Member Reviews

*I own a physical copy*

In 2019 my health started going down hill and I didn't take into consideration what that would mean for my book reviewing. Sadly, I've been trying to play catch up for years and it's been affecting my ability to keep up with present day tasks. So I greatly apologize for this but I am going to clear out all these older review books and focus on present day. I will come back and update this review if I end up reading the book, which is very possible as a lot of these books are still ones I would like to read, I just don't think the pressure looming over me is helpful. Thank you for giving me a chance to early read these books and I am so sorry I wasn't able to provide what was needed.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book had an intriguing premise—a woman, once addicted to drugs and now dependent on alcohol, becomes fixated on the trauma of losing her best friend as a teenager after seeing a video of another girl’s death. Her obsession leads her on a mission to confront the man she believes is responsible for both deaths. While the story had potential, I found myself struggling with the execution.

One of the biggest challenges was the timeline jumps between past and present, which were not clearly marked. Instead of chapter headings or other indicators to guide the reader, you’re left to decipher the shifts based on context—her best friend being alive, her relationship with the accused man, or discussions about leaving for college. This made the reading experience disorienting at times and could have been handled in a more structured way.

Another aspect that felt unrealistic was the protagonist’s addiction. She is in a long-term relationship, living with her boyfriend, holding a job, and yet no one—not even those closest to her—realizes she’s still addicted to pills. She seems to obtain them easily and maintain her routine without raising suspicion, which didn’t feel entirely believable.

Additionally, there were several unresolved or unnecessary plot points. For example, at one point, her boyfriend stops returning her calls, and she later sees a social media post of him with another woman. This moment seems significant, but it’s never addressed or tied back into the story in a meaningful way. Small details like this pop up throughout the book, making it feel as though threads were introduced but never fully developed.

Pacing was another issue. The story moved slowly for most of the book, only to rush through the ending, leaving many details vague or unresolved. While I didn’t predict the exact method the antagonist used to kill his victims, the final revelations lacked impact due to the rushed conclusion.

Overall, this book had an interesting concept, but the execution left me wanting more. A clearer structure, tighter storytelling, and more attention to loose ends could have made this a much stronger read. While I appreciate the opportunity to read this, it ultimately fell a little flat for me.

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This was my first book by this author and I found it an enjoyable read. The cover cleverly gives insights into the book.

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Really enjoyed this one! I should have read it so much sooner! But I don’t regret it. This maybe a new obsession! I love the characters, plot, etc.

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It never downloaded onto my kindle but I do own a copy. Will be reading this very shortly.Love the sound of it.

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I honesty did not expect what was happening! i was being kept on the edge of my seat the entire time! i loved this books

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Look at the cover! The key, the creepy log house and the spooky woods!

On her website this is described in a quote as a "can't put it down thriller", well, no! I would not describe it that way.

Not a complete flop, but it slowly fizzled as the plot was revealed.

I liked Maya, but she suffered from ALL the things - lack of sleep, drug addiction/withdrawal, and teetering on the edge of psychosis. Definitely an unreliable narrator.

I do enjoy debut and while the premise drew me in, the writing felt uneven/choppy and the transitions weren't smooth sailing.

Then the ending was so disappointing. It felt like the author just pulled it out of a hat! 🎩

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This book was sadly a let down. I never full felt connected to the characters or felt really immersed in the story. I figured out what was happening super early in the book and was yelling at the characters for not seeing it. Unfortunately this just fell flat for me.

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This started off a really great book, it was captivating and suspenseful enough to make me want to continue reading. About 75% of the way through, it took a weird turn that I wasn't expecting that just didn't sit with me. I would still recommend this to someone who wants to read a thriller, but the ending just wasn't what I was hoping for and didn't go in the direction I wanted it. This is the only book I have read by this author, and it has put me off reading their other works. I know they are a very popular author and do have many books, so many one day I will pick up another one

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*received for free from netgalley for honest review* This was a great psychological thriller, would love to see this made into a tv series!

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The cover was gorgeous, but the writing itself was a bit lacking. I really did not like how choppy it was, or how the main conflict was resolved.

