Member Reviews

Great story and truly enjoyable read. I love a good mountain lodge setting. Throw in some good characters, a little family history baggage and an unexpected attraction and I’m all in.

The story is entertaining, endearing and enough complexity to keep you interested.

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I love everything Elle Spencer writes. This was no exception. The bickering between the two main characters over bad blood between their fathers was great entertainment.

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A good rivalry/miscommunication and drama between the characters. Good supporting cast and some intense moments with some lighthearted times that just make you turn each page.

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Loved this enemies to lovers story! A fun, well-written book with great characters, believable and well written. Kennedy cracked me up! The slow burn was great. I really enjoyed this one and will gladly recommend it!

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For the life of me I don’t know why I kept putting off reading this book but finally I’ve taken the time and discovered another great read from Ms Spencer.
Kennedy Fleming travels to Utah to check on the cabin her father has owned for a number of years but with him being unable to look after his own affairs due to illness. She thinks she’s there to meet with a realtor to see about selling the cabin. She didn’t count on Bridget Berg.
Bridget Berg has been running the lodge her father has owned for as long as Bridget can remember. Now with her fathers death, operating the lodge has become her job. One she loves but dealing with her dad’s death has left her a little distracted. That’s until she see Kennedy Fleming being dropped off to oversee the cabin and possibly selling it. Kennedy sure as heck, didn’t count on Bridget.
Both leads are great with a great supporting cast. A fast, very fun read. Very, very enjoyable.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bold Stroke Books

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I enjoyed this book. It is about Bridget & Kennedy. Bridget inherited her father's ski lodge after his death. She is still figuring out the business and trying to keep it up to her father's expectations. She is plodding along until Kennedy comes into the picture. Bridget knows about the feud her father and Kennedy's father had, but does not know all the implications of that feud.
What she also doesn't know is that Kennedy was sent to the nearby house of her recently departed father to sell. Kennedy does not want to sell, but may have to due to the lacking conditions of the house. Bridget does not want to know this woman, but Kennedy continues to appear at her lodge. Kennedy is very interested in Bridget, and Bridget's icy front is beginning to thaw.
However, there is something on the horizon that may crush the new feelings.
I would recommend.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I always look forward to Elle Spencer’s new releases and “A Long Way to Fall” was no different. It’s an enemies-to-lovers romance and for some reason I don’t read a lot of that trope.

Bridget Berg has recently inherited not only the ski resort her father owned, but also the multi-year feud he had with their closest neighbor, Jerry Fleming. When Jerry’s daughter Kennedy, comes to town, Bridget is immediately put on guard.

“A Long Way to Fall” was a hallmark type rom-com with a lot of flirty banter and laugh out loud over the top situations. It’s well written and suited for someone wanting a light and fluffy romance. Unfortunately, it didn’t work too well for me overall, even with those positive things.

I realize that I’m an outlier here but there were several things that I couldn’t get past to make me really enjoy this. Almost 90% of this book takes place over 5 days. They meet on Friday and love is mentioned on the following Tuesday and I just could not buy it. Especially as several of those days Bridget is being very antagonistic towards Kennedy. They have a lot of chemistry together but they barely spend any time together for the majority of the book. Kennedy is flirty and very forgiving of Bridget’s behavior but don’t actually get to know one another. It’s just cute banter and quips at one another.

Then there’s also a time jump and we missed them really getting to one another followed by a rushed ending where everything magically works out for everyone. There wasn’t enough character development or emotional connection for me to love this.

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is an enemies to lovers romance. However, as readers will find, the road to romance has many curves.

The two main characters are Bridgett Berg and Kennedy Fleming. Bridgett is the daughter of an Olympic downhill skier who has died and left his once famous ski resort on Elk Mountain, Utah, to his daughter. Bridgett is also a skier who had a career ending injury and now finds herself running the resort. She never envisioned herself being a resort administrator and is struggling to fill her father’s shoes.

Kennedy Fleming is the daughter of a real estate mogul. Her father is ill, and he wishes to sell his cabin that just happens to be on the same mountain within a short distance from the resort. Kennedy is delegated with this sales assignment and assumes that she can just fly up there over a weekend, assess the cabin’s value, and meet with a local realtor. Simple? Not so.

When Kennedy and Bridgett meet there is mighty clash of personalities. Bridgett knows that there has always been a conflict between her father and Kennedy’s dad, but she does not know the reason for their negative feelings. Kennedy, however, was not made aware of any conflict and doesn’t understand what the problem is, but she knows that Bridgett is a fiery, red head to whom she is attracted.

