Member Reviews

Easy to read, complete compendium.
Perfect as a desk companion for the novice or professional tarot reader.
Great as a gift or to purchase for yourself.

This is a great and thorough introduction to the meanings of Tarot. I have found this useful and will also stock this in the metaphysical and esoteric section of our shop.

Was not able to download this but read it after publishing...holy information!! This book is filled to the seam with useful teachings for beginners and seasoned readers alike.

The Big Book of Tarot Meanings is a comprehensive and practical guide that goes beyond traditional interpretations, providing precise answers to your tarot questions through eight insightful categories, making it a must-have resource for tarot enthusiasts of all levels.

Overall, this is a good book for beginners and intermediate Tarot learners. It is more a reference book rather than a learning guide. It is keyed to RWS, but the meanings can be applicable to most decks with an RWS base. I would recommend it for libraries that collect Tarot and esoterica books. This may also be a good book for young adult Tarot readers. It is a simple and practical book anyone can use. I'd buy it for my personal shelf.
(My full detailed review is available on my blog.)

Very informative book. Full of a lot of useful information. This book will also be very useful for future reference

This book is amazingly informative and detailed! This book is great for anyone wanting to learn about tarot cards. Would recommend for anyone interested in learning the meaning of tarot cards. This is also great for beginners wanting to get into tarot readings

I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
The Big Book of Tarot Meanings is a fantastic guide to reading tarot cards and understanding their meanings. The layout of this book is really easy to use and refer back to and each suit and arcana has fantastic descriptions and easy to understand information. The graphics within this book are stunning and this is a great starting guide for anyone wanting to learn how to read tarot cards, how to do readings and even for more experienced practitioners. I liked how uplifting this book was in places and how enjoyable it was to read as the authors personality and creativity shone through the pages. I definitely want this book in paper format for future reference.

This is very impressive and informative. Perfect for people just getting into this or a nice refresher for those with experience. There is SO much helpful information and it’s honestly a beautiful book as well. Thank you Netgalley!

For the major and minor arcana you get short explanations, it is a good help with quick meanings. Good if working with both upright and reversals. Nice on hand book as a reminder if need a overall general meaning.

Thank you Quatro and NetGalley for this ARC.
This book breaks down each tarot card and individually explains the cards in an easy to understand manner. This book stands out from others I have looked at on this topic, perfect for someone new to tarot cards and really attractive to read.

This is easy to read and has pictures to accompany what is descriving. While the information provided may have sometimes been too wordy, it's also called the BIG book of tarot meaning. As a beginning I keep going back to this book for reference.

LOVE this reference book for the Tarot cards. Great guide for beginners and aspiring readers. I think it explains the meanings and spreads quite well. They did an excellent job relating it to real life feelings and experiences as well.

This is quite a beautiful book. It is comprehensive and well written. It is a great help to anyone practicing tarot or just wanting to know what it's all about. I added this book to my personal library because I wanted to learn how to read tarot cards but I found all the different kinds of cards just had me confused. This is definitely the book for you if you are into tarot cards.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read an ARC of this book. It is beautiful! I only dabble in reading tarot right now, so I appreciated the very simple explanations of the cards and their meanings, and this book is visually appealing. It makes you want to open it up and explore the pages. I definitely learned some things while exploring each card, and can't wait to apply this to future tarot readings!

I’ve been reading Tarot on and off for several years now, and I enjoy picking up new books on it because sometimes there’s something new to learn. I also like to find books I think will be great for people who are new or newer to reading Tarot. In this book, one will find a good amount of information about what each card means. For people new to Tarot the information covers what the card could mean when it comes up reversed or right side up for general, romance, life, money, professional and other types of readings. I think that information will be very helpful to new folks because it can be confusing when one we are new to it, especially as we’re learning to trust our instincts on the messages we’re receiving that don’t fall under what we learned.
While the information is great, each card gets a page featuring the artwork on the card alone. Each of these pages are stunning to look at with all the vibrant colors featured. The artwork pages won’t cover every deck, as each deck has its own artwork, it’s still great to see them featured so largely on their designated pages.
I think this is a great book to have or gift because it’s a great guide to have on hand. It’ll be great in aiding those new to Tarot, but also to have on hand for the moments we’re questioning ourselves while on our learning path.

