Member Reviews

I liked the overall concept. I appreciated the focus on the parent-child relationship throughout the book.

There are soooo many books aimed at “Effective” parenting. This book sees better outcomes for children and parents as an outgrowth of fostering and managing a healthy relationship with your child as opposed to managing ever behavior of your child.
This book was obviously written by parents who happen to be child psychologists. The authors do a wonderful job of accounting for the fact that a) not all kids are the same b) not all family dynamics are the same and c) parents will fail…a lot. This is a helpful and realistic guide to knowing and leading your children.

This book fits the title well. It was good enough. It wasn't my favorite parenting book; however, it was still quite good. It contained several snippets of wisdom with strategies that I could use and immediately apply to my parenting. What I appreciated most is the angle with which the authors Cavell and Quetsch ask parents what their goal is - and what they hope to get out of parenting. This, while simple, is not a question I had asked myself or paused to reflect on. I appreciated the chance for reflection on this and other questions posed throughout the book. While I likely won't reread this one, it was definitely worth the first read through, especially for new parents.

His book had some great advice. It definitely helps the reader reflect on their relationship with their children and work towards a more positive. I loved the third option and how it can help kids use agency in an age appropriate way. Overall, a nice read.

Good Enough Parenting embraces the trend of focusing not only on the child, but on the parents as well. We can only parent effectively when we acknowledge our own strengths weaknesses. I'm of the school of thought that doesn't believe that adults have it all together, nor do I believe that the parent is always right. I like the way this book blends humor and encouragement to teach parenting "good enough" parenting strategies.
Thanks to the authors Timothy Cavell and Lauren Quetsch, APA Publishing, and Netgalley for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
ived a digital copy of this book from NetGalley & American Psychological Association

Great read for all parents! This helped with the mom guilt and helped put my mind at ease. Being a parent doesn’t come with a handbook but this one gives you some great advice.

This was such a great, informative read for me as a first time parent. I learned a lot and it really put me at ease. I liked the quality of the information from various sources.

This is a great book for all parents, not just moms. It gave great advice and practical tips. I will definitely be referencing this over and over!

I thought this offered a good range of basic parenting topics that would be needed to course correct when families are running into issues without being too academic. It didn't go into as much detail on specific scenarios as some other books, but I thought the section on selective discipline in particular was a new concept to me that I was glad to learn about.

I liked this book, mainly because it doesn't just focus on the child, or telling you, as the parent, everything you're doing wrong. It's helpful in a way that many parenting books aren't. I enjoyed the humor in the book, the comparisons, and I felt encouraged to become a better parent and have a good relationship with my son without being invalidated or being told that I need to be perfect. I recommend it for new and current parents.

Good Enough Parenting is a great resource for parents and professionals alike. The concept is that you want to just be a "good enough" parent, but we all know that it isn't as easy as it looks. It breaks down the parent child relationship and provides explanations on how to provide the support/ways to navigate through the difficult times of the parent-child relationship. This book is a great gift to someone who is navigating the younger 8-10 years old age and even the 11-16 ages where the child-parent relationship can become strained. The writing and format is slightly confusing, but it reads like a school textbook. It is very informational so be sure to bring your pen and notebook!
Thank you NetGalley for this ARC all opinions are my own.

Good Enough. Parenting is a wonderful guide for parents raising children. I was impressed and encouraged by how the author was so very supportive of parents in this book. I'm sure any parent reading this would agree. The book gives outlines to assist parents to think about goals for their families and ways to implement these goals. I felt this book was an easy and effective tool to use.
I would like to show my appreciation to APA and Netgalley for this advanced copy.

Good Enough Parenting is a book that many will applaud and say they love. But honestly, it's not a book I'd recommend. We should strive to be more than mediocre while we admit that we're not even capable of being enough. This just wasn't the book for me.
*I received a digital copy of the book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

I thought this was an enjoyable read and that the authors did a very good job in laying out a lot of helpful information for parents to help create a better relationship with their children. This information was easy to digest and put a lot of things into perspective for parents. I really appreciated the supportive tone throughout the book of parents just trying to do their best. Great read!

An excellent book with science based information. I was able to take much of the advice from the book and use in my daily life raising my children. I especially enjoyed the chapter on emotions! This book is very eye opening and allows one to explore how they parent and how certain responses affect our children. Thank you so much NetGalley and publisher for the copy!

This is a good parenting guide to support parents in building better relationships. Many of the tips are useful for relationships in general. I like that it is easy to digest without making you feel inadequate.

Good Enough Parenting has so many great ideas/concepts that I have started to try in my own parenting.
There are so many parenting books out there and I’m always willing to give them a try. Our daughter is adopted and has FASD so if I can find ideas that we haven’t yet tried I am up for it and find that worth the read.
I thank the authors of Good Enough Parenting to bring to light how they health (mental/physical) of yourself is so important in making parenting a success.
The worksheets in the book were eye openers and really brought everything full circle.
This book should be included in a type of parenting package given out to all parents!

This well written book is essentially a guide to help and support parents in building a better way to parent your children. I was pleased to see that the tone was super supportive and there was no criticism or judgment of parents, and the authors were very understanding of parents that “do their best”.
The one point I found beyond valuable was the question they posed to their readers “What are our goals as parents?”. How often do we stop and think why what it is that we want for our children? And what we think our goals for our children are (successful, safe, love healthy) are actually goals for their future. The authors ask parents to focus instead on what’s important and what matters. The 6-point plan for good enough parenting is rather helpful and a good basis for building or re-establishing a foundational parenting plan.
Overall, very good information and great perspectives on parenting.
Grateful to have received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley & American Psychological Association

Excellent, brief, and science-based summary of the research on effective parenting. Ideal for new and current parents and grandparents, as well as caregivers, educators, and others who care about the health and well-being of children and adolescents. Offers concrete and specific advice for being a "good enough" parent.