Member Reviews

Women’s fiction. Mom finally puts her foot down when her very privileged children refuse to stop their infighting. I didn’t enjoy the entitlement and couldn’t relate and put this one down at 32% complete.

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3.5 stars rounded up

Gwenieve Prentice a young widow raised her four children mostly by herself. She had dreams of what their life would have been and she tried her best to keep her family together. Until a family feud between her children over an inheritance keeps them away for Thanksgiving. Gwenieve decides to make a change. She sells the house and moves to Colorado with her sister.
Jake her son decides to quit his job and change what he's always done. He decides to pursue a former colleague and move out to Colorado.

The book was fun and entertaining. This is a closed door romance with no spice. A family drama. I'm intrigued to see what happens next for the Prentice family.

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Oh how I loved this book!!! Emily March has a new fan for life! I just loved Genevieve. I felt like she and Jake both grew so much as not only individuals, but mother and son . When Tess enters the story, I was really swept away with her and Jake. This was one of those feel good stories that you just know you will come back to re read over and over again.

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I loved this book. I loved reading about the messy family dynamic and the journey of family trauma and bonds. Emily March is a new author to me and I love her style and can't wait to read more of her books. The Getaway is a perfect read and a comforting read.

Watch my Amazon Live interview with Emily March here:

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The Getaway is a delightful first book of the Lake In The Clouds series. I really enjoyed this story.
Genevieve loves her family and celebrates all the holidays with all the works. Her four children are all grown up and have their own lives. Circumstances arise in all their lives where they are at loggerheads and Genevieve decides to change her life with her sister Helen.
This story is as much of Genevieve and Jake as well who is her elder son. Jake and Tess are wonderful characters who complement each other.
The delightful banter between Genevieve and Helen is so wonderful to read. I really loved how the author gave life to these beautiful characters where they are starting their own ventures and enjoying life to the full extent. Age is just a number for these two women. I will be looking forward to the next book in this series.

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In this lovely story by Emily March readers are treated to the first book in a new series. We meet Genevieve Prentice and her four adult children. As the story begins, it is about to be the Thanksgiving holiday and Genevieve discovers that her two sons will not be present. Not only does she then call the holiday off altogether, she has an epiphany and changes her life in a completely different direction.

Genevieve is not the only one that makes a change. In fact, her oldest son Jake finds his life is not going in the direction that is bringing him joy. In fact, a business decision has him doubting whether or not he is happy in his job and before long he ends up quitting his job and changing his life as well. Before Jake left his job, one of his responsibilities was to lay off quite a few employees, and this would include Tess Crenshaw. Jake has always been drawn to Tess, but because he was her boss's boss, he knew that they could not even act on any attraction they shared.

One of the things Genevieve does is she buys a property in Lake in the Clouds, Colorado. Jake soon shows up there, and Tess does as well, albeit separately. So the story gives us the perspective of each of these three characters, Genevieve, Jake and Tess.

As the story develops, one thing is made clear. No one is really happy in life right now. Genevieve has been a widow for two decades, and her role of matriarch has ended up making her unhappy, mostly due to the actions of her children. Not only do we see the direction that Genevieve goes in, we learn more of why Jake made such a drastic change in his life. Tess’s history is also part of the story that is developing especially now that she is being open to seeing where things are going with the shared attraction she has with Jake. Not only is this a very well-rounded story with characters that are easy to relate to, but it is the first book in a new series. I cannot wait to see more of the Prentice family and to see their stories develop.

Many thanks to Forever and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

Please enjoy my YouTube video review -

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Emily March is one of my favorite authors, writing heart-tugging, family-centric stories that always take me on an emotional journey and never fail to leave me with a happy, satisfied smile.

I really enjoyed the family dynamics in this book and appreciate the fact that characters of different generations not only have compelling life journeys but the potential for romantic ones as well. Genevieve, Jake, and Tessa are all at different points in their lives - and careers - but all still very relatable to me as a reader. I appreciate how March takes her time with each of them individually while also giving care to the development of their relationships, both romantic and familial.

I enjoy how March weaves all the members of the Prentice family in and out of the story, slowly beginning to peel back the layers of their relationships and whetting our appetites with glimpses of new - and continuing - journeys in future books. She's so good at creating the love, rivalry, hurt feelings, and steadfast support among members of a family unit. I'm eager to watch how they all evolve over the course of the series.

Genevieve is the character I probably most closely identify with. It's so satisfying to watch her emerge from her cocoon, begin to discover her own value as a person - apart from her role as a mother - and embrace new adventures and dreams. If you're a fan of The Sound of Music (as I am) you will probably find yourself singing along and enjoying her adventures vicariously. I did. I'm excited to tag along as she continues to spread her wings and excited to discover what March has in store for her next.

The Getaway launches March's new Lake in the Clouds series and I am already hooked. While this first book centers primarily on Genevieve and her oldest son, Jake, we're also given the opportunity to meet and begin to get to know Jake's siblings as well as Genevieve's sister. By the end of the book I was completely invested in this family, intrigued by a neighboring family, and excited to watch all of their journeys play out over the course of the series. The tie-in to Eternity Springs and a couple cameo appearances are delightful bonuses that fans of the Eternity Springs series are sure to enjoy.

