Member Reviews

I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. This is a great book if you are looking to organize your life in several ways.

I have worked on being more efficient in my household tasks for a while now, to the extent that I am one of those people who watch the forwards with small tips to make certain activities easier. My mother recently sent me a video of ways to fold clothes that I found entertaining (however weird that might sound to an average person who stumbled on to this review).
Basically, I approached this book with interest and hoped to get something new from it. The issue with the concept is that, like many such things, folding is better understood and appreciated in video format. That said, the author did a great job in translating that into written form. The diagrams are simple to understand, practice and remember. They are divided into sections and can be perused based on your interest in certain things that bother you more than others. I found that many of the tricks I am already using were in the book. I only took away one or two new things but still felt satisfied with the book. It provides exactly the information that the title promises. If you are new to the idea that you want to improve your folding and storing of clothes, large and small, this is a good place to begin.
I received an ARC thanks to Netgalley and the publishers, but the review is entirely based on my own reading experience.

A book that is really just a nice idea, if you're into folding clothes. A bit like the Marie Kondo version of tidy except folding. I think if you are really into folding your clothes in that perfection style way then you will like this book.
For me, I don't really have the time once I've washed, dried and organised everyone's clothes pile to do extravagant, precision folding but if you do, that's cool!
The instructions on folding the fitted sheets are pretty good to have around but once you have the technique down, I'm not sure it's something that I would really be purchasing - other than that I'd not say anything really blew me away in this book, I was just curious to see what it was all about.

A very useful book for wanting to know how to fold your clothes and household items such as sheets, towels, napkins, etc.
It comes with step-by-step colourful photographic instructions for every item.you can think of. It is divided into women, men, babies, children, the household linens, and how to pack when you travel.
For me, the methods are a cross between Anthea Turner with her Perfect Housewife methods and Marie Kondo.
I learned a few new ways how to fold different items, but mostly I'll stick to what I know that works for our house, such as rolling the towels before putting them in the airing cupboard, rather than folding them.
I received this book from Netgalley in return for an honest review.

The Folding Book did not disappoint! The layout of this book was great and overall was a wonderful book!
Thank you Quarto Publishing Group - Rock Point and NetGalley for this ARC!

After all that, I still can’t fold a fitted sheet. I’m pretty sure it’s just a mental block though because the author gives step by step picture instructions.

I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honestreview via netgalley and the publishers.
The Folding Book is a great and useful guide book full of great ideas and ways to fold your clothes for minimal storage, organisation and ease of finding things better and quicker. This book shows you a way to fold almost everything from baby clothes and underwear to holiday clothes and bed linen. I got some great tips from this book such as questions to ask yourself about clothes you could clear out, such as does the item still serve you, when did you last wear it and is it damaged?

This is a great book to gift new home owners or those just starting to move out on their own. I love how it was aesthetically pleasing and that it would make a great coffee table book. This is a great guide to refer to time and time again to keep things organized and tidy.

I mean this is what it says on the tin…a book of folding!! Who knew there were so many ways to fold clothes. Whilst not a book to read. It’s definitely a good reference book with some valuable hints and tips to fold. Perfect for holidays too. I bet I will never get a fitted sheet to fold like that though.

All honesty, my first and ongoing thought was: why does this need to be a book? Especially a $22 one.
While beneficial, I am all for reclaiming closet space, it felt like a bit much.
I can't help but feel that it would have worked far better as one chapter in a bigger "get your life together" type book because, in my case, aside from maybe three chapters the rest were lost on me.
That being said, as someone who only has to worry about her own clothes and linens, I am evidently not the intended audience. As a whole it is a great book filled with useful methods that I am all for trying out in my own space, just not maybe one I'd have on my own shelf.

Very clear photos show step-by-step folds for many different types of clothes and linens that will maximize and organize your dresser drawers and closet shelves.

Thank you NetGalley for the early preview of this book.
A neat freak and a want-to-be neat freak this book is a great guide for you. I can't wait to go home and get my drawers organized. I am doing some things like this book suggests but so much room for improvement. My favorite thing will be being able to see all my clothing!

This is the book I need in my life! Looking through the pages of beautifully illustrated step by step items of clothing beautifully folded gave me the inspiration I needed to address the utter havoc in my own dresser! The sense of calm created is worth its weight in gold!
I found this book to be well organised, well illustrated, easy to follow and above all, inspirational, I love the authors passion for folding!
My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

Having been hooked by the Marie Kondo approach during lockdown 1 and chucking everything that didn’t ‘spark joy’ I then attempted to fold much of my remaining clothing etc in a way that was meant to change my storage forever. However, most of that soon went out the window with best laid plans and I was left with chests of drawers filled with semi-tidy but somewhat bedraggled clothing. Finding this book reignited that ‘spark’ and has allowed me to finally gain order on the disorder that was my t-shirt drawer, among several others.
If you have ever wondered how to fold a fitted sheet correctly , without lumps, bumps or bits sticking out, look no further than this book, with step-by-step instructions.
I do feel that I am perhaps a bit older than the readers this book is probably aimed at … namely the Instagram-addicted amongst the millennial generation, who strive for closet & pantry perfection. Each item, ordered into themes (feminine, masculine, baby, kid, linen, holiday) is pictured in step-by-step instructions which make it easy to follow.
If you are someone who aims for order in each aspect of their home, then this is the book for you.