This has to be one of the best guidebooks on the Tarot that I have ever read - and I've read quite a few over the years.
<img src="https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ethereal-visions-tarot-deck-golden-accents.jpg"/>
Apart from the gorgeous graphics and energizing background colours, this author has covered just about every aspect of the interpretation of the 78 cards in a Tarot deck. I was impressed! (I want my own autographed copy, this book is that good!)
I actually had fun reading this one, because the author's personality invariably shines through the text. Exclamations such as "Oooh la la!" often had me chuckling appreciatively. The Tarot can be an intimidating, complex study, but it is not all doom and gloom, as this very gifted author has just proven. This is definitely a reference shelf keeper, and the easiest reference manual to serve as a guide for the amateur (and not so amateur) reader.
<img src="https://c.tenor.com/tQS6fw605G0AAAAC/tarot-cards.gif"/>
<i>(Digression Warning:)</i>Surprised to find that I am into The Tarot? Don't be: we Scorpios are the zaniest people!
I have always had a "spiritual" side to my forthright, no-nonsense personality. Over the years, as I have commented before, I have come to believe that we are all energy, good and bad, and that we are all here to evolve and help one another along on (and I dislike the trite use of this word) our "journeys."
When I was a youngster, I wanted ANSWERS to all the mysteries in life. I knew they were out there, I just didn't know how to access them. Numerology was <i>interesting</i> and revealed what I already knew: that I am heavily into RESEARCHING EVERYTHING, that I loathe dogma, and instead seek knowledge and truth in all things.
Palmistry wasn't cutting it for me: certain lines in the palm are fixed, but many lines will change over time - <i>that</i> revelation just annoyed my impatient teen self! When I learned, years later, that Carl Jung and several other famous/infamous people were guided by The Tarot, I dove right in. Carl Jung used the images in the Tarot deck to illuminate or interpret what was going on in the unconscious mind - for himself and his patients. I have also always been fascinated by psychology - by "what makes us tick."
<img src="https://media2.giphy.com/media/xT0xep5tFDrRuzFcZy/giphy.gif"/>
It was only after many years of studying The Tarot, off and on, that I confirmed (horrendous lightbulb moment!) that we have free will, which, in turn, means that the future, for the most part, is not fixed. Major Bummer!!! At that point, totally miffed, I put away my Tarot deck and my reference books, and carried on with my life - only returning over the years to my hidden cache whenever things got really rough and I was desperate for some internal guidance, to calm or understand my jumbled thoughts and feelings. (Carl Jung, I owe you one!)
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5e/0f/43/5e0f436fb8f2ba57fbdbdd5ee32c7c1c.gif"/>
There are some people who can't step a foot out the door without consulting a Tarot deck. For me, this is just another type of dependent or addictive behaviour, a fear of exercising your own free will. Unless you claim to have rock solid magical or mystical powers, you will not always interpret the spread before you correctly. (And many times, a spread will totally not answer the question asked. Surprise, surprise - not!) In my own forays into dealing and reading/interpreting a spread, I know that "hindsight" has often proven a spread to be spot on, but how was I to know that the Justice or Judgment card I drew was heralding a parking or a speeding ticket that day? It could just have easily been predicting a just conclusion to a dispute at work, etc. My take thus far: learn from the hard-earned lessons in your life, examine everything and be brutally honest in your evaluation, and then let your intuition coupled with common sense be your guide. But, above all, strive to live your best life NOW. (If COVID taught us anything, it certainly underscored that!) <i>(End of Digression.)</i>
<img src="https://c.tenor.com/pULKlpUJ6BgAAAAM/tarot.gif"/>
<img src="https://c.tenor.com/UH-JisjhvXUAAAAM/sparks-i-predict.gif"/>
If you are a hardcore Tarot practitioner or just a dabbler - or if you need a reference guide for a mystic theme party or carnival! - <u>The Big Book of Tarot Meanings</u> is an invaluable resource. I highly, highly recommend this excellent, well illustrated book. My great thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for an arc of this remarkable guidebook in exchange for an honest review. Loved it!
N.B. The graphics used in this review were culled from the internet, and not from the book itself, due to copyright restrictions.
(Link to my blog post: https://crossingthepond.reviews/2022/05/13/the-big-book-of-tarot-meanings-by-sam-magdaleno/)

I wish I had a book like this when I started using tarot 15+ years ago as a tool to help me focus and tap into my own subconscious.
The layout is fantastic and I'll echo what another reviewer said about the awesomeness of the equal attention to the minor arcana. I also loved the description and information provided about each suit.
I would definitely recommend this book for anyone new to tarot that was something easy to help them understand the basics.

This is a great beginner book for someone looking to dabble in tarot card reading! I myself have been doing tarot readings for the last decade or so and can always appreciate a new book or tool that will help me along my journey. I loved that Sam divided the meanings into their own categories as this makes it fool proof to understand when first starting out. Obviously the more you practice the easier the meanings come to you but I love that she makes it easy to understand. For example she gives a general meaning of the card, then she has a sub category for each topic you could be possible asking about such as career, money, love, friends & family, health etc then she gives a higher guidance section as well as an outcome section so that you are not mistaken by what advice the cards are giving you. That is the beauty of tarot, it isn't just fun and games, you are to also apply the messages you are getting and Sam makes sure you understand those messages.
I did have two drawbacks to this book and it was that the author tends to use a lot of buzz words within. She keeps calling us babes throughout and I find that unbelievably cringey. The second issue I had was that some meanings are repeated throughout so that could have been diversified a bit more.
Otherwise this is a great tool for if you are just starting out on your tarot journey!
Thank you NetGalley for my free ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This is a good basic book on Tarot. I think it is helpful for beginners with the information the author provides. It's refreshing to have card reversal meanings given as well. Not everyone provides that. The images of the RW cards in the book are vibrant and pleasant to study. This will be a great addition to my bookshelf.
I want to thank NetGalley and Quatro Publishing for allowing me to access and review an E-ARC.