Readers will find hours of wonderful reading and times when they will chuckle over the interactions of the two women. I really enjoy Ms. Spencer’s writing and recommend this book. The plot was solid and will keep you interested throughout the entire book. The character development was wonderful. From the moment I was introduced to the characters, I could visualize them.

For a great summer read, pick up this book. I highly recommend A Long Way to Fall. I rate this 5 out of 5 stars.

I received this ARC from Bold Strokes Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A Long Way to Fall is a fun, light-hearted novel. It's quite funny too and found myself giggling throughout - particularly following Kennedy's shenanigans. She's a great character - she's so sweet and cheeky, but thankfully with substance too. I thought her and Bridget worked well together.

I thought the chemistry was there, but the romance itself moved very quickly. There were some big feelings discussed without a lot of relationship development shown. Regardless, I still really enjoyed this novel.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for a copy of this novel. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Who is Elle Spencer and where has she been since I started on my sapphic fiction road trip? This book was hilarious and sweet, a little mysterious, and very, very sexy. But mainly the banter between the two MCs was so well written; definitely the best I have read in a very long time, if not ever. It was clever and witty and had me laughing out loud to looks of bewilderment from those close by.
A Long Way to Fall is an enemy-to-lover romance where past mistakes rear up to affect others who are blind to what happened and were brought on by other people’s bitterness. Bridget is the daughter sent to sell her ailing father’s vacation home, and Kennedy is the daughter grieving the death of her father and wondering if she can keep his dreams alive by successfully running his world-class ski resort.
Bridget is Kennedy’s arch-nemesis, only she has no idea why. Kennedy knows she needs to be wary of Bridget, only she can’t seem to stay away, and no one has managed to make her laugh so much in a very long time. I could not get enough of these two (not so) secretly wanting each other while publicly hating each other. Elle Spencer has written Bridget and Kennedy so well that they share some wicked chemistry, and when they finally admit their attraction, sparks fly.

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Elle Spencer books are always a hit with me and this one didn't disappoint! Great characters, awesome setting, and I turned the pages far too late into the night! Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book

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I enjoyed this book. I really liked Kennedy as a character, not so sure about Bridget. I wish we got to see more of their relationship

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I really enjoyed this book. The writing was engaging and funny and had me laughing out loud on multiple occasions. The interactions of the two main characters were hilarous but at the same time you could see the connection building. The ski lodge setting had me longing to book a fancy ski resort and enjoy a hot chocolate by the warm fire, despite never having skied. On the flipside, the big conflict came up way too late and was resolved too quickly without properly addressing it (spoiler: and I didn't see how Kennedy could forgive her brother at all, let alone so quickly). Bridget's initial dislike of Kennedy would have been better off being dealt with a little quicker to leave more room for the main conflict to be explored more thoroughly.

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Bridget is the daughter of an Olympic skier. She also had Olympic aspirations of her own before a bad accident. She grew up on Elk Mountain in the lodge her father built. Her Dad is in a lifelong feud with their neighbor. no one knows why. When her dad unexpectedly dies, Bridget takes over the resort and will do just about anything to keep his legacy going.
Kennedy is on her way to the mountain to put the cabin up for sale. Her dad is suffering dementia and doesn’t know her anymore and it breaks her heart. At the airport she finds her luggage is lost. She flies up the mountain in a helicopter when she see a red headed goddess watching her . When she goes into the lodge she finds she is not welcome. No clothes, no food and no warmth in her cabin, she does everything she can to get into the lodge but Bridget is not having it.
The chemistry was off the charts and sharp banter between Bridget and Kennedy was fun, sexy and flirty. Great book

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Elle Spencer has done it again. Long time reader, first time reviewer here. I have loved Elle’s previous books, especially Casting Lacey. A Long Way to Fall has everything a reader needs; snowy mountains, sarcastic characters- mostly Kennedy, a fast paced enemy to lovers romance, and a family feud all rolled up into one. The chemistry between Bridget Berg, the Elk Mountain Resort owner and Kennedy Fleming, daughter of the most hated man on the mountain is unmatched, even if Bridget tries to fight it. A long standing family feud may stop Bridget and Kennedy before they even start. Go read this book!

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A Long Way to Fall: 3.5/5 stars

This book was good, but I wanted more!

Bridget has had to take over her dad's mountain resort after his death, working to keep things running smoothly while also dealing with her own grief. The resort's neighbor has been a huge pain in the ass over the past couple of decades, so when his daughter Kennedy shows up, Bridget doesn't trust her. This was kind of an enemies-to-lovers story, as Bridget is determined not to let Kennedy onto her property or into her heart, but she lets her guard down thanks to Kennedy's flirting and penchant to get into scrapes (not to mention her looks).

