Member Reviews

Creep is one of those books that draws you in rather quickly because of its interesting characters. The main character, Rafi, is quirky and awkward and you both want to and don’t want to root for her. This young adult novel will appeal to ages 13-14 up - the drama of high school with some extra suspense and thrills!
I am grateful to Net Galley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

High school crushes are common but when that crush crosses the line of obsession then it becomes creepy. Rafi has a secret and with each day its harder to keep hidden. Creep explores the fascination of wanting to know the inner workings of a relationship and be part of a relationship. The plot was fairly fast moving which left no time for development of the character's past and themselves, There was no room to grow attachment to the couple nor Rafi. There are bits and pieces of a past obsession but really did not tie into the current one which will leave readers puzzled.

Creep - 4.5/5
Creep is a phenomenal mystery/thriller story. It adds just the right amount of uncomfortable feeling with the added "I cannot look away" feeling to make this a book you will not be able to put down until the last sentence.
Rafi is a teen that does not understand boundaries and finds themselves obsessed with two other classmates. Following along with Rafi gives off ' You' vibes that just hit all the marks of a great story. The high school drama, the twisted love story and the characters are unbelievably written all throughout the story.
Thank you NetGalley, Lygia Day Penaflor and HarperCollins Children's Books for the ARC.

This book is one that makes you feel cringey uncomfortable but also makes you want to keep reading to find out just how far the protagonist, Rafi, goes in her strange and pathetic effort to make friends at any cost. She is a high schooler whose home life has probably only pushed her obsessive personality into dangerous territory. The reader feels sorry for her and also wants to hit her.

It's an ambitious book, one that definitely delivers on the creepy factor (and secondhand embarrassment GALORE). I think the plot needed to be flushed out a little bit more for it to truly be a hit.

Creep is not for everyone but it really spoke to the shy, awkward teenager in me. I was so in awe of the popular crowd and wondered how they had so much charisma and confidence. The same is true for Creep’s protagonist, Rafi. She is obsessed with the popular couple in her high school and begins manipulating ways to integrate herself into their lives. We are only told things from Ravi’s point of view, so there are some things that are hidden or not apparent but I believe everything is revealed by the end. There were realistic characters and situations and it was a fast read.

Such a disturbing love story. This book starts off strong and holds the readers attention until the very end. This story will stick with you for a long time. Even though one of the characters is clearly disturbed I felt sorry for them although I knew they weren't going to change.

Creep is an absolute, can't-miss book for 2022! Readers will not be able to put this book down. I read the author's previous book, All of This Is True, years ago and have been looking forward to more of her work since! Peñaflor knows how to pull in readers.
Creep is a fascinating tale of Rafi, a teen obsessed with two of her classmates. The drama and the tension just builds and builds as the book goes along and you will be physically unable to stop reading. The author carefully reveals information about Rafi's life before the book starts and it's just such an interesting character study.

Rafi Wickham is the titular creep in love with Holy Family High School's Cutest Couple: Laney Villanueva and Nico Fiore. I tore through this in a day and a half, and am totally asking my 15 yr old daughters to read it too. This train wreck of sophomore Rafi's unhealthy obsession with a popular senior-year couple is so completely compelling, it's impossible to look away, no matter how cringey it makes the reader feel. I found this exploration into parasocial relationships and sociopathic fixation to be fascinating, similar to The Talented Mr. Ripley, but way more contemporary and accessible, with more depth and intensity. Rafi lives with her aging grandparents, she's abandoned by her mother and father, and alienated from her best friend and former favorite teacher. I think the author does a great job of timing the reveals regarding Rafi's childhood suffering, recent travails, and how she's perceived by the objects of her desire. The parallels between Laney and Nico and Rafi's parents Bianca Wickham and Carlo Tedoro are heartbreaking.

Ummm, excuse me, CREEP: A LOVE STORY is one of the creepiest, weirdest, and most “whoa that’s so messed up” books I’ve ever read! CREEP is told from the point of view of Rafi, who is stalking the school’s Cutest Couple, she starts small by doing favors for them and then ends up babysitting their siblings and snooping through their computers and notes to each other. SHE IS SO CREEPY! I’ve read books where the characters are being stalked, but never where they are the stalker. Such a cool perspective! The book is pretty slow though with the big event happening at the very end, but I think that adds to the creepiness of the book. A great creepy read in time for spooky season! 3/5 stars.

This was not the story for me, I'll just say that off the bat. I was excited for a book that maybe would be similar to The Obsession, but this one fell way short for me. Yes, the title says it all. The main character Rafi is a creep.; worse than Joe Goldberg in You creepy, and this kid is a teenager. She is obsessed with the "it" couple of her high school and stalks them, then kind of puts herself into their lives.
There were a lot of unfinished storylines, ;like the friend who was not a friend of Rafi's anymore--I never caught the WHY of why they weren't friends anymore, but she did mention it several times. But the ending. That's all I'll say about it other than the fact that my rating went lower because of that ending.

