Member Reviews

This is a good guide for examining one's life and gives a step-by-step guide. Workbooks like this are always best in hardcopy, read with a pen. Would be a valuable read after reading The Story of You

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I didn't read The Story if You book so it was a little hard for me to follow, but I could see how it would be a great companion to the book.

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I read this workbook quite awhile after reading the book it goes along with, but it still spoke to me. It is full of insightful reflection questions that I found to be very helpful.

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I read the book so was eager for the workbook. It took some time to go through. I would recommend buying it as a hard copy not digital so you can circle and mark all the questions. The questions are detailed, specific and help you work through issues. It really felt like having a therapist with me working through issues. I know I will be coming back to this again and again as a resource.

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Terrific workbook to go along with the book The Story of Us. I definitely recommend reading the book prior or in tandem with this workbook. (Not a necessity but you’ll get much more from this that way. Imo)

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4 stars = Great!

Fantastic personal growth resource to accompany THE STORY OF YOU which released at the end of 2021. There's both content (including pieces for all 9 types) and questions to work through. This is the sort of resource where you will get out of it what you put into it. I could see this being used more than once, at different life stages or to examine different "stories" you have told yourself for years, so I would get a journal for the questions rather than use the workbook, but that's just me.

Highly recommend for Enneagram enthusiasts who know their numbers and are ready to move to the transformation stage of studying it.

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Thank you for an advance reader copy in return for my honest feedback. I received the workbook without reading the main book. As a therapist, it offered fresh and innovative worksheets that I could use I’m the future. It offers many deep prompts and helps you process your responses to life. Overall, I would recommend.

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This workbook allows the reader to take small actions towards imagining a new story. The book is laid out in a simple question format that allows for the awareness of the patterns of behavior that seemingly make us feel safer, be they our insecurities, doubts, or unwillingness to be pulled out of our comfort zones. It is important to note that this workbook may be used independently of reading The Story of You and I found it more meaningful as a accompaniment to the book.

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The perfect companion to use with The Story of You book. This workbook provides valuable tools to make the reader think and examine their beliefs and put their thoughts on paper. The guided exercises and prompts throughout the book are very engaging and easy to follow and complete. Highly recommend.

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I loved the Story of You when I read it last year and I have found the Enneagram to be an interesting lens to look through. I firmly believe in the idea that we write stories for ourselves and then spend the rest of our time looking for ways to prove that story and build on it so this guide which helps unravel our stories and creates space for us to build new stories was profoundly useful to me. I will keep coming back to it again and again.

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As a fan of Ian Morgan Cron's writing and student of the enneagram, I jumped at the chance to read an ARC of The Story of You Workbook. The workbook, unsurprisingly, works best with its companion book, The Story of You. It does not function as a standalone introduction to the enneagram - Cron has previously written those books, including a personal favorite: The Road Back to You. What is missing in much of the enneagram literature is a guide to what happens after a person discovers their number. Simply finding where one fits on the circle is interesting but there is the persistent question of what now? How does this information change my life, lead to growth and transformation? That is where this workbook comes in! It answers the what now question by walking us through the next steps. For me, it led not only to introspection but also deep, meaningful conversations. I have two quibbles: 1. The list of Bodily Costs left off GI issues, which as a gut-type I can tell you is a real consequence. 2. Although Cron tells plenty of stories in the accompanying book, I miss his storytelling in the workbook itself. I wish before each exercise, he had included a short anecdote or example to illustrate the purpose of the exercise and how to approach the questions being asked.

This workbook will reward careful and diligent attention with startling insights and a clear path forward in the journey toward growth and compassion. Thank you to NetGalley, Ian Morgan Cron, and HarperOne for the ARC.
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This is a good guide for self-reflection and to help you get out of your ingrained patterns. It’s a nice step-by-step guide.

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Pros: I love learning about different personality typologies, and the Enneagram is one of my favorites! I've read The Story of You before and think this book is a great solution to the question many readers might have of "Now what?" when they've finished reading the Story of You. This Workbook is a fantastic companion to the original book because it guides readers through learning more about themselves through the strengths and weaknesses of their Enneagram type and through self reflection. These two books together would make a wonderful graduation gift or gift during another time of transition.

Cons: The only con I can think to mention is that the formatting of some of the charts was wonky in the digital copy I read. I understand that this is not a final copy, so this issue might be a non-issue in the published book.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperOne for the opportunity to read this book.

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