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Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

3 stars

Meh. Felt like this should have been a two book series.

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Wow! What an ending to an interesting trilogy. It has it all. Magic, love, evil grandfathers, good witches, bad witches. Shape shifters, both good and bad and a whole lot more! We have met the characters in the previous books and watched them grow, but especially Breen. She and Keegan have an interesting relationship that only gets better with time. The question is will they stay together? Will they defeat the big bad? Hmmm. Only by reading this excellent book will you find the answers and watch as the adventure continues.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book for an honest review.

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The Choice
Dragon Heart Legacy #3
Nora Roberts

Roberts crosses her T’s and dots her I’s in, The Choice, the fantastic finale of her amazing Dragons Heart fantasy trilogy. Readers will appreciate her fluid narrative and be totally awed by her fantastical backdrops as she delivers a fast-paced edge of your seat read that really puts on the speed from Part Three on. The characters are all spot on especially Breen, Marcus and Keegan but every player is a necessary part of this amazing story.
The maturing of her main protagonist, Breen is a real stand out in book three who is a real powerhouse of a character and has come a long way from the insecure woman the audience meets in book 1. Roberts has also managed to make readers/listeners fall in love with many of the inhabitants of the faiery realm, root for their victories and shed a bucket of tears when any fall to the enemy. Fans of this author and this genre will not be able to resist this trilogy which is best read in order.

All through the trilogy it was the distinctive voice of Barrie Kreinik that brings it home for listeners, her Irish lilt makes the fantasy characters more fantastical and her vocal range makes her the perfect choice for all the different vocal ranges from the old crone to the littles. This fantastic narrator really made this novel come alive and I hope to get to experience more of her in the future.

The end is nearing and all of Talamh knows the final battle between dark and light is inevitable, they know they must be ready to defend to the end. Breen especially feels the weight of the upcoming battle against Odran her biological grandfather and she’s come to terms with the knowledge that she’s the key to ending Odran’s dark rule and has made the choice to give her all for Talamh. Which is why she’s busy sharpening her battle training with Keegan, her lover, the Taoiseach of the faiery realm knowing that Odran’s just biding his time waiting for the right moment to strike. Marcus, Breen’s BFF who followed on her coattails to Talamh is also honing his skills as he’s found friends and love in Talamh and will defend it with his all.
If the Gods are with Breen, Keegan and the people of Talamh maybe they’ll survive to see the light defeat the dark.

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It's no surprise that Nora Roberts knows how to write a conclusion. The Choice finds Breen nearing a year's time since she came to Talamh and all she knows there. The book runs from the winter solstice until the summer and has both Breen and Keegan deciding what they want of each other and the future. All the beloved characters of this trilogy are in this as their own stories develop as well. I adored reading more of Marco, Brian, Nan, and Keegan's extended family. The magic and adventure are written in a way that you feel as if you are transported there yourself and it's all so believable. Roberts skillfully blends both sides of Breen's worlds together so that the character is able to stay true to herself and her personal dreams while also choosing to take on new, unimagined ones. We get to see good vs. evil, light vs. dark, face off concluding in an ending that is exciting and satisfying. Roberts is the expert storyteller and I will forever read her books for just that reason. It's like reading an adult fairytale. While I'm sad to leave Breen, Keegan, and Talamh behind, I can't wait to see where she brings us next.

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I was hoping the conclusion of this series would remain strong but for some reason I struggled with this one. I felt like the ending was rushed but I really enjoyed the scenes with Breen and Marco the best. Marco is just awesome and for a moment there I thought my heart would shatter.

3.5 stars
Special thanks to St Martin Press for the gifted arc.

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Book Summary:

It's hard to believe that Breen Siobhan Kelly once had a normal life – that she believed she didn't have powers. Now, those powers come as naturally to her as breathing, as she lives in the magical world of Talamh.

Unfortunately, her new home is on the verge of being torn apart by war. A battle has already brought with it heavy tolls – and there is more to come. The next few moves will decide the fate of the war – and Talamh.

