Member Reviews

I'll be honest, this was definitely a miss for me. I couldn't get into it and I had a hard time understanding what exactly this book was about. There was a section on the Kennedys, but that didn't seem to be the main part of the story. It also jumped around a little bit, both in narrators and timelines. Unfortunately it is not one I would recommend.

Read his full review on https://rosepointpublishing.com/2022/05/06/somewhere-in-the-south-pacific-the-todd-ingram-series-book-7-by-john-j-gobbell-bookreview-historicalthrillers/ Rosepoint Publishing.
Nineteen hundred forty-three is a major turning point in the war in the Pacific. John Gobbell writes a very interesting account of the PT boats which attacked and harassed Japanese shipping around the Solomon Islands. They were wooden ships approximately 30 feet at beam and 80 feet long with a compliment of thirteen men.
The sea corridor was a major route for the Japanese supplying their troops in the Pacific theatre. Many islands in this island chain had thousands of Japanese entrenched in the hills and mountains through the passage.
Being assigned to the PT 109 was being assigned to a boat that was dry-docked with holes in the hull and many operational issues. Lt. Junior Grade Kennedy replaced the boat’s three Packard 1600 engines with those pilfered in shipping crates. Nothing seemed to be nailed down where Kennedy was concerned.
He finally had his tail feathers clipped when a senior officer informed him that he was headed to the brig if any further ordinance or supplies were purloined from the supply area. By this time, his PT 109 was one of the best equipped of the PT boats.
The author has painted John F. Kennedy as a very likeable commander and a champion for his men. He was also a very tenacious practical joker. The Japanese found him a worthy foe. The book is fun to read and shows another side of our very famous 35th president. I could not put it down. 5 stars – CE Williams
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it!