If you enjoy feel-good contemporary stories with relatable characters you can cheer for, complex family dynamics that tug at your heart, romance, emotional depth, and happy endings, don't miss Emily March's The Getaway. It's a keeper.

*ARC received from HachetteUS/Forever via Netgalley for fair and unbiased review

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The start of a new series that I’m excited about. I loved how this one started with the dining room table and ends with the dining room table. It’s the centerpiece of the family. It’s where families gather, decorations to celebrate each holiday are lovingly placed and meals are served.
There is drama, some serious issues, fighting, forgiveness and a whole lot of love. I’m invested in Genevieve and her family and I can’t wait to continue on with them.
Thank you @readforeverpub and @netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Genevieve Prentice was widowed at 39 and left with four children to raise on her own. Jake is the oldest and was 15 when his dad died. Genevieve has always put a lot of love into family gatherings, and she expects her children to attend even though they are now grown. There have been hard feelings between the siblings in the past 3 years and this Thanksgiving it seems no one is coming. Helen is Genevieve's older sister, and she does come for Thanksgiving she has retired and moved to Colorado. After the fiasco at Thanksgiving Genevieve decides she needs to make some major changes and demands the kids come to a dinner on Epiphany Day. As she tells her kids about her new adventures, they are thunder struck.
Jake has been unhappy at his job for months and at Thanksgiving he is firing 28 employees and his boss also sends him out of town and he is missing the family gathering. After the Epiphany dinner with his mother and siblings he knows, he can't keep living the way he has been and decides to make changes also. Tess Crenshaw was one of the 28 employees he fired; but they had been a spark between them that neither could pursue due to working together. Jake sends Tess to a old friend and his immediately hired at that firm.
Genevieve has moved to Colorado with Helen and has started over and suddenly after a few months Jake shows up.
This is a great start to the Prentice family, and I can't wait to read more about the family!

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Wow, what a fantastic book about family. The Prentice family has a loving mom, Genevieve, at the center, but her children are causing her problems. She is all about the holidays and setting the perfect table with the perfect dishes and decorations. When all of her children bail for Thanksgiving, she’s hurt. Drastic actions are called for and boy does she deliver. Her sons can barely tolerate being in the same room. What’s that all about? You’ll get answers by reading. Genevieve also has two daughters, but they’re pulling away. They have their reasons and they’ll be revealed. Genevieve’s older sister, Helen, is a great support during these difficult times. I’m not going to post any spoilers, but I will say this realistic read had me hooked from the beginning. I enjoyed it even more with the added romance aspect. I can’t wait to read more from this new to me author.

I received an advance reader copy of this book from NetGalley and this is my voluntary and honest review.

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"The Getaway" (Lake in the Clouds Book 1) by Emily March was a fabulous read. I absolutely loved this start to this new series. I loved reading about the Prentice family. This story had family, drama, overcoming loss, new beginnings, humor, romance, entertaining characters, and more. I can't wait to read more about Genevieve, Helen, Jake, Tess, Lucas, Willow, Brooke, Drew, and Emma. Highly recommend it to all fans of romance, family, entertaining characters, and series.

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I adored this book! The characters were easy to love and had so much depth and growth.

I loved the changing of characters and perspectives throughout the story and the multiple character story lines all going on at the same time.

It seems like this one is planned to be a series and I’m definitely in to read the next books.

This is definitely 5 🌟 for me!!

Thanks to @netgalley for this ARC!

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Emily March is off to a great start with her new Lake in the Clouds series. I loved this contemporary story with relatable characters and situations. While I await the next book, I plan to read the previous series set in nearby Eternity Springs. Thanks to NetGalley and Forever for an advance copy to read and review.

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The Getaway is a heartwarming, soul searching kind of book by Emily March. It is about change for empty nester Genevieve Prentice who decides to relocate to Lake in the Clouds, Colorado. Don’t you just love the name of that place? Planning to renovate a lodge along with her sister, she never expected her oldest son to join her. Yes, change is happening in his life too as he evaluates his career, his choices and what he really wants out of life.

A feel good story of family, regrets forgiveness, new dreams, reconnections, and romance. All is rolled into one delicious book. Maybe a getaway would be good for us all.

