Member Reviews

3 Stars ⭐️
Pretty cute holiday romance! Loved the plus-size representation. So many laugh-out-loud moments. Good flow of the story and character development. I liked both the main characters and their chemistry.

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Fa-la-la-abulous!! I loved this spicy Hallmark Christmas movie inspired vibe... it's emotional and heartwarming, the chemistry is hot, and the ending oh so satisfying. It gave me all the Merry and Bright feels.

Simone and Murphy expertly showcased their writing skills and captured all the feelings of Bee and Nolan's struggles to be seen and matter as human beings deserving of love and kindness at all times. Our circumstances should not diminish our humanity. Narrators Sebastian York and Joy Nash are excellent...they put a lot of heart, soul and steamy sexiness into their performance.

#AMerryLittleMeetCute #NetGalley

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First of all, I love the cover of this book - it gives off the sweetest, coziest Christmas vibes and I love the color palette that was used. And the premise of this book is a fascinating (and unique) mix of sweet and spice with a porn star who gets the opportunity to work in an essentially Hallmark Christmas movie. There is a good group of surrounding characters that are quirky, funny and add an additional depth to the storyline. It felt a little bit at the end like there was a set up or opening for a sequel to star one of the other former boy band members. And I'd definitely read that sequel.

The chemistry between the two MCs is super spicy. With both of them having been fans of each other's work prior to meeting them in real life, there's an element of celebrity crush that came off as a little awkward to me. If spice in holiday stories is for you - this one is definitely worth picking up. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book to read and review.

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I really enjoyed this one! It had some seriously steamy moments and I loved how the two main characters' lives intertwined before meeting. I really enjoyed that this was dual POV.

I loved the fat main character representation and this one, along with sex worker main character representation. I loved Bee's characters and she was definitely my favorite out of the two.

This is overall light-hearted and a great holiday read! There are some content warning so make sure to check those out before reading.

Thank you to NetGalley for the Review Copy of this one!

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A Merry Little Meet Cute is a cute romp that follows a disgraced former boy bander trying to rehabilitate his image and a porn star trying out an acting gig in a mainstream Christmas film. Both Nolan and Bee have secrets to keep while doing this film and it's those secrets that we know will be their downfall, if they're found out.

Bee never stood a chance at keep her secret truly secret; Nolan knew who she was from the moment he saw her, seeing as he's her biggest fan. Nolan's secrets, while less salacious, took longer to be revealed but as you'd expect, they do all come out to play at some point. In the meantime, their getting to know each other, the building chemistry, and the general shenanigan of the crew and their families keep things interesting.

All of the characters in A Merry Little Meet Cute were fun--I could easily see all of them having their own short stories or full length novels. Murphy and Simone have definitely created a world that would be easy to revisit with some of the secondary characters and while nothing in this novel was earthshatteringly new, it was a fun comfort read.

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This holiday romance follows Bee and Nolan as they film a historical romance movie for the Hope Channel. Bee is a successful plus-sized adult film star with a dedicated fan following on her ClosedDoor account - and Nolan is one of those fans. Nolan is doing this movie in hopes of rehabbing his bad-boy image from his years as a boyband member. Things between Nolan and Bee heat up quickly and they soon find themselves keeping their budding relationship a secret. But when a Hollywood gossip reporter finds the set, their situation becomes more complicated and if the truth of Bee's identity and their relationship is revealed, it might end this budding romance before it has a chance. I absolutely loved everything about this read! The characters were fantastic and everyone was so unique and well-established that I could keep them all straight. Bee and Nolan had such great chemistry that really went beyond the physical attraction. I really enjoyed that we got enough background on the two of them to sort of explain the insta-love feelings that happened over the course of a week. By far my favorite thing is that Bee's sex work was not the speedbump in the relationship that I was expecting. Sure, her and Nolan do have to work out their relationship around her main job, but Nolan already knows who she is from the moment he sees her so it wasn't a big secret and he wasn't expecting her to quit that part of her job for him. I loved the behind the scenes of shooting this low-budget movie and how much character development these extra scenes gave us. This was a bit of a longer read at 418 pages but I was having so much fun in this world that I didn't mind at all.

