Member Reviews

In 2019 my health started going down hill and I didn't take into consideration what that would mean for my book reviewing. Sadly, I've been trying to play catch up for years and it's been affecting my ability to keep up with present day tasks. So I greatly apologize for this but I am going to clear out all these older review books and focus on present day. I will come back and update this review if I end up reading the book, which is very possible as a lot of these books are still ones I would like to read, I just don't think the pressure looming over me is helpful. Thank you for giving me a chance to early read these books and I am so sorry I wasn't able to provide what was needed.

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Hidden behind the doors. Inticing you into the dark corner of one’s journey. I was I intrigued by the storyline and where it lead to.

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James Patterson’s collaborations with Emily Raymond have wandered somewhere in between mediocre (Injustice) to absolutely awful (Little Black Dress, Humans Bow Down, and pretty much the rest of their collabs). The Girl in the Castle is a welcome respite from that, proving that the two can have some sort of a connection and are capable of good storytelling. The story is somewhere in the range of magical realism and YA fantasy thriller, featuring a girl named Hannah Dory who suffers from hallucinations and delusions of being a peasant in the Middle Ages. In the present, Hannah is at Belman Psych, trying to navigate a life she doesn’t understand. In the past (or in her delusions), she is fighting a ruthless baron for the life of her town.

Raymond writes both timelines well without a hint being given as to which (if either, or both) are the “correct” timeline. Fantasy and mystery collide as abnormal psych student Jordan tries to solve the mystery of who Hannah is. From the mystery to the history, The Girl in the Castle is a intriguing ride with incredible twists. My one criticism is the ending, or endings, which feel rushed and almost like Raymond and Patterson wrote themselves into a hole with not much an idea of how to escape. There are other elements that you just have to accept as mystery.

Maybe I have just been conditioned to have low expectations from a Raymond/Patterson team-up, but The Girl in the Castle, imperfect though it is, remains a reflective look at mental illness, how it is diagnosed and treated, and the lasting effects of trauma. It’s not for everyone, but I enjoyed it.

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As much as I loved this story I have to say that the ending felt off. It felt like the authors weren't sure where to go or how to end the story. So the ending we got was meh. It felt not fully formed and just less than it should have been. It really makes me regret reading this one as well.

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Yes! I couldn’t stop reading this book! Once you get going, you can't stop!

It's heartbreaking, startling, thought-provoking, and fascinating! The major twist was flawless! The conclusion was also strong! It was great!

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I seem to be the anomaly about this book but it just wasn't my favorite Patterson book. To me, it had a very different feel to it than most of his other work. Now don't get me wrong, there were parts of the book that I did really enjoy, which is why I would give it a SOLID 3.5 star rating, but I just feel like it took way too long to get to the point that I was actually enjoying reading the book. So I've felt a bit conflicted on how to rate this book.

The book had a really solid ending and I enjoyed the last part of the book, but the first and maybe even some of the middle seemed to drag on a great deal for me. Through much of the beginning I felt like I was missing something. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was, but something was missing and/or lacking. I don't really know what I thought when I originally found this book, but it just didn't feel like I expected it to! The ending did tie the two stories together, but for the majority of the book, it felt almost as if I was reading two different books.

I have read other reviews that the behavior of Jordan from a medical perspective was concerning. I, however, think that's what's so great about fiction, is that it doesn't have to fit into a neat little box! I know that his behavior wasn't that of a typical medical professional, but he also was a med student beginning his internship! I think his character was made that way just to show how important he felt it was to get Hannah the help she needed.

Overall, I felt like it took way too long for the two stories/times to intertwine, which took away from the story for me. It took me awhile to figure out where the story was going. I wish the stories would have woven together a little sooner because I did start to enjoy the story towards the end. At the beginning, it almost felt like it was a chore to keep reading. Although it was a quick and easy read!

**I would like to offer a huge thank you to James Patterson & Emily Raymond, Jimmy Patterson/Little Brown Books for Young Readers, and Netgalley for providing me a copy of The Girl in the Castle which allowed me to provide you this honest and unbiased review.**

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The Girl in the Castle follows the life of Hannah Doe and Hannah Dory. Both have the same body but Hannah Doe is living in a psychiatric hospital and the Hannah Dory is in a baron’s castle in the year 1347. While at Belman Psychiatric Hospital, Hannah meets Jordan at student working on a psychology degree. It is her hopes that he will be the one to finally believe her.
Patterson and Raymond bring to light the struggle of teenage mental health. They not only discuss it but they provide a rare glimpse into what a person struggling with schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder sees and thinks. The evolvement of Jordan’s character provides hope that others will follow in his path to make a difference and search for the root of problems and help for individuals with mental health concerns. Thank you NetGalley, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, James Patterson and Emily Raymond for ARC in exchange for a review.

