Member Reviews

After reading two previous novels by this same author I knew I had to read this one. Hurricane Season and The Summer House were both so good. Both five star reads. Both set in the southern part of Alabama. Books set in my home state tend to call my name. This book is the same. Set in Sugar Bend, AL and close to Mobile among other places it's realistic and a very touching story.

Two sisters, Violet and Trudy, are all each other have. Their mother left when they were in high school and their alcoholic dad died in a car accident not long after. The mother made Violet, who was the oldest, promise to take care of and protect her younger sister Trudy. Of course Violet promised. Little did she know that her life was about to make such a huge chance. Violet would do almost anything for her sister. It was her job after all to protect her and keep her safe. She had promised.

Trudy was the youngest of the two sisters and was beautiful. The boys loved her and she caught the eye of the most adored man in town, Jay Malone, who owned a chain of Ice Cream stores. He had girls working for him and had his pick of any of them but he chose Trudy. Jay was a charmer. He was who everyone wanted to be like. He was the nicest man you'd ever meet. Trudy felt honored to become his wife. Violet could finally go on with her life and build a life with the man she loved also.

Forty years go by and it's only the Figg sisters, Violet and Trudy. They live alone in a small cottage and run a shop where Trudy makes beautiful things she finds. Everyone loves the things she makes. Violet runs the shop while Trudy makes things. They work good together. Trudy hasn't spoken in forty years. Not since something awful happened and devastated her.

This is the story of the lengths sisters will go to for each other. The things they will give up for each other. Even giving up their freedom. Being there for each other above all others. Even true love. These two sisters have a big secret that they won't share. All is good until the boat comes to the surface. Then their lives change forever.

This book is great. It's heartwarming and sad. It's one that makes you hold your breath wondering what will come next. Not a thriller but it will give you thrills. Skin tingling thrills. I truly disliked these girls mother. She was selfish in the worst way. To put such a big thing on her oldest daughter was not only unfair, it made life impossible for her to live. She spent all her time worrying and that is just wrong. Of course if the mother had not of left there would be no book so there's that. I still could not stand the mother. She was selfish.

There are several great characters in this book. I loved them all except the mother and Jay. Those two were foolish. The descriptions are great. The sandy beaches. The shells. The shops. You feel at home in Sugar Bend, Alabama. Like you belong.

Thank you #NetGalley, #LaruenKDenton, #HarperMuse for this ARC. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

5 stars and a very high recommendation. It's a beautiful story of love and hope.

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With her trademark lyrical prose and fantastic characters, Lauren K. Denton brings us another beautifully written novel set in a glorious Southern small town. I was intrigued from the minute those fish bones showed up! Loved, loved, loved the solid bond between the sisters Violet and Trudy. The theme of taking bits of discarded elements in nature and creating beautiful treasures was quite poignant. And the fact that Trudy didn't speak due to past trauma made the story so rich and compelling. I found the hints of mystery and magic very enjoyable as well. As always, the author crafted several well-developed secondary characters who strengthened the plot. I especially liked that the protagonists in A Place to Land were over the age of fifty.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the complimentary copy. I have also purchased the audiobook because I enjoy the narrator's performance. All opinions shared here are my own.

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I am a fan of Laura Denton's work and although not, in my opinion her best work- A Place to Land is definitely worth the read.

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A Place to Land is a Southern novel set in the small Gulf Coast town of Sugar Bend, Alabama. Violet Figg owns a handcrafted (shells, nature) shop with her sister Trudy. Trudy no longer speaks after a mysterious incident in the past. A young woman named Maya comes to town and the sisters look out for her -- as a mystery from the 1970's and 1980's unfolds.

I wanted to read this novel because I have loved all the books I've read by Lauren K. Denton. She has such a gift at capturing southern atmosphere and especially small town life.

I absolutely loved this book - it is one of my favorites by the author. I loved the mystery that takes place in the 1970's - '80's and today, and the numerous storylines going on at once, including Violet, Trudy, and Maya. I especially liked Violet and her sweet second chance romance with her long ago beau, Frank.

I recommend A Place to Land for fans of southern fiction, small town fiction, or anyone looking for a life affirming novel about second chances.

