Member Reviews

Okay, so the thing is the premise of this book is very very interesting. Like I really wanted to like it, but there were some jokes that I did not like and it just threw me off and I really don't want to pick it back up again.

Thank you NetGalley for the e-arc of this book.

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A very pleasant surprise! Typecast blew any expectations I had out the water, and it’s turned out to be a novel I’ll remember for a long time to come. An excellent take on its genre, such an addictive storyline and excellent characters you’ll love (or dislike…) instantly.

I loved this book so much – I just wish I’d read it sooner! Typecast captures life in all its crazy and beautiful forms. It’s the contemporary fiction book that will make you ponder life’s decisions, the romance that fills you with hope, love and joy. It’ll have you turning each page with urgency, it’ll fill your heart with emotion and it will occupy your every waking thought. Basically, it’s perfect in every way. Callie, the main character, is one of the best, most brilliantly developed characters I’ve had the pleasure of reading about this year, her story so unique and captivating that I don’t think it’ll ever leave me. Just phenomenal! A true gem. Will absolutely be recommending!

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What if your ex wrote a screenplay about your breakup? Even the most secure of people would experience some kind of anxiety over that. In Andrea J. Stein’s Typecast, this scenario sends preschool teacher Callie spiraling into her past. It does more than dredge up the past; it makes her question everything about the path she chose. If she could ponder those decisions on her own, maybe she’d come to the right answer. But add in a sister on bedrest, a nosy niece, and involved friends, and Callie feels more lost than ever.

Told in alternating times that show both the past relationship, what led to its demise, and Callie’s reckoning with the present, Typecast leads readers, and Callie, to think about the power of nostalgia versus the strength in trusting yourself.

The subplots of this novel are actually some of my favorite bits. It is so easy to lose yourself in a relationship, especially when you meet young and stay together for a long period of time. After leaving that relationship, you have to find yourself again. Callie, guilt-ridden and conflicted, skips that step. She floats along, from opportunity to opportunity, without ever really challenging herself to find who she is outside of her past relationship. That is sharply brought into focus when her sister and her sister’s family move in with her while their house is being renovated. Callie’s private life is quite suddenly on display, and she has to reckon with how little she’s actually moved on.

As a younger sister who is quite close with her older sister, I was deeply invested in the subplot of the sisters healing their broken relationship. The scenes with Callie and her niece, Zoe, really sparkle. It’s easier for Callie to be herself around Zoe and the kids she teaches, and these scenes demonstrate where Callie has grown over the years.

Callie is ultimately torn between revisiting her past and reconnecting with her ex and a new potential romantic partner. This emotional war really shows how hard it is to move on, not just from an individual person, but from your dreams with that person and who you are with that person. Being vulnerable with someone new is difficult, and involves a lot of risk. As Callie wrestles with if she made the right decision to break up with her ex ten years ago, she has to decide which future is best for herself.

Typecast is available now. Thank you to author Andrea Stein, NetGalley, and Girl Friday Books for an advanced copy such that I could share this review.

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I should not have liked this book as much as I did. Given my more recent experiences with the genre and with even similar books, I was unsure of the experience I was about to have.
In the end, I think it was the way the whole idea was dealt with was what made me like it. Callie lives a low-key life. She does not attract too much attention while enjoying her day job. She lives rent-free in her parent's house, and her sister is about to move in and change her routine.
While her best friend at work is trying to get her to change things a little, Callie hears that her (only) ex is making a movie, and the trailer seems to indicate that she is in it. From that point, we move back and forth between the past and now to show us the full picture. I expected one of the twists that came, but it was beside the point by then because, recollecting it, she realised anew how the people around her were always there for her!
College Callie is very believable. She is not a very gregarious or outgoing person but has built a life for herself. The same can be said about her present-day version, except that now she is ready for a change, thrust into it by her reactions to even the minor changes in her life.
This is not a suspenseful narrative, maybe some people will be taken unawares by the things that get revealed or the way the story unfolds, but for the most part, it seemed quite natural to me (and I am sure it will be the same to others who read a lot of this genre).
I liked the writing and the people. The overall 'feel' of the book was quite good. It is a mildly heavy book with a lot of introspection and retrospection. People do not magically all get along but learn to live with each other's quirks.
I received an ARC thanks to Netgalley and the publishers, but the review is entirely based on my own reading experience.

