Member Reviews

This early chapter book provides an easy transition from leveled readers to beginning chapter books. There is a glossary at the end of the book for words that kids might not know, activity suggestions, book discussion prompts, and writing exercises.
Bobby wants to share a flyer with his classmates about homelessness, but no one seems to have time. Mr. Grizley suggests that Bobby find a different way to interest his classmates. The author lets the story and actions be controlled by the main character, instead of having the problem solved by the adult/teacher. It is a simple storyline that newer readers will be able to follow along with while they decode the story.
This is a great diverse book and would be a good addition to all library shelves.

This is a very short chapter book about a boy named Bobby who writes his own comic series about the Purple Potato. One day he literally runs into a high school girl named Ashley who is sharing flyers to raise awareness about homelessness. Bobby wants to help spread the world to his classmates, but has to find a clever way to get their attention.
What I like about this book is it is a call to action for kids to get involved in causes that are important to them. They learn how to make a flyer to support their cause. They are also encouraged to think of other ways to spread their message.
I was left wanting a bit more, though. A couple of facts about homelessness are included in the story. The kids get excited to help do something. I think it would have been a great time to introduce at least one actionable thing they could do to put on the flyer. And I think even showing us what Ashley's flyer looked like may have helped fuel that want. But this does provide a great foundation for more discussions with kids about important topics.
I did love the illustrations. They are very vibrant and show off the diverse classmates and captures their personalities.
I received a reuqested review copy from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

One easy to read story, with great illustration, and greater meaning. Here we can learn about sending a message, in Bobby's case, through his comics. Flyer is easier than comics, but you can spread positivity through any kind of media. I like the messages given in this book,

I love that this book includes the pictures and names of other students in this classroom. What an excellent way to show the natural diversity of our environments. And I especially love that this book focuses on Bobby's story alone, which is an important one.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an eARC. All opinions are my own.

Another great addition to the Mr. Grizley's Class early reader/beginning chapter series. Bobby likes to write comic books. He also wants to help out in a big way. But no one will listen to him. Mr. Grizley sparks an idea for Bobby. His next comic book will also include information about homeless children. It's a success! Students come up to Bobby and share their concerns/ask questions. As always, love the activity and questions at the end. Wish these could get published faster! My students enjoy this series.

Bobby lives making a comic book for his classmates to read. When out to make copies of his comic book, he runs into a girl who is trying to raise awareness about homelessness and Bobby is more than eager to help. When he makes an attempt, he has a hard time getting peoples attention, and is encouraged to tell the story in his own way.
Thank you Netgalley, Capstone and Bryan Patrick Avery for the opportunity to read and review this book. I read this to my children ages 5 and 8 1/2. Both really enjoyed this beautiful book and seemed engaged throughout the story. I think this is a very important topic to be talked about and this is a good way to raise some awareness even in the younger generation. This would be a great book to add to classrooms. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

This book features Bobby and his Purple Potato comic book! When he runs into a high school girl wanting to raise awareness he too wants to help! He tries and tries to get his classmates to listen, but they are all too busy. After his teacher informs him of the success his comic book has in the class he encourages Bobby to find a different way to get their attention about the cause. He goes home and makes another comic book. The next day the students are curious and are asking questions, and they want to help the cause.
It was a really wonderful read! I can’t wait for it to come out so I can snatch it up for my 2nd graders!

This chapter book has an important issue that affects our society's homelessness list. Bobby wanted to help but didn't know how to get his classmates attention. His teacher told him he had to do something to get their attention and Bobby did. I really enjoyed the book. Also at the end of the book, it is an activity to help raise awareness, a glossary, and questions to reflect on and write about. I think this was a great idea. I recommend this book for children ages 4 to 9 years old. I give this book 4 stars.

