Member Reviews

A refreshing story with mature adults who have choices to make to change themselves. Live the mother being the focus and a strong positive roll model. The children are adults and it made me happy and a part of the family. I could see a sequel to this story! Recommend.

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8/9/22 - I'm putting this aside for now and waiting until it is released and hopefully, I'll be able to listen to it. I've tried reading it and it is just dragging and can't quite get into it. I consider Emily March a favorite author and LOVE her Eternity Springs series.

3/18/23 - Now that I have listened to the audiobook version of this, I really enjoyed this book as I usually do with Emily March's books. I don't know why I didn't when I attempted to read it last year, it didn't work for me. Guess, I just wasn't in the right mood at the time. I look forward to whenever the net book in the series comes out; hopefully that will be in the near future.

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What a wonderful book! A stay at home mom who has devoted her whole life to her children when her husband died at a very young age. Now, her children are fighting amongst themselves and make up bogus reasons for not coming to holiday dinners. One daughter has lost her husband to an accident, the other is married to 'not a nice' man. Her sons won't even talk to each other!!! An intervention has to happen and quick!

Selling the 'family home' and most of her possessions, Genevieve has left Texas, her children, and her memories, to head to Colorado where her sister, who lived near her in Texas, has retired. A shake-up to be certain..

Now the whole family needs to reorganize and look at themselves and the people they have become. Oldest son, Jake, who took over 'the man of the family' role when his father died, although a very well respected business man, is not happy over some issues at his job and decides to quit. He follows his mom to Colorado, not sure what he's going to do. Soon, the rest of his siblings follow and now the kids are all in Colorado with mom! Can they move forward and leave their old attitudes behind? Can they begin to get along as siblings should?

I really related to the characters in this story. I could BE Genevieve!! As the story concludes, there are so many ways the second book in this series can go! I can't wait!!

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Emily March has done it again. She introduced us to a new group of characters and added a few old and loved ones into the storyline. I can't wait for the 2nd book to be released. It's a whole new storyline that always draws in the reader and leaves us wanting more.

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This new series by Emily March introduces Lake in the Clouds, a small Colorado town a few hours from Eternity Springs. There's a side trip to Eternity Springs for four of the characters, but this story is all about the Prentice family from Texas. Genevieve is the matriarch, who became a young widow when her beloved husband died suddenly at 39. Her children Jake, Willow, Brooke and Lucas have not talked to one another in a few years due to a dispute over their grandfather's land. Then there's her sister Helen, a retired lawyer and a real character, who, after all the children fail to show up for Thanksgiving, invites her sister to join her in Colorado and help her renovate an old lodge in Lake in the Clouds. So she sells the family home,leaving her multiple sets of china (one for every season and holiday!) and moves, refusing to talk to any of her offspring till they grow up! This story centers on Jake, although all of the individual children are having their own dramas. He's the oldest and stepped up when his father died. Unfortunately he needed to be told that he wasn't his father, and that he needs to 'find himself'; he then quits his high profile job. He also reconnects with Tess Crenshaw, who he'd been forced to fire under pressure from new management at his firm, but he did help her find a much better job. They are a cute couple and Gen and Helen are wonderful sisters.
This story had fun, complex and interesting characters who had real life struggles and challenges in their relationships. The author did a great job of showing that families are messy and complicated and also showed that family is everything. I can't wait to read more in this series!

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Emily March is one of those authors I know I can rely on for a good story - and The Getaway is no exception. This is the start of a new series and she's set it up well. It's a romance, but it's also a love story, covering not only romantic love but also love for family.
This book centers on Genevieve Prentice and her son Jake. Genevieve was widowed when her four children were still young. She focused on raising those children as a single parent, dedicating her life to them and tried to instill in them a strong sense of family and tradition. But this story finds her children grown and not getting along well with each other. Their differences are revealed throughout the book, but the result has left Genevieve at loose ends - and eventually there's an incident that pushes her over the edge. She sells the home where she raised her children and makes an impetuous move to a small town in Colorado.
Meanwhile, her oldest son Jake also finds himself at loose ends with both work and his personal life, and ends up going to check up on Genevieve. Family confrontations ensue, as well as a budding romance with a former co-worker.
Fans of March's Eternity Springs series and its spin-offs will appreciate the loose ties to that series here. It was a fun read, and I look forward to catching up with Genevieve and her family in future books in the series.
Thanks to Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for providing a copy for an unbiased review.

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This is the story of Genevieve, who is trying to figure out her new purpose in life. Her four children have grown and her role as mom isn't as meaningful. So what's next? I can identify with her, I just wish I had all the supportive friends and the charm of her small town. This is Eternity Springs adjacent and has the same warm and cozy feel. I look forward to more in this series.

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Full review to come on Goodreads and Amazon. Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for a review copy.

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The Getaway follows Genevieve, and the four children she raised herself, after she was widowed young. Now grown, the kids are distant, and all have their own issues. She decides to start living her life, and sells the family home, and buys a lodge to renovate with her sister. Then, her son arrives having quit his job and ready to help.

This was an enjoyable read, with family dynamics, and drama, and lots of love. The first in a new series.

Thank you Netgalley and Forever for the ARC!

