Member Reviews

I routinely recommend books of short stories to those readers looking for a new to them author or expanding their reading into differeing genre. This book of short stories was a "must read" by the title alone....it was impossible to pass this one up. The stories are hilarious. Some of them are better than others, but all of them are great. Now I have to go find Chika's back library.

This book was very interesting and i had a great time reading all the stories. My favourite story was the first! My jaw dropped so many times!

A selection of funny short stories to get you through the day. I really enjoyed dipping in and out of this bak for a laugh at the and of a long day.,

I'm not usually a fan of short stories, but given the captivating cover and title, I had to give it a go.
As other reviewers have already stated, some of the stories are far more engaging than others, with the first being about 'the condom' being the best by far.
For me, that story was the peak, after which the stories got progressively less interesting.
I would give another book by this author a go; however sadly, for me, this one wasn’t a winner.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher BooksGoSocial for an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I was intrigued to read a collection of short stories as it is usually a a great way to reset the brain after reading so many full length novels. However, this book is not it. I honestly did not enjoy any of these stories - I found them all rather bizarre.
The title of the book is intriguing - the stories are not.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. The opinions stated above are mine without biases.

Easy to read book. Lots of short stories. Some were amazing but some made no sense or maybe just not to me.
Mixed bag.
Grateful for the early opportunity to read it though.

I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. There were some quite good short stories but others made no sense to me at all.

This book was a delight, it was a easy read and especially good for those of us who have busy lives, as it’s easy to pick up and put down. I felt like to contained enough plot twists that you kept wanting to read more, yet were not confused either.

This was quite a different style of book. It is broken down into multiple different stories. The title really draws you in, but I felt as if it was lacking in the following stories. Some stories had the edge of humor, some were a little more dramatic. Some were political and even quirky.
It is the kind of book that you could just pick up and sporadically do some reading from to really get a quick taste of an intriguing story. The stories are very short and provide just enough details to hook you in.

I was so excited for this book, but I was very disappointed. The stories were predictible and weren't really anything special. Several of them I have read already on the Internet.

The first story in this book was good but after that, I did not enjoy the different stories and found them hard to get through, even only reading one story per day in the collection.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review.

I was interested in reading this collection of stories. The title and the cover immediately got my attention. However, many of the stories were either hit or miss for me. The stories that stood out to me the most were The Condom and Scent of a Child. I would love for "The Condom" and "Scent of a Child" to have been novels or longer stories because both of these stories were so good. The rest of the stories were either ok, or I just couldn't get into/struggled with reading them.

This is a great compilation of stories. The cover intrigued me and after reading the first story which is the condom, I thought they will be more more humorous ones. While I enjoyed most of the stories and as a Nigerian I could relate, there were also some stories I didn't enjoy.
Kudos to the author for still putting this together and thank you netgalley for the free copy.

This is a good collection with a nice variety of topics and genres. It may not sell well since anthologies aren't very popular. Recommended nonetheless.
Thanks very much for the free review copy!!

Thanks to net galley and all for an ARC copy in return for n honest review.
This writing style was not for me. I didn't really understand the point of the stories.

A variety of offbeat subjects is an enjoyable read with original edgy humour and belly laugh observations with underlying poignant issues. I look forward to more short stories by Peter Chika.
An independent review thanks to NetGalley / BooksGoSocial

I'll be honest and say I didnt finish this book...I just couldn't
As it was a collection of stories I didn't read them in any order and tried to pick ones I might enjoy based on the headlines but ultimately I am not sure I liked any all that much.
I am not sure I would call it a humour book, some of those stories are dark and I just couldn't relate
Maybe you need to be a fan of the author, maybe I was missing something but I just couldn't work this book out and I did not enjoy it

LOVED. Loved loved loved. Peter Chika is absolutely going to be an auto buy for me.
The title story, The Condom took me on a ride, and from that moment I was HOOKED on this book. These stories are unique and hilarious. Chika is able to build interesting, fully fleshed out characters in only a few pages. I LOVED it. This book will definitely lighten your mood and make you smile a little bit,

I found this book very hard to get into. The first story, The Condom, was good, but I couldn't relate to any of the characters in the rest of the stories.

Whoever decided to categorise #TheCondomandOtherStories as humour, needs to know it’s not OK to label a book in such a misleading way. While the cover and the titular story lead the reader to believe this claim, the later stories are anything but.
Out of the seventeen stories the book features, I cannot think of a single reason how come the first two are grouped together with the rest. I have more or less similar sentiments about three-four others, although these make more sense as part of this collection. The majority of the stories deal with themes of corruption in Nigeria, and author Peter Chika excels at writing these political and social commentaries* . . . it does, however, get repetitive after the fifth story about governmental/electoral corruption.
{*I felt compelled to add a note to this statement, because while some stories seem to be critical of toxic masculinity, some others have sort of misogynistic tones that put me off a bit.}
The stories are driven by their plots. Regrettably, some (like The Wager and A Great Goat) don’t even have that. Others suffer from their short length: the resolutions feel rushed, and therefore cannot pack the intended punch.
I have six favourites that were truly enjoyable, despite their bitter bite at times: The Briefcase, The List, The Offering, A Provocation, When It Rained, and Police is Your Friend. The narration in the latter two was not as engaging, but I liked their subject matter nonetheless.
The Briefcase, the third story within the collection, is when the book strayed (almost entirely, save for a couple stories later on) from the premise of its marketing — my failure to understand why this book was packaged as a lighthearted read in the humour genre is specifically due to my belief that its general themes of corruption are far more enticing.
The distasteful, nay, VILE inclusion of the ninth story is what ruined this book for me, and made the false marketing enraging to say the least. “Martyr” is a graphic story on a su*cide b*mbing, featuring r*pe as well, all without a hint of content warnings. It’s purely unacceptable to smack a story about t*rr*rism in the middle of a book that pretends to be a humour collection, boasting an illustration of a resort (?) for a cover, that does not even acknowledge consisting of serious stories, let alone one so deeply triggering about one of the most traumatising subjects ever.
It is impossible for me to recommend a book that does something as horrendous, even though I genuinely loved some of the stories. Since the book is already published, the cover and the contents can’t be changed, so I implore the publisher to at least fix the book’s online description to include content warnings.
[DRC provided by NetGalley and BooksGoSocial.]
Edit: The DRC boasted quite a few spelling errors. I hope they have been corrected for publication.