This is a story about obsession. At Rafi's high school, Laney and Nico are seemingly the perfect couple -- popular, beautiful, talented, and inseparable. Many of their fellow students look up to them. But Rafi feels especially drawn to them. From her position as an office aide, with control over late passes, Rafi begins an effort to ingratiate herself with Laney and Nico. As Rafi's efforts grow, from becoming Nico's little sister babysitter to joining Laney's club, and Laney and Nico seem to be including her in parties and asking her for favors, it seems to Rafi her dream is coming true. But Rafi can't stop herself -- and as her efforts become increasingly intrusive, she goes further and further to become central to their lives ... and do whatever it takes to keep the three of them together.
This book was great. Just as promised by the title, it is certainly creepy as we see Rafi teeter on the edge of unhealthy interest with Laney and Nico and then tip full on into complete obsession. The author does a terrific job of slowly revealing what happened with Rafi the year before the main events of the book -- the intersection with the knowledge of her past and her increasingly unhealthy actions creates a powerful tension. As a reader, you both fear what is coming but can't put the book down because you need to see where it all going. In addition to these elements of the story, the book also offers interesting insights into the popularity as well as the complicated nature of family.
Highly recommended!

I really think that one of the strongest suits of Creep: A Love Story is also what will make everyone either love, or hate this book. Let me explain: this is one little weird, really weird, unsettling, uncomfortable kind of read and, while even I personally, sometimes, felt a bit weird reading this, I also admire it, in a way. It’s certainly a book that’s one of a kind.
The story is told by Rafi, a teenager, a deeply troubled protagonist with a not so easy history. She’s complex, she’s observant, she gets so deeply into everyone else’s psyche and especially the couple she is obsessed with, trying to understand them, to get them, to live with them in depth. This creates an uncomfortable narrative, at times, because you can’t help but wonder. Does she know that what she’s doing, the way she’s thinking, isn’t right? Why doesn’t she see it? Rafi has such unhealthy obsessions, you can’t help but feel creeped out a bit and yet. The author manages to create a three-dimensional character with a past that explains her behaviour, even though it does not justify it. I didn’t quite root for Rafi, but she pulled me into the story, that’s for sure.
Creep: A Love Story manages to be intense, even when it’s not all ups and downs and drama-filled at all times. Even the most mundane moments in high school give off a little creepy, almost atmospheric vibe. Like you’re standing on the edge of a cliff, wondering when you’re going to fall, knowing that, at some point, you’re going to fall. Waiting. Wishing. Hoping you can step away from it, even if deep down, you know you can’t. Honestly, I think that’s what I appreciated most about the book, in a strange way?
I felt like some past events, with Rafi’s teacher and her former friend, weren’t given enough time on page. I would have loved to know more about these, about what happened, to get an even deeper insight into Rafi’s mind and understand all the shapes that made her, her.
I honestly am having a hard time rating Creep: A Love Story, it was such an unsettling, complex read that I don’t even know whether I enjoyed it or whether it made me feel deeply uncomfortable. I think it’s a little bit of both. If you’re looking for a twisted, unique YA read, I’d recommend trying this one though!

A big thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for approving me of a copy of an e-arc of this book!
Yes. This is what I want.
Everything I've ever wanted

Ratings: 2.5 stars
TW: Neglectance of Parents, Miscarriage and Accident
This is like YOU but YA edition and like intense stalking mode. Rafi is a troubled teenager and it already shows signs that she wants to be part of someone else’s life in an invisible way, in short by stalking and the more she gets involved, the more she acts aggressively and be part of them whatever it takes.
In terms of what happened to Rafi, I have to understand her situation and why she has to act like she is. From the very beginning of the story, it’s already creepy and I can't say how I should feel about her. Reading its first person POV, I got curious about what happened to her past and digging into the story further it’s getting more intense.
I got really sad reading this book because of Rafi and her actions (i hate the ending! I’m sorry) BUT I didn't hate it. I think the story is good and the writing is well done.

Absolutely loved this book. Lygia Day Peñaflor has written a main character unlike any I’ve seen in YA fiction- unsettling and disturbing while still being engaging and sympathetic. The story will keep you guessing and the ending made my jaw drop. Highly recommend!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of Creep by Lygia Day Penaflor. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Netgalley and HarperCollins Children's Books for providing an ARC to review.
This was such a creative way to share a stalking narrative. I think this is the first time I have ever read a book like this from the POV of the mentally ill stalker. It was very effective, and all the little clues on how this was not Rafi's first brush with mental illness were chilling. The way she rationalizes all her terrifying actions were perfectly portrayed and I couldn't stop reading. I give Creep 4/5 stars.

Oof. To be honest, I wouldn’t have finished this book if I weren’t reviewing it.
Rafi is a sophomore in high school that finds herself obsessed with the senior “it” couple at her school: Nico Fiore and Laney Villanueva. A few pages into the novel, it’s clear that Ravi’s obsession quickly devolves into outright stalking. Throughout the school year, Rafi inserts herself as much as possible into Nico and Laney’s love story, ending in dire consequences.
I will give Lygia Day Peñaflor all the props for coming up with an original angle. I haven’t read anything like this before! I think what really bothered me was having Rafi as both the main character and narrator. The reader ends up feeling just as stalker-ish as Rafi, which is not something that I personally enjoyed. Maybe this is a critique on our obsession with other people’s lives in general, but I just felt too much of the ick factor as I was part of the stalking as the reader.
Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins Children’s Books for an advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review.

I didn’t care for this book. The description gave me high hopes but it just ended being not for me.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for giving me an opportunity to read this book.

I truly enjoyed this book. It was a fun read that goes quick and does not hold back. I was flipping through pages to find out more about Rafi. If you like a fun read then get this.