Member Reviews

I wanted to be able to be able to give this one a higher rating solely because of the inclusion of a fat FMC who also happens to do sex work (like, hell yes, more of this rep) but ultimately the good bits, which were more in concept than any kind of execution, just didn’t make up for the rest. And in that sense I mean mostly that this was boring, frustrating, and unbelievable.

While I wish I could’ve enjoyed the surface level festiveness of a Christmassy/holiday-themed movie being filmed over the holidays, the promised fun and hilarity and tension of both the bad boy ex-boyband member trying to rehab his image paired up with an actual sex worker trying to branch into a different kind of film — and also stay wholesome so as not to let anyone in on the secret of her career — just never panned out. This wasn’t really fun, there was only some token forced humour (which wasn’t funny), and the tension was flimsy at best considering how painfully oblivious the non-sex industry folks were was to who was both starring and working on this movie. Also, I feel like every conflict could’ve either been avoided or was brought on by the dumb actions of the main characters (the picture in the strip club? you’ve got to be kidding me).

Added to all that, the chemistry between the leads was given a leg (or four) up because they had both crushed on each other prior to meeting; Bee idolized Nolan during his boy band days, and Nolan happened to be a fan of Bee’s sexy online persona. So they didn’t need to fall for each other, or even have personalities, because the “connection” was established off-page. Instead it was just very lust-driven with sexy times or thoughts of sexy times and full disclosure I started skimming those real fast.

What made this stranger is that this felt.. YA-y. I realize it’s an easy claim to make considering one of the co-authors is coming from YA, and most female authors are lumped into this category, but still. These characters didn’t feel like they had adult problems and the problems that did feel adult had non-adult reactions to them (I think they are supposed to be mid to late twenties? don’t quote me). I don’t know how else to describe it. But Nolan and his phone.. drove me up the wall. I don’t even care that they attempted to work it into the story, blah blah, no. I was over it -- though I do have to say, there was one scene where his younger sister chastises him for trying to micromanage a crisis from afar after she calls him in the middle of a scene to freak out on him and get his help to manage a crisis. So, like, yeah, he did get the short end of the stick sometimes and that certainly didn't help anything. But while he had sympathetic backstory/motivations, I didn't enjoy how he was made to handle them or, really, him as a character.While he had sympathetic backstory/motivations, I didn’t enjoy how he was made to handle them or, really, him as a character. Even Bee, the stronger of the two, just wasn’t able to shoulder the burden of this story and I don’t feel enough time was really spent with her enjoying the filming and acting process. Instead it was just about keeping this poorly-hidden secret and being into Nolan. She was just as surface level as he was, really. And as for the rest of the cast.. honestly, no one stood out. And while a few should be called out for their pointlessness, I don’t even have the energy to bother.

Overall, this was a bummer. I do think a lot of readers will enjoy it for what it is — spicy holiday zestiness — I just expect a lot more from my romance than this. Having said that, I would warn any mostly-YA readers from jumping into this one. For all that it read YA-ish, there is a lot of adult and sex content, so maybe work yourself upto this one if you’re new to the steams. Or don’t, YOLO!

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Let me start my discussion of this book but pointing out that this book will not be for everyone. Bee is an adult film star (and not the soft porn variety) so be warned. Those readers that enjoy lots of steam and stories with characters who self-identify as LGBTQ2S+ will appreciate this book.

Having said this, I found the story to be entertaining. The protagonist is an extremely confident plus-sized woman. The theme of the book is acceptance of all regardless of lifestyle choices. I appreciated this about A Very Little Meet Cute. It is thought-provoking and at times challenged me to examine biases I hadn’t even known I had. What more can you ask for in a book?

This is the first book by this writing duo. I am familiar with Julie Murphy’s work and enjoyed her 2021 book If the Shoe Fits. When I watched an interview of these two authors a few weeks ago, it is evident that Sierra Simone brings up the steam factor in this book. I was not familiar with this author until this book.

