Member Reviews

What a great story about the ups and downs of family or lack of. These folks are awesome and very true to life. You may see part of yourself in some of these characters. They are dealing with real life problems and working their way through to come out on top. Helen and Genevieve are a hoot and just what sisters should be. Colorado is a beautiful place and I’m sure we could find our Lake in the Clouds there. I cannot wait to see what happens next in the saga of the Prentice family. I received this book from NetGalley, but my opinion is my own.

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Emily March delivers wonderful family drama with a hefty dose of romance. This book centers on Jake and Tess finding each-other, but also includes family dynamics between Jake and his siblings as well as their mother., I enjoyed the small community of Lake in the Clouds as well as the examination of complex families. Emily March writes stories that touch your heart with relatable characters and interesting storylines.

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Really loved this book!

The Getaway is book 1 in a brand new series by Emily March. The story sets the foundation for future books, while retaining the charm of the Eternity Springs series, and a few locales and people pop up from there, too!

The Prentice family has been through a lot: death, legal issues and resulting sibling arguments. Family can be a wonderful thing, but can also hurt us deeper than anyone else can because they know you best. After their Dad's death, and the death of one of the sister's husbands, the family has fallen apart. Genevieve can't do anything to keep them talking, so she runs away to Colorado and buys a resort with her sister Helen.

This book is also about Jake and Tess' love story. They were co-workers, but didn't date because Jake was in her management chain. Fast forward and they are no longer working for the same company, so a relationship begins to build. Their story is sweet and romantic, but also smartly constructed. I can't say more without giving away the details, and I don't do that.

I'm really looking forward to the next book in the series!

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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Genevieve moves from Texas to Colorado to be with her sister Helen when she realizes that her 4 grown children don't need her, Well, one of them does- Jake. An architect, he's struggling after having career issues. He's the oldest of the children and the one who bore a lot when his dad died. Now, though, he helps Genevieve and his aunt Helen as they renovate a lodge and cabins at the picturesque Lake in the Clouds. And he finally spends time with Tess, a former colleague who turns out to be more. It's a good turn on the usual- I liked this because of the mother/son dynamic. While there's a little romance in the Jake/Tess story it's very much about four people finding themselves in a new way. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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The Getaway by Emily March is her first book in her new Lake In The Clouds series. And I’m looking forward to the following books in the series very much. The Getaway set up the series when Genevieve and Helen decide to move to Lake In The Clouds in Colorado.

After a devastating accident, Genevieve Prentice is widowed at a young age with four young children to raise on her own. After years of dedicating her life to her children, Genevieve realizes that she hasn’t done anything for herself and as her grown children now all have lives of their own, she realized it’s now time to find out what she wants.

Genevieve decides to invest in a lodge with her sister in Lake in the Clouds, a small mountain town in Colorado. Her children are shocked to realize that she sold her house and most of her things to move and change her life. Genevieve and her sister, Helen loves the little mountain town and quickly became involved in the town’s activities. They are both surprised when Jake Prentice shows up in one of the cabins at the lodge. And that he has quit his job.

I loved this book and now I’m really looking forward to the rest of the series. I love the descriptions of Lake In the Clouds as it’s a place I would enjoy living. The author has set this book in a quirky, small town in the mountains, and it’s full of characters that I’m anxious to meet again in subsequent books.

I enjoyed Genivive and Helen very much and loved their courage to take on the lodge and get to know a new town. Jake was also a wonderful character, as the oldest of Genivive’s children, he has taken on extra responsibility since the day his dad died when he was fifteen years old, and still believes he’s the leader of the family.

The romance was sweet and closed door. I found both Jake and Tess to balance out each other's personalities, and I liked that they were very honest with each other.

I highly recommend The Getaway to anyone who enjoys women’s fiction. I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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When I first open an Emily March book it's like meeting up with friends. Her books are welcoming, clean and heartwarming. That said, The Getaway was a bit too "busy" for me. So much going on, making the story hard to follow and confusing with a lot of characters going off in different directions..

This was the authors first foray into women's fiction and I did enjoy the story. I will read the next book in this series.

Trigger alert for domestic violence.

I received this ARC from NetGalley with the agreement to submit an honest and fair review.