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This new series by Emily March introduces Lake in the Clouds, a small Colorado town a few hours from Eternity Springs. There will be a small road trip to Eternity Springs and Celeste will make an appearance, but mostly this is about the Prentice family of Texas; Genevieve the matriarch, her grown children Jake, Lucas, Brooke. and Willow and her sister Helen. Genevieve was a young widow when her husband died at 39 years old. Her oldest son Jake, 15 at the time, felt he needed to step up to the plate and has been ever since. A few years ago there was a family rift regarding an inheritance and ever since the siblings have been squabbling. When none of her children show up for Thanksgiving, despite knowing how much holidays mean to her, Genevieve has had enough. She loves her children, but they have hurt her, and she has had enough, so she sells the family home and moves to Lake in the Clouds to help her sister Helen renovate a lodge with her sister. And she refuses to have any contact with her children until they grow up. While all of the children are having their own personal dramas, this story centers on Jake. After his mother tells him that he is not his father and he needs to discover who he is, he realizes that he has come to hate his job under its current management and quits. Meanwhile he also reconnects with Tess Crenshaw, who he was forced to fire, but he help her find a much better job. They are a cute couple and Geneva and Helen are wonderful sisters.

As always, Ms March weaves a beautiful story with wonderful characters, witty dialogue and a very relatable story line. I enjoyed reading this book very much and look forward to the next ones in the series. I read an ARC from This is my unbiased and voluntary review.

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Sorry for the late review. I forgot to post it when I finished the book.
I very much enjoyed this story! I left me wanting to read more about this family. I’m looking forward to more in the series! I wish there were more books with the main character being at this point in their lives. It’s much easier for me to relate to.
This also introduced me to Emily March’s other series, Eternity Springs!

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Some of the characters were a bit spoiled but I enjoyed the writing and the book.

Thank you NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review

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I really loved this book and the author I can’t wait to read more from her etch a beautiful read the cover was very beautiful as well for sure a five star read!

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This book is about Genevieve Prentice and her grown children. Genevieve was widowed at a young age. To be honest this was not my favorite book. The children acted more like spoiled brats then they did adults.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Genevieve was a young widow raising 4 children on her own. She dedicated her life to the kids and believed in family and traditions. The kids are all grown now and have their own problems. There's distance between them whether in miles or just getting along, relationships issues, career challenges, all things that keep them apart and mess with traditions. As Genevieve tries to mend the problems her children are faced with but being met with resistance, she begins to look at her life and where she's at. She's quite close with her sister, so when they get together and decide to take on a project and make some changes in their lives that in return affect the kids. Each one reacts differently and we find out just what family and traditions mean to each. This is my first Emily March book and I enjoyed it a great deal. I am interested in seeing what the next book in this series will hold. I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Emily March is a fo to author for me when I want a sweet escape and this novel didn't disappoint. A very special and moving read.

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What a great book! This story had fun, complex and interesting characters who had real life struggles and challenges in their relationships. The author did a great job of showing that families are messy and complicated and also showed that family is everything. I really enjoyed this book!

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Emily March is a go to author for small town romance, and now with woman's fiction. Such a great story about an older woman and grown children and all the baggage that comes with them. A sweet story about the oldest son finding out who he is and what he really wants out of life and falling in love.

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BOOK REVIEW: The Getaway by Emily March
Series: Lake In The Clouds | Book 1
2022 Publication Date: September 6


T.I.M.E. Best Books By Genre | Contemporary Fiction
T.I.M.E. Most Anticipated Books Of 2022

Get your hooks in the water and start fishing...

Looking for contemporary novels that deliver both a wonderful contemporary fiction read and a contemporary romance love story? Meet your book match with Emily March's, The Getaway!

My first novel Emily March read was her Eternity Springs: The McBrides Of Texas series. And I fell in love with her wonderful writing style that delivers contemporary novels infused with strong family dynamics, modern story elements that present men and women as equal partners, and contemporary romance that sizzles without all the steamy details.

The Getaway continues her beautifully written signature style but with a whole new modern fiction perspective...

Our focus here is making every moment count... And creating the life that makes you truly happy...

Perfect for readers who want a modern classic book that you will fill with highlighted bookmarks of "little treasures" to support you in creating a life based on what matters most to you in your own life...✨😎✨

Pages: 385
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Sub-Genre: Domestic Fiction | Contemporary Romance
Time Period: Present Day
Location: Texas | Colorado

Book: Part Of Your World by Abby Jimenez
Movie: The Family Stone

Genevieve Prentice, who was widowed as a young woman, is a mother who has dedicated her life to her four children. But now they are all grown up, left their home in Austin, Texas, and barely speak to each other... Or confide in her as to what the "secret history" trouble is.

So she decides to start living for herself.... Sells the family house and accepts the opportunity to renovate a lodge with her sister (and best friend) in Lake In The Clouds, Colorado.

Her oldest son, Jake Prentice, is a dependable person who, after realizing he was stressed and unhappy, has taken the example set by his mother... And just quit his job to find what truly makes him happy.

He shows up at Genevieve's lodge project ready to help as needed... And hopeful the beautiful setting will give him the space and inspiration he needs to discover what he really wants to do.

As they work together to renovate the lodge, Genevieve and Jake learn about themselves, each other, and the true meaning of family... As each sibling shows up to offer — and ask for — help as well.

Best Books Pick for Best Contemporary Novels

• The importance of living your life for yourself and not just your children.
• The value in taking the time to discover what truly makes you happy.
• How powerful it can be when a family works together towards a common goal.

"Lesson number one of successful adulting. A person grows up his entire life." — The Getaway | Emily March


All my book reviews can be seen at This Is My Everybody | Simple Living | Denise Wilbanks at

♡ Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

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This was my first book by Emily March, and it's also the first in a new series. I really enjoyed this story and I'm looking forward to reading more. This book was full of family dynamics. I loved the characters, and the setting was dreamy! I can't wait to read more of this series in the future!

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