My Review:

It's always sad to say goodbye to any series, but seeing a dragon series conclude is especially sad. Okay, that's my bias showing! But seriously, The Choice is very much the conclusion we've been waiting for.

I do feel like certain elements could have been pushed harder, which is why I'm not going to give it a five-star rating. It was refreshing to finally see how the war would conclude – I feel like we've been waiting for years (when really, this is only the third book in the series!).

As somebody who was never over the moon about the pairing of this book (something about them just never captivated me, sorry), I'll admit that I'm sad to see their story end. Until next time, dragons!

Final in a trilogy
Fantasy Romance
Fae and family lore

Trigger Warnings:
Animal (Dragon) death
Homophobia (mentioned/challenged)

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

CW: war like situations, violence, death of an animal (dragon), family tensions, brief mentions of homophobia (challenged)

This is the third and final book in the trilogy. You must read the other two before diving into this one.

As this is the last book I'm going to keep my review vague. But I really enjoyed this book and series. Breen's arc throughout all 3 books was clear and it was a joy to watch her come into her own. Part epic fantasy, part finding yourself, with a dash of love and found family. This book was pure escapism and just made me want to run away to Ireland.

I loved how this book is also grounded in the real world, a duality of sorts. The Choice sets up things so well for the conflict, not just spending time on the adventure, but on the quiet moments, the things that get you invested in the story to show what our heroes have to lose

An amazing series with such a satisfying ending.

Steam: 2.5

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What a satisfying conclusion to this trilogy by Nora Roberts!

The Choice is the third book in Roberts' Awakening trilogy, and readers are again whisked away to both Ireland and Talamh.

Breen's powers and the forces fighting against her are as fierce as they have ever been. This final battle will determine the future of Talamh and the characters readers have come to love.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own

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The Dragon Heart Legacy has come to an end with a mixture of heartbreak and heartwarmth. There's a small part of me that wonders if this is truly the end based on the way things tied up. I guess time will only tell.

The theme of this novel fits the title on so many levels. It's the realization, acceptance and struggle of choice. I loved this aspect that grows and expands through the narrative. I mentioned heartbreak and without spoiling, all I can say is be prepared for something that just makes you want to slap your Aunt Sally.

Breen has a lot of growth in this book and reading the way she flourishes into herself even more was wonderful. I liked the touch of more connection between her and Keegan too.

I have some drawbacks on the pacing. Its pretty slow and a lot of repetitive dialogue and what felt like fillers were prevelant. I definitely felt this novel could've been shorter and more to the point. Overall though, I know I'll miss this world, these characters and especially Bollocks.

Shoutout to St martins press for bringing Roberts' beautiful dragon filled world to readers.

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The Choice by legendary writer Nora Roberts is the third and final novel in her Dragon Heart Legacy series. I absolutely loved the first two books in this series. I couldn't put them down. I expected this one to be just as phenomenal; I think I was expecting too much. Though I truly enjoyed the story and all the loose ends were tidily wrapped up, I was able to put the book down for sometimes extended periods. I highly recommend reading books one and two first; otherwise, you will be totally lost.

Breen Siobhan Kelly was born in the world of Man, unaware of who - and what - she actually is. Now she lives in both Ireland and Talamh, land of the Fey, discovering new powers and protecting Talamh. Breen and all the residents of that magickal land have recently fought a deadly battle and have temporarily defeated Odran the dark god, who is Breen's grandfather. Right now there is peace, and Breen and her dearest friend Marco are celebrating Christmas, the solstice, weddings and births at their new homes. Breen is seriously working on her writing and is finding more success at it than she ever imagined. Her romance with Keegan, the taoiseach of Talamh and the man who teaches her to be a warrior, is moving right along. Soon, however, she begins to have visions of Odran's witches practicing black magick, and plotting to take over Talamh, saving a particularly savage fate for Breen. When the deadly battle arrives, will Breen make The Choice to save her new family?