Thanks to NetGalley and Avon for the ARC

Publication date was September 20, 2022

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This was such a fantastic holiday romance! It’s not every day you find a holiday story that isn’t overdone and just another same old story… this was that one! I really enjoyed the whole book, from start to finish. It’s very sex positive and body positive, with lots of steam, definitely not your typical hallmark tale.

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Absolutely loved this Christmas-esque love story! The plot was cute and I really liked the main characters more than I thought I would. Definitely recommend.

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A fun, spicy holiday read! I was lucky enough to attend a chat with these authors in advance of the book releasing so I had an idea of what to expect. It definitely did not disappoint! The characters were great, the writing was well done and I appreciated the unique holiday story. Highly recommend to those looking for a different take on a holiday book.

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Ugh I wanted to love this , I just got bored.. I felt like it was so long for no reason. I loved the idea of the plot but I couldn’t feel the connection between bee & nolan. I wanted more romance tbh. Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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It definitely gets better in the second half, so stick with it. I love Julie Murphy with her fat positive heroines, and this book was very sex and queer positive as well. It was a little too spicy for my taste, and I ended up skipping over most of the sex scenes. But it is a cute romcom and I enjoyed it. And I loved the last line, it was funny and a great end to the book. A fun Christmas read.

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While I was super excited for this one, it didn't exactly meet all my expectations.

I loved the body positivity, the premise, and Bee's character. But the romance fell flat for me — it was a little to insta-lovey for me, and I really with there was more of a slow burn between Bee and Nolan. While I appreciate the steamy nature of this book, I just wish there was a bit more depth to the relationship between Bee and Nolan.

I loved the writing and the humour (it's so witty!) I'm hoping these two write together again, because I would definitely pick it up. While I wish I loved this one more, I know many will thoroughly enjoy it!

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I love both of these authors, but I just could not get into it. The premise seemed interesting, but it just seemed forced.

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Do not let the cartoon cover fool you, this is a spicy Christmas read! This will be the holiday romance of 2022. Bee is thrown into a movie set last minute and her love interest is played by her childhood boy band crush. This was a very cute story line of the story. I liked bee and the themes of the book.

Thank you to Net Galley and Avon for the advanced copy!

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This book was a pleasant surprise! I enjoyed it a lot, it was fun, sexy and once I started I couldn't put it down.

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This book was right up my alley! A former boy band member and a sex worker!!!! i was sold on it immediately. It was truly a book made of fantasies.

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Genre: Holiday Romance

Format: Audio/E-book

4.25🌟 - I enjoyed it!

Thank you @netgalley and @avon for the ALC/E-ARC copies of this book!

Don’t let this cute cover fool you, this is the spicy holiday book of the season!

This book had a lot of depth to it too! There was so much positive body representation, LGBTQIA rep, mental health rep, all packaged in the filming of a Hallmark style Christmas movie with a MC who is an adult star and a recovering bad boy pop star.

This one really surprised me, and I’m so glad I got to read it!

Overall a heartwarming, steamy, and perfect holiday rom-com!

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Sexy cute and snowy Also using this as a place to show my support for the Harper Collins union. Thank you to Harper for the gifted ARC my honest review.

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I was looking forward to reviewing this on my blog for the holiday season, but I can't in good conscience do that while the strike is ongoing. It's a shame that these authors will not get the promotion they deserve because of something that is out of their hands, but every day that the strike continues is another strike against HarperCollins and its reputation.

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This was fantastic! It's everything you want in a good Hallmark Christmas movie but with the steam you're waiting for! I picked up the audio and it was so good.

The characters, the setting, the steam...all of it! I definitely recommend this...actually I already my dermatologist the other day and I'm pretty sure she's planning on picking it up.

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