Member Reviews

First off, let me give a huge thank you to Netgalley for the digital audio arc of this story!

I believe this was my first DJ Palmer novel and I can definitely say I will be checking out more!
I throughly enjoyed the crazy ride this dysfunctional family provided. It's rare to find a story that you don't know who to root for!! When you have a cheating husband and a paranoid wife... are things ever what they seem πŸ€”

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π‘»π’‰π’‚π’π’Œ π’šπ’π’– @netgalley, @djpalmerauthor, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 π’‚π’π’π’π’˜π’Šπ’π’ˆ π’Žπ’† 𝒕𝒐 π’π’Šπ’”π’•π’†π’ 𝒕𝒐 π’•π’‰π’Šπ’” π’ƒπ’π’π’Œ π’Šπ’ 𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 ❀︎︎

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This was such an entertaining and addictive read that I was totally invested in! It had such an intriguing game of cat and mouse with alternating POVs of Michael and Natalie and I relished in the way that Palmer had me constantly questioning who I should be rooting for and who I should trust. We have a deceptive husband with a secret past and a wife with insomnia and paranoia which just makes for such compelling protagonists.

I found it incredibly fast paced and suspenseful and all around a fantastically twisty domestic thriller!

My only downside comes from the ending and without giving anything away, it was a solid ending that totally worked for the story but just a general pet peeve of mine!

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I really enjoyed this book. Well paced, fun twists, and great detailsβ€” the elements of a near perfect suspense. I just have a small issue with the way male authors write about women sometimes.

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This book started off with a bang and the suspense kept on coming. The chase was thrilling and had me rooting for a certain outcome even though I had no idea why yet. The reveals were surprising and well-placed and I thought everything flowed together well.

The ending was going great for me up until the epilogue. The final reveal there seemed to come out of nowhere. Maybe I missed something there, but it really threw me for a loop and not in a good way. I can think of a few other people that would have fit this better. If you've read this let me know what you thought of that epilogue!

I started this as an e-arc and switched to audio when I was approved for that. The narrator was awesome. She had tension in her voice in all the right places, distinguishable voices, and even did the male voices well. I would definitely recommend this as an audiobook if you enjoy that format.

Thank you to #netgalley @stmartinspress and for the advanced copies of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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My Wife is Missing is a novel that will certainly keep you on your toes! Michael and his wife, Natalie, are just arriving in New York City for a brief, but sorely needed, vacation. Natalie has been suffering from insomnia, and has not been herself these past few months. Michael has been concerned about her well being, but has been at a loss about what to actually do about her emotional and behavioral changes (due to the insomnia.) Michael goes for pizza the first evening they arrive to their hotel, and when he returns, finds that Natale (and their two children) are missing. What follows is an odyssey of secrets and lies (from both sides) that will leave you reeling!

This book is told in alternative points of view, some chapters by Michael and some by Natalie. It was great to see both points of view, and the thinking process of both parties involved. Both Natalie and Michael have secrets that they are desperate to hide, and little by little those secrets are revealed to us, the reader. I loved the pace and the division of the book, not allowing the reader to get overly attached to one spouse or another. The writing in this book was marvelous, and I would recommend this book to those who love mystery/thrillers, and especially those who love the "unreliable" narrator-- both Michael and Natalie would fall into this category, to some extent.

Thank you to the author, narrator, publisher and Net Galley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This one sucks you right in pretty quick and you certainly do not want to put it down. I was along for every twist and turn and didn’t see most of them coming. I enjoyed the multiple POVs.

There were certain parts that were a tad repetitive. I did find the ending a bit hard to believe but I did enjoy the chase.

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My Wife Is Missing
D.J. Palmer
Michael Hart is frantic his family is missing! A detective is determined to assist in the search for Natalie, Addie and Bryce. At first Michael believes his family were kidnapped but it soon becomes obvious Natalie had planned her escape with great detail. Natalie suspects Michael has been involved with another woman. She has suffered from insomnia for months getting by with just a few hours’ sleep. Her sleep deprivation is causing hallucinations, paranoia, confusion, panic, delusions, and memory difficulties. Are her fears real or imagined?
The couple know their marriage is in trouble and see a marriage counselor; one of the suggestions was for the couple to get away for a few days. While the suggestion was for just the two of them, Natalie insisted their children accompany them. After checking in at the hotel Natalie sends Michael out for food. When he returns, they are gone; the only thing left in the room is Bryce’s teddy bear.
The search for Natalie and the children takes Michael and the detective on a chase to Pennsylvania, Ohio and Missouri. Natalie turns to a friend for help convinced Michael will kill her.
This is a busy book with a lot going on plus a lot of secrets to discover. Neither Michael nor Natalie are very likable characters; their fallibility is actually what makes this book work. I can certainly understand why Natalie is having trouble sleeping, she distrusts Michael with good reason, but she is even worse with her whinnying and manipulative behavior. It is obvious she no longer loves or trusts Michael, why not say so and leave! The plot grows deeper toward the end and there is a surprising twist. Michael cares for his wife and children but he wants a life with intimacy, and she does not. Despite not liking the main characters I like the book. In the end we discover the identity of two murderers.

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This one was all kinds of twisty goodness and entertaining too! Michael and Natalie take their two children on a trip to NYC and while he is out getting pizza Natalie leaves with the kids. Michael doesn't know what to do. This is a look back and forth in this story of their lives and the mystery of both and we are taken on a ride and a tale is woven and threads are spun until we don't know which way is true. Stay tuned to the very end to find out the truth though!