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I am normally all about this kind of book but for some reason, I was soooo confused. I had to give up on it relatively early on because I couldn’t follow the plot. Now this was probably a me thing and maybe I’ll try to read again later but for now I have to set it aside.

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The Girl in the Castle by James Patterson, Emily Raymond is a fascinating fantasy thriller about a girl living in two times. Hannah Doe is in a psychiatric ward in the present. She has these episodes where she blacks out and is Hannah Dory, a starving girl from the 1300s. Told in Patterson’s signature style, The Girl in the Castle is an unputdownable read and will leave the reader guessing up to the very end.

I really liked Hannah! She is an interesting character to follow as we see her love out two different lives in two vastly different times periods. Yet, her personality is similar in both. I found myself wondering about half way through if I could believe what I was reading. Is Hannah really the same person and her consciousness is traveling between the two Hannahs from both time periods or does she have split personality disorder?

The plot is extremely fast-paced with short, easy to read (not so easy to put down) chapters. These short scenes keep the reader engaged throughout the book and are one of my favorite things that drew me to Patterson as a teen.

Final Thought: The Girl in the Castle is an exciting read that will appeal to older teens who enjoy thrills and a little fantasy.

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It's a rare occurrance for me to stay up later (than usual) reading. Once I get into bed, it's sleepy time, not reading time, and I can't help my body's natural reaction to the environment. HOWEVER, I was so close to the end on this one when it was getting REALLY REALLY late and I had to adult in the morning (or rather in a few hours because it was already morning!), I found myself unable to put it down.

Despite Hannah's perplexing case, unless we were going total sci-fi fantasy, the life she leads in medieval times had to be in her head. I mean, she goes sort of catatonic in the here and now during those minutes, hours, or days, so it'd be hard to explain a similar situation happening to another body that she is bouncing cognitively between...however it doesn't seem IMpossible either. The story she tells of her life in this other world, it never repeats. It just continues on as if she only went to sleep, and now that she had awoken, the days progressed. It was fascinating to explore, and puzzle out alongside Jordan, who really did care about our Hannah...and letting her slip away, letting her be pushed out into the cold without any answers was unacceptable to him. He dug and dug like a dog after a bone, a man on a mission, until he strikes gold. Well, perhaps gold isn't the right term because it certainly doesn't glitter, and yet, in the end, it was the proverbial pot at the end of the terrible rainbow.

Throughout the story, we me characters with varying degrees of of psychosis, trauma, and histories to contend with...not all of their stories end with the hoped for HEA either, but as much as it hurts, it's real. These are things that can and do happen. People suffer, every day, and sometimes we never know about their struggles until it's too late. Taking time to notice others, taking time to care is what helps us all make it through. Hannah needed someone to really care about her to make things happen, but that's not to say it was like waving a magic wand and POOF...everything was okay, because it wasn't. What it did though was allow Hannah the chance to heal herself, the chance to find her way out of her own mind and back to reality, even if there were things here worth escaping. The ending is a surprise twist, and if you've watched In the Mouth of Madness, you'll definitely have a moment where you can talk yourself into a spiral about this book being about a book, about a person, about a life, about a fantasy...and so on...but it's all worth it in the end.

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Another great read from James Patterson. I enjoyed the characters, and the pacing, and the story. #TheGirlintheCastle #NetGalley

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Wow! Talk about heart pounding, edge of your seat suspense. This book was intense and was nearly impossible to put down. Highly recommend.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. *

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The girl isn’t in that castle wasn’t what I would thought it would but but still ended up being a great book! It was thought provoking and enthralling. The ending warmed my heart in I way I wouldn’t have guessed from a James Patterson book.

