movies. I enjoyed the storyline and the character interactions felt very in-character. The artwork felt a bit stiff, like there was too much effort made into making it look like stills from the film rather than leaning into what a comic book format can offer through stylization.

Enola Holmes: Mycroft's Dangerous Game picks up directly after the much loved netflix movie adaptation finishes. With Enola witnessing the kidnapping of her brother Mycroft. This graphic novel will delight Enola fans as it all the charm and fun you've come to expect from a story which Enola is involved in.

This is a great accompanying piece to anyone who is a fan of the movie. The graphic novel uses the likenesses of the actors, so it feels very familiar.
Since this is part of a series, I would recommend reading the others in order to garner more info about the characters, but it works as a standalone.
A very quick read, and certainly would sway someone on the fence about watching the movie to check it out.
***Thank you to NetGalley and Legendary Comics for the e-ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

Absolutely brilliant! I shared this title with one of the young people I work with as a conversation starter and they were equally as impressed. The visuals created in within the novel are lovely and really do the story justice.

I really liked Springer's first Enola Holmes graphic novel and this title was sought out. I really believe that enjoyed this one more than her previous title. I felt that this one would be extremely popular as a mystery title in the classroom.

This graphic novel was very well done. I was pleased with both the flow of the dialogue and with the realistic-ness of the art. The art did a wonderful job of matching the look and characters from the first film. The concept was interesting, if not as in depth as the mystery of the first film. I imagine there are some things left out from the film or it would be a very short movie. Overall, this is an excellent title for reluctant readers who are just starting their journey with Enola. I hope that it will entice them to start the novels from the beginning of the series.

This is a book to read if you just want to get in to a story with beautiful visual pages. I enjoy this series and reading it as a graphic novel was a pleasurable way to visualize what the author seen while writing this story. Enjoyable, visually stimulating and a good story.

The graphic novel was really good. I’m not surprised in the art being taken from the movies now . It is a really good story about the complicated family dynamic and empowering a different side of the Holmes lives.

An entertaining middle-grade read for those who enjoy a younger and female version of Sherlock Holmes. You should for she is both Sherlock’s and Mycroft’s younger sister. In this graphic novel, the drawings are excellent replicas of the actors in Netflix’s Enola Holmes series.
The game is afoot as Enola is at Mycroft’s abode to acquire her mother’s book that he stripped from her as he sent her off to boarding school. As she was going through Mycroft’s flat, she noticed things that make them similar and how they are also different. As she is probing, she suddenly hears Mycroft come in. Shortly after his arrival, some men come in and abduct him. She overhears what they call their group ALARM (All London Anarchist Revolutionary Movement).
Beloved and fan favorite, Edith makes a very nice but short appearance and while her presence is short, it is still impactful and it’s always wonderful to see her have both a verbal and physical spar with Enola. Also making his appearance is Lord Tewkesbury and a new ally named Shag, they race against time to find her brother.
My only complaint is that it is a bit too short. I would have enjoyed it more if there was more meat and dialogue between the siblings and if we could learn more about the anarchists’ nefarious plot and more emphasis on the why. Speaking of siblings, Sherlock has a very reduced role which was disappointing to me.
This time, her enemy is a group who call themselves ALARM (All London Anarchist Revolutionary Movement).
Plot: 3/5
Illustration: 5/5
Pace: 4/5
Writing: 4/5
Thanks to NetGalley and Legendary Comics for the e-graphic novel copy, in exchange for this honest review.

This is an interesting take on the story. It is a sequel set in the film universe, not the book universe. The art is excellent and replicates the vibe of the movie perfectly. I like this idea to give the fans of the film something of their own while honoring the books. It reminds me of the Griffin spin off from the Jumper universe. Clever idea to make the film exist in multimedia formats.

Admittedly my Grandaughter enjoyed this much more than me. The reason probably was that she had seen the movie (I have not) and she is very fond of this type of graphic story. Apparently the book had illustrations echoing the movie and it was " exciting enough ". I thought it would be longer but I have learned that many Graphic novels are this long.

I have read a few of the Enola Holmes books prior to the graphic novels, and find both to be delightful. The choice of using the Netflix film characters for the art was a wise choice, and it is beautifully done.

A nice short fun time! The font was a bit small for me on the netgalley app but it was overall fine for me to read, and I like the movies so this was right up my alley. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC!

Enola Holmes: Mycroft's Dangerous Game does an amazing job at recovering the experience of watching the Netflix movies. It has all the elements that make the movies quite enjoyable, like breaking the fourth wall and the pacing of the story and dialogue. The book is highly recommended.

Thank you Netgalley and Legendary Comics for the opportunity to read this wonderful comic.
This comic picks up right after the first movie left off with Enola our main character in the run from her brother Mycroft.
It was a good comic for fans who wanted something to read in waiting for the next Enola Holmes movie. Although it was fun to follow Enola again on all her adventures, this comic just felt a little bit like it was missing that essence that the movie had. I really loved all the artwork, it was so realistic that at times it was really like I was watching a movie.
A quick fun read and beautifully illustrated comic for fans of the Enola Holmes Netflix movie.

Thank you so much for the Advanced Readers Copy! My only complaint is that it wasn't long enough! I loved the movie, so I loved this book! This was nice to read while waiting for the new Enola Holmes movie! Enola is such a strong character and you see it in the movie as well as this book.

Quality Rating: Three Stars
Enjoyment Rating: Four Stars
A fun and entertaining little graphic novel based on the films, that in turn are adaptations of Nancy Springer’s novels. I think a graphic novel is a really nice way to keep close to the cinematic storytelling that introduced many of us to this series, and the illustrators do a good job of capturing the actor’s little expressions. It’s a pretty basic tale but well-rounded and exciting.