Member Reviews

Parkinson's is a very invasive life changer and the author was so honest and shared the impacts of living day to day with this disease. My friend has Parkinson's and has shared her struggles with me and I learn more about how I can support her. The author highlighted some of the anxiety, depression and effect it has on relationships. Recommend this to all to learn the reality of living with Parkinson's. Thank you.

I must admit I need to read the two prior books by this author but still found book 3 in this series a useful informative read.

This is book 3 in Terry Rummin's personal perspective of living with Parkinson's. I somehow did not realise that this was the third book in the series and am looking forward to reading the first two as I really enjoyed Terry's narrative and attitude towards life.
I have a family member with Parkinson's and was appreciative of Terry highlighting some of the more forgotten aspects of Parkinson's like the anxiety, the effect on relationships, the diminished motivation and initiation.
The book was short and simple and to the point. My favourite aspect was actually the appendices where Terry shares her particular problems and how Terry herself has figured out how to get around it. The notion of becoming "creative" whenever Parkinson's gave her another obstacle was an incredible perspective and something I will definitely utilise when working with patients.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is a good glimpse into the perspective of someone living with Parkinson's. I feel like I missed out on quite a bit, however, by not realizing until starting the book that it was the third in a series. Unlike fiction series, this is one that you will probably want to read in order, particularly if you are caring for someone who has been diagnosed. I know I will be going back and reading the first one, then second, to more fully understand my loved one.