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Not at all what I expected but so good. If an old boyfriend of mine was making a movie that included our relationship, I think I would have been a bit more upset about it. Entertaining, quick read.

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Morale of the story…don’t dwell on past relationships on what could still be and focus on the present. I felt like the main character Callie was relatable which made reading the book a breeze. I would have given the book 4 stars if it wasn’t for the reason why she broke up with her college boyfriend or the fact the over all book ending was predictable. Special thanks to NetGalley and publisher for a copy of the E book in exchange my pure honest review.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this, I'd seen mixed reviews before reading but I throughly enjoyed it!

Callie is finding it hard to move on from her ex Ethan, a boyfriend from university has written a movie based on their relationship and their messy breakup that's doing well at the box office. We her their relationship develop pre and post release.

I really enjoyed the alternating timelines between past and present throughout.

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Typecast ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I love the premise of this book! The main character, Callie, finds out that her ex-boyfriend (from 10 years ago) wrote a movie about their breakup. The movie is actually a movie that is getting a lot of attention, so it is a big thing. Doesn’t that sound just awful?

I really enjoyed Callie. I loved seeing how she evolved over time. It was fun to follow Callie as she grew into adulthood and started to figure herself out. The storyline about Callie’s relationship with her sister was one of my favorites. The two timelines (before the breakup and 10 years later) really kept me turning the pages. I didn’t want it to end.

Pub day was Sept 13, so it is available now!

Thank you @netgalley @girlfridayproductions for the ARC! And thank you to @books.turning.brains_ajstein for writing this and asking me if I would like to read it! I look forward to reading your next book!❤️

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In her debut novel, Andrea Stein brings a contemporary fiction novel that checks all the boxes for a great read. With a premise and characters that you can relate to, this book will have you invested not only wanting to turn the pages but inspire your anticipation for what's to come.

Callie, is someone that I instantly connected with. She is finally coming to a place in her life where she's got it. Making the decision to live in her childhood home takes all the burden off her financially and she is living the life, enjoying her job and just trying to move forward. Then life throws a curve ball. Her sister with family needs a place to stay during their remodel which makes things a little complicated but she is determined to make it work.

When things couldn't get any more complicated, Callie gets news that her ex boyfriend is coming out with a movie about their breakup. Thinking this chapter of her life was behind her, it brings up unresolved emotions that she thought was long past gone. With advice from her sister and friends, Callie begins to wander whether they are right about her and her unresolved feelings with Ethan and how that has affected a progression in that part of her life. Only one problem. A chance encounter with Nina's architect makes Callie see what she could be missing. The problem is, whether her past looming over her head, will she be stuck in her past or take a leap to open her heart to the future.

This book could've gone differently but it had all the charm and brought moments that give you thought provoking reflection that connect you with the characters. The dual storyline allows your curiosity to build and want to invest in their journey. Not just about Callie and her romantic life but her family as well. Getting to know the progression of Callie and Ethan really put things into perspective and brought some unexpected revelations that make those pages turn quick. Most importantly, her own journey was satisfying and rewarding.

The familial aspect of the book embraces the importance of forgiveness and acceptance. There was some unresolved emotions that affected the sisters that was brought to light in a heart pulled moment with resolution that bonded and strengthened their relationship. The insight and love from their parents that balanced everything out was such a wonderful element in the book.

Overall, I loved the book. It all came together well with a wonderful resolution. I can't wait to see what's to come. I'm really excited to read what she has coming next. Make sure you add this one to your reading list.