I loved this series and its characters and hated to see it end, but it was the right time, and no plots were left hanging there unresolved. Breen had really come into her own as a warrior and healer, and also as a writer. She had grown to love Keegan, but was unsure as to how he really felt about her. I was actually a bit disappointed at the progress of their romance. We knew Breen loved Keegan, and that he in turn truly cared and worried about her. However, the attitude he displayed seemed to show he thought of her as more of a sleeping partner than his love. I was beginning to wonder if the man would ever declare his love! In his defense, he was trying to protect his people and their world. Breen was discovering she had many more special powers than she ever imagined; she was also learning that she had to make a choice to save the people and the world she had grown to love. She also had the courage to face her past once and for all. Once again, dearest friend Marco was one of the finest characters; he was the best friend all women want. He, too, was growing, discovering he also had a talent for writing; in his case it was a cookbook, as he was an incredible cook. His romance with Brian wasn't the least bit disappointing. It was wonderfully sweet and tender. All of the other characters I had grown to love were here, such as Marg, Sedrick, Derrick, Sally, Morena and Ainsling. Be prepared to cry...I was bawling about one character. Not gonna give away anything there. The dragon funeral was incredibly touching and also had me crying. It would have been a great book if it didn't lag in the middle a bit. But as a series it was wonderful. Talamh is definitely a place you'll want to visit.

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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I have mixed thoughts about this book. While I enjoyed the book for the most part, the ending seemed a bit abrupt and a few threads didn't get unraveled satisfactorily. I'm not going into details because of spoilers, but I just thought some areas needed more than what was there.

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor or expectation.

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Nora Roberts is my comfort food and this series simply makes my happy. This satisfying conclusion gave me everything I wanted. Breen is settling into her new life and preparing to face down her enemies with Keegan at her side. This story has it all. An epic battle, love and friendships that are more like family. Huge thank you to @stmartinspress and @netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The Choice by Nora Roberts is the 3rd book in her fantastic,The Dragon Heart Legacy trilogy. I loved the previous two books in this series, and could not wait to read The Choice. Needless to say, I also loved the finale of this trilogy. Of course, this is the norm as Nora always creates such wonderful trilogies. Refresher: Breen Siobhan Kelly grew up in the human world, unaware of her true nature, a daughter of the Fey. Her grandfather, is the evil dark god Odran, who plans to destroy the realm of Talamh, and over the last two books, Breen has suffered grief and heartbreaking losses. She has learned everything about the realm of Talamh, filled with magic, fairies, witches, dragons, etc; she continues to train on using her magical powers, to be ready to fight the evil god, Odran and save Talamh and the Fey.

Keegan and Breen’s relationship continues to grow, though he is constantly pushing her to use more of her powers. Keegan (the Taoiseach) is always by her side when the enemy tries to kill her using black magic. The evil forces (those who have joined the evil Odran), continue to show up to kill, with some losses along the way. Breen is determined to defeat Odran, and save all her family and friends, as well as Talamh, as she needs to be able to use every weapon & powerful magicks to confront the darkness.

I really loved Keegan and Breen together, they were so perfect for each other. I love all the wonderful secondary characters who play such a large part of this story, supporting Breen every way; such as Marco, Nan, Sedric, Morena, Harken, Aisling, Brian, Tarryn, her Dragon Lonrach, just to name a few. I enjoyed seeing how Marco was always there for Breen, and loved all his cooking; it was nice to see him fall in love with Brian. But most of all I loved love Bollocks, her wonderful dog, who was so much fun, and always ready to fight and protect her from evil.

Throughout the story, we get to spend time for joyous holidays and celebrations in Talamh and Ireland. Breen also continues to write her books about Bollocks, as well as a fantasy novel, which her agent will like. In between the hard training, and terrible fighting, she manages to enjoy herself with walking with Bollocks, learning from Nan, enjoying Marco’s cooking, and just the fun of being with her true family and friends.
As we race to the climax, and epic battle begins with everyone in Talamh fighting against a terrible evil, and Breen rising up to fulfill her heritage to defeat Ordan. Will Breen Survive?

