Member Reviews

This kit was extremely informative and insightful. I plan to read this book with my book club next month and I will be using this as a reference!

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This is a very helpful kit for book clubs! It really opens up more notes for conversation about the book. I love how it adds fun little things to enjoy with reading the book. Like the make your own bookmarks and for the 21+, it has a cocktail recipe which brings a part of the book to life!

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I need to disclose, I have not read the book yet.

I am new to the Book Club Kits and wasn't quite sure what to expect. However, I found this kit diverse in ideas and opportunities to enhance any club discussion.

I wish more books with come with something like this. It would be very helpful it providing a fuller reading experience whether in a book or club or classroom

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I was curious to see the book club kit! My favorite part is the discussion questions and I definitely plan to use some of them with friends I know who are reading this title. Also loved the drink recipe at the end! What a fun addition.

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I am so excited about this book! This was one of my most anticipated releases of 2022…This Book Club Kit will definitely elevate the experience and I love everything included in here, especially the bookmarks!

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I honestly wish more books came with bookclub options like this! I have been running a bookclub for almost a year now and it’s been amazing but some months it’s just hard coming up with discussion questions of how to start talking about the book so having a kit like this would have made it so much more helpful! It’s clear that a lot of care and effort came into putting this together and I think it really shows with all the details and all the different components here. I’m definitely gonna be keeping an eye out for book of these bookclub kits!

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Going into this Book Club Kit, I was a bit clueless. I have never heard of a kit before but after finishing this short-but-sweet kit I feel it added to the reading experience and provided lots of topics for discussion among readers.

The author interview as really great. Jasmine Guillory came across as down to earth and relatable in her answers and I loved the insight into her writing process.

Reading the cover design Q&A was really interesting. They provided insight into the artistic process that I previously had no knowledge on. Seeing the subtle hints in the cover that relate to Beauty and the Beast is something I would not have known without this reading kit.

The other elements in the book club kit such as reader questions, the pen name quiz, further book recommendations relating to different tropes and recipes for drinks which would be perfect for an in-person book club.

The only thing that may not be successful is presuming people are attending in-person book clubs when in reality, social media and virtual book clubs are more popular and prevalent in the book community, especially since Covid-19.

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Very creative with a variety of different activities and things to do as part of a book club reading By the Book. Loved the bookmarks. Found the recipes to be really creative and fun. I also appreciated the recommendations for other books with similar tropes. All in all very fun and creative.

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This book club guide is the perfect addition to By the Book by Jasmine Guillory. I love the interview with Jasmine about the book and her thoughts, feelings, inspirations. The questions for a book club are awesome. I really enjoy the books to read next pages also!

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This book club kit by Jasmine Guillory was a cute and short read. There was a margarita recipe, an author interview, charcuterie board ideas, writing exercises, and some more fun stuff.

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This is an awesome kit! I especially love that the recipes are included. I am excited to read through the interview and questions once I read the book!

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Really looking forward to reading this book and this is a great resource that I’ll definitely be recommending that the book club I go to uses! Loved all of it but especially the book marks and pen names!

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This is book kit is the perfect accompaniment for the book. It includes exclusive information on the authors thoughts on both the book and the cover. It adds another level of character to the novel.

Excited to see what Jasmine Guillory launches next.

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5/5 ⭐️

Although I haven’t read this book yet (and I am dying to do so) this book club resource is fantastic!

It is truly unlikely any other ones I’ve seen! This resource really makes me wants to choose this book for a book club just so I can make some of those recipes 👀

Other authors should really consider what Jasmine Guillory has done here 👏🏽

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A super cute resource to use as a companion of the novel! Me and friend loved the pen name sections!

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This kit is would be a super helpful guide when discussing the book with a book club. Outside of the prompts, I think the additions of charcuterie board ideas, book marks, etc. make a book club meeting more fun and exciting!

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This is a fun guide to use when hosting a book club regarding the book. Loved the recipes and the additional book recommendations

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As someone who runs a book club and is always looking for book club kits and/or questions to accompany the book, I found the content in this great! Unfortunately, the choice of background colour made it difficult for me to read. And I actually found my eyes beginning to hurt part way through the author's interview, which is a shame because I really enjoyed everything else about this kit. I'd love for more books to have this kind of accompanying kit because ut really helps foster discussion at a book club meeting.

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I'd like to start off by thanking NetGalley, Disney Publishing Worldwide, We Are Bookish, and Jasmine Guillory for the ARC in exchange of my honest review.

The Book Club Kit is an excellent accompaniment for this book. It contains writing tips, writing exercises, and techniques, printable bookmark cut-outs recipes for margaritas and charcuterie boards, and so much more!

I was not fortunate enough to get an ARC of By the Book to be able to use them simultaneously, however I will definitely be purchasing the book on the release date of May 3rd, 2022.

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This book club kit was so cute and helpful. I always love knowing the behind the scenes of writing and making a book. This made me even more excited for this upcoming book release.

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