Member Reviews

This was a great start for a debut author. Her military background brought good descriptions of military life and the anguish for gays during DADT. There are several flashbacks going back to when the two MCs meet and the reason for their breakup. I actually liked the flashback story the best. The MCs had an instant connection that seemed very real. But the majority of the book dragged for me with both Kirby and Quinn trying to figure out their heads and their hearts.

Overall a great first book and I would recommend it.

ARC received for a voluntary and honest review.

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This was a really well written good story. The relationship between Kirby and Quinn was really sweet, and well developed. I liked that the author told the story from both main characters point of view. The history of how they met and broke up was really good as well. This story kept me engaged from beginning to end ,and I would definitely recommend this to my friends and family, and I look forward to what comes next from this author.

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I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

Quinn and Kirby had a love affair for two years in military when Don’t ask, don’t tell’ military policy was still active. Quinn chose her career over love and she regretted it ever since. Kirby and Quinn are shock to see each other after all theses years and are even more shock that they still have feelings for each other. Quinn sees this as a chance to make it right why Kirby thinks they don’t have a chance despite knowing she never felt that way for anyone. I love all the flashbacks that incorporates with them getting to know each other again. Overall good read.

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I still cannot believe that ‘Something Between Us’ is a debut novel, because it is such a stunning depiction of a complicated romance. The characters that Rivers creates are tangible and heartachingly lovable in their own ways.
Quinn and Kirby have spent nine years apart, after the end of an intense two year love, when they literally bump into one another. Their story is written under the shade of the ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ military policy; a policy that drove Quinn to choose her career over the love of her life. It seems as though fate keeps pushing the two women back into each other’s lives; but where Quinn contemplates hope of getting to know Kirby again, Kirby only sees a series of awkward interactions.
Personally I love a second chance romance and this is one of the best. The way that Rivers writes these women is stunning; Kirby has built a successful career in finance after her time in the military. She has built up thick walls around her heart since her last interaction with Quinn, and she isn’t about to open up her heart to more pain. Now retired from duty, Quinn holds deep regrets for her actions but has been ruled by fear and anxiety since she was young. I really related to Quinn in this respect and felt her constant internal battle between head and heart.
Rivers ties in the flashbacks of their romance beautifully throughout; I loved how their shared memories are summoned by a setting or tasting a particular wine. The evocation of senses gives their relationship a far more complex and realistic level of interaction, making it so easy to become invested in Quinn and Kirby’s story.
I really enjoyed this book and am so excited for what is next from Rivers because ‘Something Between Us’ is an outstanding starting point!

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Great first book for a new author. The beginning dialogue was a little rough, but I think she found her groove fairly quickly and by 20% in, I was hooked on the story and the characters. I love a good ole second chance romance, and this one definitely had the tension and chemistry that I love. I felt for both Kirby and Quinn, and in the end, was rooting for them to figure out a way past...well the past.

I will for sure read another book by this author and hope she keeps writing. Definitely recommend this one.

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3.5 stars

A low angst meet cute, but in this case, meet again after 9 years and a painful break-up. Kirby and Quinn met in the military in the last years of Don't Ask And Don't Tell. They fall hard and fast for each other. They manage to make their relationship work until Quinn gets scared and rudely dumps Kirby.

9 years later they meet at Pride in Chicago. Kirby is shaken to her core while Quinn is delighted to see her again. Quinn has regretted breaking up with Kirby all these years and hopes to at least become friends again. Kirby on the other hand wants nothing to do with Quinn.

Soon they start running into each other at random, several coincidences throw them together. Both of them soon discover they still have feelings for each other.

A nice story without big drama or angst.

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Something Between Us By Krystina Rivers
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Homophobia, and Pray the gay away can put a wedge into any relationship.
This story is about Kirby and Quinn who met while they were in the military. They fell hard for each other and really enjoyed their time together. Having to hide their relationship because of the military, the closet, and the distance between them broke them apart. Ten years later Kirby runs into Quinn at Gay Pride Chicago. She continues to see Quinn everywhere and she can’t seem to ignore the feelings to still has. Quinn knows she broke Kirby's heart by choosing her career over Kirby. Quinn wants a second chance with Kirby
and will not give up trying to convince Kirby that there's something between them. I really enjoyed this book I would definitely recommend it. Krystina Rivers Did a great job on this book and I can't wait to read what she has next.

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I can’t wait to see what comes out of Rivers in the future! She did such a great job capturing the raw feelings and pain of the main characters. It was real and I found it easy to empathize. On the flip side the love almost felt tangible. There was a bit of reputation when it came to the description of the emotions, but I was very impressed and can’t wait to see more. This was a solid book that wasn’t too angsty nor was it too slow.

