Member Reviews

I loved the realistic representation of a single woman in her thirties this provided. I really loved Callie and how real she was, from her relationships, her job and her self preservation, she was an incredible representation of a woman in her thirties.

This book was a single POV, but toggled between not only past and present but also first and third person., which made it a bit hard to follow. While I enjoyed the MC, I felt like the story was a bit anticlimactic. IMO, the major “conflict” wasn’t even really a conflict and wasn’t even really “resolved”.

I was given an ARC of this book by NetGalley and Girl Friday Productions.. All opinions are my own.

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This novel is about a very relatable, realistically-portrayed single 30 year old woman who is forced to evaluate where she's at in life when she learns an ex boyfriend has written a movie script about their breakup. The novel alternates between now and then and is a cute read, if a little slow and lacking in plot.

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I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

A very fresh and cute read, i loved that it was a very realistic read and with good representations, the romance is great and so is the 2 protagonists Callie and Ethan. I also loved the 2 time lines (before and after).
I recommend it!
Thanks Netgalley

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This book is Andrea J Stain's debut novel. I was so excited to read this but I was a little disapointed as I found myself not really enjoying the book. I didn't find a lot of the scenes relevant and it was really slow-paced. I do look forward to see what else she offers in the future!!

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Typecast has a light, breezy feel to the writing style, while providing an undercurrent of thought-provoking content. It’s the kind of read that sneaks up and might have you asking “what if” about some of your own life decisions.

Callie is a character that many readers will relate to. She’s a thirty-something woman caught between moving on to a future different than she’d planned, and holding on to a past she’s not sure she’s ready to let go of.

The timeline alternates between Callie’s college years, the “Before,” and her current situation, the “After.” Both are handled well, with a clear difference in Callie’s maturity.

I loved the resolution, which felt genuine.

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First off i would like to that NetGalley and Girl Friday Productions for providing me with this ARC. If i could describe this book in one word it would be - relatable. I felt like the main character, Callie, could be me because of her relationships (unfortunate for me lol) and just being herself. She is very conflicted about her feelings when she finds out her ex-boyfriend is making a movie about the break up. But this makes her question if she wants to face her past or make the mistake of messing up the future. I enjoyed the author’s style of writing because it made all of Callie’s relationships, whether they were with Ethan, Nina or Ben, more realistic. Also the back and forth of the novel’s POV made the novel more insightful.

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I was provided a free ARC of Type Cast by Andrea J Stein from Girl Friday Productions via NetGalley in return for my honest review of this book. Any opinions stated in this review are mine completely and are not influenced by outside sources.

Honestly, the way this book was formatted on my kindle made it almost impossible to read. It was just one big wall of text, I hope this get fixed when it actually is published. From what I could read of it the plot seemed solid, I will be buying the book after it's published and formatted right so I can actually read through it.

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I received this ARC courtesy of Net Galley and the publisher.
Callie and Ethan dated in college, now 10 years later he’s written a movie about their relationship. Callie struggles with if she’s actually moved on or if she’s stuck in the past.
I found myself to be more interested in the flashbacks of Callie and Ethan’s relationship as it developed. To be honest I would love to watch the movie Ethan is making!

Overall a cute, easy, enjoyable read!

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An enjoyable, breezy read! Callie is happy in her career as a preschool teacher and feels content overall with her life. That is, until news reaches her that her ex-boyfriend (Ethan) has written a screenplay about their breakup and that screenplay is about to be a major motion picture. Callie starts thinking about the past and wonders whether she has truly moved on in the decade since the breakup.

The novel alternates from the present (“after” in third person) to the past (“before” in Callie’s POV). I found the “after” sections to be more compelling but also appreciated getting some backstory and insight into Callie’s relationship with Ethan. Callie was very likable and I was satisfied with how her story evolved and concluded. 3.5 stars.

Many thanks to Girl Friday Productions and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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3.5/5 stars

I received an advanced reader copy courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Things I enjoyed about this book: Realistic portrayal of an actual 30-something single woman. Realistic portrayal of online dating and navigating the dynamics with your loved ones who don’t understand why you’re “still single”. I enjoyed the variety of characters in the book. I enjoyed the setting.

Things I didn’t enjoy: Sometimes the narration POV switched from Callie’s POV but in third person all of the sudden to first person from Callie’s POV and then back. It was a bit confusing at times, but I didn’t read a final copy so that could have something to do with it. How much she dwelled on the past with someone she didn’t keep in touch with one but. I didn’t appreciate the passive aggressiveness it felt like Callie had towards her family when really her problems seemed to be related to herself and her own choices.

It was a good story and I liked the idea of it. However, it was more driven by the character growth than plot driven, and therefore felt slower. At times, it was a bit boring as we’re just experiencing the story through Callie’s thoughts. This is completely understandable, but not necessarily interesting or exciting to read.

Overall a well written story that I was genuinely interested to see how it turned out.

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I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

A quick, breezy read. I was more interested in the "before" flashback sections describing Callie and Ethan's relationship, than the current timeline of the book. I didn't have strong feelings either way about Callie as the protagonist, other than her relationship with Zoe. The climax of the book felt a little underwhelming.

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, Girl Friday Productions and by #NetGalley. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

Easy, quick, cute read. Read it all in one sitting.

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Loved this book! I loved the journey the main character went on and really appreciated that it ended the way that it did. Very recommended..

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I really, really enjoyed this book. I was hooked from the very beginning, and really fell in love with the characters and story.
This book didn’t leave me bored for a minute, I was immediately glued and hooked to my Kindle.
A quick, easy and cute read. One that I enjoyed very much.
This is my first novel by Andrea J. Stein and I hope to read more of her work in the future.

“I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”

Girl Friday Books,
Thank You for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!
I will post my review to my platforms, blog, B&N and Waterstone closer to pub date.

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I really enjoyed this book - I appreciated the thorough and more realistic lifestyle that the main character, Callie, has, and i think this helped the novel be more interesting and relatable for readers like me (minus the part about having a movie written about you!)

Some parts in the flashbacks were more confusing, but I really liked the inclusion of this as it provided much more insight into Callie and Ethan’s past. I enjoyed Stein’s writing style and the overall plot and development of Callie’s relationships with Nina and Ben throughout the novel.

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