Member Reviews

I really wanted to love Runaway Groomsman because who wouldn’t love a play on the Julia Roberts classic, Runaway Bride? But this book definitely came up short for me.

Sawyer Castle is a Hollywood romcom screenwriter who loses it in the middle of his ex-girlfriend and best friend’s wedding to each other - he was cheated on by her but still was forced to be best man to keep up appearances. Running away from everything, he ends up in the mountains in a tiny town called Canoodle where he intends to hide out from it all. While in Canoodle, he finds a town full of genuine people, camaraderie, reconnects with his love of building/renovation and finds a beautiful girl in need of help with her cabins and her grandfather. Sawyer is really sweet and even though his heart has been broken, he’s truly a romantic at heart.

Fallon Long quit her job as an ER nurse when her grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s to become his full-time caregiver and manage the cabins in Canoodle. She uprooted her life in Palm Springs to save the place she grew up loving and that meant so much to her grandparents and also to keep her grandfather in a place he felt comfortable. The cabins haven’t been doing well and she’d planned renovations but they need done sooner rather than later to avoid closing for good. Fallon is dating an ER doctor, Peter, long distance and they only really see each other or talk on the weekends while she’s still caring for her grandfather and updating the cabins. She’s not a romantic and hasn’t been able to tell Peter that she loves him back after a year together but keeps hoping it’ll happen.

This did not read like a romance to me - it felt much more like women’s fiction. Not only does Fallon have a boyfriend until about 60% of the way through the book who she couldn’t be emotionally available with because of everything happening in her life, but she also spent no time really getting to know Sawyer. Then, once she’s out of her relationship with Peter, she immediately announces her feelings for Sawyer and is all in on their relationship. It was way too insta-love for me, especially from someone as previously emotionally unavailable as she is. I felt like the romance between Fallon and Sawyer was manufactured and progressed way too quick since it only started in the last 40% of the book. Sawyer spent the entire book truly getting to know Fallon as a person so his feelings felt genuine but Fallon was borderline rude to Sawyer until she found out he was helping all along and even then made it clear she didn’t want to be his friend. I just didn’t love the two of them together or the way their relationship shaped up. The big break up was also pretty unnecessary since they’d already spent so much time not even considering a romantic relationship in the beginning of the book.

I did really enjoy the small town setting of Canoodle and all of the crazy characters. Everyone had such unique and quirky personalities and interests that it kept things interesting and I could definitely see why both Fallon and Sawyer felt drawn to the place. But I do have to say that Jaz’s penchant for violence got a little old after a while and I really disliked her involvement in their break up in the end.

Runaway Groomsman was an easy read, but my problems with the characters and the pacing really left me disappointed by the end.

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Meghan Quinn is my go to fave for romcom and she never leaves me disappointed. I love every single second of time I spend between the pages of her books. This was yet another to just top the list of why she is my favorite author.

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I’m always grateful when a favorite author can write something a little different but still have their classic humor and quirkiness that keeps me coming back again and again. This contemporary romance had all the elements I love to read - playful banter, amusing storyline and a little bit of angst to draw on the heartstrings. It’s about family, love, loyalty and trust, all things that resonate with me too.

One of the factors I appreciate from MQ is her characters. Sawyer and Fallon are very relatable, each of them have issues and some of these can cause them to do or say things they don’t mean. Self doubt can make them do stupid things that they wouldn’t normally contemplate, either jumping to conclusions or shutting the other out. Even the secondary characters are entertaining keeping the plot fascinating. Although I did feel Jaz was bordering on being committed or arrested!

You could say this is a slow burn tale that allows the main characters to form a deep friendship before taking the next step. Especially for Sawyer as he had been cheated on before and he wanted to do everything right by Fallon. He loved her sass and beautiful heart, her resilience and hardworking ethic. He wanted to be the man she could rely on. As for Fallon, she had never felt this way about any man and she wished he’d hurry up and kiss her. Ha! Gotta love a gal who knows what she wants.

