Member Reviews

Incredibly insightful and gave me new perspectives and ways of thinking about things that I hadn't considered before. Useful strategies and ideas as well. All around a very useful book.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC digital edition.

Unfortunately, I was unable to read this in the time allotted. It remains on my “to be read” list for the future.

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I’m aware that I am both anxious and a perfectionist so it’s seemed a no brainer to request this book. It’s written in a sympathetic way and with practical strategies you can input in your daily life. However, I felt anxious listening to it so my listening sessions were sporadic and I think I would have got more out of it had I powered through and listened to it more regularly. I genuinely think this is down to me as a person rather than the book. It’s currently a DNF for me but I plan to return to it and update my review when I finished it.

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I finally finished “The Anxious Perfectionist”! I was drawn in from the title. This book was well written and well narrated. I picked up a lot of points that I want to apply in my own life. I did notice, though that it took me a long time to get through it. Like I eventually got bored and moved on to something else and came back to it. But when I did come back to it I usually heard a point that made a big impact. I would recommend this book for anyone struggling with perfectionism.

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This book was helpful to me. I struggle with anxiety and I wanted to learn how to deal with my anxiety. I would buy this book.

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This book takes an empathetic approach and gives bite size approaches and allows you to have kindness and patience with yourself when dealing with life. This is so necessary for everyone to read in life. Highly recommend. Especially loved the reflection to true life to humanize my feelings and relate. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This book gives an interesting approach to learning about the background of perfectionist-based anxiety. I could relate to it and it helps to be able to explain some of what I feel psychologically on a daily basis and some reasons why. Included were a wide range of situations and topics as well as a coping tool called “acceptance and commitment therapy” (ACT) as a way to reduce maladaptive perfectionism. I found this book enlightening and helpful.

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Clarissa Ong and Michael Twohig have created this book to help perfectionists realize how their perfectionism might be creating their anxiety, how to recognize it, and how to relax the reins on needing to be perfect. Erin deWard does an excellent job narrating the audiobook version of this book.

This book felt like it was talking directly to me and came into my life at just the moment I needed it. I usually don’t go for self-help books, but this one called to me, and I can see myself rereading it again multiple times. The chapters in the book help you recognize ways perfectionism may actually hold you back, then uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to help you acknowledge your thoughts yet keep them from interfering with your life. If you are a perfectionist, I highly recommend this book!

Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me an audio ARC of this book.

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I am new to nonfiction, especially lifestyle and psychology genres on audiobook. I listened previously to “The Anatomy of Anxiety” as an audiobook in April of this year after its release. I enjoyed that one, which gave an intro to anxiety and different reasonable coping methods under categories of exercise, diet, sleep, and more. So I was very interested in this audiobook regarding a more specified type of anxiety that I realized early on while listening, I absolutely suffer from - maladaptive perfectionism.

What I enjoyed most about this book was the background of perfectionist-based anxiety. I could relate to it all so much and it helps to be able to explain some of what I feel psychologically on a daily basis and some reasons why. I’ve never been so seen!

However, no type of anxiety is an easy fix, especially not anxiety like this that is produced from within (internal) instead of in reaction to your environment (external), and I don’t expect to open any book and learn how to rid myself of it. This particular book focuses on “acceptance and commitment therapy” (ACT) as a way to reduce maladaptive perfectionism. This method is more reactive to the harmful internal thoughts and feelings we have instead of proactive in preventing them in the first place. While the book offers some journaling, thought, and other very specific types of coping exercises which I quite honestly will not attempt to try, the overall gist basically is taking the time to be more self-aware and assess all perspectives when facing this type of anxiety. The goal is to choose a more beneficial and positive reaction than an initial harmful one. Just being more level-headed and mindful. I will be more conscious to utilize this method, but it really is not groundbreaking information for folks with anxiety. More like common sense.

Thank you to NetGalley, Tantor Audio, and the authors for an advancer listener’s copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I did enjoy this book, it was the right length and so wasn't too short or too long. I think this would need another listen to fully digest it. Definitely resonated to this book as I am a recovering perfectionist myself.

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I listened to the audio version of “The Anxious Perfectionist”. A relatable topic with a wide scope of situations/examples, self-help tips in order for one to take a step back and evaluate your self-enforced perfectionism, and how perfectionism may (positively and/or negatively) affects your life.