What follows is another fantastic story, so very well done by Nora Roberts. I love the world of Talamah, with so many wonderful secondary characters, and a fantastic heroine and hero. I will not give spoilers, as you need to read this book from start to finish, but if you have not read the previous two books, then please start with the first book, The Awakening, then to The Becoming. I loved everything about this book, as I devoured it from start to finish. Bravo to Nora Roberts who gives us another fabulous trilogy, which is not to be missed.

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Breen has literally fallen through the looking glass (or welcoming tree) to enter a fantasy land only to find that she belongs here and slowly but surely her memories of her time here have returned.  But for all the new friends and relatives there's the bad guy, a demigod and her grandfather to boot who is gunning for her. He's constantly battering against her defenses and sending his minions to attack and harass her. Will Breen be able to turn the tables on him and end him for all time? 
This trilogy comes with an interesting and varied cast of characters. Most beloved of which are Breen's gay best friend Marco who leaves behind all that is familiar to follow Breen to Ireland and through the Welcoming Tree to embrace a new world and a new love of his life with nary a hiccup.  All that baking and cooking kept a few more than just the regular reader juices simmering. 
The worst part of traveling which is my passion besides reading are sometimes long and tiring airplane journeys. What would I give for a portal or two to whisk me to my destination in the blink of an eye.  No more worrying about missed flights and lost luggage. Seriously though Breen works hard training every single day for her shot at confronting the baddie and hopefully destroying or diminishing him to nothing.  This is a romance so of course there's a love interest and passion both for Breen and for Marco. 
When it comes down to it, Breen will make choices that might not be popular with all who love her, and she will face devastating loss, but she will persevere in her endeavors. I did think the end while satisfying was a bit abrupt and it might have been nice to celebrate some happy moments particularly Brian and Marco's marriage and another visit with the delightful Sally.

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The time has come for the final battle of good versus evil and Breen Siobhan Kelly is the key to victory. Breen’s powers have awoken, she has become the protector of light she was destined to be, and now it’s up to her to choose her fate. The Choice is the final book in The Dragon Heart Legacy trilogy and Nora Roberts brings the world of Fey and man to life in vivid color. The Ireland of Roberts’s writing is as dreamy as ever and the world of Talamh is filled with fantasy and wonder. I loved watching Breen travel back and forth between the two as she and her best friend, Marco, find the balance in between both worlds that fits them and the men they love.

The Choice follows Breen as she continues to develop her innate talent for magick and writing and to strengthen her weak points. We follow her life, her romance with Keegan that comes more to the forefront in this final tale, and see happy moments for all the characters we’ve come to love. And in the background is the threat of Breen’s grandfather, the dark god Odran, who would see all the worlds bloody and burned.

A lot of this book is building the anticipation of the battle and for a final battle of good against such dark evil, there’s surprisingly less action that you’d might expect. Whether or not this is satisfying is reader preference. I didn’t mind following a mostly pleasant journey with Breen and company, but I did perhaps expect a bit more energy and to feel the stakes that were laid out a bit more. There are dark moments and even a couple that brought tears to my eyes as Breen and all she loves have to fight to protect what’s good in every world. The conclusion of the story is satisfying and it wraps up all the main characters’ journeys in a satisfying way. All in all, I enjoyed The Choice; Nora Roberts’s writing drew me in and in the absence of Odran, Breen’s two worlds are ones I found cozy, warm, and engaging.

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The Choice, the final book in The Dragon Heart Legacy by Nora Roberts. And a grand finale it is too. The second book left me wanting something, this book gives it. It begins at the second ended, victory but not without severe losses. However not a complete victory but only a time for everyone, dark and light forces to regroup to fight again. The theme of good versus evil is strong as in most fantasies but also greed, power, and the sacrifice of innocent lives to achieve a selfish goal clashes against family, love, friendship, and upright traditions within a culture.

All who survived the battle from book two are in this one, both good and evil. This final book has much in the way of psychological warfare as Breen is targeted. Always in this series, Breen’s abduction has been the key to her grandfather’s goal achievement. Powerful Odran is, so the question to be answered is Breen more powerful.

While the prologue gives a clear summary of the first two books I would recommend the books be read in order. Seeing Breen go from the timid mouse at the beginning of The Awakening to the fierce warrior of The Choice is quite amazing.

