Member Reviews

This was a great addition to the book and our book club really loved the discussion questions and the recipe!

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Super fun book club kit! Love the different interviews and the process for writing and designing the cover. Loved the bookmarks and charcuterie board ideas. And there were some good book recommendations.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, We Are Bookish and Jasmine Guillory for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are 100% my own and independent of receiving an advance copy.

By The Book by Jasmine Guillory is a modern day romance based on The Beauty and The Beast. In this rendition Izzy, a frustrated author herself, is trying to make it in the publishing world. She is assigned to help a famous (and hunky) actor who is trying to write his memoirs. This kit was created and is tailor made for book clubs who are reading and discussing this book.

This kit includes an author interview, discussion questions, cover design interview, writing prompts as well as some fun ideas like bookmarks that you can print off, a pen name generator, how to make a charcuterie board, and the secret to every successful book club - cocktails!

I have read By The Book but not with my book club and I really enjoyed the Book Kit. Look, the book isn’t that deep, but I thought the discussion questions were thoughtful and relevant. I really enjoyed the interviews and hearing from Jasmine Guiillory what was important to her. I love writing prompts and will include these in my journal writing. By the way, my Pen Name is Maurice LePrince de Beaumont which is a mouthful!

This Book Kit hit all the right note. It was light and fun, just like the book and at the same time thoughtful and relevant, also just like the book. It was food for thought and food for your tummy! With or without a book club, I got a lot out of this kit, although it did really make me want to read it again with my book club.

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I just finished reading this book and have considered adding it to our upcoming Book Club reads, so I got excited when I saw this guide was available. The questions and topics of discussions are well-written and invite thoughtful dialogue. Excited to use it to guide a book club discussion.

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Loved this kit! All the tools to throw a great party that really feels like an extension of the reading. The things I usually expect to find in a similar tool were obviously there. But what I loved about this in particular is that it armed the Book Club host with tools for a great party–the recipes and games–while also giving them some fun things to send home–writing advice, next reads, book marks. Would love things similar to this for future books!

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I have recently discovered the Meant To Be novels and was so excited to read them. Finding this book club kit has been so helpful when it comes to discussing the book with my friends and followers. I really enjoyed reading through the Author Interview.

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As a book club organizer, the BEST thing that you can find is a set of resources provided by the author for the book you are discussing. This book club kit for By the Book is a wonderful example of the best kind of book club kit. It includes an author interview, with insight into the inspiration for the book and the author in general. The discussion questions provided are specific to the book and generate a great discussion about the story and how each of us in book club reacted to it. There is also a guide and interview about the cover design of the book, which is something my book club doesn't always talk about, so that was a new idea for us to discuss. There were fun items in the kit like quizes, bookmarks, and writing prompts. For the host for the evening, there are suggestions about snacks and drinks, which is always so fun to tie to the book you are discussing. Overall, this book club kit made our book club discussion richer and more fun than we would have had otherwise.

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I love reading books by Jasmine Guillory and was excited her newest book has a book club kit. I have never been a part of a book club and now would love to join one. I love that this kit has a pen name generator , writing prompts, bookmarks, interviews, and writing exercises. It's a fun way of delving more into a book, a plus if it's one you really enjoyed.

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I love Jasmine Guillory! The interview with her was fun to read, as were the discussion information.

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Great kit! Love that it is more than just book club questions - had fun food and drink recipes! Great for any book club. Love the questions and suggestions on what to read next too! This is the perfect kit for a new book club member!

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This book club kit is so cute! I loved that it includes more than just discussion questions for your book club. It also includes an author interview, bookmarks, recipes, fun games and more! Even if you don't have an in-person book club event, it would be fun to share the recipes with friends for a zoom book club. I can't wait to see more book club kits from We Are Bookish! #BytheBookBookClubKit #NetGalley

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This is the coolest bookclub kit! It’s so pretty and I love the bookmarks and the fun food and drink recipes.

I wish I was in a book club and this kit makes me want to start my own!

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I don't attend a book club but I thought this kit would provide interesting materials to post on my blog along with my review of By the Book, rather like the materials provided for a blog tour. Unfortunately I didn't have time to feature the book like I'd imagined, but I did appreciate the kit and thought it was a wonderful collection of information. The cover designer interview was particularly unique; I've often wondered at the thoughts that went into cover design. The only parts of the kit I didn't care for was the rose recipe or the char-whatever board instructions; they just aren't useful to me. Thanks so much for putting this together!

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These are always the best little packages for your book club. Please never stop creating these Netgalley! Definitely download if you and your pals are reading together- a great conversation starter.

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This is a great book club kit, I think it has a bit of everything you would expect and more. Interviews with the author and cover designer, questions and suggestions on what to read next. And some really cute bookmarks that you can print out. But it also has some fun suggestions for activities and even a drink recipe, what more could you ask for. I honesty don’t know.

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Thank you this Book Club Kit was very helpful

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and the publisher. This is my honest and personal review.

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This is so fun! The author interview and discussion questions were great, but there is so much more included in this that I loved! First, an interview with the cover artist! That felt so unique to me and I found it really interesting! The writing prompts were really cool too, and I will go back to those even outside of a book club environment. Also drink recipes and charcuterie ideas! This guide truly has everything you need! Now I want to get By The Book for some other friends and host a bookclub!

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this is a great collection of questions for book club or for the lone reader who would like to put more thought into the book's meaning.

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I am picking this up so that I can vet it as a tool for my book club as I pick our July read. Off the bat it is beautifully put together and I think the questions and content are really applicable and support the reading experience. I cannot wait to check out some more book club kits- this is the first I’ve looked at and these are phenomenally done. Nice work!

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As always these book club kits have helped me pick our next book club title. The questions and extra material really make it easy to plan your discussions. I also love the included images and bookmarks. Thank you NetGalley for this kit in exchange for my honest review.

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