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Mhm i don’t know where to begin honestly! But I will say I’m so so happy that I was able to get this as an a arc through netgalley🥺🤍 I honestly can’t stand Michael…… he literally irks me hahaha! I love how Callie is so amazing with her niece🥺 like you can tell she will be an amazing mom one day🥰 huh I actually like Ben and I didn’t think I would of😅oh yea and let’s not forget how cute Zoe is🥺 but can we jus admire how Callie’s sister Nina is lowkey trying to set her up with Ben because she keeps on telling her to go and he’s always there. Also I can definitely relate to Callie(on the whole treating her like a baby part😒🥲)okay so I already ship Callie and Ben because of their little coffee date they had before he had to meet with a client🥺🥰🤍 OKAY so No Offense I hate Callie in the Before part….. BECAUSE how can u just cheat on Ethan with someone named Tom😒 like sis u have a literal actual bf who loves you😤(I’m srry that’s the Only thing that ticked me off lol) Absolutely hate cheating lolll! Awww I Iove Ethan sm🥺 I feel so bad on what happened to him🥲 because he didn’t deserve it but I’m just glad he was able to move on and be happy with his life🥰 also really happy they both can get the closer they needed after seeing each other🤍 I’m sure Ethan was a phenomenal guy before and after🤍🤍🤍

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Cute and easy read. Loved the alternating time frames of past and present in the chapters. Loved the older characters represented. overall great read.

Many thanks to Girl Friday Productions and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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I really enjoyed this romance/family debut novel. It's written in dual timelines, before and after, that work to create a delightful need to know feeling the lurks beneath the events going on currently. The characters are well-written and completely relatable and it's always fun to read a book set in a familiar area. I finished this wonderful story on a beautiful afternoon in my favorite reading spot and it was the perfect way to escape a crazy work week. Add this to your TBR list and Andrea I'm already looking forward to your next book!

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AUTHOR: Andrea J Stein
PUB DATE: 09.13.2022 Now Available

Oh so funny!

Callie is a thirty one year old preschool teacher who moves back to her now vacant childhood home trying to move on from her ex Ethan, but it’s just so hard when your breakup is being shown in the big screen. This debut by Stein is such a joy to read and find myself grinning with the occasional belly laugh. I also love the wonderful characters that surround Callie - from her sister Nina, her niece Zoe, and BFF Tess, they are all so relatable. I find that Stein writes complex family dynamics and a young woman faced with the difficulties of adulting so perfectly.

This is such a light hearted and the perfect escape for read for me.

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DNF at 83% - predicting 2 star review.

Not every book is for everyone, and this book was not for me. If you have more traditional values around sex and gender, you may enjoy this women’s fiction book! The premise was great and I enjoyed the following:

⏳ dual-timeline
👩🏼‍🏫 Callie is a quirky pre-school teacher who is stuck in life
🧔🏼 Ethan is loving & funny but smothering
🧔🏻‍♂️ Ben is kind, mature, & thoughtful
🎬 movie vibes
👩‍❤️‍👨 friends to lovers (1/5 steam)
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 explores family dynamics
🌱 themes of personal growth
😊 some cute moments

I honestly was enjoying the idea of the story, but I did not love the execution (slow, outdated, unbalanced dual timeline [from perspective switch from 1st to 3rd person & infrequent flashbacks], marketed as romance but was women’s fiction) and personally, I could not get past some comments made regarding sex/sex-shaming/purity culture and the bodily autonomy of pregnant women (e.g., touching a pregnant woman’s stomach). Although the story had a lot to offer, these comments really impacted my read and reduced my rating. If you’d like my full thoughts on this book, please message me on Instagram (@abitbooked).


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I really enjoyed this book. I really enjoyed the duel timelines, but I found the alternation between first and third person narration distracting. I understand the intention behind it - it clearly defines the before and after, but it was so different it took me about until about 20% in before I became used to it. I really enjoyed Callie as a character and thought all the characters were developed and written very well. As an older sister I often found myself agreeing with Callie’s older sister Nina and recognized a lot of what Nina was saying and her behavior (both good and bad!) in myself. I’d recommend this book to anyone - including my own little sister.

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Typecast is a fun read about Callie whose college boyfriend Ethan writes a screenplay 10 years after their breakup. This causes Callie to look back at her college life and love and wonder if she made the right choices. The additional characters of her sister, niece, brother in law and parents add a layer of interest and opinions. The story jumps back and forth from BEFORE which is written in first person and AFTER which is written in third person. I'm not clear about the why's of this but I didn't find it distracting. I could see where the story was headed but I enjoyed the trip with Callie.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of Typecast in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a really easy book to read and fly through. I really enjoyed the alternating chapters between the past and present. I wasn’t sure exactly where both of her journeys would take her. There was a lot of character growth and a big emphasis on family. Along with a little romance. I would recommend for those that enjoy women’s fiction!

