Member Reviews

The people these killers take away are far more important than the killers themselves will ever be.

Wow. This quote from the afterword struck me. This is the story of a daughter of a serial killer. This book isn’t glorifying the killer or anything. It’s focused on the victims and closure. This made me highly enjoy the book knowing the author wants to vividly remember the victims instead. It’s a tough subject, but this book is extraordinary. I highly recommend to those who want a different viewpoint to examine true crime vs the way the media makes it seem fun. Kudos to the author for this respectable and well-done book.

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Scarlet is a normal teenager with a strict mother. One day, she finally founds out who is her biological father. The most shocking part of it all is that he's a famous serial killer who's dying in prison. He's willing to tell the police all the names of his victims but he will only reveal them to his daughter.

This was my first approved audiobook from #netgalley and I really loved it! The narrator, Justis Bolding, was incredible and elevated the book to so much higher tier. I'm aware that I'm not exactly the targeted group - it was a YA thriller, but I really enjoyed the thriller parts and I was grinning a bit during the YA parts. Nevertheless, the novel is fantastic! And I bet all of you thriller and true crime lovers would love it too. It has "intermezzo" parts with newspaper clippings and articles that give it more true crime vibe and I appreciated the distraction from the main plot.

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I have never thought about Ted Bundy's daughter (honestly I did not even know that she existed until 30 seconds ago when I googled it to write this review). But I am so glad that Kate McLaughlin thought about it! I am a sucker for psychological thrillers, but when you read enough of them, they start to blend together. However, this book had such an interesting premise that I was hooked right from the beginning. It was hard to tell whether it was meant to be YA (since the main character sounds a bit juvenile) or if it was meant for adults (with all the murder and necrophilia and whatnot). On one hand, I would enjoy if the main character had been a bit older, but her youth and innocence added a layer of complexity to the story. Yes, her life is completely falling apart and she is forced to reckon with huge questions about her identity, nature vs. nurture, psychology, destiny etc. and...she is also allowed to have a crush and care about what the other kids in school will think. I read some of the other reviews that said she sounded too young, but I disagree - she was meant to be a teenager and therefore acted like a teenager. Similarly, with the mom's behavior - it made sense that as she slipped into her southern accent she would also slip into feeling more comfortable.

However, now I want to read more books with this members of people who have done atrocious things and need to grapple with whether there is darkness inside of them and how they can choose a different path. As a trope, it is hard to argue that it is not a compelling tale.

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Daughter, A Novel, by Kate McLaughlin was a really enjoyable listen. The narrator did a fantastic job with all the voices and characters. Imagine what you would do if you woke up one day to find out that your father was a known serial killer! That is exactly what happens to Scarlett Murphy. The ensuing madness is nothing but chaos with reporters and angry family members and friends who aren't really friends. I thought the author did a great job at fleshing out what being a teenage girl is actually like also. Really enjoyed it! Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley!

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Scarlet is a normal teenager with an overprotective mom. She is smart but a little shy and sneaks around so she can attend parties etc. She knows nothing about her father except that they are better off without him, until the FBI show up at their door. She learns that her father is the infamous serial killer Jeffrey Robert Lake, aka the Gentleman Killer, and her mother took her, changed their names and went into hiding during his trial. They were located by the FBI when he said he would reveal the names of other victims and the whereabouts of their bodies only to his daughter, Brittany. With their true identity revealed, they now have to deal with the media and public opinion as well as facing a man that she has no desire to claim as her father.

Daughter is identified as a YA thriller, but it is also has romance, coming of age, and psychological suspense all tied together by a serial killer father. There are a lot of secondary characters that had me confused at times, but the main characters were well drawn. This was a quick read that I zoomed through to find out what was going to happen next. There is a huge storyline about media, both mainstream and podcasts. The way they treated Scarlet and her mom was terrible. Innuendo and supposition were a huge part of their "reporting". I liked that once they were outed, Scarlet gets to meet family she didn't know she had. Seeing her navigate her way through everything was made easier by a couple of friends and family members that stood by her. I also liked how she does what she thinks is right even though it might hurt her. The ending doesn't pull any punches and had me taking a few deep breaths. Another theme in this book deals with how families left behind cope when serial killers are incarcerated or killed. This is not a book for young teens as there is a lot of mention of partying, drinking, drugs and sexual activity. I would suggest 17 and over. Overall, I enjoyed this story and the narration by Justis Bolding was enjoyable. I enjoyed listening to this one.