An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Let's just be honest, Fantasy is my least favorite genre but every so often I find a series that makes me rethink this statement. The Choice, The Dragon Heart Legacy #3, concludes the journey the reader has taken to Talamh where magicks thrive.

From the beginning in The Awakening through The Awakening, we have followed Breene as she navigates two worlds, one where she is a novelist and the other, where dragons fly and Fey lives harmoniously in lush landscape in a realm located in Ireland.

The romance between Breene and Keegan takes center stage in this novel, especially when she becomes of the target of Odran, a dark god, who wants her powers. Breene bravely confronts the darkness to save a world that has given her the family she always sought throughout her life.

This series should be read in order to understand the landscape, its characters and Breene's relationship to the Fey. Robert's trilogy is simply a breathtaking tale. HIGHLY RECOMMEND

Thank you St. Martins Press for the complimentary copy of book #3 in The Dragon Heart Legacy.
Thank you St. Martins Press for the complimentary copy.

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What can I say? Nora Roberts’ The Choice is a magnificent conclusion to The Dragon Heart Legacy trilogy. It’s light versus dark, good versus evil. It represents every final battle in fantasy literature. Breen Siobhan Kelly, Daughter of Dragons. “Daughter of the Fey, of Man, of Gods.” Breen is the only one who can defeat her grandfather, a dark god called Odran who has lusted for her power since she was a toddler.

In Roberts’ The Awakening, Breen discovered her parentage, her ancestral home in Ireland, and, just across a tree, the world of Talamh where magicks still existed. She reclaimed her grandmother, her friends from childhood, but discovered the truth about her background and the dark being that craves power and control, her grandfather. And Keegan, the taoiseach, the leader of the people, reluctantly taught Breen to fight and prepare for battle. Because there was a battle coming between all the people of Talamh and Odran’s evil forces.

The Becoming was the moment of calm in between books. Breen’s best friend from Philadelphia, a talented gay man named Marco, latched on to follow her to Talamh, and discovered a world that accepted him. In fact, he discovered people who loved him. The Becoming allowed Breen to grow into her powers, allowing a respite between horrendous battles.

The Choice is the final reckoning. There are moments of beauty and also deep grief. And, I cried over both when I read this book. Breen has a decision to make, but, in actuality, she’s already made her decision to defend Talamh and the people she loves, even if it’s with her life. What more do you expect in an epic fantasy?

There’s really nothing more to say. If you haven’t read the two earlier books, The Choice will mean nothing. If you have, you’ll want to discover all of the triumphs and grief for yourself. Roberts is always a master at wringing out emotions. She succeeds once again.

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The Dragon Heart Legacy #3
The Choice

Nora Roberts
266 ratings82 reviews
The conclusion of the epic trilogy from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Awakening and The Becoming.

Talamh is a land of green hills, high mountains, deep forests, and seas, where magicks thrive. But portals allow for passage in and out--and ultimately, each must choose their place, and choose between good and evil, war and peace, life and death...

Breen Siobhan Kelly grew up in the world of Man and was once unaware of her true nature. Now she is in Talamh, trying to heal after a terrible battle and heartbreaking losses. Her grandfather, the dark god Odran, has been defeated in his attempt to rule over Talamh, and over Breen--for now.

With the enemy cast out and the portal sealed, this is a time to rest and to prepare. Breen spreads her wings and realizes a power she's never experienced before. It's also a time for celebrations--of her first Christmas in both Talamh and Ireland, of solstice and weddings and births--and daring to find joy again in the wake of sorrow. She rededicates herself to writing her stories, and when his duties as taoiseach permit, she is together with Keegan, who has trained her as a warrior and whom she has grown to love.

It's Keegan who's at her side when the enemy's witches, traitorous and power-mad, appear to her in her sleep, practicing black magick, sacrificing the innocent, and plotting a brutal destruction for Breen. And soon, united with him and with all of Talamh, she will seek out those in desperate need of rescue, and confront the darkness with every weapon she has: her sword, her magicks--and her courage...
Urban Fantasy

448 pages, Kindle Edition

Expected publication November 22, 2022

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Nora Roberts
1,038 books47.2k followers

Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Profile Image for Elle Reign Reads.
Elle Reign Reads
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October 23, 2022
1 Month Away and I CAN'T WAIT! So far, this series has been Eeeeeverything!!