The fictitious Hope Channel feels like a nod to the Hallmark Channel although I doubt very much that the latter would hire adult film industry actors and staff. Especially ones that would spend their off hours in the local strip joint.

This doesn’t feel like your regular Christmas novel by any stretch of the imagination. Yes, it is set during that time, but you really wouldn’t know it. If you’re a reader who only reads holiday novels in December, let me assure you that you can read this at any time.

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So listen, you have the spice, the fun times, the holiday vibes and Sierra Simone's magical writing with the novelty of Julie Murphy. What more do you need for this year's holiday treat?

I have longed for Sierra Simone's take on the more cutesy contemporary style of books, and she and Julie didn't disappoint me! I have read almost all of Sierra's books and I'm more than happy to welcome Julie into my book authors circle.

The messages and the plus size representation of this book couldn't be more perfect. I should also mention the fiery connection of the main characters and once again, the spice!

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Merry Little is a very cute and spicy Holiday Themed Romance. It has very funny moments that are sure to even melt the Grinch’s heart. There are so many great ideas in this story. I loved the ideas of a town where everyone films holiday movies at. The characters in this book are funny and very well developed. I really struggled with their relationship. I did not buy into it. It was not the over the top grand Holiday Romance I wanted or needed.
I will be honest holiday romances need to be perfection for me to love them. This one has some create Christmas cozy vibes but even the cuteness and the spice could not save this for me. It was a struggle for me to get through this book. I feel like the pacing was off and was not a cohesive as I would expect from these two accomplished writers.
The Fat Rep in this book was very well done. I have really enjoyed Julie Murphy’s previous books and knew that she would do Fat Rep Right!
I think what fell apart for me was that a lot of the scenes were just awkward. There seemed to lack a flow in storyline and causing the characters to feel one dimensional. I wanted more.
Overall it is a cute story but I just did not love it.

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Thank you Avon & Harper Voyager, Julie Murphy, and Sierra Simone for the advanced reading copy of A Merry Little Meet Cute, receipt of which does not impact my review.

Bee Hobbes is ready for career diversification and has a new opportunity thrust upon her due to the main actress having an injury - lead for the newest wholesome holiday film on the Hope Channel. The only thing - she has to basically hide who she is - being an adult film star and contributor to ClosedDoors' paid subscription platform doesn't mesh well with the Hope Channel's image.

Nolan Shaw is a former bad-boy boy bander who desperately needs a big break to help take care of his mom and teenage sister. As the Duke in the same upcoming Hope Channel movie, he needs to maintain a squeaky-clean image, and realizing his newest costar is the woman of his fantasies could make this a very difficult situation.

I loved Bee and Nolan both separately and together! They complemented each other in the very best ways. Both characters had great depth and felt very real. Great side characters, both on and off the movie set, too. This book was such a joy to read and I wished for more epilogue to find out where Bee and Nolan are five or 10 years later. It's also a spicy one - don't let the cute cartoon cover fool you into thinking otherwise!

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This book is so spicy and so good!! I loved how it had a winter holiday vibe without making it feel like a Christmas romance. Bee, a plus-sized porn star, and Noah, a former bad boy from a boy band, have to work together to make a wholesome holiday movie. Bee is hiding her other persona and Noah is trying to turn his reputation around. I loved all the positive messages in this book and could not put it down!

Definitely reach for this one when you want to ready a steamy, spicy story with a HEA!

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This was a fun, spicy, quick read that had a plot I'd never seen before. I thought both main characters were fun and enjoyed them, but didn't feel like I knew them super well. It was very clear that they feel in lust with each other, but I wish there had been more showing their deeper connection before they were deleting their love. I enjoy watching that process was really missing. I also wish things would've been taken a step forward in support of sex workers and how society treats them. I really enjoyed this, but it also left me wanting more.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Publishing for an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

This book made me have so many physical reactions (laughter, turning red, etc.), that I felt quite bold reading it in public. Besides the fact that I tend to feel bold reading any spicy books in public, this was one that I felt really bold reading in public based on premise alone. However, this book is a fantastic romcom and worth reading in public since I couldn't put it down. I had read If The Shoe Fits by Julie Murphy before, but I have never ready anything by Sierra Simone - though that will need to change.

