Member Reviews

Enjoyed this one, it was well written, and I liked the main character... but there just wasn't anything super distinctive that would make me recommend it over the dozens of other similar books.

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This was a great mystery, whodunit story. I liked that it was part past and present and had lots of different point of views. I did figure out one of the main twists but it was a great read. If you do the audio it can be a bit confusing since it jumps around a lot, but since I do a lot of audio I didn’t mind.

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The Secrets We Share is a novel that will stay with you after you mark your place and go about your life. Edwin Hill has created realistic, diverse characters and events that shape more than one mystery, charging the reader with trying to figure out several possible endings as the pages turn.
Natalie is a detective with a drinking problem and a terrible family secret. Her sister, Glenn, is living a truly successful life. Her husband, Jake, and her twelve-year-old daughter, Mavis, are everything she seems to want, and Glenn's career is jumping off at an incredible speed. Natalie and Glenn have opposite lives, but after Mavis discovers a body in a nearby abandoned building, their lives-for better or worse-will be spun out of control as their family secret finds them.
The characters were multi-dimensional, and the story seemed to be driven by them. I like the dualistic nature of the title that a reader understands as the story takes shape. There are some easter egg clues within the story, and even the smallest questions the reader might pose are answered by the end. The final twist was soft, but effective, and even if you figure out the motives of the characters, the story will hold your interest until the end.
I selected the audiobook, and the narrator, Hannah Cabell, was genuine as she performed the voices with ease. She gently shifted from one voice to the next as if she were gliding across a frozen pond. It was easy for me to tell the difference in the voices of the main characters, and she took her time, reading at a pace that encourage the proper amount of thought in each scene.
I recommend the book for experienced readers who enjoy layered mysteries.
I received a copy of the book from NetGalley for my honest review, and my opinions are my own.

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I really enjoyed this book and its twists and turns. I will definitely be on the lookout for more books by this author as I liked the book and his writing style. I was tickled by the assumed gender reversal of the two names - Glen and Lindsay, which gave the story another twist that was unexpected. This story just goes to show that a murder in the family fucks everybody up!!


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This was my first book by Edwin Hill. In The Secrets we share we follow the two sisteres Natalie and Glenn. They don't seem to be very much alike since one is a cop while the other is a blogger.
But twenty years ago their father was murdered and that is something that connects the sisters. Obivously Glenn doesn't want her past to come up but she starts receiving messages online that suggest something different.
When another dead body turns up Natalie and Glenn are forced to investigate. But Natalie starts doubting everything she beleaved to be true until now.
I really enjoyed the story of these two sisters and it kept me interested all along! A great mystery.
Thanks #NetGalley #RB Media, Recorded Books for the audio version of this book

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Fast-paced plot about two sisters, one a blogger cook, the other a detective. Things start to go horribly wrong when Glenn's (the cook) daughter finds a body in an abandoned warehouse. Several dead bodies later, the reader/listener is left wondering if this is all related to their father's murder when they were young. Good pace with many twists.

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This is a very complex and gripping plot, full of unexpected twists. I’ve also enjoyed the characters that were interesting and believable. The only downside to me was the excessive use of dialogue tags, making the audio book expensive less enjoyable. Overall I’d recommend this book.

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This was a fun twisting tale that demonstrates how devastating a murder can be, but also explores the greater impact that secrets can have on our lives. There are several different layers to this story and they all end up intertwining in the end. it wasn’t mindblowingly executed but it was well done. The policing aspect of the story is a little far fetched but I think we’ve come to include some suspension of disbelief in these types of stories anyway so it didn’t take anything away from it.

The Narrator, Hannah Cabell, delivered a solid delivery of the story.

Big thanks to Netgalley and Recorded Books for providing me with a chance to get in on this book early. I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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This book y’all! So good! Almost didn’t request it but so glad I did. Kept me guessing right til the end! Lots of twists and turns. But nothing too crazy. Just good old fashioned suspense! Check it out!

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What the!?!? Right down to the last pages this one grabbed and kept my attention. I liked the storyline & I liked the narrator. This one had several twists; some I saw coming and others that felt out of left field (in a great way).
I like that it centers on two sisters, I love reading about those relationships.
I thought the narrator did a great job of bringing a different voice to each character; and they kept me engaged in the story.

