Member Reviews

This is a very 'cool' and interesting book about how a diversely selected group of women from various backgrounds came up with their own unique and creative ways to fight against climate change and help save and protect the planet.
What's unique about this book is the women candidates came from diverse social backgrounds and nations (there are grassroots organizations,activists,politicians,corporate executives, scholars, students,dancers even museum directors!) and they are all sharing their own distinctive and creative ways in helping save the environment and even provided some tips and guidelines on how we the general public can help too at the end of each short and quick chapters (with plenty of photos and pictures making this book visually tantalizing and more appealing!).
Some of the ways and tips given were pretty interesting and refreshing!, while some may be something that we are already familiar with and have came across many times before yet there are still practical and relevant regardless what as the issue at hand as highlighted in this book which is climate change affect us all no matter who we are and where we are and we are all perpetrators of climate change and therefore are equally responsible for it.
What's interesting is that women is said to be effective leaders when it comes to combating global warming as reported in the architects of the 2015 Paris Agreement by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac that,"Nations with greater female representation in positions of power have smaller climate footprints. Companies with women on their executive boards are more likely to invest in renewable energy and develop products that help solve the climate crisis. Women legislators vote for environmental protections almost twice as frequently as men, and women who lead investment firms are twice as likely to make investment decisions based on how companies treat their employees and the environment".
Besides informative, this book is also inspiring as well as empowering especially for us,women. Some of the ways given by some of the women contributors in this book bedazzled and keep me in awe and made my jaws drop a little. For example, i was surprised to find out that Lego,the famous toy company actually came up with a more sustainable ways of developing their toy Lego cubes by actually substituting those plastics with sugarcane cubes!. I also loved the Sri Lankan women project of the mangroves conservation project (i knew mangroves were important for protecting against tidal waves and the storms and for biodiversity but i did not know how much the trees sequestered and absorb those carbon dioxides! even more than the regular trees! As a thalassophile, any new (to me that is) and interesting information related to the oceans always fascinate me.
The other projects that i love is the project of the Barefoot College International and the Solar Sisters where they are training women in the rural areas worldwide to become solar engineers. I love the idea of 'teaching the person on how to fish' instead of 'giving them a fish' by making the person more independent and self-reliable/self-reliant as expected of women these days. If women wants to be successful and survived, they must rely on themselves as roles of women these days is more variety and complex which no longer centre on solely caring for their children and family and staying at home doing house chores per se but also as the providers of/for the family. Therefore, to have a technical or practical skills such as making solar lamps and cleaner cooking stoves are added advantage and a great living skills for women to acquire especially for those living in the rural areas where the basic amenities are lacking (no or lacks electricity and better and cleaner energy cooking stoves).
In conclusion, i find this book to be an informative as well as very inspiring read which prompted me to start moving and coming up with my own ways of saving the environment (and i got interested to join some of those non-profit organizations and projects too,especially the self-sufficient and practical ones to make me feel more empowered and confident with myself as a now unfortunately stay at home person caring for an ill elderly mother. I needed all the positive and constructive distractions that i can get.
I rated this book a 4🌟 out of 5!
Thank you to the author,the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this inspiring book!.

Thank you NetGalley and Girl Friday Productions (Power House Books) for accepting my request to read and review COOL Women Leaders Reversing Global Warning.
Author: Paola Gianturco.
Published: 09/06/22
Genre: Arts & Photography -- Nonfiction (Adult) -- Science
COOL explains simply how through "intelligence, creativity, energy, and courage" each member of the human race can help reduce global warning. This initiative began using woman and finding different empty pockets across the world where they could make a difference. Building solar lights is life-changing and a section in COOL. The book highlights several women and young ladies. They each had a plan and worked to see it through.
Following each section there is a "What Can You Do" list. I found that when given 3 or 4 suggestions, I could find at minimum one thing I could implement for the rest of my life that would make a difference: Stop using plastic bags at my grocery store and bringing my own reusable cloth bags is one. This requires organizing and planning on my part. No more, I forgot. I will bring them next time. Another, stop using plastic water bottles, oh the convenience. This requires taking global warning seriously, and stopping buying cases with 24 bottles. I will make my public confession, I knew this and I buy water by the case more often than not. I am embarrassed. The three refillable water bottles I bought are nice and cool, empty, in the back of the frig. Did I mention I'm embarrassed? I will begin my changes next trip to the store, no more cases.
There are so many things individually we can do. Loads of ideas in this book. You and I don't have to know the science. Global warming is just not about temperature and weather pattern changes. COOL simplifies the impacts, the effects, and the seriousness.
I was amazed at the few statistics that showed the positive effects women have on decreasing global warning and forced slave labor. They are impressive.
I would gift this to young folks moving into their first place. As well, this would make a great Thanksgiving family gift leading to doable New Years resolutions.
When I was a child I had to write a lot of sentences. If my parents were alive today and I was young I could see myself writing "I will not let the water run while brushing my teeth or doing the dishes (by hand). Please accept the tooth brushing without running the water my contribution to COOL.