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• Something Between Us
• Author Krystina Rivers
• MC Quinn Prescott & Kirby Davis

It has been 9 years since Kirby and Quinn have seen each other. Quinn wants to tell Kirby that she made a mistake. The story has flash backs to explain the relationship between the two main characters. They run into each other three times in four weeks

Quinn is 37 years old. She has a new start after she has retired from the Navy after 20 years.
As a sailor, she will begin a new career. Kirby was on her mind and she hoped they would run into each other.

Kirby is 36 years old. She loves Chicago, her friends and working out.Her morning runs help clear her mind. She went to Georgetown and got her MBA in finance.

Quinn wants to spend more time with Kirby.
Kirby is done with the past. Fate definitely intervenes in this relationship. Quinn works hard to make up for the past, and Kirby slowly melts over time. This was a very good second chance romance. I also like learning more about Quinn’s back story.

If you like second chance romance, this isn’t one you will want to skip.

This book was a wonderful debut by the author. I received an ARC from Bold strokes books through NetGalley! Thank you to Bold Strokes Books!! 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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'ARC provided by both NetGalley and The Publisher (Bold Strokes Books) in exchange for an unbiased review'

**'There are certain sentence, dialogue, quote, paragraph or chapter in a story that when read over and over, sounds just right. There's no objective reason why they end up being right. They just sounds right for that particular story...'

'SOMETHING BETWEEN US' may read like a sound debut to some readers but when i got done, it felt like an okay story. It's populated with an array of very good supporting characters; from Kirby's entire family and best friends to Quinn's past military colleagues plus thought-provoking at minimal times but Ms.Rivers never swayed from putting words to sentences to each paragraphs then to the many chapters of this story.
During the storyline progression, i'm aware that Ms.Rivers writes with wry but genuine care about past military life and the policies every officer had to follow -- like D.A.D.T. for one.
The story does drags a bit, as too much of the pace is lost in the descriptions of both Quinn & Kirby's daily routines, inundated inner thoughts of why they broke up and being angry. Ms.Rivers did manage to then swing the other way by including nuggets of their careers choices & achievements then that friendly reminder of what they meant to each other in the past even overcoming Quinn's family issues and that wholesome desire to be back together after being apart for so many years.
Their chemistry, fondness for drinking good wine, their portrayals of & journey towards cordiality, their spirited and sometimes intense bantering and the love of family is what kept me reading.
Despite my nonchalant okay vibe, 'SOMETHING BETWEEN US' still deserve to be read.

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The book opens with a chance meeting between Quinn and Kirby at a Pride concert about a decade after they parted. As the story alternates from the time they fell in love, parted and the present, something that remained constant was how they were meant to be.

Fate, the force that had a hand in bringing many together was working for Quinn and Kirby present day in a city of over 3 million people. When they kept meeting the other in various parts of the city, old hurts and the reasons that caused them to split had to be confronted but forgiveness is after all a tricky thing.

Like a beloved piece of clothing, regardless of the state of it, because you love how it fits and it’s real comfy you keep going back to it. For me, that’s how it felt while reading about Quinn and Kirby’s story. Although there might not be heart clenching angst or dramatic twists, it’s a book for the romantics where there is no escaping true love.

I just reviewed Something Between Us by Krystina Rivers. Thank you NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for the ARC.

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Featured presentation: Something between us by Krystina Rivers

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell tore them apart once. Will they be able to overcome the past or continue the habit of “not asking” and “not telling”?

Cast: Quinn Prescott escaped from her past and found solace in the military. Kirby Davis entered the military during a time economic hardship to enable her to further her studies and obtain an MBA.

The Plot: Quinn and Kirby’s relationship was destroyed when Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell forced Quinn's hand ten years ago. Now both are retired from the military, living in Chicago and the universe keeps bringing them together. Soon Quinn and Kirby start to wonder whether there is still something between them…

The blazing: The story is told both in the present and the past. The flashbacks are seamlessly integrated into the narrative by setting the stage in the present after which the flashback reads like a memory. It connects what happened in the past to the now and never feels out of place or overdone. The flashbacks are non-chronological as different events in the present trigger different memories. This gives us a slow unraveling of what transpired during their relationship.

Ms Rivers used a few clichés and every time my stomach dropped. Then she resolved it in such a mature way, it actually felt right. Instead of dragging the plot down, it strengthened the storyline and contributed to character development.

I loved the “Acquaintance Rules” Kirby and Quinn established to navigate their encounters. They had an honest conversation about things that makes them uncomfortable and what the other can do to lessen the effect. And they respected the rules.

The bright: I liked how they slowly rebuilt trust. A lot of this happens through seemingly insignificant encounters early on. The effect of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is still clear in their present encounters. Not only in the way it affected their relationship ten years earlier, but also in how they approach communication in the present day.