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Hannah Doe is brought to Belman Psych, In 1347 Hannah Dory village is starving, so Hannah seeks out food and salvation in the Baron's Castle. If she caught stealing she thinks they will hang her.
Now, Hannah knows the truth: she is Hannah Doe and Hannah Dory, and she must return to the past before it's too late to save her sister. Can she save her sister?
I am not much into YA Books but this one kept my interest, especially since love the author James Patterson, have never heard of the author Emily Raymond I would definitely check out some of her other books.
Thanks to Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, netgalley, and the author in exchange for a review.

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Don’t you just love it when you pick up a book and know you’re going to love it? This book takes that thought to a new height. The characters suffer from their past, from trauma, and living outside of reality. There are no holds barred, it’s not always pretty but damn, I couldn’t stop. The twists are mind-blowing but trust me, it’s worth it! Especially interesting is the bonus section where James Patterson reveals the inspiration for this story.

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A book centered around mental illness will always capture my attention but when you add in a little time travel to the 14th century, I’m all in. Hannah has a lot of secrets hidden deep down inside. Coming from the streets of NYC, she is a frequent flyer at Belman Hospital. She often goes into catatonic like states and speaks of being in a castle, trying to save her sister, Mary, and those in her village from starvation.

This story is different from what I was initially expecting and I was not unhappy about it. The story itself is one of heartbreak and tragedy but it isn’t without hope and healing. I’m going to avoid saying anymore except to say that this book is a wonderful surprise that I’m so glad I read.

Well written and tightly plotted, the characters were easy to love and become invested in.

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"Beloved #1 bestselling author James Patterson delivers a thrilling novel about a teen caught between two worlds and the truths that could set her free - or trap her forever.

My name is Hannah Dory and I need you to believe me.

NOW: Hannah Doe is brought to Belman Psych, kicking and screaming, told she is suffering from hallucinations and delusions.

1347: Hannah Dory and her village are starving to death in a brutal winter. Hannah seeks out food and salvation in the baron's castle. If she is caught stealing, she will surely hang.

NOW: Hannah knows the truth: she is Hannah Doe and Hannah Dory, and she must return to the past before it's too late to save her sister. Can Jordan, the Abnormal-Psych student who seems to truly care, be the one to finally help her?

Jordan isn't sure what to believe, and Hannah has even bigger problems: if she doesn't make it back, her sister will die, but if she keeps going back, she might never escape."

James Patterson doing the timeslip!

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Hannah is admitted to Belman Psych, where she has been a frequent visitor for several years. She is desperate to return to her village to save the lives of her family and her entire village. Unfortunately, her village is in 1347.

1347: Hannah's family is cold, starving, and near the end. It's only through a plan she hatches with other villagers to break into the baron's castle that they might have a chance. But that act puts everything and everyone at risk.

This was a fast read, with short chapters, and a lot of action, as I'm accustomed to from Patterson books. I don't think I knew this was YA going in, but it doesn't affect anything in the overall story. I wasn't sure how this was going to end, but I think it wrapped up quite well and I was very satisfied with the ending.

Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown for providing me with an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Available September 19, 2022.

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Thank you, NetGalley and LittleBrown Books for Young Readers, for the digital format of an Advanced Readers Copy of The Girl in the Castle by James Patterson and Emily Raymond. I was delighted to be selected to review this book before it's publication.

The synopsis for The Girl in the Castle was intriguing, and the cover art was amazing. When I sat down to read this book, I wasn't sure what direction the authors were going to take. I was expecting this book to be YA Fantasy. There was a twinge of disappointment when I realized that it wasn't. However, this book was a phenomenal read and one that took me less than twenty-four hours to finish.

Although it was a little slow to start, the storyline quickly ramped up and dealt with mental health in teenagers and young adults. This may not be the book for those who deal with this issue on a daily basis and/or have had someone commit suicide. I felt like James Patterson and Emily Raymond did a nice job showing the reader what someone with mental illness might go through while living in a psychiatric facility and even what doctors, nurses, and interns experience.

Other than the book being a little slow at the beginning, there wasn't really anything negative I could say about The Girl in the Castle by James Patterson and Emily Raymond. I would love to see a follow up to this story. Four out of five stars.

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I loved reading this young adult story. This is an author that I never hesitate to pick up. I have loved reading his books from the first one I picked up. This is a well written story about a young girl who has to go back in the past in order to save her sister. They are great characters that bring the story to life. They kept the story engaging and hard to put down. I found this story easy and entertaining to read. I really enjoyed the growth of the plot throughout the story. This is a fast paced story that you don't want to miss. I highly recommend this book and this author.

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