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I listened to it during work one day and I did not get very much work done. I was very excited about the premise so when I was approved for the audiobook, I threw my headphones on and my responsibilities out the window (for legal purposes that was a joke. I still did my job). Daughter of a serial killer who is deathly sick in prison? Yes; count me in. This book was a ride and at points very disturbing. But, I loved it. I love how it is told through the daughter's eyes and how you get to hear her inner monologue (which is very relatable- ya know, if you've also got a serial killer parent). I loved this book and the ending. I would be excited to read more from her. 4.3/5 stars. Trigger warning: Sexual Assult, Murder, Mutilation, and Necrophilia.

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Thank you Netgalley for this audio edition of Daughter by Kate McLaughlin.

Scarlet is just an average teenaged girl. She's boy crazy, loves to get a little wild on the weekends, and a mom who is just a bit too protective for her taste. But Scarlet's life takes a wild turn when the father that she never knew makes an expected turn in her life. But it's pretty rare to find out that your dad is a well known serial killer on his death bed...

This was ok as far as a YA drama goes. My number one complaint, besides the OTT dialogue and overall unbelievable plot was the pace. This goes on FOREVER. It took what could have been a nice six hour read into a ten hour read that never quit.

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The premise will be an easy sell to YA readers looking for something Prodigal Son-esque. A recommended purchase for YA and HS collections.

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I listened to the audio of this book an thoroughly enjoyed it. The main characters are so interesting and some are so very demented. I have only listed to a few audio books but if they are all like this one I will listen to more. I love the story and the author is new to me but I will remedy that by getting more of her books. Thanks for a great book!

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I listened to this as an audiobook and while I did enjoy this story about a teenager who discovers why her mom is so strict, controlling and scared when the FBI shows up and she discovers her father is incarcerated for being a serial killer. I thought the narrator did a really good job telling the story, although it never felt as though I was listening to a thriller but a story about a typical teenager dealing with a new reality and how she decides to deal with it.

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Thanks # netgallery for this book in exchange for an honest review. I had ideas of how this book would progress but I was wrong and was pleasantly surprised for it. This was a typical plot in theory but the author wrote a not so typical book. Excellent story. Recommended

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This is one of the best plot lines that I have read in quite sometime. Scarlet has lived a happy, yet very strict, life with her mother. Until the day the FBI shows up at her door and she finds out that she is the daughter of the most notorious serial killer of the modern day.

The events that unravel from that point on force Scarlet to mature quickly. She faces her father with grace, strength, and integrity. By her strong determination, she is able to procure information on more of his victims. But reader beware - don’t let yourself get too wrapped up in the finality of his life, because he leaves a whopper of a surprise for her at the end.

I loved the look into the mind of this fictional serial killer. It is fascinating to me that a human being can be so psychologically depraved to commit such heinous acts. McLaughlin’s research into this is very evident in Daughter.

This is one that you will not want to miss. Thank you to NetGalley, RB Media, and Kate McLaughlin for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I requested this title post-publication. After seeing raving reviews across bookstagram, I was grateful for the opportunity to listen to a free copy and share my thoughts.

I really enjoyed this audiobook. It is along the same lines of my familiar go-to genre of serial killers and thrillers in that it is about the daughter of a serial killer. I wouldn’t exactly call it a “thriller” though - more of a suspense, because readers are waiting and wondering what twists will come out of this plot. It is a story about redemption and new starts for a family after the death of an infamous serial killer to whom they are related, one willing to give names of unknown victims only his deathbed to his estranged daughter. Which is a different spin on the child of a serial killer trope, one I haven’t personally read or seen done before. It was well executed, even if I would have liked more unforeseeable twists.

It is categorized as “young adult” I believe because of the age of the MC and her discussions of teenage topics as fillers to the story (like her partying, smoking, and crushes on boys), but the plot is entertaining and suitable for all aged audiences.

Also, bonus points to the author for naming one of the supporting characters “Taylor”! For such a common 90s baby name, I haven’t seen my name represented in literature much.

I’m rating this audiobook 4/5 stars - I enjoyed the story and the narrator and would absolutely recommend to others!

Thank you to NetGalley, Recorded Books and the author for the ALC!

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Audiobook review - Daughter, Kate McLaughlin.


A great concept but overall left me a little short.

Scarlett is living her best teenage life. She has wonderful friends, a prospective boyfriend and a highly overprotective mother. That is until she discovers she’s not actually Scarlett at all but in fact Brittany- Brittany Lake. The daughter of the notoriously infamous Jeff Lake. Jeff Lake who is dying and will only give his daughter the names of his unknown victims. Scarlett has to adjust to this new knowledge of being a serial killer’s daughter whilst also making the decision - does she want to help find her father’s remaining victims?

The beginning of this sucked me in! I was gripped with the idea of a mother’s secret and a teenage girl’s life being turned upside down because of a couple of FBI agents! The emotion in the first quarter of the book seeped out - it was so promising!