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The House in the Pines was an okay mystery thriller. When I first got this book, I was really excited to dive into a book with an unreliable main character. It has been a while since I've jumped into one of those psychological thriller books, but this ended up falling pretty flat for me.

Even though I didn't fall in love with this book, or the characters, I did actually enjoy some things about it. Most parts of the overall mystery kept me intrigued. I don't really want to spoil much but I'll admit that at times I just found myself bored with what was happening. Whether it was bad decision making, or just not trusting anything that was happening, I wasn't really trying to solve the mystery before the big reveal happened.

I'm also not quite sure how I feel about the ending either. Sometimes unanswered questions can be a good thing, but I'm just left annoyed with this one. Or maybe I'm just in a bad mood overall. Either way, I'm glad that I got the opportunity to dive into this and will definitely try out another book written by Ana.

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I didn't love this. I tried so hard to get into it. I read a chunk of it and then put it down and didn't think about it at all until recently. I trudged through it, and ended up liking parts of it, but this one just didn't hit for me.

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Maya has spent the last several years of her life living in a haze of fear and addiction after a mysterious death happened when she was in high school. When another death occurs that matches her best friend’s, Maya is determined to find out the truth and put the man she believes is responsible behind bars.

Overall, I had a good time with The House in the Pines. It felt very eerie, and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect by the end of it. I am a huge sucker for unreliable characters and plots in thrillers, and Maya definitely plays a role in both in this book. I was really enjoying the mystery until the end and how the author floats us through past and present timelines, when I felt as though the plot fizzled out and became anticlimactic. There was no huge twist in my opinion, and I didn’t really understand the whole hypnosis thing. I thought the book was going to take a paranormal turn, however, and I’m glad that it didn’t. A fun and quick read; I would definitely check out more from the author!

CW for addiction, death, drug reliance, hypnosis/psychological manipulation, alcohol.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Dutton for the ARC of The House in the Pines by Ana Reyes.

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I enjoyed reading this book and it written a in a great pace. It gave one an opportunity to grasp the concept and left room for one to imagine what was going to happen next. This thrilling story was a great mixture of mystery, relationships, and love.

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I'm sorry, I could barely get through this one.
Unreliable character with the same 'ole the drunk/addiction narrative slathered like sauce all over this thing.
Even though the character suffered trauma, there are so many options and other ways to deal with this than just going the destructive route.
The twists were meh and it just didn't give me anything new.

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The House in the Pines by Ana Reyes tells the story of Maya, whose best friend died seven years ago in front of a mysterious guy named Frank, whom they'd been spending a lot of time with over the summer their senior year. Today she's living in Boston, trying to get past an addiction to pills, trying to fill the gaps in her mind about what happened to her friend. Suddenly everything come rushing back as she sees a YouTube video of a young woman falling over and dying at a diner, right in front of none other than Frank. Maya heads home, trying to figure out exactly what happened that summer and it seems that Frank is at the center of everything.

I am not sure that this book was for me. I thought the blurb, and the fact that it was a Reese's book club pick, made it seem that it would be a fast-paced book that pulled you in from the first sentence. Unfortunately I was underwhelmed. It wasn't very thrilling but it was repetitive and full of filler. I am also a bit done with the unreliable drugged/boozed up narrator. We can do better than this. We've seen it done before (and better, too).

Thank you to the author, pubilsher, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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I had high expectations for the thrill the cover promised, but it fell a little flat. It just sort of... fizzled and felt incomplete.

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I sadly could not get into this book. I'm not sure what it was but I wasn't in the mood to read it. I picked it up multiple times and was never interested enough to keep reading. This was a dnf from me.

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It's a Reese Witherspoon book club pick so you know it's gonna be twisty af, with an unreliable narrator and a general sense of unease. This was a page turner for sure but it didn't necessarily stick with me for a long time after I finished. I felt like I needed to know what happened moreso than I worried about the fates of the characters. It's more of a popcorn read. Definitely enjoyable but not one I feel the need to revisit.

Thank you very much for the early copy in exchange for my honest review.

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