Some of you will say that a book on folding clothes is like a book on stuffing mushrooms. And some of you will embrace the folding technique as a life-enhancing, indispensable skill. I’m sitting firmly on the fence here. Yees, it will save time to be able to lay your hands on just THAT t-shirt that was once lost at the bottom of the pile. But how important is that in the grand scheme of things?
And then there is the problem of storage hardware. If you have shelves, say, two feet in height, you’d have to switch to multiple drawers of a lower height to accommodate the “filing system” of your folded clothes. If you aren’t model-sized, the system becomes just as space-demanding as stacking.
The book differentiates between “women’s”, “men’s”, “baby’s” and “kid’s” clothes, but really the shapes are similar to identical, so the folding instructions are often redundant.
The section on linens was more interesting although the folding of a fitted sheet is still better seen in a youtube video. The short chapter on packing for travel might even be implemented in future.
All in all, a good visual help, interesting enough to leaf through, but not sure it will be fully put into action.

My house is a mess! When I saw this book I was curious. A book about folding? Maybe I need to try something different?
When I read that the author said she finds folding therapeutic I thought this is nuts! There is no way will I find folding to be therapeutic. I thought for sure folding an exact way would cause me more stress and take too much time. I was wrong!
Before reading this book, the clothes in my dresser were folded and stacked on top of each other which seemed pretty organized to me, but often I couldn't find what I was looking for. I would have to dig through the drawers and it would end up a disorganized mess. As for putting the clothes back folded? Probably not happening now!
After reading this book, I actually love folding The folding tips the author shares makes it so much easier to find my clothes in the drawer and to put them back. Folding actually makes me feel less anxious and stressed. The book provides you with colored pictures and step by step instructions on how to fold different types of clothing, which is very helpful, especially when you are new to this type of folding. I was up cleaning out drawers and refolding the clothes at 5am! Who have I become? I love opening my drawers and seeing my clothing folded and organized.
I definitely recommend this book! It will help you if you are trying to organize your home and your life, or maybe you just need new folding tips! #TheFoldingBook #NetGalley

The folding book is about folding different types of clothes (adults and children’s clothing), towels, and more! It helps you organize your closet and space, and it helps you get rid of clothes to save space and time.
I found this book to be quite interesting and useful. This book also made me look differently at how I fold my own clothes. I might try this, since the folding makes the clothes I own more visible, and I always feel like I use whatever lies closest to the top all the time. Maybe this folding technique will make me use more of all of my clothes. Also, the technique to fold sheets! Ahh, how I struggle with that one haha.
But yeah, overall a great read. You get what you are promised and it really does help you find new ways to organize your clothes, etc. I recommend it!

This book was a great step-by-step guide on one of the most over-looked areas of organization: how to fold ones clothes. Clothes come in all shapes and sizes, and it can be hard to understand how to best fold them. Especially the dreaded children's category. This book provides very easy to follow, step-by-step instructions and pictures on how to fold pretty much any article of clothing you could possibly encounter.
While the subject material of the book itself was quite simple, the layout and design of the book was beautiful and engaging. I would highly recommend this book to anyone that wants to elevate their organization techniques, or keeps hearing that they need to fold their clothes, but never had anyone show them how.

The Folding book is a step by step visual guide to folding clothes and related items. It includes lots of techniques and information on sorting out your wardrobes and draws. Great for Marie Kondo fans. It covers all family members, linens and travel and will be perfect for anyone who enjoys organising and decluttering.

You might think you know how to fold clothes and household cloth items, but this book is worth perusing just to see if there might be a simpler or more efficient method than the one you’ve been using through your own trial-and-error efforts, or that taught to you by your mother, aunt or grandmother. Sometimes, there’s an easier way.
The Folding Book, by professional organiser, interior decorator and entrepreneur, Janelle Cohen, is an illustrated guide to efficiently folding whatever might need folding. There are clear and explicit, step-by-step instructions for folding many similar items, so by necessity there is quite a lot of repetition, but the reader can click on, or page to, the particular item of interest from the table of contents for a full description on how to fold that item.
It is very well organised, divided into colour-coded sections for Basic, Feminine, Masculine, Baby, Kid, Linens and Travel. In Cohen’s introduction she explains how using her technique to “file” items in drawers allows for easier finding and managing specific items of clothing.
In the sections for Baby and Linens, Cohen shows the most basic of folding, so that even a novice who has never folded a tea towel, a pillowslip, a wash cloth or a sheet may be instructed. She does make hard work of the fitted sheet, giving a far more complicated method than is necessary. But order can even be brought to a drawerful of G-string undies (thongs), should this be desired. While the title claim: Over 100 Folds That Will Change Your Life is clearly an exaggeration, this is still a handy volume for those who need it.
This unbiased review is from a temporary digital ARC provided by NetGalley and Quarto Publishing – Rock Point.