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What a special, wonderful story. Lauren K Denton’s classic Southern charm shines through with every word, but this book could have taken place in any Southern town. The tiny Alabama town where it does take place is filled with unique characters, it’s own very pivotal history, and by flashing back to the 1980s we see where Violet and Trudy had their beginnings, where life took an unexpected twist, and how strong the bond is between sisters.Maya was such an unexpected surprise for me. I knew from the moment she stepped into the Two Sisters shop that she was bound for greater things, but when you’re missing your roots, your family, it’s hard to let your wings carry you. The relationship they forged, and the incredible resolution, is absolutely unforgettable.

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Violet has taken care of her sister since a tragic event left her mute. Now forty years later that event comes back to haunt them. Good but slow moving story

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The book was a slow burn and it took me a while to get in to it. In fact it many me sleepy and a little bored at first. But I’m glad I stuck with it because the gotcha moment was worth it. I can see why Denton is so well loved, being that this was my first book of hers. The characters were so deeply relatable. And ugh, Frank. Trust and Violet. Mia and Tyler. Those moments with Jay. It was very well done.

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A Place to Land by Lauren K. Denton was a sweet story of two sisters willing to make hard sacrifices for one another to keep a tragic event in their past a secret. Although the story line was a little predictable at times, I still enjoyed the book. Can't go wrong with a book by Lauren K. Denton! Thank you NetGalley and Harper Muse for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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A Place to Land is a moving story of sacrifice, second chances, belonging, and the powerful bond between sisters. Lauren K. Denton's signature Southern style shines through in Violet and Trudy's story, in the charm of the small Alabama town, and in the way the sisters' acceptance of Maya brought much-needed healing to all three of them. This story was a little heavier than I was expecting, but it was handled gracefully and with excellent storytelling. I was almost holding my breath at the end, and was so relieved at the beautiful ending! If you are looking for a story that is simultaneously heart-wrenching and heartwarming, you have found it in A Place to Land.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I loved the story of sisters, Violet and Trudy and their 40 year secret! The introduction of a young Maya to them just adds so much interest to their story. Reading about the sisters developing relationship with Maya and reading about Maya's emotional growth because of the sisters. Southern women's fiction at it's best!

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A good but not great story about two Southern sisters’ bond, secrets kept, and the past the comes back to haunt them.

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“…but she wished for something different. Something better. A place to land at the end of the day, a safekeeping hand and heart. Someone who wouldn’t leave.”

Lauren Denton is a master at writing southern women's fiction full of wonderful characters and themes such as grief, forgiveness, abandonment, sacrifice, etc. A Place to Land takes readers to the small town of Sugar Bend where they meet two sisters, Trudy and Violet. Trudy has not spoken in 40 years and spends her days making artwork out of items such as driftwood that she collects on the beach. Violet is a retired teacher who loves birds and has spent her life protecting her sister and now runs a shop that sells her sister's artwork. Readers are not given an explanation of what happened to Trudy so many years ago which creates the mystery of the story and I was totally there for it. For those looking for a romance, I must give you a bit of a warning. There is a beautiful second chance romance present in the book, but the relationship between the sisters and the secrets they are hiding are front and center in the story and definitely what the book is focused around.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for a copy of this book. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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A Place to Land was a beautiful story of the love between sisters and how long-hidden secrets shaped their lives and upended their lives when those secrets came out.

The sisters had a wonderful relationship and I loved the way they enveloped Maya into their little family. The setting is well described and became an integral part of the story right from the beginning.

Lauren K. Denton has a wonderful way with Southern fiction and I'd highly recommend this book.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for an ARC at my request.

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This is a hard review because I liked the book but ugh it was too predictable!!! I think I never read a book as predictable on everything as this one. It was hard to even feel the subtle twists and that bothered me a lot. It's not a bad book, the story is good, and it's well written but I just can't stand this much predictable plots anymore. And because of that I couldn't feel like the book was the right one for me. It didn't grab me. The end was other absurd think, I mean right before hahaha let's say the "justice" hahaha that was just like ugh I wanted to drop the book but I couldn't because I was already 94% in hahahh so I kept reading and yeah the end wasn't okay. I just feel I lost a lot of time trying to get into the book, for nothing.

