Member Reviews

This is the epic conclusion to the trilogy and I couldn't put it down. Who needs sleep when you have a new Nora Roberts story to delve into? This one is action packed. Everything has been building to this and it is satisfying in so many ways. The romance between Bree and Keegan is steamy and at times hilarious. He's such a strong guy who is utterly clueless at times. Bree has so many sides and following her journey has been a joy to read. All these characters feel like friends. These are the books to read if you are looking for a story about triumph, love,family,destiny, strength, and finding your place.

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In book 3 of The Dragon Heart Legacy Trilogy, Breen Siobhan Kelly, who grew up in Philadelphia, completely unaware of her true nature and the family that she had in the world of Talamh, is preparing for the final battle to defeat the dark god Odran. As she and the others are resting and preparing for battle, she is enjoying her first solstice as well as her first Christmas in Talamh. She is also busy writing her stories, and when they are not training together she & Keegan are spending time together. She has fallen in love with him, and Marcus, her best friend who followed her to Talamh, has fallen in love with Brian, a cousin of Breen's and one of the ones who will be fighting in the war. Keegan is at her side when the enemy’s witches, traitorous and power-mad, appear to her in her sleep, practicing black magick, sacrificing the innocent, and plotting a brutal destruction for Breen. And soon, united with him and with all of Talamh, she will seek out those in desperate need of rescue, and confront the darkness with every weapon she has: her sword, her magicks—and her courage…

This may be my favorite fantasy series of all time. I am sad to see the conclusion of it, but this was the perfect ending to the trilogy. There was so much action that I could not put it down - every time I got to the end of a chapter I just had to read "just one more" to find out what was going to happen next. This book has everything you could ask for: a strong female protaganist, characters that you love to hate, romances to root for, dragons, faeries, magic, and friendship. You definitely need to read these books in order, they are not standalone. But this is an addictive series that will get you hooked with book one and you will not want to stop until you have read all three. I highly recommend them!

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I really liked the first two books in this series. However this book wasn’t my favorite. I felt confused about what was going on from page one. Maybe too much time had passed since I read the previous one.
Anyway, there is a lot of action in this book and it does wrap everything up in a neat little bow.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the early copy

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This is the final book in The Dragon Heart Legacy, and it’s exciting, suspenseful, heart-warming, and a bit heartbreaking! Breen really comes into her power in this conclusion. She is fierce and powerful, and she digs so deep to bring peace to the world and the people she has come to love. The story picks up right where book two left off, and Breen and the other characters are dealing with the aftermath of the battle. They face grief, loss, mourning, and rebuilding, as well as preparing for the next battle.

Like the other books in the trilogy, I adored the friendships, romances, and family dynamics and how important they were to all of the characters. This is a tight-knit community that embraces Breen and Marcus, and the deep connection, loyalty, and love they all have for each other are really special. It’s a community that feels more like a family, and there are many wonderful relationships explored as the characters work, fight, celebrate, and mourn together. I like that the story doesn’t focus on one relationship and instead highlights many different ones. Romantic relationships, friendships, family bonds, new relationships and old ones are all explored and stress not only the importance of connection and love but also what Breen and the others are fighting for.

Of course, there’s a ton of intrigue and suspense and Breen, Keegan, and the others prepare for Odran’s eventual attack. The story also shifts perspective so you can see how Odran and his followers are preparing to defeat Breen and the rest. It’s dark and deadly, and Odran is so evil! I think this aspect of the story is a fantastic contrast to the positive, loving, and good we see in Talamh.

There are a lot of great messages and themes in this series, and the book is aptly titled because the whole story is about choice. Every character has to make choices, some easy some tough, and each choice changes the directory of their lives. Other themes that are prevalent include prejudice, fighting for what you believe in, embracing love, and the importance of family.