An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Emily March’s The Getaway! The novel is filled with relatable characters, romance and family drama. The bond between sisters Genevieve Prentice and Helen McDaniel plus the unspoken attraction between Jake Prentice and Tess Crenshaw drew me into the story.
Genevieve Prentice has had enough of the bickering between her four children. She realizes that she cannot fix their problem. However, she can put herself first and move forward. Genevieve is a strong woman and I enjoyed how she rediscovered herself, her passions—and all the possibilities in her new chapter.
Jake Prentice is a dynamic character— he’s the family fixer and a workaholic. He is overwhelmed with the constant cutbacks at work, the bickering between his brothers and sisters and feels guilty that he laid off one of the company’s rising stars; Tess Crenshaw. I enjoyed the pages where Jake finally understood that he is responsible for his own happiness. Jake travels to Colorado to visit his mom and aunt and take the time to figure things out.
Loved that the author chose to tell this story of family and new beginnings from three points of view. I related to Genevieve’s story as it’s difficult to put yourself first, not your family. Loved that she embraced her new community, made new friends and went on the Sound of Music trip with her sister—something they had talked about for years! Jake ignored his attraction towards Tess as he was her manager. Loved that Jake reached out to Tess and invited her to Colorado. The romance between the couple sizzled as they explored Lake in the Clouds. Loved that Jake put his relationship with Tess first and that she understood that Jake needed to embrace all of the new opportunities that life had to offer him.
Emily March is one of my favorite authors. Her novels are written from the heart, the characters are relatable and her stories are centered on families. The Getaway is a realistic portrayal of family life— love and laughter, sibling rivalry, forgiveness, understanding and a romance that will tug at your heartstrings. Love the community of Lake in the Clouds and the peace and serenity that surrounds it.
I am looking forward to the next book in this series—loved the sparks between Gage and Genevieve, intrigued that Willow and her children are returning to Lake in the Clouds and can’t wait to count the cuckoo clocks in the Raindrop Inn!

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Beautiful small town story about rediscovering oneself and putting back the broken pieces of a divided family.
She had enough of her children fighting for an inheritance that only brought troubles.
He goes back to his mother house and hopes for finding himself away from the mess he had to live in the last couple of years.
I enjoyed this story. It combines a great second chance at life and love with friendship and family drama .
While it was my first book by the author, it won’t be my last.

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Genevieve Prentice is at her whit’s end with her grown children. She has dedicated her life to raising and nurturing her family since her husband died leaving her a young widow with four children. Her family was happy until a problem arose with an inheritance from the children’s grandfather, and now her children are not speaking to one another and are deep in a legal battle with one another. Genevieve has had enough. On a whim she sells her house and everything in it and moves to Lake in the Clouds and invests in a lodge with her sister. It is time Genevieve puts herself first. She tells the children she is on a hiatus from the squabbling and refuses their phone calls. The children are worried she may have had a breakdown, but maybe this is just what Genevieve needs for both herself and her children.

Jake Prentice picked up the pieces when his father passed. Jake was young but he was the planner in the family, the fixer, the one who stepped in and took care of things. Now he is on a journey of finding out who he really is both to himself and his family. Jake is stressed, so he quits his job, packs up and finds himself at his mother’s lodge. When he invites the woman he fired, Tess Crenshaw to the lodge, he might have finally lost it, or maybe this was the best decision he ever made.

When I heard that Emily March had a new series called Lake in the Clouds I could not wait to start reading. Ms. March has been a favourite author of mine for years as I read through her Eternity Springs series. This new series, does not disappoint. A small town, a distressed family trying to put the pieces back together, new budding romances and idyllic scenery are just the right ingredients to take her readers on a new journey. My favourite part is that Lake in the Clouds is close to Eternity Springs so we do get a little visit from one of the most loved characters in a cameo appearance. May thanks to Forever Publishing for an advanced copy of the book, which I voluntarily read and reviewed. Friends, make sure to grab a copy and get ready for a new adventure.

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A fresh take.

This is a well crafted book about a family that has its fractures showing.
The cracks are spreading....and matriach Genevieve has had it and pulls up stakes to renovate a place, a getaway. Her son, Jake, follows along with his fomer co-worker Tess, not far behind.
I liked that both mother and son were finding out what they want and matters out of life.

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I think Emily March outdid herself in this book. This story was an emotional one that was divided into two parts. I liked the strong dynamics of the Prentice family, who are still finding their way after their father's death many years ago.

I found it interesting how the four grownup children are in a feud of sorts and their mom has finally had it. What Genevieve did shocked her children and made for a very interesting story. She also threw out the gauntlet to her oldest son, Jake telling him he was not his dad and asking him who he was. The answer to that question was full of surprises and emotions as Jake set out to find the answer and to set himself free from the role he took on when he was fifteen and his dad died.

I really enjoyed the family dynamics and how no matter what they were truly there for each other when needed. I also like the revelations, the secrets, and the love. I received an advance copy of this book and I willingly chose to write an honest review.

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The Prentice family has been going through drama since the death of Genevieve's husband died and the kids father. Jake, the oldest felt it was up to him to be the man in the family. Lucas has been dealing with his own problems. Willow is dealing with the death of her husband and raising her kids. Last but not least is Brooke who is married to a man that no one in the family likes.. Genevieve doesn't have a holiday that she doesn't like. Only this Thanksgiving, the family started bailing on her. In the process she snapped. She decided she is putting herself first and her kids can figure their lives out. Genevieve and her sister Helen decided to purchase a lodge and plan the trip of a lifetime. Baby steps to changing her future. When it comes down to it, it will always be family first. The siblings figured out their lives in the process.

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