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I believe this is March's first foray into women's fiction and she did a great job of it. The personal journey is that of Genevieve, who is dealing with her children after the death of her husband and also the fairly recent death of their grandfather. Her kids are feuding because of some things revealed in the will and are either not talking to each other or at each other's throats. They ruin her holiday (as we all know grown children are great at) and she decides she's had enough. As she sells her belongings and heads for another state with her sister, the kids are left speechless. She goes about recreating her life and herself.

Aside from Genevieve's person growth story, there is the side romance of her oldest son who is discovering that maybe he doesn't want to be the take charge person he has always been at work and with his family. Jake decides to change things up and to also finally act on an attraction to a woman he had to fire. Aside from constantly having him think of kissing her, Tessa also helps him get his mind around the changes he needs to make.

A fantastic story of family, forgiveness and the kind of love we all long for.

Thanks for Forever Pub and NetGalley for the gifted book. All thoughts are my own.

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Have you met by good friend Emily March – something as enjoyable and relatable I must admit brought my mind to the Sound of Music. BTW you’ll have a better understanding of that when you read THE GETAWAY which is the first installment of the Lake in the Clouds series by Emily March. I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to rediscover this author, but with THE GETAWAY she has moved up to a top ten position.
Can you remember the last time you physically reacted to a scene in a book? It was an ah ha moment for me. I just knew this was going to be something really great. And I was not disappointed.
The Prentice family form the central core of this tale. Sisters Genevieve and Helen top the list. Genevieve’s children are the subject of many discussions and decisions. And we get to meet a slew of fantastic characters along the way.
Genevieve has been the traditional center of her family. Holidays, special occasions, etc. And with her exorbitant collection of china and such these family get together are worth the price of admission. But alas times do change, and Genevieve gets that message loud and clear and decides to make a very bold choice.
Lots of folk making bold moves in THE GETAWAY. Some of their own making, other a remedy for a need. Tess is at a new job and for the most part loving it. Making new friends and contacts. But the traveling gets old fast. Jake has also made a huge decision about his future. While working together neither Tess nor Jake would dare take notice of their mutual attractions. But now it is a very different scenario.
Conversations being these characters to life and make them so relatable. Emily March thinks and writes so much like I do. Our minds melded many times. I came to expect that random sassy phrasing which always brought a smile to my face or a laugh. She sets the stage quite beautifully for a family based romantic tale. It’s believable. And you can’t help rooting for them all to find happiness, caring, belonging and love along the way.
It’s been a while since I’ve read something by Emily March and after reading THE GETAWAY I remembered her books fondly, as I will with this newest one. THE GETAWAY is a marvelous story about family dynamics, traditions, angst, and love. It also takes on the challenge of being alone, without a traditional family, depending on the kindness of friends, work buddies and at times strangers. Emily March lovingly treats each character with respect and just the right touch of humor. I truly didn’t want to leave these great folk and was happy to discover that THE GETAWAY is the first in a series. Get ready to smile, sing along, verbally chastise some less than savory actions from characters that are so real they practically jump off the page, right into your heart. THE GETAWAY is fated to become a favorite dog-eared book. I know you will agree. THE GETAWAY belongs on your must-read book list.

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The Getaway by Emily March is the first book in her new series Lake in the Clouds. I enjoyed the interesting and dysfunctional family in this new series. This is a story of family drama, compromise, and forgiveness. A close knit family is torn apart when someone messes with their grandfather’s will causing them to fight over his ranch. Genevieve is so fed up with the family drama, she sells her home in Texas and moves to Lake in the Clouds, Colorado to start a new life. She joins her sister, Helen, on a project renovating an old lodge. The fresh mountain air does wonders for her until her oldest son, Jake, shows up. Will the love for the family win out when one of their own is in need of help? This is a great start to another fabulous series by Emily March. I love the connection to her Eternity Springs series and look forward to the next book!

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I’m new to the author and happy to start with her as she begins the new Lake in the Clouds series. It begins with Genevieve Prentice who was widowed when she was 39 finding out her adult children are not coming home for their traditional Thanksgiving dinner. She calls them all home for Epiphany (in Jan) shocking them by announcing has sold the family home, and while she loves them she is taking a breaking from mothering them. She and her sister have purchased a lodge and vacation cabins in Colorado and she is moving there with her sister to oversee renovations.

