Member Reviews

*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review*
A slow burn thriller that will hook you. This would make a fantastic horror movie!!

This was a slow burner with lots of potential and I was hooked from the beginning. Seneca really managed to develop the intrigue and mystery with their writing and I was constantly trying to figure out what was going on.
There were instances in the novel that were downright terrifying, creepy dead kids and a ghostly nun (need I say anymore), and the hush hush nature of past events in the school just continued to pique my interest. However, where the novel fell flat for me was that it was much too long and a lot of the chapter events felt repetitive and unnecessary and I feel like the pace of the novel really took away from the impact of the story on a whole.
The ending was also a little cliche so after putting in the hours to get through it I felt a little cheated and almost as though Seneca went for the easy option to finish their novel neatly with a bow on top.
Nevertheless it was an enjoyable and at times atmospheric read, just with some areas for improvement.

Triggers: horror, chikd tragedy, school fire, fatalities.
This is a horror mystery story which turns its two protagonists who are set into a seemingly pleasant career situation, only to discover what is seen is just an illusion. The truth is horrifying and tragic.
Despite the many jump scares and the tragic events plus the sensory detailed horrors, I actualy enjoyed the story.

Faces in a Window, by Oliver Seneca, is a compelling enough ghost story about a Catholic School and the spirits that haunt it. Seneca delivers a tale that makes you care about the characters, while wondering what the payoff will be. The only reason I didn't give this a 5 Star Rating is that I found that, when I had to put it down, I was never feeling like I couldn't wait to pick it up again. Of course, when I DID go back to it, I was completely engrossed in the story again, but I found it easy to be away from it for a while. I WILL say, though, that I think Seneca's descriptive abilities made me long for the movie which, if in the right hands, will have plenty of jump scares and intense moments. Well done, Mr. Seneca! I look forward to more from you.

It had very good potential to be great horror book but in my opinion, it just couldn't get there. I liked the setting and the elements, but the over explanation of every aspect, characters with no proper depth, too much detail and some tacky dialogues just didn't do it for me. It was a good book, but not great.

What starts off as a great story takes a turn to being too wordy. With a bit more precision, a lot of explaining and meaningless dialogue and description can be taken out creating a more enticing story that will keep readers interested.

I will preface this review with the fact that I am not typically keen on books that contain supernatural plots and I wasn't fully aware that's where this book would go when I first read the description. I quickly caught on what I was getting into after reading the first chapter and it intrigued me so I figured I would give it a shot.
Overall, this book felt like a cheap knock off of a "Nightmare on Elm Street" type of story. I felt like the characters and the overall plot was under-developed to the point where I wasn't that invested in either. I think the world could have been expanded a bit more so you had a better sense of the mythology and background of the school the story takes place.
That said, the author kept the story moving where I didn't feel like it was lagging at any point and I finished in about 2-3 sittings. I understand how hard it is to write a book so I don't want to disparage it too much. I'll chalk this up to it just wasn't my cup of tea. If you like supernatural thrillers, give it a shot. Otherwise, don't add it to your TBR list.

After two beloved teachers pass away at St. Stephen’s Middle School, it’s up to Ian Evans & Michelle Thompson to fill their shoes.
But their eager anticipation soon turns to terror. They are plagued with unexplainable nightmares and horrific visions: Students who aren’t really there; the school catching fire; scenes of their own deaths playing out before them. Grab yourself a copy of this book! I loved this! I read this book within a day, I couldn’t put it down.

A curse, an old school and an evil nun. What more could you ask for in a supernatural horror novel. This book is what I like to read when dealing with the subject of haunted places. Ian and Michelle got hired on to teach at what they thought was a great place to start their teaching career. Little did they know, they were so wrong. They each start having terrible dreams about the school. They begin to try and figure out how to break the curse. Just when you think everything is going good…..you gasp in shock.

Faces in a Window by Oliver Seneca is a horrifying and tragic story about 2 new teachers at a Catholic school who start to see ghosts. This eerie story details a past fire at the school and how the town tried to cover it up. A very surprising ending left me in shock. Great book, it held my interest all the way through.