This book is body-positive in a non-toxic manner, hilarious, LGBTQIA+ rep ALL the way!, and sex-positive. It alternates POV which is always fun for me, and it is spicy for those of you who are looking for spice in your romance. My biggest issue (and this is such a me-specific issue), is the main characters fell for each other extremely quickly in my opinion, which pulled me out of the book a couple times. It is commented on in-universe which I appreciated but when books have the love interests fall in love too fast, I just have a hard time buying the relationship (again, totally a me problem). The title of the book is hilarious, and I would love to read another book written by the two of them together, and/or another book in this universe.

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A Merry Little Meet Cute was a delicious mix of romantic sweet and fluffy alongside sexy and raunchy. Great body positivity themes, as well as championing your own sexuality. I adored the fantasy come to life of meeting/dating your boy band pop star teenage crush. And when that crush is also harboring a long time fantasy crush on say that sparks fly is an understatement. This book will not be for everyone, but it was definitely for me. I love, love, loved it, and hope it becomes a series.

Thank you to Avon via Netgalley for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions in this review are my own

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Campy Christmas fun, body positive, and steamy as hell. Now this is an author duo I can get behind.

I didn't know I needed a sex work-Hallmark Christmas crossover until I read this book. I loved this bonkers plot an absurd amount. Bee has to keep her sex work under wraps when she lands her first leading role in a Hopeflix Christmas film. Nolan is repairing his bad boy reputation by taking on a squeaky-clean role as the leading man. Too bad his ClosedDoor account is anything but, and that Bee's adult industry persona is his fantasy dream girl.

Holy cow, this book was HOT. Bee and Nolan's chemistry was off the charts from the get-go and I was living for every second. I also appreciated the commentary on sex work, as well as Bee's experience as a plus-sized sex worker. The end also really surprised me with it's commentary on online backlash and the toxic turns the internet can take.

Overall, this was such a fun ride and I loved every second! I'm so glad I got to read this one early and get into this Christmas spirit a whole three months early!

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3.5 Stars

Okay, so we have Bee Hobbes. Bee is a plus-size adult film star with a successful ClosedDoors account (think OnlyFans) under her alter ego Bianca Von Honey. Bee wants to be taken seriously as an actress. So, when the Hope Channel (think Hallmark) finds themselves in a pinch when their wholesome star is no longer able to appear in their latest Christmas movie, Bee jumps at the chance. There’s just one problem: she has to keep her adult film work a secret out of fear of alienating the network’s more conservative viewers.

Shouldn’t be a problem, right? I mean no one working on this movie could possibly have a subscription to ClosedDoors or watch X-rated films.


Enter Nolan Shaw. Nolan is a former boy band member who has found himself in dire straits financially after the band’s manager pissed away all their money. Nolan is the sole breadwinner for his family, taking care of his disabled mother and his little sister. Nolan also subscribes to ClosedDoors and is a fan of Bianca Von Honey.

Did I mention that Bee had a thing for Nolan in his boy band days, too?

Anyway, Bee and Nolan both need this movie to be successful for their careers. And they both vow to be professional, even though their attraction to each other is undeniable and the characters they play are lovey-dovey—He’s a duke and she’s a woman who travels back in time. Real Kate & Leopold vibes. However, this vow is soon thrown out the window. Will their movie be made, or will both it and their careers be rocked by scandal?

I had mixed feelings about this one. I liked the premise and, overall, I enjoyed the book. It just didn’t wow me, and I wasn’t running to get back to it after putting it down. Further, and the book addresses this, I felt it hard to believe that Bee thought no one would recognize her or that her adult film connection wouldn’t be exposed. The storyline also seemed to drag in places. However, I would still recommend it for fans of spicy, open-door romances with a feel-good, happy ending.