A sincere thank you to NetGalley and Tandor Audio for providing me an advanced copy of “The Anxious Perfectionist” in exchange for an honest review. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to read this story and leave my review voluntarily.

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I enjoyed this book as I am a perfectionist so hearing that I am not alone was comforting. The book was the perfect length, too long of a non fiction book and I get bored.

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I wanted to like this book, but although it had some helpful tips and information I found the audio abit repetitive and a lot of the information I had read or heard before so didn’t briskly bring anything new to the table, would be a good introduction to anxiety that comes with perfectionism though

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The Anxious Perfectionist was an insightful read on how to distinguish helpful and hurtful perfectionism.

I don't typically read "self-help" books but I found the topic and approach of this book incredibly interesting. I particularly enjoyed the sections about choosing process over outcome and maladaptive perfectionism. As an audiobook I thought the book was well paced and an enjoyable listen. While the book is filled with facts and details about research projects it does not read like a text book in the least. The author stresses that this book isn't an easy fix for anxiety or ridding yourself of negative perfectionism associated thoughts and I really appreciated that the reader is encouraged to listen with an open mind but only particularly focus on the sections they find interesting or sound like the most helpful in their particular journey instead of trying to apply everything at once.

I think that The Anxious Perfectionist is a great tool and could easily be a resource that you go back to multiple times over the course of your life to better understand your own relationship with perfectionism.

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I really enjoyed this audiobook it felt like going to a therapy session lol. As someone who actively goes to a therapist for some similar things a lot of these strategies weren’t revolutionary or new to me but are helpful.

This book gives helpful strategies that can help with anxieties about perfectionism & making the wrong choices. Highlighting establishing and following values and setting goals are some other helpful strategies the book goes over.

Overall a quick read with helpful strategies.

Thank you Netgalley for this copy.

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Thank you to NetGalley and New Harbinger Publishers for giving me access to the audiobook in exchange for a review.
The Anxious Perfectionist is a book that addresses perfectionism, the cycle of worry and self deprecation, values, rules, perspectives, process vs result, and more in order to help you gain more control over your thoughts and actions and take back the joy of your life being lost to the need to be perfect. While I enjoyed the audio book, there were a lot of instances where they suggested writing in a journal to accompany the exercises. A guided writing journal on these topics would be a great accompaniment in order to get the most out of this book. My favorite quote:
“Emotional avoidance is self-validation from within.”

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An advance copy of this audiobook was provided with courtesy of NetGalley, Tantor Audio and authors Drs. Ong and Twohig for review purposes. Thank you so much!

I was not attracted to the title "The Anxious Perfectionist" nor the cover, both made me feel more anxious somehow, maybe I am avoiding facing my perfectionistic tendencies - yet I requested the ARC audiobook because I felt it could be helpful for me. It is a non-fiction self-help book written by two clinical psychologists. Using ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy) method, it explains perfectionism plainly and very approachably. It also includes some exercises you can do yourself to overcome if you have tendencies to strive for unrealistic standards which may leads to anxiety or stress. As the book describes, it is meant to be helpful and you can take bits that resonates with you and leave the ones it doesn't. Everyone is different, and I personally felt the book helpful. I would recommend it if you too have a tendency to be self critical, and may not have time/money to attend therapy sessions.

I have read other reviews which had negative opinions about the narrator. I thought her narration was well done personally, and didn't feel it negatively affected the audiobook.

Thank you again for an opportunity to review this book.

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I found this book very valuable. I have worked on my perfectionism with a therapist and independently for years now. Still, this book was full of revelations and useful reminders. I made my way through the audiobook pretty quickly. I think I will listen to it for a second time or find it in print to work through the exercises. If you struggle with perfectionism, I highly recommend this one.

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As an anxious-perfectionist, I found myself convicted by this book. All information presented in the chapters are thoroughly researched, yet easy to comprehend and identify with. However, I strongly disliked the narrator's monotonous tone; it made the book feel less like a guide to self-improvement through self-understanding and more like a psychology textbook. I wish I had read it in print instead of making myself power through the audio.

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I’m so sorry, but this is a first for me and netgalley. I love audiobooks, and this was the first one I requested through NetGalley. To say I’m disappointed is an understatement. As a chronic overthinking perfectionist, I was looking forward to this one. However, I could not get past the narrators voice. It sounded like someone who should be leading meditation, not reading an audiobook. I couldn’t focus, I felt patronized. I’d be willing to read this in the future, but it will need to be the written format as opposed to audio.

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