Faces in a window by Olive C Seneca.
After two beloved teachers pass away at St. Stephen’s Middle School, it’s up to Ian Evans & Michelle Thompson to fill their shoes.
But their eager anticipation soon turns to terror.
They are plagued with unexplainable nightmares and horrific visions: Students who aren’t really there; the school catching fire; scenes of their own deaths playing out before them.
Uncovering what it all means could cost them their jobs, or their lives. With each other’s determination to find the truth of the school’s past, and with the help of an old janitor, Ian and Michelle must risk it all to save more than just their souls.
A really enjoyable read. Twisty and tense. Loved it. 5*.

Ian and Michelle are new teachers at St Stephen’s middle school looking forward to their bright prospective careers. Strangely they are the youngest on the faculty by far. With the senior members of the team overly complimentary to Michelle and Ian. When creepy visions start haunting them they soon realise things are not as great as they first seemed. This school has some very spooky secrets and history may be about to repeat itself!
Sadly I really didn’t enjoy this book. It had so much potential but I felt the story fell flat almost immediately. The constant repetition of the charred school children appearing was too much, and lacked any sense of horror. There was no elements of suspense and no spooky scenes ever escalated. I felt Michelle and Ian were uninteresting as main characters and their relationship was unintentionally awkward.
The ending was disappointing and did not explain anything worth knowing. Very unfortunate for me as I love a good twist and this book fell short.

|E-ARC provided by NetGalley. Thank you.|
The best way to describe the writing, the characters, plot, motive, and ending is this: outdated.
There was simply no cogent reason behind the hauntings. The characters fell flat. Nothing about this was horrific, let alone engaging.
It didn't really offer what the synopsis promised. Unfortunately, it was a disappointing read.

Years ago, a school fire devastated a small town and left the school with a curse. Teachers must never leave, and if they do, they will meet their demise.
Two young teachers come to the school. Can they figure out how to make things right again?
Honestly, this book was not my favorite. The plot was scarce and the dialogue that made up the majority of the book was stiff, robotic, and unnatural. There was no chemistry between the two main characters. I didn’t feel that the curse or the ending of the story made any sense.

I loved the premise here, and for the most part, it was well executed. It was fresh, original, and quite chilling in some places. It was, however, too slow for my liking and I did skim through some parts.

Sadly this wasn't my cup of tea. The story was good but I wasn't too keen on my writing. I am so gratetful to be able to get an ARC of this book. I will buy this in audiobook form when it comes out. I feel like id like it better that way.

This was a quick and creepy read. I liked the writing style and the pacing started slow at first with it increasing as tension increased. The story was easy to follow and had me on the edge of my seat without being too scary and the charcaters helped add something to the dark and chilling atmosphere. An enjoyable read.

This is a creepy little story about a middle school with a very dark past and the two new teachers that start working there after the shocking deaths of a couple of other teachers. There are some really good and original ideas in the story but I wasn't as scared by it as I thought I would be. Worth a read but ultimately not as satisfying as it could have been.

I loved the concept of this book but unfortunately I just couldnt get into it, the pace was quite slow and just didn't hold my interest and at times just felt repetitive. The nun character was quite creepy but other than that the other characters were quite boring.
Ive recently read a similar book which I preferred so im not sure if that's why this one felt like a struggle.

To start with, know that this novel includes detailed Horror, child tragedy, school fire, fatalities. If you are sensitive on these topics, please note in advance.
An engrossing and horrifying readers' hook sets up a fascinating, convoluted, Horror mystery which turns its two Feckless Hero protagonists--one female, one Male--who are set into a seemingly pleasant career situation, only to discover what is seen is not fact but illusion. The truth is literally horrifying and tragic.
I couldn't stop reading despite the many jump scares and the tragic events plus the sensorily detailed horrors. Author Oliver C. Seneca delivers an intriguing spin on "Implacability" in Horror. Be thankful, reader, you are not included. Remember: this is just a story. Repeat: just a story.