Thank you @netgalley and @avonbooks for my arc of A Merry Little Meet Cute. The opinions expressed are entirely my own. A Merry Little Meet Cute publishes on September 20th.

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LITTLE MISS NOT SO INNOCENT 😈 Don’t let the name and cover of “A Merry Little Meet Cute” by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone fool you! What I thought would be a cutesy Christmasy rom com turned out to be one hell of SPICY read!


Bee is a plus sized adult film star who is begged by her boss to star in a Hallmark-like family friendly Christmas movie. However, she must keep her true identity a secret from everyone on the movie set to avoid a major conflict of interest.

Nolan is an ex-boy band heart throb who is trying to get his reputation back on the straight and narrow. He has been labelled as being a messy bad boy and strives to have people take him more seriously.

The two of them meet on set for the first time and cue the FIREWORKS 💥 and a ton of SPICE 🌶 as they navigate a professional and personal relationship!

This book was such a FUN and enjoyable read and I finished it in less than a day! Not only was it funny, quirky and cute, but also fat, queer and sex positive ✌️

Thank you kindly to @harpercollinsca @netgalley @thesierrasimone @andimjulie for an advanced digital copy in exchanged for my honest review!

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Bee Hobbes is a successful plus-size adult film star, who ends up (unexpectedly) starring with Nolan Shaw, a former boy band member, in a wholesome holiday film. And it doesn’t take long before major sparks fly between the two of them!

Quick thoughts:
LIKES - Don’t let the sweet cover fool you… this book was full of steam! And it totally held its own when it came to the plot! I also loved Bee’s positive self image and the humor that the authors brought to the book!

DISLIKES - Perhaps just a wee bit too much spice for me, but if you like steam, this is definitely a book for you!

Read if you like:
*lots of spice!
*plus-size representation
*forced proximity
*workplace romance
*mutual pining
*dual POVs

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4.5 stars! I loved this book!

If you do not like spice-heavy books, "A Merry Little Meet Cute" by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone is NOT the book for you. It is *raunchy*...and I loved every second of it!

The story revolves around Bee, also known as Bianca von Honey, a plus-size adult film actress/ClosedDoors (ie: OnlyFans) superstar who gets roped into starring in a Christmas film by Teddy, who runs the adult film company Uncle Ray-Ray's where she works. Teddy is trying to break into the "normal" entertainment industry by producing said film for the wholesome Christian network the Hope Channel. Her main male co-star is going to be Nolan Shaw, a washed-up former boy band pop star in desperate need of work so he can help out his mother and sister. Nolan's agent gets his foot in the door with the Hope Channel starring in "Duke the Halls," hoping it will help rehabilitate his former bad-boy image. Little does Bee know that Nolan is her number one fan on ClosedDoors, and little does Nolan know that Bee has been obsessed with his former boy band INK since she was a teenager. Their attraction to one another is palpable and instantaneous. Unfortunately, they have both been told by their agents to "be good," and both of them have to keep the real reason they are in Christmas Notch shooting a Christian holiday film on the down low. Can they navigate this ticking time bomb and expand upon their rapidly growing feelings and lust for one another?

"A Merry Little Meet Cute" is sexy, smart, silly, fun, and full of witty banter. It's a darn good read! I cannot wait to read Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone's back catalogs because these ladies know how to write top-tier steam! Whoooooa nelly, this book is seductive! This story has a lot to say about women in the adult film industry, the devastating nature of superstardom, reinventing yourself when no one will take a chance on you, and staying true to who you are despite what you might present to the public. Bee and Nolan have SUCH good chemistry with one another. I was in insta-love with their insta-love. It's like they were made for each other. Their backstories kept me hooked from page one. The supporting players are also fantastic additions to the plot, including Teddy, Gretchen & her wild and out-there wife Pearl, Sunny (Bee's best friend), and Luca and Angel. I loved the fat representation, loved the bisexual representation, loved the mental health awareness and the care and understanding for those who suffer from it, loved the fluffy snow-covered romance, loved the Christmas themed *everything* (including a strip club!), loved the positive outlook on sex/sex for pleasure/sex work, LOVED the steaminess, loved the Christmas cheer, loved the juxtaposition between naughty and nice. This book is one red hot Christmas delight!