Nora Roberts is my most-read author, and I always gobble up her books. The Choice was no exception. It’s a captivating read and a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. It isn’t a standalone, so you have read the first two books to follow this one, but if you like amazing world-building, dynamic characters and relationships, unique fantasy elements, and entertaining storytelling that will make you laugh and cry, then I would definitely recommend the series. Oh, and did I mention dragons because… DRAGONS! lol Special thanks to St. Martin’s Press for sending me a copy of the book. All thoughts are my own.

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In this third and final book of the Dragon Heart Legacy series, Breen Siobhan Kelly, Daughter of the Fey and Talamh, as well as hope for their future has come to terms with where her duties lie after a devastating battle against her evil grandfather, Odran. He is a dark god bent on destroying all that is good in the magical world of Talamh on the Fairy side of Ireland. Odran would rule by blood, death, and dark magicks with the goal of capturing Breen and draining her formidable powers sucking out her life force slowly and tortuously.

While Breen and her people know the victory was temporary, they are determined to prepare for the final battle against evil including Odran’s minions one such being the very wicked witch, Yseult, who seeks to infiltrate and use spies causing significant harm. Breen does all she can to learn all of her magickal capabilities and hone a myridad of skills with the help of her grandmother, and Keegan, her lover and the Taoiseach who bears much responsibility for the welfare of Talamh. Keegan teaches Breen to fight with all the physical aids possible as well even though she had strong magicks.

Breen’s destiny has long been prophesied so she bares a great burden with many people counting on her to triumph over Odran and his followers despite the personal cost and possibly ultimate sacrifice of her life and those she loves. Breen continues to work on her writing taking a chance to tell a story that goes beyond the children’s book about her dog, the oddly named Bollocks. She also encourages her roommate, Marco, to write something of him own because of his cooking skills.

While I have enjoyed this series for the most part with the magical side of Ireland, I felt Breen spending so much more time with Marco instead of Keegan, who is meant to be not only her love interest, but the man fighting beside her to save their world, dilutes the story too much. At one point Breen even tells Marco, “You are my life,” which is certainly more the kind of thing Breen should say to Keegan rather than her friend. All the quotidian time spent on the Irish side in Breen’s cottage and talk of Marco’s cooking also bogs the story down in places so that it does not quite have the pace of Fantasy Romance. I imagine Ms. Robert’s was probably wanting show normal human life juxtaposed with Breen’s life in the Fey world; however, it detracts from the action and adventure part with way more time spent with Marco there than Keegan reducing their relationship. It took so long to get to the final battle that all that talk of things Breen and Keegan would do “after” does not get much page time. Readers who are invested in the series will want to read the conclusion to see how it all works out.

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This is the third book in the series, and it ties the books together beautifully. Thank you Netgalley and publisher.

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There’s no one better to write a contemporary or fantasy story than Nora Roberts. With Breen and Keegan’s story coming to a suspenseful end, we find out who gets a happy ending and who gets a sad ending. Some are very satisfying while others are very heartbreaking. The secondary characters are just as fascinating as the main characters. Who doesn’t root for Marco and Brian? Or Nan and Sedric? All of Breen’s journey and knowledge will finally come to a head with Odran. I would have liked to see how life continues in Talamh six months to a year later.

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A truly fantastic ending to a breathtaking series. Nora Roberts created an amazing world in Talamh. In The Choice, we draw closer and closer to the battle for freedom and truly feel part of Breen and Keegan's lives.

You really can only read the Choice if you have read the two previous novels of the Dragon Hearts Legacy. Only then can you be as invested as I was in the quest to vanquish Odran and free the Fey. Like all scify, magical realism based books, there is plenty of our own real world issues in it - power, politics and family to name a few.

This novel is beautiful and emotional and cleanly wraps up the entire series. I would be more than happy to read what the future brings for Breen and Keegan but I am also completely satisfied with their journey.
. #Stmartins

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Many, many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's for the opportunity to read Ms Roberts' THE CHOICE. I knew i would love it but was, honestly, unprepared for how much. i have laughed with joy, cried happy tears, and cried heartbreaking ugly tears. And loved every page, every word. And think there really and truly needs to be a Book Four. Please Mote It Be.

47 beezillion gold stars.

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