This book also touched me a lot due to Sully, who was Fallon’s grandfather. He is suffering from Alzheimer’s and some days it’s a struggle for them all. My own dad had dementia and it bought back good and sad memories for me and I wanted to give Fallon a huge hug, because it’s never easy when a loved one has this disease. They way they all cared for him and treated him with the utmost respect was so moving. The epilogue gave me the answers to any questions I had with regards to everyone’s outcomes, so I feel this will be a complete standalone novel, and one that is worth the read.

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It’s not often we see the hero escaping to a small town! It tends to be the heroine, am I right? I adored this spin. After a hilarious grand exit involving two middle fingers, Sawyer flees the wedding of his best friend and ex-girlfriend, driving until he finds himself in the kooky town of Canoodle, California.

There he meets Fallon, owner of the rustic Canoodle Cove Cabins. At over 450 pages, be prepared for a slow, slow burn! Because you see, not only do the two have a rocky past and reintroduction, but Fallon also has a boyfriend …

Normally I dislike like this type of conflict getting dragged on too long, but the intense longing Sawyer develops and attempts to conceal made it oh-so satisfying to see unfold.

As renovations take place at the cabins, I loved the acts of service Sawyer sneakily accomplishes. He was such a genuinely nice, romantic guy with the sweetest intentions.

But even more sweet was the bromance he develops with Sully, the crotchety grandfather who is living with Alzheimer’s. Their unexpected bond and banter completely warmed my heart.

And overall, I simply loved the way this story was told. With Sawyer being a screenwriter, it was fun to have his added commentary on his situation, comparing everything to a Hallmark-type script. I'd totally watch this story on film!

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I love how versatile Meghans writing is. This book was quite different to previous books. It's not as spicy or as tension filled as some of her previous books but it didn't need to be as the writing spoke for itself. It was a beautiful story I loved the little name drops from previous books scattered through it and the idea of a show being made out of the story we are reading was a really clever idea. The slow burn build up between Fallon and Sawyer was beautifully done! I adored the side story of Fallons grandad it was heartbreaking but absolutely adorable in places hearing him recall him love for his wife made me all mushy. A fab story and another hit from the Queen of Rom Coms

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Runaway Groomsmen
By: Meghan Quinn


So so much more!

In another amazing stand alone book from Meghan Quinn we get to read all about Sawyer and Fallon and so many addition people in their lives and the town of Canoodle. Four hundred and sixty three pages and not a single bit of dragging to be had. The entire book has so much heart. Throw in a crazy best friend, two amazing dads a curmudgeonly grandpa Sully and a town with the best story on its own and you get the best book.

At times I wondered if the real story was Sawyer and Sully and the kindness shown there or Sawyer and Fallon and the slow burn love story between those two either way such and incredible book. The author writing is flawless, and the words are so captivating, the plot had so many twists and turns and none that I was expecting, and many shockingly intimate I have become a huge fan of this author. The author writes with so much intensity and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page. Some are quick witted story lines are so perfect and lets you believe you have a front row seat. So being able to read this love story didn’t disappoint. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

Authors Blurb: Hollywood screenwriter Sawyer Walsh knows a good love story when he sees it. But when it comes to real life romance, he’s a mess. That’s how he finds himself standing at the altar…as his ex-girlfriend ties the knot with his very famous best friend. The pressure, the resentment, the media coverage—it’s all too much—and before he knows exactly what he’s doing, he’s making a run for it, leaving a shocked congregation and flashing cameras in his wake.

Needing to lie low amid the media fallout, Sawyer lands in the charming town of Canoodle, California, where he crosses paths with Fallon Long, who runs the Canoodle Cove Cabins, a family-owned business and Sawyer’s new short-term residence. Overwhelmed with renovations and her long list of responsibilities, Fallon is struggling to make ends meet while attempting to bring the cabins back to their original glory. So when Sawyer arrives, she is grateful for the income, but immediately writes him off as just another vapid Hollywood hack, until he begins to prove her wrong at every turn.
As Fallon comes closer to saving the family business, an undeniable bond forms between her and the handsome screenwriter. But the pressures of her family obligations and Sawyer’s notoriety might prove to be too much for anyone to handle. Could Canoodle be the setting for a new romance—or is true love just a Hollywood cliché?