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Violet has vowed to take care of her sister Trudy ever since Trudy lost her voice 40 years ago. Young Maya feels drawn to the sisters, and arrives in their art shop in Sugar Bend. With enough mysticism to engage the reader, this is a sensitive and well written novel, a good view of the deep South. Although the timelines jump from past to present a little too much, all in all, a good book.

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This was a great read. I really enjoyed reading this book. I read it in nearly one sitting it was a real page turner. I just knew from the first chapter that I was going to love this book as it was so well wrote. The story line really draws you in with wonderful characters. They were just so realistic and lovable. I really loved the relationship that the two sisters had and I loved the fact that they made and sold handmade items from things found on the beach. You could tell from the start that the story was holding some dark secrets. I loved the way this secret came out and how it was delt with. It was an edge of your seat moment. I really warmed to maya and became emotionally involved in her story. I especially loved how she developed and grew as a person. As she definitely had a difficult start to life. I loved how this book was a dual timeline switch between the past and present day. It really brought great atmosphere and tension to the book. This book had a great medium pace that suited the story that was a nice relaxing story. I recommend this book to those who love slow burning with an air of mystery, budding relationships and great sisterly bonds.

Many thanks to the author for creating such a great story line and very loveable characters. 

The above review has already been placed on goodreads, waterstones, Google books, Barnes&noble, kobo, amazon UK where found and my blog

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I was introduced to Lauren K. Denton a couple of years ago when someone mentioned her covers as being especially lovely and I agreed. I bought and read and enjoyed her novels HURRICANE SEASON and THE HIDEAWAY. I heard her talk about her new release, A PLACE TO LAND, and managed to snag an advance reader’s copy.

Trudy and Violet Figg are sisters living in Sugar Bend, Alabama, a small town along the banks of Little River. A traumatic night 40 years ago robbed Trudy’s voice and cost Violet love and happiness, but they’ve built a life and they’re content with their lives. Trudy creates art from found objects and Violet runs their small gift shop and counts birds.

Maya, a young adult fresh from the foster care system, lands in Sugar Bend and in the Figg sisters’ lives. As the river reveals secrets Violet would rather it keep, Maya blossoms under Trudy’s attention and care.

A PLACE TO LAND is full of secrets (I used it to meet a reader challenge I’m doing for 2022. October’s book is a “Family Secret” story.) It’s also a very Southern book. I could feel the humidity of the summer and taste the brackish air. There’s a little bit of magical realism woven throughout, with the recurring pelicans and another element I don’t want to give away.

Denton did a great job doling out the details of that night so long ago and threading together the various sub-plots. I enjoyed this one a lot, and I’ll continue to read both her backlist and new releases.
I received an advance copy of this book via NetGalley, but it did not induce me to review it, favorably or not.

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If you have read the author's previous books, you may be disappointed with this one. There is something different about this one compared to her other work. It is a great read, but it just doesn't measure up to the author's previous work.

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This was an interesting southern mystery. I did think the resolution was a bit unbelievable, and I had some unanswered questions. Overall, I still found it an enjoyable read.

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A Place to Land is a novel about sisters and secrets and the things we do out of love. The Tigg sisters, Violet and Trudy have lived in sleepy Sugar Bend, Alabama for their entire lives. Forty years ago something horrible happened that stole Trudy's voice and Violet's dreams of being an ornithologist. Now Trudy makes amazing sculptures from items she finds on the beach and Trudy runs their art shop and keeps track of the bird activity up and down the shore. Maya ages out of the foster system at eighteen and is tired of bouncing from home to home. She hasn't had a family since her grandmother died seven years ago and is looking for a place to settle down when a flyer at a gas station catches her eye. Following the signs to Sugar Bend, Maya finds a job, and a place to live as well as a strange attraction to the Tigg sisters's shop. As things happen, right about the same time that Maya arrives a forty year old boat rises to the surface of the river and an ex-cop with ties to Sugar Bend returns to investigate the boat's reappearance. Secrets long buried come to light and Maya and the Tigg sisters struggle with the past and the present and how it will change them all. Denton is a master of Southern women's fiction and A Place to Land is proof again. Fans of authors like Mary Alice Monroe, Sheryl Woods and Robin Carr will love A Place to Land. There are discussion questions included at the end of the novel making this an easy and entertaining selection for book clubs. Many thanks to Net Galley for the chance to read an ARC.

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