BUT…. It left me so short! It ended up turning into a YA romance rather than a thrilling, serial killer book. I was waiting for drama, waiting .. waiting and I’m still waiting. Nothing came about. I mean yeah a romance bloomed and there were a couple of tense conversations but nothing that had me on the edge of my seat. Alongside this, listening to teenage sex left a sour taste in my mouth. I don’t want to hear that 😩😩😩 maybe I’m getting too old for teenage love stories.

Also, things just didn’t make sense. The overly protective mother just stops being over protective when her daughter finds out the truth? She just doesn’t seem to care after that? I also didn’t get nor understand Jeff Lake’s motives for this all - I was expecting some huge plot twist (heck! it even hinted to one) but again - left hanging.

Honestly, it just turned out to be a drab YA teenage love story with a serial killer side character in it.

#daughter #katemclaughlin

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an advanced audio copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.

4.5/5 stars

Daughter is the story of Scarlet Murphy. She's a normal teenage girl with some anxiety, interest in cute boys, and some great best friends. Sure, her mother is a little overprotective, but it's all good. Scarlet is about to head off to college and leave her mother behind. Until one day the FBI shows up on her doorstep and tells her that she is the daughter of serial killer Jeff Lake-- the 1990s-2000s Ted Bundy. As if it weren't enough that her whole life has been a huge secret, now she also has to decide if she wants to go visit her dying father in prison. He told law enforcement 20 years ago that there were more girls he'd killed that they would never find and he's decided to take their names to his grave.... Unless they bring him Scarlett so he can meet her before he dies.

Scarlet and her mother are now once again thrust into the limelight and have to contend with all the hate (and creepy awe) that comes with being associated with one of the most notorious serial killers of all time.

This book was a RIDE, let me tell you. I never really knew where the story was going to go next, and honestly I'm not mad about it. I truly enjoyed almost every moment of this story. I felt like Scarlett was a super believable character-- she was honest, raw, and felt like a true teenager. She had tons of flaws, but was trying to be a good and moral person. There was a cute romance with the FBI agent's son which definitely added a lot to the story. I also liked how Scarlett's relationship with her mom changed once the truth had been revealed.

McLaughlin did a great job of really embodying the creepy, horrifying, disgusting behaviors of a psychopath when describing Scarlet's visits with her father. I found myself holding my breath along with Scarlet, hoping she would make it out undamaged (physically and definitely emotionally) with another name of a missing girl she can give to the FBI. The story was truly terrifying and emotional. I honestly felt like Jeff Lake was a real person and there MUST be a true crime documentary about him out there somewhere-- that's how real he was! That kind of writing takes talent. Hats off to Mclaughlin!

Our narrator for this audio book is Justis Bolding. She's a great narrator who has done a lot of my other favorite audiobooks (The female of the species; the lost girls; vanishing girls). She does a great job and I would definitely pick up more audio titles if I knew she was the narrator.

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Thankyou #netgalley #katemclaughlin #wednesdaybooks #rbmedia for the arc copy of this book for a honest review .

A story of a daughter who is kept in a dark for so long about her real family,with a shocking revalation.
For the first chapter of the story it surrounds the daughter ‘scarlet ‘I find her very annoying how she treat her mum.
Then after she finds out the dark secret mature easily which I find comforting .
It’s a mixture of mystery/thriller and some sort of romance at the end which I did not expect.
Overall, the writing and emotions in this story was good yet not to far from amazing .
Well done:)

Also to the narrator ,she did very well !
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A deserving 5 stars too .


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I really enjoyed this domestic thriller. I thought the story telling was seamless. The only time it dragged was through one of the daughter's visits with her ailing father. I thought the characters were well-developed. The mother/daughter relationship was genuine and believable. '

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I really enjoyed listening to the audio version of this young adult thriller. Scarlet is an angsty teenager who finds out that the father she never knew existed is a convicted serial killer.
Scarlet’s dad is dying, and has agreed to reveal the whereabouts of several more bodies if Scarlet agrees to meet him.
In facing her fears and meeting her father, Scarlet begins to heal scars that she never knew how she got. Daughter is as much a coming of age tale as a thriller.

Thank you Recorded Books and Netgalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Scarlet has always had an overprotective mother and she never understood why until the FBI shows up at her door and she finds out the whole sordid truth of her father is where he is and what he has done.

I liked this book if at times it dragged a bit.

Narrated by Justis Bolding who did a good job.

This was a new to me author and narrator but I would read more by both.

I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher RB Media for a fair and honest review.

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Thank you @netgalley and Kate McLaughlin for the Audiobook ARC of this book

"Scarlet’s life is pretty average. Overly protective mom. Great friends. Cute boy she’s interested in. And a father she’s never known—until she does.."

I was so excited to listen to this one when I saw the synopsis.

A little slow in some places however I loved the plot and it was entertaining throughout.

Overall an enjoyable listen

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