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This is a well written thriller that goes from one point in time to another in order to tell a complete story.
Natalie Cavanaugh and Glenn Abbott don’t look much like sisters. Natalie is a Boston cop who always dresses like a cop with practical clothing and pinned up hair. Glenn, her younger sister, is tailor-made for the spotlight. Glenn has spent many years developing her brand through her baking blog. With a new book coming out, she’s doing well. However, her fans don’t know about the sister’s tragic and nightmarish past.
Twenty years ago the girl’s body was discovered in the woods behind their house. This sort of trauma does fit in well with the public image Glenn has created for herself. It would seem, though, that someone reading her blog knows something. She’s been getting anonymous messages online that hint that she is being watched and are rather ominous.
Natalie is beginning to wonder just what Glenn really knows about those that are within her close circle. It would seem, though, that Natalie has some things she needs to uncover about those that she holds close as well. For decades the sisters believed their father was murdered by their neighbor whom he was having an affair with. Soon Natalie begins to suspect that the past is catching up with them as another murder or two seems related.
I have to stop telling you about this book though or I’ll go into spoiler territory which I am trying very hard not to do.
I liked this book but it was a little slow going for a good bit of it. It was well written and the characters were well sussed out. I just found myself drifting in and out from time to time.
I was granted a review copy of the audio book from Netgalley and can definitely recommend it. The narrator was fantastic and really brought the story to life.

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This is a fantastic thriller that kept my attention captivated the entire time. There was a lot going on with many misdirections that gave me that "need to know" feeling and I couldn't stop listening. Hannah Cabell did an amazing narrating the book and I can't wait to read more from this author.

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I found this one a little hard to get it to and enjoy. It felt very slow through most of it. I just don't think this one was for me.

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**please note due to low rating I will not be leaving a public review for this book as I have not paid for it.**

I found this book really hard to get into. Nothing about it held my focus


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If you like twists and turns then you will love this book. I usually see things coming before they happen in mystery/thriller books but this kept me guessing and none of my predictions were correct. Highly recommended for mystery/thriller fans.

I want to thank Netgalley and RB Media for providing an audiobook arc.

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Very entertaining… the twists just kept coming!

Nothing in this is what it seems. Well, perfectly placed ‘gottcha’ moments that kept the story moving forward at a fast pace. Lots going on, but the past/present are woven together seamlessly.

Bravo, Mr. Hill on a masterfully crafted thriller. Highly recommend.

***ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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What a binge-able book! In this story we have 2 sisters who years ago found their abusive father dead as teenagers. Fast forward to present times and we have two sisters on very different life paths. One sister is a detective who copes with her past by drinking herself into blackness every night. She just wants to be left to do her own thing and social settings are not her scene. The other has committed to finding fame as a cooking personality with a book out soon. She loves the spotlight and love the social scene.

Enter a dead body found by a teenager in an abandoned warehouse, innocently enough, after a dare to enter spurs her in. The mystery begins and deep secrets are dredged up from the past. Each sister having their own memories of the mysterious death of their father all those years ago.

The mystery and the thrill of this book most certainly take a bit of suspension of reality, but in all I found it to be a book that I wanted to keep turning the pages of to get to the whodunnit. It kept me guessing and altering my guesses along the way until the wild, action-packed conclusion.

**Those who like their police involvement in books to be accurate and on point may find some frustration with this book. That is one area in which the author definitely took liberties with the involvement of officers close to the case.

Thank you to RB Media and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book for review. I did enjoy the narration and would not hesitate to recommend this on audio.

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Sucked in from the beginning!! Wow!! Very impressed with this book I didn’t have it figured out until the end when everything started making sense!!! Loved it

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Thank you Netgalley, Edwin Hill, and RB Media for my gifted audiobook!

Natalie and Glenn are sisters as different as they can be. Natalie is a tough cop, Glenn a baking influencer. But they're united by the night their father was murdered. So when, twenty years later, another body appears with a connection to the two women, Natalie has to ask herself if Glenn is telling the truth. And if she did back then...

My thoughts:
This book is hard to rate. It's kind of a solid thriller that kept me engaged and I had fun listening to it. But I don't think I will remember it a few months from now. I liked how the story was told, and the narrator did a really great job. However, I found the conclusion a bit unrealistic because yes, the twist was great, but something about it just felt off. Like, you would definitely notice *that*, now, wouldn't you?!

Parts of this book reminded me of:
- Come A Little Closer by Karen Perry

This was my first book by this author.

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2.5 OK stars, rounded up

Two very different sisters whose father was murdered 20 years ago. (I did not like/ relate to these two main characters. One was an alcoholic police officer, the other a blogger, cookbook writer/ influencer.) Some mysterious neighbors. Some plot surprises, some not. The author focused on two policewomen, but I personally would have preferred more of Angela, less of the sister, Natalie. The story became a bit cumbersome with background stories. I rarely get confused over characters in a mystery, but it was hard to keep track of some of the men and there were some name and identity changes with characters. This would probably be easier to follow in the written book rather than the audiobook I listened to.

I found twelve-year-old Mavis a bit unbelievable, even though the author tried to explain her precociousness and bravery through her wanting to do well on her algebra test and watching many CSI type shows.

Hannah Cabell’s narration is good, but the male voices were not easily distinguishable.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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