Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC of Believe Me Not.

While I thoroughly enjoyed this read, I was not blown away. Yes, there were a few twists but none very surprising to me. This was however a well written book with alot of emotion. My interest was piqued throughout and I loved the main characters and their many flaws. While this is no edge of your seat mystery thriller, this is still well worth your time if your looking for a quick read that keeps you wondering.

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Firstly, I am thankful for the opportunity to have received a free advanced copy of this eBook through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

This was my first book from this author and it did not disappoint. I enjoyed the two different time frames throughout the book, which gradually came together in explaining details of the story in the current day.

It kept me interested, I did guess about half way through what the outcome was going to be, but still a thoroughly enjoyable read.

I rate this Ebook 4 stars and would recommend to those who enjoy their suspenseful thrillers.

#BelieveMeNot #NetGalley

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Overall this was a good, well written book and I enjoyed how it was written with the past and the present theme to it. The characters were mainly interesting although it failed to keep me on the edge of my seat and I was disappointed with the ending.

I don't think I will recommend this book to my friends but thank you to Netgalley and Headline (Accent) publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this.

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This was such a gripping read. It was well written with a compelling storyline and well developed characters. It was dark, twisty and unpredictable and I didn't know what to think most of the way through, it kept me guessing.

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This is a great book, thrilling, edge of your seat high intense drama. With a phycological thriller element to it. It's really well written, with unreliable narrative.

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This book had a lot of twists but unfortunately they were all fairly predictable. The plot read well and kept my interest but it was not as intense as I would have liked. A good effort nonetheless.

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3.5 stars - this was definitely a thriller with many twists and turns. I really enjoyed the story being told from past and present. The only downside is I was able to figure out all the twists as the story unfolded. The characters were all enjoyable in this as well. The ending fell a little flat for me though. Overall a quick and twisty read!

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Thank you Headline and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. IYKYK, my reviews are always honest.

Tbh this is a 2.5, but I'm tossing it a 3, because despite its flaws, it's one of the best "popcorn" thriller ARCs I've received lately. It feels wrong to 2-star it in comparison to hot messes like Stay Awake, Unmissing, Watch Out for Her, and The Golden Clowns—whoops, I mean couple.

Writing: 2.5/5 | Plot: 2.5/5 | Ending: 2.5/5

TRIGGER WARNING; rape, suicide


Megan wakes up in the hospital and immediately wonder where her baby's at. Only problem is, she's actually at a psych ward and everyone is telling her she's never had a baby, she's just been trippin. "Why you lyinnnn why tf you lyinnn???" asks Megan. Is it psychosis? Is it gaslighting? Megan is determined to find out.


Not bad at all. This isn't a Honda Civic reliable 3 star rating, this is a 3 star because it could've been better for what it was. But compared to all the crapola commercial/popcorn thrillers I've endured lately, this one didn't make me wanna yeet my Kindle out the window. Small wins, people.

What worked for this book? I liked the mystery, and was surprised when a second mystery from the past appeared. I kinda caught onto what was happening pretty quickly but I was still interested in how the past mystery tied in with the present. I also thought the author did a good job of developing the characters and giving them interesting backstories involving family members with mental illness. I thought the mental illness(es) were handled well and delicately; nothing romanticized or blown out of proportion. But keep in mind, I'm not an expert on these topics, so if you've got a legit psychology background you may disagree. And lastly, I really enjoyed Sophia's character—girl was funny.

What didn't work? I didn't understand the whole ordeal with Dr. Mac. I think I was supposed to hate him like I disliked Avery from The Golden Couple, but I just didn't find him very "controversial." Other than that one method he suggested, seemed pretty standard? Idk. Maybe it just wasn't drummed up well enough for me to be like you raggedy ass hoe. The ending "shockers" were kinda like meh... I also didn't buy into the betrayal between characters or whatnot. I mean, was communication missing? Oui. But was it done maliciously? Non.

So, all in all, not a bad read. The formatting of the ARC was whack af though... random paragraph breaks, dialogue all smushed together, missing spaces... Idk. Usually I DNF a book with formatting problems b/c I'm a bougie princess, but I was invested in the story so I prevailed ;)


Pros: cool premise, handled mental illness topics well, funny at times
Cons: missing that lil sumn sumn to make it extra good

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#BelieveMeNot #NetGalley
When Megan wakes up in a hospital bed, her first question is: where's my baby? But her husband, her sister and her doctor say he doesn't exist. Megan's not in a maternity ward, she's in a psychiatric unit. Convinced that they're lying to her, Megan is determined to find out the truth. But how can you prove your baby exists when you can't trust your own memories?
I couldn't believe that i was reading a debut novel. It was engaging.
Thanks to NetGalley and Headline for giving me an advance copy.

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