Thank you to NetGalley, Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone, Avon and Harper Voyager, and Avon for providing me with an ARC copy of this book! All opinions are my own, and I was not compensated for my review.

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I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily posting a review. All opinions are my own.

When the partnership between Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone was announced, I thought it was a bit strange, as they write completely different types of books for completely different audiences. However, the concept sounded cool, and I was prepared to go in with an open mind. The result, A Merry Little Meet Cute, ended up completely blowing me away.

Stylistically, it feels seamless, as the best collaborations do. There are elements of what both authors are known for in the narrative, from nuanced fat rep that discusses and unpacks fatphobia without the lead overly internalizing it to well-written and executed steamy moments, complemented by a message of sex positivity.

Bee spoke to me immediately. I love the concept of a fat woman involved in the porn industry, as it counters much of the messaging I’ve heard most of my life that fat women like me should be ashamed of our bodies, or that we aren’t desirable. I felt for her as her producer put her in a tough spot of having to try to live a double life, but ultimately it leads to her really proving what she has to offer and that she’s a multifaceted talent, even if the public isn’t initially ready to see that.

Nolan is a wonderful hero, and I love how his narrative complements Bee’s. He’s doing this movie as a sort of image rehabilitation from his bad-boy boy band past, as well as in an effort to provide stability for his family, given he hasn’t had lucrative work since his former manager took off with his and the rest of the band’s money. He instantly recognizes Bee, and has long been fascinated by her work in porn, and contrary to (genre) expectations, respects her for it immediately, even if they need to keep any romantic entanglement between them secret. He does have a bit of growing to do, as he doesn’t realize that while both of them are criticized and picked apart in the aftermath of shit hitting the fan, she’s the one who bears the brunt of it, due to the ingrained societal misogyny and fatphobia.

I love what this book is doing, providing a steamy, but fun alternative to the lower heat holiday romances that populate shelves and screens during the Christmas season, and contributing to reducing the stigma around the porn industry. If you enjoy steamy romance, you won’t want to miss this one.

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“A Merry Little Meet Cute” was everything we love about Julie Murphy but with an added, dirty twist!

We meet Bee, and adult film star who is given the opportunity to star in a Hope Channel Christmas movie! While she is excited about the prospect of expanding her film credits, she is nervous the wholesome Hope Channel will discover her deep dark secret!

Enter Nolan Shaw, ex-teen-heart-throb. Nolan is trying to clean up his act and hopes that staring in a Hope Channel film will help fans see that he isn’t the bad boy he once was! He quickly learns this mission will be nearly impossible when his favorite adult film star enters stage left as his CO-STAR!

Will Bee and Nolan be able to pull off a career changing movie?

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Internet famous porn star Bee Hobbes gets cast in a family friendly Hallmark style Christmas movie. Starring opposite of her is bad boy boybander Nolan, who needs the job to support his mom. Both are told by respective managers to behave and keep their names squeaky clean. However, when they meet, there are sparks, and they find it hard to stay apart.

I expected a cute Christmas romcom here, but this book was a lot more sex and a lot less romcom. It felt imbalanced too me - there wasn't enough chemistry or scenes outside of the bedroom that I really cared about their relationship. I also didn't find the sex scenes very sexy. I'm all for a steamy scene, but these were not it for me.

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I really loved this book - it was so much fun and a great way to start reading holiday books published for the 2022 season!

Bee Hobbes is a well known porn star with a large following on an OnlyFans type platform. Her sex and body positivity have earned her a following but she’s anxious to dip her toe into traditional media when she gets the opportunity to do a Hallmark-esque Christmas movie. Her costar is former boy band bad boy, Nolan Shaw, the star of Bee’s teenage fantasies. Both Bee and Nolan are out to build new and different careers while also trying to keep their secrets in the past.