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Profile Image for Natalie.
1,864 reviews

April 18, 2022
3.5 stars

Received Arc courtesy of the publisher via Edelweiss.

I liked this better than book 2.





Profile Image for Peggy Jaeger.
Peggy Jaeger
42 books

June 5, 2022
Certainly a satisfying ending to the Dragon Heart Legacy.
Breen and Keegan - these two could have been written into a contemporary romance instead of a fantasy and they still would have been perfect for one another!
This book completes the quest for the death of Odran and the freedom of the Fey. An epic battle scene and the inner strength Breen finds to fulfill her promise to the Fey and her heritage come late in the book, but that's fine. This story is really about love. Love of family, of culture, of heritage, of people.
The themes in it - prejudice, mistrust, power-hungry people, - are woven so intricately into the plot that the negativity of it all just exemplifies the themes of family, love, and giving your life for what you believe in.
I truly don't know what we are going to do if Nora Roberts ever decides not to write any longer.
5 plus well deserved stars for a story that filled my heart with hope.
I received and ARC of this book from a Goodreads giveaway and am voluntarily leaving a review. Thank you Goodreads and St. Martin's Press

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Profile Image for Susan Godwin.
Susan Godwin
33 reviews

July 17, 2022
I would like to thank Goodreads and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC of The Choice by Nora Roberts. It is Book 3 in The Dragon Heart Legacy. My husband and I have throughly enjoyed the trilogy. You develop a love for Breen, Keegan, Marco and their friends and family as they fight against Odran for the freedom of the Fey. As we follow Breen (the main character throughout the trilogy) from Book 1 - Book 3, you watch her develop into the strong warrior that is needed to make choices between good and evil, war and peace, and life and death. Nora Roberts created a trilogy that covers so many themes discussed in our daily culture. With all the turmoil around us, we realize there can be peace, love, and happiness when we unite for the greater good! Well done, Nora Roberts!


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Profile Image for Julie - One Book More.
Julie - One Book More
843 reviews

November 6, 2022
This is the final book in The Dragon Heart Legacy, and it’s exciting, suspenseful, heart-warming, and a bit heartbreaking! Breen really comes into her power in this conclusion. She is fierce and powerful, and she digs so deep to bring peace to the world and the people she has come to love. The story picks up right where book two left off, and Breen and the other characters are dealing with the aftermath of the battle. They face grief, loss, mourning, and rebuilding, as well as preparing for the next battle.

Like the other books in the trilogy, I adored the friendships, romances, and family dynamics and how important they were to all of the characters. This is a tight-knit community that embraces Breen and Marcus, and the deep connection, loyalty, and love they all have for each other are really special. It’s a community that feels more like a family, and there are many wonderful relationships explored as the characters work, fight, celebrate, and mourn together. I like that the story doesn’t focus on one relationship and instead highlights many different ones. Romantic relationships, friendships, family bonds, new relationships and old ones are all explored and stress not only the importance of connection and love but also what Breen and the others are fighting for.

This is an awesome ending to the trilogy as only Nora Roberts can do.

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This 3rd and final installment had me in tears. This was a very emotional book with Breene closing some chapters in her life and starting new ones. The dragons. The final battle. The love between Breene and Keegan. I think this finale did their story justice.

I fell in love with many of these side characters, and the two worlds were brought to life with such color and wonder. You feel like you have fallen inside a story book fairy tale that does include some very, evil characters. After all, there had to be for Breene and Keegan to fight and concur.

Keegan has been a hard character for me but he came through in the end. He's one of those men that keep their feelings close to the vest. He's honorable, loyal and in the end, he gave Breene what she really needed.

Breene stayed true to herself all the way through even as she learned to shed her mothers moving and becoming who she really is. She was an easy character to love and wish great things for.

This was a fun series to read!

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