Member Reviews

'Hans Millerman' with story and art by Bernadette Watts is a picture book about a lonely miller looking for a friend.
Hans Millerman is looking for a friend. A little caterpillar lives with him, but Hans wants more. He heads out into the world away from home and hearth and tries to befriend a snowflake, a flower and a fox, but they won't be his friend. Could it be that his best chance a friendship is waiting for him at home?
I like the message of friendship in strange places. I also liked the artwork that accompanies this gentle tale.
I received a review copy of this ebook from North South Books, Inc. and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

Hans Millerman by Bernadette Watts is a sweet book and beautifully illustrated. Hans Millerman tells the story Hans. Hans is lonely and searches far and wide for a friend so that he will not be lonely while working at his mill. All he can find is a Caterpillar, but continues to search for a friend. Finding no one, Hans realizes that the Caterpillar is better than no friend at all. When Hans returns home, the Caterpillar is a Butterfly and they decide to be friends. This would be a nice book to read during a story time event. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this book. My review is also on Goodreads.

**DUE to the formatting issues detailed below, I will not be rating this book** [DUE to NetGalley not allowing no stars, this will be rated one star]
Due to formatting, this ARC was almost unreadable [though the illustrations were just delightful; gorgeous and dreamy - very Van Gogh-esqe]; even with fiddling and enlarging, it was close to unreadable. The story was out-of-order, part of the text was missing and the story itself, what I could read of it, was not really likeable. After a half hour of trying to make this something I could read fully, I gave up and here we are. I was going to wait until the publishing date to see if I could find it online, but have decided to review it like this.
I know this was an ARC, but if one cannot actually READ said ARC, how is one supposed to REVIEW IT???? This is my second book like this and it is both annoying and frustrating.
Thank you to NetGalley, Bernadette Watts, and NorthSouth Books for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I'm not usually a fan of picture books with this many words. (The joy of a picture book comes largely in its simplicity.) But for this one I will make an exception. The art is beautiful and the story is moving. It's worth the read and would probably work for middle to upper elementary school.

this story is like a classic, about a man who feels lonely and want to have friend. and the transparent watercolor illustrations supported the classic story vibes so well. i felt like i'm reading my mother's book when she was a child. an absolute perfection.

I enjoyed the story. I think it was nice to republish it. The artwork is beautiful. May be a little long to hold attention of young children. The book is aimed at kindergarten through third grade but it is probably meant for ages 7 and up, depending on the child.

A beautifully illustrated and inspirational children's story about finding one's way in the world and appreciating the little things in life. This little tale brings Marcel Proust's statement "the real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes" to a new level. A simple story with a deep message about friendship and life.

Hmmm... There's little wrong in the artistry of the illustrations here – especially when they riff off van Gogh so welcomely – so I think the issues are with the text. There is a bit too much repetition, for one, and the title character is a bit of an unlikeable one, forever kvetching about not having a friend, and failing to see what he does have. This miller takes himself off on his travels for a whole year because he thought the moon was going to deliver him a friend to love, and in his ignorance barks up the wrong tree too often to leave us wishing him success. I think it certainly could have been done less wordily, too, making sure the sprightliness of the detail in the visuals was matched. Perhaps three and a half stars, though, for it is a lovely-looking volume, and the old school, classical -seeming folk tale is not too bad.

This was a beautiful book, about seeking to find something that was there all along. My nephew and I both enjoyed the travels of the miller, and the various friends he makes along the way. I enjoyed the moral of the story, that being grateful for what you already have is more important than trying to seek out "better."

I was awestruck by this book. Certainly phenomenal and a book that would certainly be regarded as a keepsake.
If there's something I like about picture books- that would be beautiful illustrations about nature and the substance or meaning of it, This book sang all my strings beautifully, and would be glad to have it displayed along with my other collections of picture books.

I have recently gotten into childrens books because of my new baby, and searching out the best. I could honestly say that i would buy this book just for the artwork, but the story is touching. I have a draw to butterflies and the end was touching.

What a cute story about finding friends in unusual places!
I loved the caterpillar becoming the butterfly and the new artwork is visually pleasing.
The story revolves around the idea of loneliness and I enjoyed this perspective and finding that none of us are ever truly alone.
Definitely recommend for any child’s growing shelf!