Member Reviews

The illustrations in this book are beautiful. I felt like the stories were significantly shorter than I expected and in the attempt to make them more 'kid' friendly they just missed the mark for me. They were just oversimplified in my opinion.

Great book of bedtime story’s that are biblically based! Short and easy to understand so they will hold your child’s attention.

I do not want anyone to take it as an offence but this complete work made think doubtfully on both macro & micro level for the whole things around regarding this so-called-miracle-man. There was no reasoning to why all the mentioned things happened for any reason? Even if Jesus did it then why he would? Lack of such parts/logics made it looks more like blasphemy than mythological reality.
"You are my best friend" & "Even rock can praise God" parts sounds incomplete and senseless already. Why day-to-day coversions required if he said already that 'You are my best friend'? Why would anybody required to tell only after converting the fellow to Christianity that he'll be given blessing? Gods do not have bifurcation of their blessing or division of their love based on religion, then why this particular faith in this man demands as such?
This, to me, was complete illogical and unrelevant to belief which pronounces selfishly that it directs one to his path of salvation.

I really love Stories of Jesus for Little Ones by Judah and Chelsea Smith! The Smith’s bring out 10 stories of Jesus’ life—from Birth to Resurrection. Each story includes a neat fact and prayer. Stories of Jesus for Little Ones is a great way to introduce young ones to Jesus’ Life. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this book. My review is also on Goodreads.

This board book summarizes 10 different stories from the life of Christ. Several are his miracles, and other include the last supper and his miraculous birth. I appreciated that the phrasing is simple enough for a young child to understand, but still gives all credit to God and includes the Bible reference of where the story happens. For example, the feeding of the 5,000 is described as “The Boy Who Shared His Lunch,” and describes how God multiplied the small offering to feed the crowd.
My only doctrinal complaint about this book is how Christ’s suffering is described in the garden of Gethsemane. The book describes it as punishment for our sins. Im not sure I would describe it with that wording. That being said, I liked the book enough to buy a hard copy even though I have a digital copy.
Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy. A review was not required.

This book is perfect for conveying God's love and power. The stories are simple and children will easily connect with them. There are also beautiful, short prayers focusing on the heart of each story as well as summary descriptions on each page that could be used as the book's text for very young readers. The art is warm and cheerful with an attractive color scheme. This is a lovely book for anyone looking to introduce children to the life of Jesus with a focus on the way He loved and served.

Stories of Jesus for Little Ones by Judah and Chelsea Smith is advertised to be for 0-4-year-olds. No matter how much understanding a child has there's no reason to lie to them. The first story is "A Baby in a Manger" and it tells the story of Joseph and Mary on a "trip". They were knocking on doors to find a room. This isn't the biblical story and they weren't looking for a vacant room at motels.
Then they skip from the last supper to the ascension. They mention Jesus being put in jail and killed. Then God brought him back to life. Then it's that Jesus ascended. That's all on one page in one story. Death, burial, resurrection, and ascension get one story? FOUR-YEAR-OLDS CAN HEAR THE TRUTH.
I wouldn't recommend this book because it's not theologically sound and treats kids as if they are too stupid to understand the truth of the gospel.

Really loved this book. I'm Godmother to a young niece and nephew; but the parents don't take them to church. So I struggle with how to be a good Godmother, when they are several hours away. I'm definitely purchasing this book for them! It is perfect for them, age 4-6. Thank you for providing this type of book!
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review the advance read copy in exchange for an honest review. Also thank you to Judah Smith and Chelsea Smith (authors) and Alexandra Ball (Illustrations) and the publisher Thomas Nelson Children's Books. Publication date is Dec 6, 2022.

Thanks to Netgalley and Tommy Nelson for a free digital copy.
A great little Bible stories board book. Each story is just two pages but gives a great overview of some iconic stories of Jesus. Includes inserted facts and prayers for each story.

A board book of the life of Jesus from his birth to his rising. Just 10 pages packed with who Jesus is to share with your little ones. A friend, a savior, redeemer! It is never to early to share books with your children on the love of God.
A special thank you to Thomas Nelson and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review