The book sets up future story potentials for her children and even herself. This is family drama, women’s fiction with of course some romance. The focus shifts to oldest son Jake Prentice. He is a hard working problem solver but isn’t happy at his job. He quits his job and decides to go check on mom who isn’t thrilled to see him. He also connects up with Tess a previous co-worker.

The story is engaging and easy to read. I do want to continue this closed door series. But I felt a lot of time of the story is spent on setting up the characters and therefore the romance feels rushed. I really like Tess and thought she deserved a little better treatment than mid-life crisis Jake gives her. I wanted better closure on their relationship although it’s clearly going to happen. Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for an eARC in exchange for an review. (3.5 stars)

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This is a good book. This story centers around the Prentice’s family, a mother, aunt, four adult children and two grandchildren. Everybody has busy lives and can not make it to all of the family gatherings, so the mother decides she is not going to have anymore. She decides she is going to be first in her life. This shows you the making of a family that loves one another and would do anything for the family.

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I really liked this family's story, also that they have included Angel's Rest into the mix. Each member of this family could have their own book. Couldn't put it down.

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I have been a fan of Emily March’s since 2011, so I was thrilled to receive an advance copy of her new novel The Getaway from NetGalley. I always think after finishing a book of hers that it is my favorite one. The Getaway did not disappoint—it is definitely my favorite! This book really delved more into family dynamics than her previous novels have, and I really liked that there were older women featured in the storylines. This book is the beginning of what I am sure will be a fantastic series, and I cannot wait to read more about the Prentice family!

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This book captivated me from the very beginning. The characters were so relatable and real. Emily March has done a masterful job of fleshing out her characters to make the plot sing. When a reader gets ahold of a book like this one, it's hard to put it down to do things like cook, eat, clean house, etc.

Genevieve is tired of her children's shenanigans, but she doesn't quite know what to do about bringing them together as a family. Family "politics" is always a morass to work around, and her four children make it all the more chaotic. When none of them show up for her Thanksgiving feast, she makes a unilateral decision, sells her house, and moves in with her sister in Colorado. She finds her place to regroup and recalibrate her life so that it does not revolve around her kids. Eventually all the children come around and reunite in a way that really touches Genevieve's heart.

There were only a couple of situations that didn't really appeal to me in the book, but overall, it was well worth the read. Four Stars.

Forever (Grand Central) Publishing provided the copy I read for this review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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A wonderful start to a new series! Genevieve Prentice is disappointed when her estranged children can’t attend her holiday gatherings. After a lot of thought, she decides to sell her home and the belongings she has cherished over the years to move to Lake in the Clouds, Colorado, to help her sister renovate a rustic waterfront lodge.

Genevieve’s son, Jake, is tired of the way things have been going with his career. He decides to quit his job and visit his mother, who isn’t thrilled when she finds out. The other siblings have their own issues to deal with.

A story of new beginnings, family dynamics, new love interests, and so much more. This story really hit home with me. It makes me want to be like Genevieve, sell my home and embark on my own new beginnings.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Getaway (Lake in the Clouds #1) by Emily March
This is a whole family story of love, angst, competition, growing up, letting go, with laughter, tears, some violence, understanding and also a love story - with a HEA.
Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Tear-jerker Unpredictable Easy-to-read Romantic Page-turner Entertaining Happily Ever After Funny Wonderful characters Great world building Action-packed.. I was happy to read and review this ARC.

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When I think of romance, I think of books just like this one, that gives all the feels and satisfies every romance junkies' heart. This is a perfect book to snuggle up with on any day.

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I haven't seen this book on bookstagram, however, as I was scrolling through Netgalley while getting ready for vacation, this book seemed only appropriate.

I've never read anything by this author, so everything was a first for me.

This is the first book in the Lake in the Clouds series.

It's a family drama that just didn't work for me.

I felt 0 connection with any of the characters, some of the word choice was incredibly cheesy and the story was incredibly slow. It's a no from me.

Thank you Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the ARC.

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I was intrigued by the storyline and with her kids and their sub stories but found the main character to be really hard to like and cold—bug that’s was probably the point. Would love to visit this made up location though—the setting was dreamy.

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This story will intrigue you from the first page. The characters are well developed and you'll enjoy getting to know them. The plot moves along. Can't wait to see what happens next

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