Member Reviews

This is a charming audiobook. What it lacks in length, it makes up for in the depth and simplicity of the wisdom within its pages.
We are introduced to Justin, a Native American youth frustrated with his situation. He is offered advice by his grandfather who tells him the story of a boy named Cricket. Each chapter conveys a different aspect of Cricket’s story and what he learns from his elders and his experiences in overcoming challenges. Justin then reflects on how the story has given him insight into his own circumstances and history and how he might have done things differently.
The stories themselves are captivating and enhanced by the provision of a breakdown of the key lessons from each chapter in numbered “Points of Wisdom “ at the close of each chapter.
I’m not sure who the target audience is for this book but it will speak to those of all ages from that of the eight year old Cricket to that of his ageing grandfather. The wisdom within it is not anything new, in fact it is very old and is probably present in most spiritual traditions in one way or another. What is unique to this book is the wisdom coming through the Native American traditions.
In the closing chapter, the relevance of the wisdom is brought up-to-date by suggesting what the warrior within might look like when operating in the 21st-century.
Ultimately, the lesson in this book is that we all have a warrior within us and we are encouraged to use the guidance given in the stories to discover our inner warrior and bring it to the fore, to help us find our purpose and live it out to the best of our ability.
The audiobook is ably narrated by its author, adding further authenticity to the words. He is a good storyteller and easily keeps the listener’s attention. The provision of the points of wisdom at the end of each chapter overcomes one of the inherent challenges of audiobooks ie the difficulty of finding things we might wish to revisit or take notes from. Being at the end of each chapter it’s easy to navigate back to find these summary points.
I’m sure I will be making use of them to go back and remind myself of the advice when I need some inspiration as I follow the path of discovering the tiny warrior within me.

I was provided with a free Audiobook through Netgally in exchange for my honest review.
Short but powerful story that resignates with everyone. Justin's grandfather tells him the story of Cricket, a young boy who dreamed of being a warrior. Cricket, like Justin, suffered from insecurities and feelings of inferiority. The powerful story of how Cricket learned to overcome his obstacles helps Justin overcome his. The epilogue actually made tears well in my eyes.

This was a very inspiring short book with a very good narrator. I’ve really enjoyed this audio book.

An advance copy of this audiobook was provided for review purposes with courtesy of NetGalley, Andrew McMeel Audio and Publishing. Thank you! The book was originally published in 2003 and the audiobook will be published in 2022 after a success of this little book. Audiobook is narrated by the author who has a fitting voice to this book.
I was interested in this book because it's based on native American storytelling tradition, where a younger person ask questions to an older relative, and wisdom is shared through many stories. The audiobook is less than 2 hours long and it packs punches - short enough for people with short attention spans to keep interest. Also, each of 10 chapters have summary of lesson learned. I would like to have a physical copy to annotate and come back at a moment of sadness. I would like to give this book to someone I know, 18 year old and can't seem to find his ways around this world, as a guidance point to navigate it. Also, anyone who feels lost or depressed, may find comfort in reading this short book.
I would give this book 4 to 5 stars - The story itself is a bit predictable, but it made me want to buy the physical book to read again, also I want to read his other books and watch his PBS special. I feel that's a good sign.
I heard the author has a new book coming out in 2022. I will look forward to reading his new book.

While this is a short read and/or listen, the prose and stories told here are ultimately potent and thought-provoking.

Short. Powerful. Full of Wisdom.
The Tiny Warrior is such a fitting name for this book. As an audiobook I was able to get through the entire book in one sitting while working around the house. I love when books such as this one is read by the author themselves because it provides a slightly deeper understanding of the emotion the author felt with each section of the book and some of the background of who they are as an individual.
I loved that this book was told almost in a parable format, with a grandfather sharing a series of diverse stories about a different character as a way of teaching the lessons of a warrior. The reflection sections at the end of each chapter made it possible for me to stop and reflect on how these lessons applied to my own life.
I think this book is ideal for young adults early in their career, who may be feeling a little lost as to where to how next or how to plan their journey. Lovely, short book that is easy to digest and comprehend.

In his book, The Tiny Warrior, author D. J. Eagle Bear Vanas defines "warrior" as somebody who develops his individual talents & gifts, using them to benefit others. Much of the wisdom is from Indian lore. He shares these life lessons via discussions between a grandfather & his grandson, Justin.
Justin had dreams of attending college to become an engineer. He blames people & events which he believes prevented him from achieving his goals.
His grandfather helps him find the courage & strength to follow his dreams by sharing stories passed down from former generations. A warrior’s power and spirit, he tells Justin, lies within his heart, character, and the responsibility to help others.
I lived in Phoenix for a decade which is rich in Indian culture, so much of the wisdom was familiar to me. Vanas's astute points on how to move toward individual goals is clear & concise. In fact, the book's organization returns the reader to sections and chapters (like bullet points) to review the specific warrior wisdom.
This self-help audiobook could definitely appeal to both young and mature audiences.