I loved Kennedy. I loved her flirting, her vulnerability, and the situations she got herself into. I really love a woman crashing into snow in a romance, let me tell you. I thought the romance and story were well-paced, I enjoyed that both Bridget and Kennedy were dealing with emotional stress because of their fathers, and the sex scenes were great. I would have liked a little more; both women were dealing with a lot of emotional stuff, and a little more conversation and exploration about their emotions and pasts would have been lovely. Maybe a little more build up.

Overall I enjoyed this and will be recommending to friends!

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It’s Complicated Buuut Love Wins Out . . .

This is my second novel I’ve read by this author and won’t be the last. The main characters were personable and funny; their struggles were real not all lust, love then HEA. The attraction they had was evident, but first they had to get over years of family drama and huge financial problems to see if love could endure.

Overall I loved the witty banter, hilarious ski mishaps, and fun side characters, honestly more could continue to happen on Elk Mountain and be a great series.

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A Long Way to Fall by Elle Spencer was just the book I needed to read during these very trying times in the real world. Sometimes we just need to immerse ourselves in a good story and let reality go for a while. This is a great novel to do that with.

Ms. Spencer has a wicked sense of humor. I knew this already from reading some of her former novels. She used this skill to turn what would have been a very serious enemies-to-lovers romance into a tale that often had me chuckling out loud as I read. At times it even became slapstick humor. I’m glad she made her main characters, Bridget Berg and Katherine Fleming intelligent, likeable, able to take a joke and laugh at themselves, especially Katherine.

The setting, a gorgeous ski resort at the top of a pristine mountain is beautifully described. Even the rundown shack that Katherine stays in has a certain charm…if you like no heat, food, or any other amenities that make life bearable.

The love story between the two is quite satisfying to read about, though it takes a while for the two to recognize and admit to their chemistry. The humor helps to blunt some of the bad feelings that were present (mostly on Bridget’s side) in the tale.
I had a lot of fun reading this novel. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a humorous enemies-to-lovers romance.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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Love on a Mountain
Bridget is the daughter of an Olympic skier. She grew up on Elk Mountain in the lodge her father built. Life is ideal, except for the cranky neighbour who has a feud with her dad. She has no clue why and her dad isn’t telling. When he unexpectedly dies, she takes over the resort and will do just about anything to keep his legacy going, even when the daughter of the neighbour dares show her face. Kennedy and her family live in Miami, far from Elk Mountain where her dad owns a cabin. He is suffering dementia and doesn’t know her anymore and it breaks her heart as her dad was her hero. She goes up the mountain to put the house on the market. Her brother was supposed to do it but he is expecting a baby anytime. Kennedy has no desire to live there until she sees the sexy red head that owns the lodge next door. Then all bets are off, because WOW! Sure she’s rude and unwelcoming but Kennedy is always up for a challenge. As she learns about the things her dad has done to Bridget’s family, her view of him is shaken. When something happens to hurt Bridget, something he and her brother set in motion, Kennedy must choose, her family or her heart….

I really liked this book, mostly and I will get to that part in a bit…. It was a very good story, with lots of drama and flirty back and forth. As much as she wants to hate Kennedy, Bridget is falling for her charms and its funny to watch Kennedy woo her. She is slowly melting and you can’t help but want everything to work out for them. This tale is very fluffy, light and sweet, everything feels easy and low drama and fast to get romantic (I hope this is making sense) for the most part. That’s not something I usually enjoy but Ms Spencer REALLY makes it work! The only thing I really hated, and I really, really hated this, was that Kennedy was going to turn her back on her brother for hurting Bridget but then she leaves the mountain with him. He gets off scot free for what he has done to them both and I HATED that, but the ending was perfect so I focused on that. Even though I hated that part, I can easily see myself reading this book again and I even dreamed about the story, so that lets you know it was a good one!

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“Bridget had found the love of her life. And she was never letting her go. “

Thank you so so much NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for the e-arc !!!!!

Currently screaming so bad because of how good the book is OH MY GOD.

An enemies to lovers romance with family feud and snow? Count me in.

Elle Spencer made a brilliant work with “A Long Way To Fall” with the angst between the characters at first and the stories behind them and how comforting it felt when they actually TALKED about what was going on and trusted each other (I actually teared up).

So enjoyable and funny, a lighthearted masterpiece that I couldn’t bear myself to stop reading.

Definitely recommend to people looking for something fast and adorable to read !!

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