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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I was hooked right from the prologue of this book! Fallon and Sawyer's story was the perfect small town setting, slow burn romance with forced proximity. I'm not always the hugest fan of slow burn, but this was very well done. A cat as the mayor?! Sign me up. I know Meghan Quinn has written so much, so I am really intrigued to read more of her books now.

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ARC kindly received via NetGalley for an honest review.

I normally love Meghan Quinn books, but I just couldn't get into this one. From the start, the descriptions and such felt over the top and really silly, and it just had me thinking that it was not going to be a book that I would like, so I chose to DNF. I am sure plenty of readers will love this, its just not my cup of tea.

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When I saw the description of Runaway Groomsman, I was very excited to read it. I enjoyed this book, but there were parts of it that felt extremely slow to me. While I'm all for full development of the story/plot, I felt like there were parts of this that we could have skipped and it might have flowed a little bit better. With all that said, I did enjoy it.

Sawyer is a Hollywood screenwriter who has found his niche in rom coms. His ex-girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend and now he finds himself standing up as the best man at their nuptials. In the middle of the vows, he realizes how crazy it is he's standing up for them, makes a scene and flees. He ends up in the small town of Canoodle, California. A place no one is likely to find him!

Fallon was living her life and when her grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, she decided to head to Canoodle to help care for him and also run his cabin business. A business she didn't want him to loose even though there are many repairs and upgrades that are needed. She's at the local bar hanging out with her best friend Jaz when Sawyer comes in in his powder blue suit and missing a shoe!

When Fallon lays eyes on Sawyer, she realizes she went on one of the worst dates of her life with him and he has no idea. She wants nothing to do with him, but as he spends more time in town, it seems she can't get away from him. Will the fact that they are in close proximity bring these two closer together?

As I said, I enjoyed this book even though it was slow in parts. I felt like it took a very long time for the romance to develop between the main characters. I'm all for a slow burn, but this felt like a little too long. One of the things I really loved about the book was the connection between Sully and Sawyer. It was genuine and I appreciated their banter and interactions.

**I voluntarily read an early copy of this title courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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This was a really entertaining read. It had heartwarming moments, laugh out loud humour but had serious undertones that were dealt with in a sympathetic manner. The two instigators didn't hit it off at first but the rapport between them slowly builds as does the mutual attraction. If you are looking for a feel good read I would recommend this.

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Quinn really does have a knack for writing humorous love stories with twists and turns and quirky characters that just give you a good wholesome feel. How many books have you read with a restaurant with troll dolls staring at you while you eat the biggest meal of your life? Or a bar owner willing to slash your tires if you look at her the wrong way? Or a wedding where the groomsman runs away flipping the bird at the bride and groom? This book has everything, it will make you laugh, shout and maybe cry a little. If you’re a Quinn fan, you might even recognize a few little Easter eggs from her other books. This story was truly a breath of fresh air. I was lucky enough to receive a copy through NetGalley and have voluntarily written my fabulous review.

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Sawyer’s girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend and are now getting married. Since they are both actors in the movies that Sawyers writes, he is being told my Movieflix that he has to be civil with them. He ends up being stuck as the best man in the wedding. In the middle of the wedding he realizes that the movie is over and he can do what he wants, so he flips them off and runs out on the wedding. He gets in his car and drives to the small town of Canoodle to hide out in.

On his first night in town at the bar, Fallon and Jaz are see him. Jaz is the bartender and is best friends with Fallon. Turns out Fallon has been on a blind date with Sawyer, but the date weren’t terribly and he doesn’t remember her now. He gets drunk and the girls have to drag him to a cabin. Fallon’s grandfather, Sully, owns the Canoodle Cove Cabins. Fallon moved back to town to take care of Sully once he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and she has taken over the management of the cabins. The cabins need a lot of renovations, which she is trying to do quickly and on a budget so that they can start making money again.

