Member Reviews

My Summary
📚 Let me start off by saying I received this book as a ARC from Recorded books and for that I'm thankful because listening to this book reminded me of listening to their podcast. It's going to be hard writing a summarizing this book because they captured many topics. I've followed this couple for a while now and I felt a few similarities. What I'm most impressed with them with is their love for each other and the family they have created. I love how transparent they were throughout the book about each topic they discussed especially the Infidelity.

⚜My Favorite Part

📚My Favorite Part was Gia's dedication to her mom. I got teary eyed because she recently lost her mom and I can only imagine the pain that she went through. She spoke about her mom so passionate and with so much love. I know they had something special. I also loved the end when they spoke about its child individually and what made them special. I could hear the love in their voices.

⚜Least Favorite Part

📚When they discussed 3 somes in the marriage and made it seem like it was ok. This is a big no no especially coming from a couple claiming that their Christians. I also highly disagree with telling people that they can do whatever they agree on in their marriage. This can be very misleading to people and as Christians it's our duty to not only live God's way but to let others see us living right to encourage them to live to for God also. So when misleading information is discussed especially coming from "Christians" and in the name of God I have big issue with that.

⚜Would i recommend?

📚 I recommend this book because there's alot of things that they discussed that people can use to not only improve their marriages but their lives before marriage and children.

⚜Just Read Stars

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