The bleak: The secondary characters we are introduced to early on fade away for a big part of the book. They are only reintroduced towards the end. I would’ve liked to see more of them as they were each fascinating in their own right and had a lot to offer the MCs, as well as the story.

The burned-to-ashes: Nothing.

And then The Plot Thickens and we are faced with the current heartbreak caused by a military policy ten years ago. Ms Rivers approached a heavy subject with subtlety and her writing has depth without ever feeling weighed down. The lack of communication between Quinn and Kirby feels like an extension of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell combined with their assumed knowledge of each other.

Ms Rivers applied her intimate knowledge of the military and the far-reaching effects of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell to give us a look at the damage that can be inflicted if one is forced to constantly hide their true selves. The road back from that is not an easy one and I think many people will be able to relate to especially Quinn, even without the direct effect of DADT. Hiding/lying is a necessity for many in the queer community and even though things are slowly changing, the scars cannot be erased overnight…

Studio: Bold Strokes Books

Closing credits: I willingly leave this review based on an eARC copy graciously granted to me by Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley.

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Kirby never expects or wants to see Quinn again. So, when they run into each other at Pride, nine years after Quinn stomped on her heart, Kirby is less than thrilled. In a city as big as Chicago, they start running into each other a lot. Fate seems to be trying to give them another chance if Kirby can open her heart again to Quinn.

This is a very good debut novel. Krystina Rivers uses her personal experience of being in the military during Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell to bring us a captivating, second chance romance. I was invested almost immediately. I felt for Quinn, who wanted nothing more than to make amends for the decision she made to break up with Kirby to protect her career. And I felt for Kirby, who wanted to protect her heart from Quinn, the only woman who she ever allowed herself to love.

The two meet in 2008 and that time frame is told in flashbacks. Their relationship is idyllic and the two are truly soulmates. Flashbacks are hit or miss for me but they were really well done in this story. Without them, I wouldn’t have had such a sense of how much love the two shared and how truly devastated Kirby was by Quinn’s decision. Second chance romances are one of my favorite tropes when done well. And Something Between Us was done very well. I look forward to reading more from Krystina Rivers. She is an new author to keep your eyes on.

An ARC was received from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley for an honest review.

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An easy formula second chance book. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it. Quinn Prescott is career Navy and Kirby Davis is an Army specialist when they meet in 2008 in Monterey, CA for military training. They spend a wonderful almost two years together, although being careful because of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Fast forward to modern day and the two meet up again in Chicago. Quinn is newly retired and starting a new second career. Kirby stayed in the Army long enough to get the higher education she wanted and is now very successful in the financial field. Their paths keep crossing wether on morning runs, at a wine bar and even where they live.

Kirby has a hard time understanding how Quinn gave up on their relationship and broke her heart. She doesn’t want to trust her again. Quinn knows she was wrong but is trying to keep Kirby back in her life even if it is just as friends. They were the loves of each others lives and they are still drawn to each other. I enjoy how naturally they fall back into each others lives. The couple of flash back chapters are nice getting the moment the two meet. Who knew throwing darts could feel so intimate. Of course things can’t go smoothly and Kirby is looking for a reason to not trust. And I felt some of that got a little repetitive.

I thought this was a good solid debut novel and I will look forward to what the author writes next. Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. (3.5 stars)

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For a debut this was actually a pretty solid book and one that will lead to me reading more books by this author if she decides to continue writing. Kirby and Quinn were in the Army / Navy 9 years ago and had a relationship through the Don't Ask, Don't Tell era until Quinn unceremoniously broke it off breaking two hearts in the progress.
After a chance meeting at Chicago Pride and a lot of subsequent chance meetings Quinn and Kirby start the process of working through the past and maybe start an even better future.
The plot follows the standard push/pull, getting together, break-up, drama and getting together again to perfection, but even though you know how it's going to go, the story still managed to keep my attention.
The characters were nicely done and the relationship developed in a realistic pace. I could have used more background on Quinn, but that's also fueled by the fact that I found her to be the more interesting one of the pair. Yet considering her family and upbringing, it would have made sense for her background to make it into the story more.

*** Thank you Bold Stroke Books and Netgalley for the chance to read and review this book***

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Something between us

This debut novel by Krystina Rivers was a really good read. It is a second chance romance where army politics and childhood trauma came in the way of true love.

Quinn broke Kirby’s heart a decade ago and has regretted it ever since, neither has been able to truly move passed it and then faith throws them together, over and over again. Unable to ignore the signs of the universe, we embark in a journey of growth and forgiveness. We go through various stages of anger and sadness to lust and contentment. It was nice to see Quinn unwavering in her desire to fix things and watch Kirby evolve slowly. I really enjoyed how the story was laced with pieces from their passed as certain events were mentioned, it didn’t feel like whiplash like flashbacks sometimes do.