Sawyer develops such a good relationship with Sully while helping to restore the property. During this time, Sully tells him all about his late wife Joan and how he had to be patient in order to win her over. He keeps reminding Sawyer that sometimes things are worth waiting for. Sawyer and Fallon are very interested in each other, but Fallon has a boyfriend. Sawyer takes his time and just gets to know her and develops a friendship with her. Once she broke up with Peter, things started to speed up but it was so good! I loved the slow burn tension in this book! They start sharing looks and small little touches. I was swooning way before they even had their first kiss. I loved this story so much!

5 stars
I received this book for free in return for an honest review.

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I love Meghan Quinn’s books. They always make me laugh, swoon, and sometimes sob. Unfortunately, Runaway Groomsman missed the mark. Had I known this was a love triangle, I wouldn’t have read it. It’s my least favorite trope and the heroine had a boyfriend for over 60% of the story. This was also a very long book, and a lot of scenes just felt unnecessary and repetitive. The saving grace was definitely Sawyer and his relationship with Fallon’s grandfather. So sweet.

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I like the inverse of this story. A groomsman runs away. As well as he should. Sawyer was tired of being the patsy, standing back as he ex marries his best friend, who she cheated with. He runs to Canoodle and finds Fallon.
It’s a fun, quirky read with the requisite misunderstandings and devoted friends. I liked all the support cast of Canoodle. I Have to admit, Jaz, is my favorite, I like her tactics when she feels Sawyer has betrayed Fallon.

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5 star Review of Runaway Groomsman by Meghan Quinn
This was another fabulous read from Meghan Quinn. I love stories set in small towns and I adored the name Canoodle Cove. This book was everything I have come to expect from Ms.Quinn’s books; I know I am in for an entertaining fun read.
The characters were engaging and easy to relate to and I really liked them. From the first chapter I was hooked on the story. It made me laugh, it made me smile, I swooned and I sighed. After fleeing from his ex’s wedding ceremony Hollywood screenwriter Sawyer Castle decides to get away from the paparazzi and has set himself up in a cabin in Canoodle Cove. Fallon runs the family business whilst looking after her grandfather.
When Sawyer offers to help Fallon with the renovations, she initially refuses however he is persistent. The banter between our couple was witty and there was a good balance of humor, romance and entertaining secondary characters that all added to my enjoyment.
Another wonderful book from Meghan Quinn and one I thoroughly enjoyed.
I received a copy from the publisher through Netgalley.

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I enjoy all of this author's books and I was prepared, going into it, that this would be different from her self-published books. Less steam and way more of a slow burn, and I was right. I still loved it. Both the main characters and side characters were all so wonderful. Jazlyn as a best friend is a hoot. And grandpa grumpy and adorable. He is going through a lot with his Alzheimer's diagnosis and Fallon has made a commitment to take care of him.

Sawyer...oh boy, I loved his character from the opening scene! He is forced to be the best man at his ex-girlfriend's wedding to his ex-best friend! His inner dialogue was just great. He flees the wedding right in the middle of it and ends up in Canoodle, California- a small mountain town. Meeting up again with Fallon (after a blind date he can't remember) sets the stage for a most enjoyable read.

My favorite part wasn't even the romance between Fallon and Sawyer. It was Sawyer and his relationship with Sully. It was just so special the way that he treated Sully and included him on the renovations and decision-making process.

Thank you Montlake Romance and NetGalley for an advanced readers copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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What an absolutely delightful RomCom from Meghan Quinn!

While the "runaway bride" has been a trope, this one gives it a unique spin and focuses on Sawyer, the groomsman who had to endure attending the wedding of his ex-girlfriend and his ex-friend whom she had an affair.

He exits in an epic way, of course, it was recorded and went viral, and now Sawyer is hiding out in a small town in the mountains where he's housed by Fallon, a girl he treated horribly once before while one a blind date. Throw in a hilarious switchblade wielding BFF, an aging grandfather, and an entire town of characters, and this is one that kept me turning the page!