This is a very interesting book aimed to children to show how one can make a difference about a social condition. Bobby has written several small books on different topics and has now been made aware of the problem of homelessness. He is appalled when he finds that so many families and school children are without homes. He can't seem to get anyone to listen to him, but at the end of the day his teacher advises him to find the right way to tell the story. Then follows a simple method to create flyers (Bobby already knows how to make a book). Excellent lesson and written in simple English appropriate for lower grades and ESL. This is a chapter book. Well done!
Illustrator Arief Putra fills the pages with simple artistry which adds to the impact of this very meaningful story.
I requested and received a free temporary e-book on Adobe Digital Editions from Capstone/Picture Window Books via NetGalley. Thank you!

This was a very cute and very sweet book. The illustrations were bright and colorful. Bobby was a wonderful character. I wish there was a little more to the story at the end, with some ways in which Bobby's class was going to help people experiencing homelessness. But I think this was a great introduction to discovering causes and informing others. I look forward to seeing more stories about Bobby and his classmates!

Bobby's Story is about a young boy named Bobby who learns about homelessness and tries to share what he's learned with his classmates. With advice from his teacher, Bobby comes up with the idea to use the comic book he illustrates as a way to teach his classmates about the issue of homelessness. The new issue of his comic book, The Adventure of Purple Potato, was all about Purple Potato helping homeless families. In the comic, Bobby shared real stories and facts that his classmates were surprised to learn. In the end, the class agreed to work together to help those who are homeless.
This was a great story about a passionate young boy who used his skills to bring awareness to a cause. It's a wonderful way to demonstrate to children that their voices matter. I like that Bobby was a problem-solver and that he thought outside of the box to engage with his classmates.
I also enjoyed the diversity of the class photos at the beginning of the book. The text and pictures flowed nicely, all well done and well placed. The educational elements at the end of the book were a qualitative addition. A great story.

Thank you so much to Capstone and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
I loved the creativity of this story and the message it put out in such a fun way. Bobby is a comic book artist and everyone loves reading them, then he learns all about the homeless but no one at school will listen to him.
I really loved that he had a strong platform at school and wanted to use it to bring up a very important topic and to help others. It was really creative seeing how it was done.
I would have loved a chapter though on what the class did next to help, it’s a shame it wasn’t added into the story. Sometimes children want to help but don’t know how, this book could have been a great guidance to how to start, but it just needed that one more chapter.
I really loved the illustrations and I adored getting to see the entire class of children, such a creative touch within the story. It’s a really easy and great read, with creativity, friendship and an important cause showing that any age can help out.

Bobby’s Story is a nice introduction toward helping students find their passion and sharing their passion with those around them. While Bobby is making copies of the latest version of this comic book series, he learns about how children around him struggle with homelessness. Bobby searches for a way to bring awareness to his classmates so they can help. This book is a nice introduction to using our strengths and passions to help others.

This early chapter book features a young boy named Bobby who meets a highschool student who is sharing flyers about homelessness. Bobby is inspired to share what he has learned with his teacher and classmates. This book features several IBPOC characters and empowers young readers to stand up for what they believe in. The book concludes with discussion questions and writing prompts as well as information about making a flyer and a glossary of words such as awareness, volunteer and homeless.
This book is an early chapter book with 3 chapters, each about 5-8 pages long and includes full and part page pictures that are detailed and in full colour. The font is accessible and there are 20-60 words per page, depending on whether or not there is a picture on the page. Many of the words are decodable or sight words at the grade 1-3 level. I would recommend this book to parents and teachers of children in Grade 1-4 which the target audience likely grade 2s. Children at this age are excited about early chapter books, but still need support such as pictures and decodable text in order to be successful in reading. In my opinion, this book definitely fits in that category! Thanks so much to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this awesome book!

Actually this book is ticked all marks I want from children book. Bobby the main character is an adorable, polite and skillful enough to draw/write his own comics. I love how he using his skill to help people awareness to help homeless. Sometimes to help people is only need a little step.
Thanks Netgalley for this copy.

Thank you NetGalley for this arc ! This book is about Bobby and him trying to find a way for him to bring awareness of homelessness to his class. I loved the illustrations and the characters in his classroom.

This was super sweet and lovely to read. I loved our main character and the story itself. I loved how it all entwined together I couldn’t stop the silly smile on my face the entire time. So of course, 5/5 stars!