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Michael and his family take a trip to New York. Minutes after arriving at the hotel, his wife and kids leave him. I liked Natalie and felt like slapping Michael. I think the way Natalie left was wrong but I see why she did it. this is my first D.J. Palmer book and I liked it a lot, it won't be my last. I like his writing. This book took me on a ride I liked.

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I don't like to try to figure out books as I'm reading them. I like to read just to be entertained. This one was pretty easy to figure out early on. Oh wait, no, it wasn't. Finally, I got it. No, I didn't! This one will keep you guessing. Mike's wife and children are missing. Well, not exactly missing... I don't want to tell too much but I think this book will keep you engaged and wanting to read more!

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The book was fantastic!! I am always so eager to read a book by D.J. Palmer because I know it’s going to be good.

If I wasn’t getting an ARC copy, I would definitely be purchasing this book the day it was released. The thing I really loved about My Wife is Missing is the constant back and forth of who the bad person was. I was honestly changing my mind every other chapter because the author gets you so convinced that first the wife is crazy, then the husbands crazy. It’s a constant back and forth, and I loved it!

The narrator for this audio did a great job as well. It only took me 2 days to listen because I was so enthralled in the story I had to know the ending,

I highly recommend My Wife is Missing. And any other D.J. Palmer book as well!

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DJ Palmer, you sneaky sneak!! I was yelling at my phone to try and predict these twists ... I got a few pieces, but dang it, some of them just snuck right up on me!

This will be a fun, summer thriller. Take it to the beach and second guess all your spouse's moves.

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3.5 stars

A family that goes on vacation in New York, but soon enough the husband can't find his wife or the kids. They disappeared. Did they leave by choice? Did someone make them leave? Have they been kidnapped ?

As the story unfolds we find out more about this family and their dynamic prior to the NY trip. Things are never as they seem to be.

D.J. Palmer does a good job misdirecting the reader. Even though the book is a bit slow in the middle, it has a good ending.

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for allowing me to read this book!

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I never read anything by Palmer although I’ve heard very good things. I was really taken back by this one. I really enjoyed it and I loved the twist and ending. I highly recommend

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This was a fabulously twisted, convoluted, messed up story and I am here for it! Every time I had thought I had it all figured out, the author threw in another curveball and left me gasping. And I loved the audiobook. The narrator always makes a big difference for me and as soon as I heard her voice, I recognized it from other audiobooks and knew I was in for a good one. And I was right. It’s hard to review without giving away spoilers, but I’ll do my best.
Natalie and Michael are struggling in their marriage. They’re both busy with work and kids and not enough time for each other, so when Natalie suggests a trip to NYC, Michael takes this as a sign that she wants to make things better. Michaels been putting in more time at the gym lately while Natalie has been dealing with the complicated results of extreme insomnia. Michael feels guilty about neglecting his wife and kids and Natalie has a secret-but neither are aware of the others status. So when they’re in New York and Natalie sends Michael out for pizza for the kids, she sets her plan in motion. When Michael comes back and finds his wife and kids gone, he’s afraid his past has caught up with him and he goes on a hunt, with a detective who seems more invested in the case than he probably should be, to find his wife and kids.
Natalie is afraid of Michael now that she knows his secrets. But are they real or are they a delusion from her insomnia?
Filled with present day and past timelines and unreliable characters you never know what’s the truth and what’s not right up to the very end!
Thanks to St.Martins Press and NetGalley for this audiobook arc in exchange for my review.

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What an enjoyable book. What is thought to be a family vacation is actually an escape. Natalie does not feel safe with her husband. So, she decides to run away with her children. Her husband will not stop till he tracks her down. Funny because he teams up with a detective with the same agenda!

I can't give too much away but this book is packed full of drama and suspense!

The narrator was exceptionally good. She told the story in a way that was very entertaining and easy to follow along.

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This is for both the audio and ebook version. 4 stars! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Thank you to NetGalley, Macmillan and St. Martin's Press for the early listen/read. Loved the narrator she did a great job with each character. Easy to distinguish between the characters. What a great suspenseful story. D.J. Palmer is one of my favorite authors when it comes to suspenseful/psychological thriller stories. The author does a great job keeping you hooked until the very end which usually ends in an explosive ending. Did not see that coming.
Highly recommend

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Michael & Natalie Hart and their two young children are spending the week in New York City on a family vacation. Museums, family fun, and possibly even a little repair on a crumbling marriage.
Checked in, bags ready to unpack, and a pizza in hand, Michael comes back to an empty room and his family nowhere to be found. Convinced they have been kidnapped he is shocked to see they left willingly.
Secrets will be unearthed, and between a sleep deprived wife and a paranoid husband who can you really believe? This book was super addictive and kept me guessing and on edge the whole time! Just when I thought I had it all figured out we took yet another turn. Although the final twist wasn't my favorite I am still glad to have listened to this book. DJ Palmer's writing draws you in and is action packed start to finish. Very little fluff and all suspense. Great narrator. Thank you to Macmillan Audio & NetGalley for an advance audiobook in exchange for my honest review. 4 stars.

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I have a hard time writing book reviews because I’m not a writer. With that being said, I will just say that I enjoyed this book. It kept my attention and surprised me at the end. I truly didn’t see it coming. Thank you for allowing me too read this.

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