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The story
Hollywood screenwriter Sawyer has been ditched by his long term girlfriend for his best friend. When he flees his spot as the best man, he drives off into the distance and lands up in small town Southern California. Jaz and her friend Fallon help drunk Sawyer back to stay at the cabins Fallon is renovating for her ailing grandfather. When Sawyer ends up staying longer than expected, he realises how much he enjoys small town life in Fallon’s spot.

My thoughts
I loved the Hallmark movie vibe in this sweet story. History repeats itself when Sawyer realises that Sully also fell in love with his beloved (Fallon’s grandmother) when she was seeing someone else. The small town vibe with background narration from Sawyer and some others makes for a really charming read. I read some reviews slating that Sawyer and Fallon got involved while she was seeing someone else. Have to disagree. One or two chaste hugs and a shared meal hardly make for cheating in my opinion. It’s a goodie 👍

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I’m a big fan of Meghan Quinn. This book did not disappoint. It had everything I look forward to in my romances—great conflict, developed characters, solid writing, humor, small town and all the feels! I enjoyed Fallon and Sawyer’s journey together! Huge thanks to Montlake and Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book!

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I’m a bit torn on this because, on one hand, it had the fun witty banter that I love about Quinn’s books, but on the other hand, there was an abundance of unnecessary details that did nothing to move the storyline forward, making this much longer than it needed to be in my opinion.

I thought the story happening between Fallon and Sawyer was cute, and I think had that been more of the focus, I would have enjoyed this a lot more. It seemed to drag on with the need to continuously remind readers that Sawyer was a screenwriter by repeatedly referencing what part of a movie the scene was in reference to as to what was happening in the scene they were "living." A few times would have added some charm to his character, whereas this just added more for me to skim.

I feel like Quinn’s books keep getting longer due to unnecessary details as opposed to something that adds to the storyline, making it feel like a chore to weed through all of that in order to read the information that you want. It makes me sad because there aren’t many authors who pull off the quirkiness of characters the way Quinn does.

Instead of all the quirkiness that used to feel natural, it’s become something that feels forced as every character has now been instilled with all sorts of zaniness. It doesn’t feel as endearing as it once did. There also seems to be more and more subplots running alongside the plot between the main characters, which I feel takes away from the main characters.

The premise of the story was unique, and I was really excited about reading it. I thought it started out strong, but soon after the story felt stagnant, nothing progressed in the main character’s relationship, and I nearly stopped reading. It was very slow-paced, but once Fallon and Sawyer started to build something, it was much more enjoyable. The banter between them, and especially Sawyer’s relationship with Sully, was a reminder of my love for Quinn’s characters. It was charming and witty. The connection they shared was becoming much more tangible.

Until they exchanged "I love you," that didn’t feel natural. Not that I didn’t see them getting there, but with the information before me, I found it hard to believe that Fallon was with Peter for over a year and never spoke those words, but with Sawyer she said them in just a few weeks. It just didn’t fit with the character we had been getting to know.
Overall, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what didn’t work for me about this book; it’s more of a large combination of small things that wouldn’t have been so bothersome if there hadn’t been so many. The pacing of the story didn’t stay consistent. It started off strong, and then it slowed to a snail’s pace, picked up a little, and then it felt rushed, which made much of the last part of the book feel rushed.

In the first 50-60 percent, I felt like the first 50-60 percent could have been given in a much more condensed manner as that part of the book, Fallon was in a relationship with someone else. I did enjoy the development of camaraderie between Sawyer and Sully. It was my favorite part of the book, and it felt like the most genuine as well.
I feel as though Sawyer and Fallon weren’t given center stage, so to speak, as the main characters. I feel as though the relationship between them should have been the main focus of the story.

The last 10% felt rushed. There was a misunderstanding that they both should have handled differently, and I’m not even sure what to say about the epilogue. Sawyer and Fallon were the focus of it for about one, maybe two sentences, and the rest was about other characters.

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