Member Reviews

I love anything to do with Aliens so this book was perfect for me. I did learn some new things from reading this book so even if you think you know a lot, it’s still worth a read.

*received for free from netgalley for honest review* what a great read! i honestly am not too into alien stuff but this was very interesting to read for sure!

I've loved every minute spent in this audiobook. Though I'm not much convinced of the alien conspiracy on Roswell, I appreciate greatly the amount of work done to make this book happen.
Thanks for the copy!

Narrator 5 stars
Great voice
5 stars
There was alot of fascinating information in this book. I quite enjoyed hearing all about it.

I am a believer. Simple as that. Aliens, bigfoot, Loch-ness Monster? Yes yes and YES.
Witness to Roswell covers what I think to be one of the most interesting government coverups.
So much of this story was so interesting. However it was also repetitive and a little over selling it at certain points. There was a lot of telling, not showing. I was told how much proof they have, but not really SHOWN any of this proof. Which again, I was fine with because I'm already a believer so I don't need to be convinced. But I do think it's helpful with books like these to read through the eyes of a non-believer, and if I was unsure, this book would have done little to convince me.
Overall though, I enjoyed this book a lot. I look forward to doing more research on the subject!

I downloaded the audio and went to listen to it. Was it archived early? Sad, as I just got back from Roswell and wanted to listen to it. I will have to order the book when it comes out. The museum and accounts were fascinating. The book said it was not going to archive until the 29th, but its still the 28 in Texas. If you can open it up for couple of days, I would love to listen to the audio.. I was able to listen to many audios on the NetGalley app, but this one is not working. Thanks
Trying to add characters and I cannnot review it without listening.

I dnf'd at around the halfway point. The book is obviously thoroughly researched by a pair of individuals that are clearly very passionate about the source material, which is why I'm still giving it 4 stars. I'm not the right audience it would seem; I just wasn't connecting with this in audio form (perhaps if reading it, I would be following along better.) However, for those readers passionate about Roswell, this should scratch the itch for you.

Listened to the audiobook.
I received a free Advanced Reading Copy via NetGalley in exchange for a complete and honest review.
Very interesting!
What really happened at Roswell in 1947? That's one of those questions that has been asked hundreds of times over the last 67 years. This book sets out to try and determine what really happened and if the government was complicit in a cover up.
While it doesn't prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a UFO crashed in Roswell, eyewitness testimony presented in this books makes it hard to think otherwise.
The book was presented well, with a lot of eye witness testimony and an affidavit from someone who worked at Roswell Army Air Field and was witness to the crashed flying saucer and the small beings that were inside of it.
The book asked the same question I did after I read it: Why all the threats to witnesses if it was a weather balloon? Even if it was to protect Project Mogul, no parts of the project were classified in any way. Why classify rubber, tin foil and balsa wood?
This book will definitely make you look at the events of 1947 in a completely different way.

Was this book good? Yes. Was I fully satisfied and felt like this book is something that I will remember forever? I don't know. Maybe it was the narrator. I don't know. I may buy it in ebook form and see how I feel.
I am so grateful for being able to be able to consume this advanced listener copy.

For some reason, I have always been super interested in Roswell. I have watched several shows/documentaries on it and I am always left unsatisfied with no clear cut answer. I think that is a big reason why it's so interesting.
This book puts together a lot of interviews, first hand accounts, stories, and so much more. There is honestly too much from so many different people of all types to ever think that this was just a weather balloon crash or anything like that, if you choose to believe.
There were a lot of names I recognized from the shows I have seen so it was fun to have that comparison and prior knowledge. The stories do get a little repetitive, but it was still intriguing and not boring.
This book came up with an abundance of people actually at the crash, people who transported the bodies, families of witnesses, people who got to the crash before it was locked down and potentially managed to steal some debris. It honestly sounded like so much of -something- was covered up and I was left with so many more questions than answers (like always with this case). At this point I feel like with so much evidence, the existence of aliens should be proven. Especially with the recent proven existence of unknown flying objects. The fact that this isn't proven makes me a tad skeptical, but there was just so much in this book that made me want to believe everything that is in question.
This book is definitely one to check out if you are interested in Roswell or aliens!

I received this book from Netgalley as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I normally include more genre designations then just one, but this book does not have a genre category listed in Goodreads yet, and was listed as both nonfiction and “religion/spirituality” on Netgalley. To be honest, I am really confused as to how a book about aliens is “religious” or “spiritual”, so I think this is a wrong classification. I am tempted to categorize this more as “science fiction”, except this is a nonfiction book. Oh well.
My favorite show growing up was, hands down, The X-files. I own all original 9 seasons on DVD, and have probably watched them dozens of times. Therefore, you can imagine my excitement when I saw this audiobook on Netgalley. This book did not disappoint.
While the telling is a little dry and repetitive (the same story was repeated several times from different sources), the substance of the information is very intriguing. If the authors have documented evidence, as they claim, to support the stories / information stated in this book, then a person would seem to be hard pressed not to believe that aliens crashed at Roswell in 1947. None of the information was really new to me, but it was interesting to hear it in a nonfiction context. Most of my exposure to aliens have been through the fiction media (although the fiction seems pretty close to the nonfiction).
While the authors claim to have evidence (as stated above) I do not have access to this purported evidence, so I cannot really do anything other than chose to take the authors at their word, or not. This book has left me with intriguing questions, and even started a discussion between my boyfriend and I as to whether this was real or BS (my boyfriend leaning more to the skeptical side).
To say that this book is thought provoking is putting it mildly. Are we alone? Are we being visited by beings from another world? I personally am not sure.
I would definitely recommend this book.

Awww every outer space fan is familiar with the UFO sighting near Roswell New Mexico back in July 1947. This nonfiction book “Witness to Roswell is the 75th Anniversary Edition and the sub title is Unmasking the Government’s Biggest Cover-up: is a follow up to the "Witness to Roswell (Unmasking the 60-year Cover-Up)" which was published June 1, 2007.
Back in 1947, It was originally order that a US plane shot down a space ship.
However, almost immediately a counter report clarification that upon examining the wreckage it was a weather balloon.
This book continues with an explanation with testimonies from the witnesses who were at the crash site as well as those who guarded and transported the bodies.
Personally I believe that there is ‘Intelligent Life’ on other planets. I found this interesting however, since I typically read fiction so found the narrator a bit dry. As I listened to this audiobook, I thought this audio would be fun it Dateline’s Keith Morrison was narrating!
Want to thank NetGalley and Tantor Audio for this Audiobooks for this audio eGalley. This file has been made available to me before publication in an early form for an honest professional review.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for April 1, 2022.