The chemistry ans love between the characters is obvious and it was really beautiful to watch them get back to each other. The book also has 2 sort of side stories to help moving us along, however I did feel like the building story line was a bit rushed.

All in all I would definitely recommend this book and will be watching for future releases from this author.

**ARC provided by the publisher on NetGalley in exchange of an honest review**

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ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was another new author for me this month, and I found this ok, but ultimately, too repetitive.

This features MCs Kirby and Quinn, who both served in the military, Kirby in the Army and Quinn in the Navy. The two were in a relationship for two years 9 years prior to the book starting and then literally bump into each other at a pride event.

Kirby is far less thrilled about this than Quinn is and the reason why is revealed in flashbacks. Quinn broke Kirby’s heart (and her own) by breaking up with Kirby under the pressure of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Kirby is still hurt by this and is less and less thrilled each time she runs into Quinn, which happens a lot due to a convenience I also found hard to swallow. Anyway, they end up spending a fair bit of time together and Kirby eventually thaws. This section takes up approx 50% of the book and is filled with repetition involving Quinn apologising and Kirby pushing her away, backed up by flashbacks about what happens. Honestly, I found the flashbacks added nothing to the story, we already knew what happened and spelling this out didn’t add anything for me.

They then embark on another relationship, but the wheels of this one also fall off due to Quinn not being out to her homophobic parents. Kirby won’t stand for this, and we have the requisite break up, followed by a dramatic event that then allows them to reconcile. This is pretty much follows the BSB formula to a T.

Despite Quinn being portrayed as the one who did Kirby wrong, I preferred her character. She owned her mistake and wanted to make amends, but Kirby was annoying stubborn and also judgemental about Quinn’s situation with her parents. By the end I didn’t care if they got together, and thought it would be healthier for them both if they didn’t.

This is a debut book, and those are hardly ever perfect, and I found some of the writing a bit too formal in places and had some issues with the pacing. Overall, it’s an ok debut, and I’d read more from this author. 3 stars.

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This second chance romance is a classic what if I get hurt again/worse vs. what if it turns out to be the best thing ever? I liked the concept overall and the insight into the military as well as the touches we got of Quinn’s religious family. However, the dialogue was clunky, there’s was too much “telling,” and some things were very repetitive, for example the emphasis on “the Fates.” There were a few flashbacks which strengthened the story- I almost wished there were more. Kirby is the protagonist but her character fet kind of forced. I understood her reticence to take Quinn back, but I preferred Quinn as a character since she showed a lot of growth, remorse and consistency. I gave this 3 stars but it’s a debut novel and I would be interested in reading the author’s second book if she continues writing.

Short Summary: After 2 magical years together, Quinn breaks Kirby’s heart by choosing her career in the Navy over their relationship. Now after almost 9 years apart, they spontaneously reunite and Kirby must decide whether her heart can weather Quinn again, but can she live without her?

Thanks to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Second chance at love. Two women find each other again after 9 years. One caused the original break up and has regretted it since and the other finds it hard to forgive. This is their story. Nice story and no real angst.

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New author, Krystina Rivers, introduces the readers to Kirby Davis, former Army, and Quinn Prescott, former Navy, who met during military training in California during Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Their chemistry, during their first meeting in a bar during off hours, was immediate and intense. We find out through a series of backstory chapters intermixed with present day in Chicago, that Kirby and Quinn were together two years until Quinn is shipped to the Middle East and meets with a difficult roommate, crew members, and leadership, who apply pressure during DADT. Kirby and Quinn eventually breakup, however, they never forget each other. But to this day, Kirby has residual anger about how everything ended while Quinn has regret.

In present day Chicago, Kirby and Quinn literally run into each other at Chicago Pride. Over the course of a couple of months they see each other in the grocery store, in Kirby's favorite wine bar, on a street in Chicago, and eventually find out that they live in the same Chicago high rise, although on different floors. Quinn has always wanted to resume the relationship with Kirby, but Kirby's lingering anger prevents this from happening for some time. But their chemistry and attraction are too strong and they eventually discuss what happened and reconnect. While Quinn is fully on board, Kirby is still protecting her heart.

Without telling too much more of the story, I truly enjoyed this new author's offering. I thought the relationship between Quinn and Kirby was realistic given the circumstances that they were faced with during DADT. Their chemistry was off the charts. Some of the latter parts of the book were a little repetitive, but overall I enjoyed this story and look forward to more from Krystina Rivers. 4 stars

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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