The chemistry between Bee and Nolan is hot. What else would we expect from the woman who brought us Priest?? (There’s a church scene in this book that is easily in my top five sex scenes now. OMG.) The instalove is definitively strong especially when the whole book only takes place over about two weeks. My biggest complaint with this book is that Bee felt one dimensional. There’s such care taken to be cool about her sex work that it felt like the only aspect of her personality. Well that and she’s fat. Nolan never fails to remind her of how soft she is which got to be grating after time.

There are great side characters which potentially set up for future books. I’d love to see what else this duo writes together!

Thanks to Avon and NetGalley for the gifted copy. All opinions are my own.

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A Merry Little Meet Cute
By Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone

When I attended the Harper Collins Canada Fall preview for Influencers, I got the chance to watch Murphy and Simone speak about this up coming book! What I heard had me intrigued, to say the least!

This book was 🔥 ….and I was all for it! I read it so fast and couldn’t set it down!

This one drops on September 20th!! When you’re freezing cold this Winter, grab this book,it will definitely heat you up 🥵

Spice factor:🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶/5

Huge thanks to @harpercollinsca and @netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

#bookreview #amerrylittlemeetcute #hot #spicy #hccinfluencers #bookinfluencer #bookrecs #readthisbook #sohot🔥 #🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 #bookreviewer #netgalleyreads #canadianbookstagrammer #canadianbookcrew #readthisnext #addtotbr #toohotfortheholidays #books #booklove

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Okay, here’s the set up: Nolan Shaw, a notorious former boy band member with a bad boy reputation is in image clean up mode when he signs on to do a Hopeflix (think Hallmark Channel) Christmas movie with one of America’s most wholesome actresses. After a freak accident at UnFestival (think Burning Man) renders the star and several key crew members unable to participate in the movie days before production, quick decisions must be made.

Enter Teddy Ray Fletcher (secretly known for Uncle Ray-Rays porn production studio) who is trying to diversify his income stream and keep his past and his new venture with the Hope Channel completely separate. At a harried airport meeting hours before production is set to begin, Teddy accidentally hands over the resume for one of his most successful adult stars, Bee Hobbes (aka Bianca von Honey) to the film’s director, who is immediately drawn to Bee but unaware of her current career. Knowing Bee’s intense desire to branch out into more mainstream film and his inability to sway the director towards a different choice finds Teddy reluctantly giving in. While he’s at it, he sends over a few other crew members from Uncle Ray Rays to fill in the rest of the gaps. How hard could it be to keep all of this a secret for a three weeks on a film set?

Everyone is sworn to secrecy and Bee and Nolan are forced to make promises to be on their best behaviors by their respective managers. However, sparks immediately fly when Bee, who happens to be holding a decade long crush on Nolan and Nolan, who is one of Bianca von Honey’s most dedicated fans on ClosedDoors (think OnlyFans) meet for the first time on set. Nolan has to hide his increasingly aggressive erections while pretending he doesn’t know that Bee is Bianca and Bee has to pretend like she isn’t losing her actual mind every time he looks at her. If the Hope Channel finds out about Teddy or Bee they’ll almost certainly drop the film, cutting off Teddy’s new income stream and Bee’s chances of branching out. If anyone finds out that Nolan is aware of who Bee actually is, it’ll ruin his attempts to clean up his image and cut off his new desperately needed income stream. Should be fine.

Narrator - It was not fine.

Listen, is this scenario believable or feasible in any way? Absolutely not. Did that bother me? Not even for one moment. I devoured this holiday treasure in two sittings. A Merry Little Meet Cute is ridiculous in all of the best ways, steamy and queer as hell, super sex positive, body positive, and absurdly swoon worthy. We had two chaotic bisexual leads with fantastic chemistry, a hilarious and rich cast of side characters, and a story that I would absolutely love to see adapted to film. This one brought me a lot of joy and is the perfect read for any time of year. Thanks so much to Avon for the opportunity to read an early copy. A Merry Little Meet Cute comes out on 9/20 and I sincerely hope this is the beginning of a very long partnership between Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone.

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