🥰really liked
🤟womens fiction, dual timeline, teaching
📚Camille Pagan, Nora Goes Off Script

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In her debut novel, Typecast, author Andrea J. Stein transports the reader to Brook Hill, New Jersey, to follow the journey of self-discovery for thirty-one year old preschool teacher Callie Dressler.

For the past seven years, Callie Dressler has been living in her parent's house, and going about her life as a preschool teacher. Her life is upended when her older pregnant sister Nina, husband Michael, and four year old daughter Zoe move in with her temporarily while their house undergoes renovations. And if that isn't enough to send her in a tizzy, she finds out in her college alumni newsletter that her ex-college boyfriend Ethan Rendel, a Hollywood screenwriter, has written a screenplay for a feature film called Rerouting that is based on their breakup ten years ago. Faced with upheaval on the homefront, and wondering about her past and choices made, Callie embarks on a journey of self-discovery, and learns to put the past behind her in order to move forward with her life.

In Typecast, author Andrea J. Stein easily captivates her readers' attention with this wonderful story that engages the reader to follow along as Callie's journey of self-reflection about her past: the choices made and roads not taken, leads her down the path of self-discovery, and a coming to terms with the past, and coming full circle.

Callie's story is told alternating with the past (college years) and present in a seamless and flowing storyline, and with engaging characters who draw you into their lives with a strong emotional pull, along with their complexities, flaws and secrets.

Throughout the story, Callie is challenged with family issues in the present, while revisiting her past college relationship with Ethan, and the choices that she made ten years ago, and how in the present she discovers that her life has been in a rut, and that it's time to put the past where it belongs, and move forward with her life. I couldn't help but feel an emotional tug as Callie's past unfolds, you just can't help but feel Callie's angst, and have compassion for her, it will definitely pull at your heartstrings. I love how the alternating past / present storyline goes hand-in-hand, it kept the story moving along with surprising twists and turns that will leave you with a smile on your face.

The reader will be kept engaged as this wonderful story unfolds. With a cast of interesting characters, Typecast is a compelling story about love, friendship, family, relationships, and second chances in life.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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college sweethearts Callie and Ethan thought they had their whole lives figured out, planning a move to San Francisco together after graduation; that is, until Callie spends the summer in her hometown and abruptly breaks up with Ethan before their move.

fast forward a decade, with Callie working as a preschool teacher and living solo in her childhood home. her life is about as normal as any single girl in her 30’s, until a college friend calls her with a maaajor plot twist: Callie’s ex-boyfriend is writing a screenplay based on their very own breakup.

seeing Ethan’s face and name everywhere, not to mention their personal love story & its demise, has Callie reflecting on her past relationship. is this Ethan’s way of seeking her out once more? is their lack of closure what’s kept her from moving on the last ten years? in the midst of unraveling her romantic history, Callie also juggles family drama, difficult students, and the struggle of online dating, forcing her to take a step back and decide what’s most important to her and her future.

this was such a cute read for anyone who enjoys realistic fiction mixed with a little romance and college nostalgia. i know it’s not *technically* fall yet, but it’s definitely a good fall read, as it provided a lot of seasonal imagery & included scenes with all of the fall favorites 🍏☕️🎃🍺

this was what I would consider a “cozy” read; while it had its conflicts throughout the story, the general plot was feel-good and relatable without being too cheesy or unrealistic. i genuinely looked forward to snuggling up on the couch and reading this every night.

thank you to @netgalley, @girlfridayproductions & @books.turning.brains_ajstein for a great advancer’s readers copy! this book is out as of yesterday! 🎉

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I went into this thinking it was going to be your typical cute romance, which I always love. Instead, Typecast really is all about Callie’s self-discovery and growth, with just a hint of romance. It was a slow build from start to end and I truly enjoyed it. The book is told in alternating timelines, before and after the breakup, and I appreciated how I came to understand Callie bit by bit. The ending had me grinning, I was so happy with the direction the author went in. The author, by the way, is a fellow bookstagrammer – I will not tag her since I don’t tag authors in reviews, but you should check her page out @ 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔.𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈.𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔_𝒂𝒋𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒊𝒏 . And if you’re looking for a easy to read, feel good book pick this one up.

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